Book Read Free

James Black

Page 7

by Skye Turner

  Yesterday she brought me to St. Francisville and we explored The Myrtles, the most haunted plantation in the United States, and Rosedown, another plantation with amazing gardens. The Myrtles is a creepy place. It’s old and beautifully restored, but there’s just an eerie feeling as soon as you drive onto the land. I’ll be honest and say it gave me pause. We were able to get a private tour of the house and while looking into the mirror, I swear I had the feeling someone was looking back out of it. I asked the tour guide and she told me the story of the hand prints in the mirror. It was eerie and caused me to look around uneasily, but I enjoyed the experience. Rosedown is arguably one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. I could almost see the southern belles in their petticoats and the dashing gentlemen courting them on the grounds.

  I love the history behind these stately old Southern homes.

  AJ, of course, had her camera constantly attached to her face while we explored. She told me that she’s been to all of the plantations in the state at least twice, but she can never get enough. After seeing three of them in the past two days, I can understand where she’s coming from.

  I’ve heard from Hugo and they are trying to get contracts signed with the new female lead, so we are still on schedule to resume filming on Monday. He warned me to be prepared for early mornings and late nights to attempt to make up the delay in filming. I’m ok with that. It’s a part of the business and I love what I do.

  Today, I’ve asked AJ to take me around Baton Rouge and show me her city. I want to see her favorite spots. She hasn’t disappointed me yet with her picks.

  Marie Leveau and I are hanging out on the couch watching ESPN while we wait for AJ to come grab us. Marie has grown on me and she follows me everywhere. She loves to be on my lap. It’s fine now, but what’s going to happen when she weighs close to one-hundred pounds!?

  Her barking alerts me to AJ’s presence at the door before she knocks.

  Swinging the door open, I startle her. Her hand was poised to knock so she stumbles back. Reflexively, I reach out and cup her arms to stop her from tripping.

  She looks up and smiles. “Thanks. That could have sucked.”

  “Anytime.” I smile as Marie jumps around AJ’s legs, vying for attention. “Sorry, I thought you’d hear her barking. She’s not exactly quiet.”

  AJ leans down and rubs Marie’s ears. She immediately tries to climb on top of her. AJ laughs and says, “No. No climbing. Down, Marie.”

  Of course Marie doesn’t listen.

  AJ looks up at me as she straightens. “You’re going to have to start giving her commands to train her.”

  I nod. “I know. I’m trying. She’s a puppy though.”

  She leans down again and pats Marie’s head. “I know she is. I’m not fussing. Just stating a fact. She’s tiny now, but you don’t want her jumping on people when she’s full-grown.” She wipes her hands and looks around at the house. I have a half full cup of coffee on the table and the script is spread out all over the surface.

  Her brow raises. “You going to pick that up before we go?”

  “Yes, mom.” She glares at me. “I was reading through it while we watched football and waited for you.”

  She clicks her tongue. “I see. And I’m no one’s mom.”

  I laugh as I check her out. Today she’s wearing light colored jeans with a bright red sweater and her leather jacket. Her feet have black boots that come almost to the middle of her thigh.

  “Why wear jeans if you just cover them?”

  Her expression registers her confusion at my statement. “Huh?”

  I look pointedly at her boots. “Those. You can see like four inches of jeans and the rest is boots. What’s the point?”

  Staring at me, she cocks her hip and it pulls her sweater tightly across her bountiful bust. She points down to her boots. “These are greatness. They look amazing.”

  I can’t disagree with her. It’s sexy. I just don’t understand women’s fashion.

  “Besides, it’s cold outside and you want to explore. It helps keep me warm.”

  I know a way to get you really warm.

  Where did that come from? Jesus, J.

  Shaking those dangerous thoughts away, I laugh. “Yeah, I guess so. I’m not a chick, so I guess I just don’t understand the way you all think.”

  She chuckles. “Then, our job is done.”

  I throw my hands up in surrender and say cheekily, “Apparently. You’re an expert.”

  She grabs a pillow off the couch and tosses it at me. I catch it and retort, “Too slow.”

  Laughing, she helps me straighten up and we put the gate up to leave Marie in the kitchen while we’re gone.



  We’re on our third stop of the day and it’s mid-afternoon. James really seems to be enjoying the sights. I’ve taken him back to the Capitol, the Old State Capitol, and we toured the USS Kidd at his request. Thank God it’s not a hundred degrees right now with all the walking we’re doing.

  Also, thank heavens my boots are flats.

  As we’re walking through the Kidd museum, my cell rings from my pocket. Taking it out, I check it and smile as I answer.

  “Hey girl. What’s up?”

  “What are you doing? Still with the movie star?”

  I look around and see him looking at me curiously. “I am. Taking him around Baton Rouge.”

  He walks over and unashamedly listens to my conversation. I point at the door and my phone as I walk toward them. I hate talking on my cell in public. I think it’s so rude. He nods and follows.

  “So what are you doing tonight? Are you a slave to his ego?”

  “I don’t know. He hasn’t said what he wants to do or where he needs me to bring him.”

  “Well, we’re going out to Roonie’s. Want to come with? We haven’t seen you in a while. flAme RioT is playing tonight.”

  I think about it. I’d love to get a night out. I haven’t seen my girl in far too long, but I can’t just dump James.

  “I’ll have to call you back. Sounds good, and I want to, but let me see what’s going on and if he’ll need me. What time are y’all going to be there?”

  “The guys go on around ten-ish. You need to come!”

  “I’ll call you back.”

  I hang up and James is looking at me. He asks, “What’s that? Want to go where?”

  I shrug and put my hands in my back pockets. “My girlfriend wants me to go out with her tonight. I told her I needed to see what was happening and if you had plans you’d need me for.”

  He stares at me. “I don’t have plans. You should go.”

  Looking at him and searching his face, I ask, “You’re not doing anything tonight? Just going to stay home?”

  He leans against the wall and crosses his arms as he looks at me and then around at the memorial. “I said I don’t have plans. You should go. Take the night and see your friends.”

  “If you’re sure you’re cool with being confined to home…”

  He smirks. “You’ve been my tour guide for almost three and a half days now. I’m sure you can stand the break from my company.”

  I want to go out with my friends, but I also don’t want James to be all alone. I kind of like his company. The past few days have been really fun. Who knew that beneath that asshole exterior, there was a smart, witty, fun man?!

  Ok, that shit right there is exactly why you NEED to get away from him for a bit, Avangeline!

  You can’t be thinking about him like that.

  And you can’t keep looking at that tower behind you and remembering that amazing kiss!

  Shit! I’m going out tonight!

  “Ok, when you’re ready to head back, just let me know. We’re not going until ten or so, so there’s still plenty of time to take you wherever you want to go.”

  He nods and half smiles. “Ok. I’m about done here and then I’m fine with heading in.”

  * * *

  A short while later, I�
�m heading through the Saturday traffic and bringing James home. The radio is on and we’re both just listening to it in silence. My favorite country station is on and James is not even making cracks about my music choice. He hates country music.

  About half an hour into the drive, as we’re sitting in traffic, he breaks the silence. “Thanks for today. For the past few days.”

  I look back at him in the mirror. His arctic blue eyes are focused on me. “Sure. Part of the job, Boss Man.”

  He smiles. “Nah, it’s more than that. You truly love this place. That shows and having you take me around has been a real pleasure. I appreciate it. Your job is to drive me, not take me around and educate me about the area, so thank you.”

  Wow, he’s being sincere. I don’t mind at all. I love Louisiana. I love my state and my home. I love that I can share my love with others not from here and possibly make them love it, too.

  I smile at him in the mirror. “It’s been my pleasure.”

  He looks out the window as we pass the LSU Lakes. “It’s nice getting along with you.”

  I think about it.

  Yes, it really is nice that we’re getting along. We actually almost have a friendship now. Who would have thought?!

  Friends… Yeah, Avangeline. Friends is good. Friends you can handle.

  So, if you want to be his “friend,” why is he on your mind so damn much then?!

  Shut the hell up!

  Traffic is basically stopped, and the silence becomes too much, so flipping through Sirius I find a good song and start softly singing.

  James joins in after a few songs. His voice is really nice. He can actually sing. It surprises me.

  Watching him in the mirror with one eye, I keep the other on the traffic. As he sings, his voice warms up and soon, he’s really getting into it. His head is moving and he’s swaying as he sings the melody to Look Away. He feels the music. You can tell.

  My stomach bottoms out as I watch him and listen. Ok, there it is… That’s why so many men and women all over the world love him. I completely get it now…

  As the last notes fade away and his voice drifts, he looks up and catches me staring. I can’t exactly act like I wasn’t, so I keep the eye contact. He smirks at me.

  Returning his smile, I say, “You have a really nice voice,” as the traffic finally starts moving.

  He nods. “I know.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, you’re welcome for the compliment!”

  He snickers. “You hear me talk all the time. But, thank you.”

  I blurt out, “Talking is not singing. They are completely different. Most people can talk. Not everyone can sing.”

  He acknowledges my point with a nod. “True. Well, thank you.”

  Shaking my head in disbelief, I whisper, “Damn, multiple thanks in one day. Who is this man?”

  He taps my shoulder. “I can hear you, you know.”

  Tapping the steering wheel and feeling jubilant, I answer him with a smile. “Yeah, I know.”

  He claps and laughs. “So, what are your plans for tonight? Are you ladies going to dinner, dancing, drinking…?”

  I don’t see why I can’t tell him. I’m not on the clock and my time is my own. “We’re going to drink and dance at a local place.”

  I see him watching me. “Is someone picking you up?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I don’t drive when I’m drinking. I could lose my job on top of it just being stupid.”

  “What’s the local place?”

  Checking the blind spot, I change lanes. “It’s called Roonie’s. It’s actually an Irish Pub, but a local hot shot band is playing tonight. One of my girlfriends dates the guitarist.”

  His apartment complex comes into view and I pull in to the spot in front of his place. He opens the door before I can get out. “Thank you again for today. I’m not going to keep you. Enjoy your night.”

  Well, he’s being weird. He just dismissed me…

  As he walks to the door, I realize something and roll down the window. “Hey. What time do you want me here tomorrow and do you have an idea of what you’d like to do?”

  As he reaches the door, he turns with the key in his hand. “I’ll text you about midmorning tomorrow. Have a good night, AJ.”

  Then, he slips inside and I’m left sitting in the car, staring at the door in confusion.

  What just happened?!

  Chapter Ten


  Ok, that was a little jilted with AJ, but I was getting a weird possessive like feeling about the thought of her going out drinking and dancing. I know what kind of guys go to bars. I know what they hope to accomplish by being there.

  The foreign feeling overwhelmed me and I didn’t want to act like an ass when it’s really none of my business, so I decided to just tell her goodbye.

  I sit on the couch with Marie and flip channels for about an hour without seeing anything. I feel restless and decide to take Marie for a walk. After putting her leash on, we head to the dog trail around the complex and both get some exercise. She runs ahead and chases birds and squirrels while I walk and get lost in my head.

  We’re gone a little more than an hour when the temperature starts to drop. Reining her in, we head back toward the warmth of the apartment.

  Marie heads straight to her water bowl and drinks before curling up in her bed and passing out. She’s whipped.

  I plop back on the couch and stare at my script. I can read through it and run my lines tonight. But, I don’t feel like it. I look at the remote in my hand, but TV doesn’t hold any appeal. I’m not a fan of reading… besides, I don’t have any books. I could go work out. I did walk a lot today though. Shit, I have no idea what I want to do.

  I could always go out…

  But where? I don’t know any place to go here. And I don’t want to be bothered at some college club with rave music. I’m too old for that shit.

  I don’t know what I want to do, but I know I don’t want to stay home… alone.

  As I’m debating on my slim pickings, my cell buzzes on the table. Smiling at the name on the caller ID, I answer, “Hey you.”

  Her sensuous voice brightens my suddenly melancholy mood. “Hey, J. What are you up to?”

  “Sitting alone in my apartment. Thinking of going out. The only issue is figuring out where to go.”

  “What’s brought on the sudden urge to go out? Are you just over Louisiana already?”

  I think about that. No, I’m not over Louisiana. Surprisingly, I’m thoroughly enjoying it. The past few days anyway.

  “Strangely enough, not at all. I’ve been exploring the past few days with the break in filming and it’s been great.”

  “That’s great, J. I know how much you like to do that. I’ve heard about the set issue. Word over here is that you had Genevera kicked off set because of her issues and unprofessionalism.”

  What the fuck?!

  “Fuck. Are you serious? I did not. I was pissed, but I did no such thing.”

  “The story is you walked off set and proclaimed you wouldn’t return until she was fired.”

  “Bullshit! I did walk off set, but only after two weeks of her flubbing lines and coming to work fucked up out of her mind. I never complained about her. I even tried to help her, but enough was enough and I got pissed and walked off. Her getting fired is all on her and her bad choices. It had nothing to do with me.”

  “I know, J. I’m just telling you what the word is on this end. I know you would never have anyone fired.” She laughs. “It’ll more than likely work to your advantage. You know the hype that follows scandal and everyone loves you.”

  She’s right. It will work out for me. I wouldn’t be surprised if Genevera’s people started the rumor to try to save face and put the attention on someone else… me. Always working the spin in Hollywood.

  “I know. Anything new on your end?”

  She sighs. “You know how it is. Just trying to stay relevant.”

  She sounds tired.

ou’re always relevant. People adore you. Don’t push yourself. You know to take a break if you need it. Everything will keep. I don’t want you pushing yourself too hard.”

  “I know you don’t. You’re always looking out for me. I love you, you know that.”

  “I do know that.”

  “If things were different…”

  “I know… if things were different…”

  “I just wanted to check in. I miss you, J.”

  “I miss you too. Be careful and take care of yourself. Make sure you’re looking out for you.”

  “I am. I love you, J. We’ll talk soon.”

  “Talk soon, babe.”

  We hang up and I flop back on the couch. So, more rumors are being spread about the asshole that is James Black. Oh well, such is my life. It is what it is and what it is keeps me in demand.

  Grabbing my iPad, I open Safari. What did AJ say the name of that bar was?

  Once I find it and jot down the address, I hop up and head to the shower. Looks like I’m going out tonight after all. Let’s see what this local hot shot band has to offer.

  * * *

  At twenty after ten, I clear the door to Roonie’s. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the low lights, the lights reflecting off the dance floor, and the crowd of bodies. It’s a busy place, but I don’t see any immature college kids or practically naked fan-girls. I’m certain the twenty-one and older rule has something to do with that. These don’t really look like the type of people who are going to bother me. Looking down at my clothes, I approve of my choice of attire. I can blend with these people. Now… where is AJ?

  My eyes are scanning the crowd, but I’m having trouble seeing clearly. I’m jostled from behind by a blonde waitress with a loaded tray. She looks me over and smiles. “Welcome, Hunny. Sorry about barging into you. It’s packed tonight and you’re just standing there. Haven’t seen you here before. I’d remember. You look familiar to me. Anyone ever tell you, you resemble that movie star, James Black?”


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