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James Black

Page 8

by Skye Turner

  I strain to hear her over the bar noise and music. I smirk. “Maybe once or twice.”

  She winks and says, “You here alone or you looking for someone?”

  Giving her my charming smile, I reply loudly, “I’m actually looking for someone.”

  She nods. “Figures. Who you looking for, Hunny?”

  A crowd calls her from across the room. She hollers back, “Hold your horses. You’ve had enough beer to wait five minutes for this one. I’ll be there when I get there and it’ll be longer if you make me mad!” She returns her attention to me.

  I laugh. I like her. “I’m looking for AJ…” I don’t know her last name. How have I never asked her what her last name is?

  Her eyebrows rise and she looks me over. “AJ, huh? Short, voluptuous redhead with bleached bangs and lots of spunk? That AJ?”

  I nod. “That’s her.”

  She looks over toward the dance floor and angles her chin to some tables on the side. “She’s over there. With Julee and the band. I’m Bev. You let me know if I can get you anything, Hunny.”

  I thank her and turn in the direction of the dance floor. I swear I hear Bev say, “Lucky bitch,” as she walks away.

  Studying the dance floor, I try to decide the best path to get from this end of the bar to the other without bumping into too many people. Finally realizing there is no best way, I shrug and plow into the masses.

  It takes me a few minutes to get there, but when I do, I see a half empty bottle of Fireball in the middle of the table and shot glasses lined up. A blond guy grabs it and is pours the red liquid into the glasses. Everyone is laughing. Staying back just a bit, I watch them. A really pretty, exotic looking woman, my guess is Julee, is draped all over a tattooed man with a ponytail, that I’m assuming is a part of the band. She grabs a shot glass and screams loud enough that I can clearly hear her, “Ok, everyone grab another one. To sexy ass people and fucking good times with friends on three… One… Two… Three.”

  Everyone shoots the liquor. AJ coughs and then laughs as she licks her lips. She looks at her friends and I can see her mouth move as she says, “Damn, that’s so good!”

  The burly blond throws his arm around her shoulder and nods at the bottle. I can see his heavily tattooed arms peeking out from his shirt sleeves as he hugs her close. She nods her head yes, and he pours her another shot. She shoots that one, too. Damn, how fast is she going to put away that stuff?!

  Deciding I’ve been watching long enough, I cross the remaining distance to the table. The blond looks up as I reach them. His eyes widen and he blurts out, “Holy shit! You’re James Black!”

  AJ’s head shoots up and the surprise shows on her face at my being here. She stands up and shakes the blond’s arm off as she rounds the table. He looks at me questioningly, shrugs, and takes another shot.

  She reaches me and asks loudly enough to be heard over the speakers, “What are you doing here? Do you need me? Did you text me or something?!”

  Do I need her!? Um, well… That is not something I need to be thinking of right now.

  Especially not with her toes peeking out of a pair of knee boots, her jeans so tight they look like they were painted on, and a shirt that dips low in the front and is showing some black lace and the swell of boobs.

  I shake my head and force myself not to fixate on her enticing cleavage. “No, I was just bored at my apartment and wanted to come check out this band you were talking about.”

  She looks at me sheepishly. “Oh ok. I should’ve asked you if you wanted to come earlier. I just didn’t think you’d be interested in a place like this.”

  Leaning down, I breathe into her ear, “What have you learned about assumptions?”

  She leans back and I can see her cheeks pinken in the stage lights. It’s really sexy. Her eyes are glazed a bit. I’m guessing that’s from the shots. How many has she had?

  Both of her hands are grasping my arms as she leans back in the small space far enough to see my face. “Come on. Sit with us. The guys are fans of yours. They go on in a few minutes.”

  I follow her back to the table and stare at her back. The whole thing is visible because the shirt only has a thin strap at the top and another around her waist. Her black lace bra is clearly visible. Sweet Jesus. Her right shoulder has a dolphin tattoo and she has a tattoo on her lower right back that looks like a flaming microphone. I didn’t know she had tattoos. I can’t look away from her back and the sway of her hips in those tight, tight jeans.

  My jeans tighten over the swell at my crotch. Shit!

  She climbs back on her chair and points to the one across from her. I take the seat and she introduces me to everyone. I have no idea what she’s saying. I just watch her mouth move. The blond who recognized me, tells me his name, and shakes my hand saying he’s a huge fan. He’s the lead singer of the band. He puts his hands on AJ’s bare shoulders. I just stare at them and will them to fall off.

  I don’t realize he’s asking me a question until AJ calls out, “James! Gambit asked if you wanted a drink. Bev’s heading back this way.”

  That cannot be the dude’s real name. Gambit? Like the X-Man!?

  I nod and point to a bottle on the table. It’s a beer. I have no idea what kind, but beer is beer. I’ll allow myself one.

  The drinks are ordered and when Bev heads to the bar to fill them, the guys stand up. Gambit tells me, “It’s cool you’re here, man. I won’t call you out or anything.”

  Shit, I didn’t even think about that.

  Nodding at him, I shake his hand. “Thanks! I appreciate that!”

  He grins. “We know how groupies are. Though not anything like you do. Hope you enjoy the show.”

  With that comment, he pats the top of AJ’s head. She slaps at him as he walks away. He grins at her over his shoulder before he winks and mounts the stage.

  Gambit grabs the mic and screams into it, “How y’all doing, Baton Rouge? We are flAme RioT and we’re here tonight to rock your socks off.” People start screaming and crowding in. I’m glad we have a table to the side. He winks at a group of women butted up against the stage. “Or your panties.”

  They shriek and grab for him and I sit back and cross my arms to watch the show.

  AJ rolls her eyes as she leans over the table. “The slut bunnies eat that shit up!”

  I look at her and try to see if she’s upset about Gambit’s words. She doesn’t appear phased at all. She seems humored. So, maybe they’re friends?!

  The band starts up and they’re good. Really good. I find myself tapping the table to the beat of the first few songs. They’re all original too, which is pretty unheard of. I might know someone who needs to check them out.

  After a few songs, the band announces they need a pee break and will be back in ten minutes. They break apart and some head back to the table while others wade through the crowd.

  Julee’s eyes go wide and she looks in panic from behind my shoulder to AJ before looking behind me again. I look behind me and see a muscle-bound guy, with thinning hair and a goatee, smiling and high fiving people at the bar. His head comes up and he looks in our direction. He freezes and then smirks. I look back at AJ. Her lips are pursed tightly and she seems livid as she looks at her friend with accusation.

  The dark-haired beauty looks helpless. “I didn’t know. I swear. I had no idea he would come in here tonight. He hasn’t been in here in ages.” She looks beseechingly at AJ. “I swear. I didn’t know, AJ…” Her voice trails off as she looks behind me where I’m now aware of a presence.

  I hear, “Avangeline…” He drags the name out. “Fancy seeing you here.” He sounds condescending.

  Avangeline? Her name is Avangeline?

  Turning, I see the guy from across the bar. Looking at him and dismissing him from his tone, I turn back to AJ or… Avangeline. She looks furious. “Why is that, Mathais?”

  “Well, you do tend to avoid anywhere you might happen to run into me.”

  She smiles coldly. “Don’t flat
ter yourself! Deliberately avoiding you would imply I care… I can assure you that’s not true. I’d have to think about you to avoid you and well… that simply doesn’t happen.”

  Looking at her face as she says it, I can see the rage in her eyes.



  Are you fucking kidding me? What is HE doing here? I was assured he hadn’t stepped into Roonie’s in months! It’s not that I’m scared of him or even that seeing him still upsets me. I just know that seeing him would end in a strong possibility of me getting arrested.

  Why the fuck is he here? And James is here. James is my client! OMG. I can’t have a scene in front of a client.

  Fuck me.

  I cut Mathais off from speaking by standing up. Looking at him and then at James, I say, “Excuse me. The air in here is suddenly toxic. I need to pee and I need another drink.”

  Walking with my back straight, I deliberately give him a wide berth as an insult. I hope he watches me walk away.

  In the restroom, I open a stall and then lean back against the door as I try to talk myself out of walking into the bar and throwing a chair in his face.

  A few minutes later, I’m calm and determined to ignore him. After washing my hands, I look into the mirror and check my makeup. I could use some color on my lips, but otherwise I’m looking good. Fluffing my hair and straightening my earrings, I fix my shirt and head back out into the bar. I came here to have a good time with my friends and that’s what I’m going to do. Fuck Mathais.

  I don’t get far before my path is blocked. Looking up from scuffed brown shoes, my gaze travels the length of a body that’s seen better days. His waist is no longer sculpted and now has pudge showing beneath the button-up shirt. His face is the same, though much rounder, and his hair is thinner and showing some gray. Smiling coldly, I try to step around him.

  He blocks my path. “Hey, Avangeline. You’re looking good, babe.”

  Looking up at his six-foot frame, I smirk. “I can’t say the same for you. Let yourself go a bit, huh?! Time has not been kind to you.”

  His face changes and turns angry. I refuse to cower and stand my ground. He leans in so close I can smell the tobacco on his breath. It makes my stomach roll. “You used to sing a different tune. In fact, you screamed it quite loudly one night in that bathroom… Right there.”

  Don’t let him rile you, Avangeline.

  “That was over a hundred years and from looking at you, about a hundred pounds ago. What are you doing here, Mathais? Where’s the wife? What number are you on now? Three? Four? Looking for number five?”

  He snarls and is about to say something, but is interrupted by a menacing male voice behind him. “You want to back off my woman there, buddy?”

  Huh? Is that James?

  Chapter Eleven


  AJ turns and leaves the table calmly, saying she needs the bathroom and a drink. I watch her until she disappears into the crowd. The guy smirks at Julee and says, “Julee, looking fine, babe.”

  She rolls her eyes and shudders before curling her lip and saying cattily, “I know. I always do.”

  He looks at her and she sneers at him and flicks her finger. “Fuck off. Be gone, loser.”

  He laughs and with a glance at me, shows a hint of recognition, before turning on his heel and sauntering into the crowd. A few feet onto the dance floor, he stops and looks back at me, then he shakes his head and recedes into the crowd.

  I don’t like that guy.

  Julee looks at me and then looks in the direction AJ and the jerk just went. I watch her as she chews her sparkly manicured nail. She looks worried.

  I give in and ask, “Julee, who is that guy?”

  She looks into the crowd once more before glancing back at me. Reluctantly, she says, “Mathais… AJ’s ex-husband.”

  The air whooshes out of my lungs. Her ex-husband. She was married? To THAT guy? I do not see her with him. Married? AJ was married?


  She nods. “I’ve said enough. You’ll have to ask her. He’s bad news though.” She looks toward the bar again. I replicate her action and stand up, looking at the bar for bleached blonde bangs. I’m not seeing them. I don’t see Mathais either.

  Standing up, I push the stool back. Julee looks over at me. “Go check on her. Please.”

  I’m already walking away. I don’t like that I don’t see either one of them. I have a slow rage building in my veins. Something is off and I intend to find out what it is.

  It takes me about ten minutes to get from one side of the bar to the other with all of the people. How the fuck is it even legal to be this crowded?! It seems like a fire code violation to me. My eyes are constantly moving and searching the crowd, yet, I can’t find the petite firecracker I’m looking for near the bar. In the very back corner I see a hallway that looks like it would house bathrooms.

  It’s less crowded when I near the hallway. Looking down it, my hackles rise. Mathais has AJ cornered and is leaning into her face. I can’t actually see her, but I hear the tail end of their conversation.

  He snarls, “You used to sing a different tune. In fact, you screamed it quite loudly one night in that bathroom. Right there.”

  I’m going to punch him in the face. You don’t talk to a woman like that. And he’s certainly not going to talk to AJ like that. But, before I can storm down the hall and rip him off her, she surprises me. Her tongue is sharp, damn, it almost cut me from back here. It appears as if Mathais has let himself go since he was married to AJ.

  I don’t give him time to form a response to her insults. Without even thinking about it, I step up right behind him and forcefully say, “You want to back off my woman there, buddy?”

  Mathais steps back rapidly and whirls. I glare at him until he squirms and then look at AJ as I extend my hand to her. She looks at me and then my hand. Brushing past Mathais, she takes it.

  He’s rubbernecking from her to me and then realization comes over his face. It’s almost comical. “Are you fucking serious? You’re James Black. You’re a movie star…” He looks at me again and then he sneers. “Ah, so you’re fucking the help? Nice perk. She always was an amazing fuck.”

  The help? AJ is not the help. Is he seriously talking about her like this? With me standing right here?! He’s not going to insult her like that.

  I pull her into my body and cradle her. She’s stiff, and shaking in rage. I can physically feel it in her. She tries to escape my arms and turn toward Mathais, but I hold tight. She’s fighting me to get to him and I’m not letting her go. She’s not going after him… Though I might. Finally, she sighs and relaxes against me. Once she does, my arms wrap around her chest and I look at Mathais over the top of her head. “The help? She’s not the help. Yes, she is my driver but she’s also the woman I’m dating. Not fucking. Dating. I realize that’s a hard thing for a man like you to understand.”

  He stands straight up and clenches his fists. “Man like me?”

  I refuse to break eye contact with him. “Yeah, man like you. A man who had a jewel like this and threw it away. A man like you.”

  She gasps at my comment and turns her head to stare at me with wide eyes. I smile down at her.

  Her eyes search mine and I hope she can read and understand that I’m helping her. This tool is not going to win this round. She exhales and turns around in my arms, then before I can interpret her intentions, she pulls my head down and slants her mouth to mine. Her hands tangle in my hair as her mouth opens. She tastes like cinnamon. Her tongue is velvet smooth as it glides against mine.

  Fuck it, I’m just going with it.

  Clearly forgetting everything except the woman in my arms, I press her against the wall. My hands are exploring her naked back before cupping her luscious ass. She moans into my mouth as her nails rake my scalp. My balls tighten and chills race down my spine. Angling my leg between her thighs, I delicately rub her warm center. I can feel her heat against my thigh. Breaking the kiss, her h
ead falls back and rests on the wall.

  My mouth follows the curve of her neck. I’m seconds away from slipping my hand into the waistband of her pants and plunging my fingers into her when a loud crash breaks through the sexual haze.

  Pulling back, it takes me a second to get my bearings.

  Deep breaths. Sweet mercy. We’re in a bar. In a bathroom hallway at a bar and I’m pawing at AJ like a madman. What was that sound?

  Turning my head, I see the rage on Mathais’s face and the giant hole in the wall from where he’s punched it.

  AJ was married to this man? No way! Tucking her into my side, I pull her past the bull in the hallway as I glare at him the entire time. She follows me blindly and sits down heavily as we reach the table. Her face is flushed and she’s refusing to meet my eyes.

  I didn’t mean for that to happen. I just wanted to get her ex away from her, but once she kissed me, it was like she lit the fuse and there was no going back. All that was in my mind was her. Tasting her. Touching her. Pleasing her. Making her scream my name.

  Shit, James!

  She kissed you out of desperation and you took advantage of it.

  Ok, desperation isn’t really a fair word. She kissed me! But I did take over. Well, she let me. She participated. She wanted me, too. I felt it. She was hot for me… I didn’t take advantage.

  What now though?



  My head is buzzing and I feel like I’m in a tunnel. I’m not certain how I actually walked back to the table, but I’m grateful for James’s assistance.

  Mathais is such a fucking asshole! Ugh!

  Yeah, Avangeline… focus on Mathais so you don’t think about the fact that you were ready to let James fuck you in a bar hallway.


  I kissed him. I’m so wet and horny now. Dammit to fucking hell. That is a complication I do NOT need in my life. I can’t want James Black.

  Shut up, idiot. You already know you want James Black…


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