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The Guardian

Page 14

by J. L McFadden

  “Not too bad.”

  “Let me see”

  Adela now facing him took had his finger only inches from her mouth; it was a small cut, just a few droplets. He could see her thinking as she was looking at the blood on his finger, she bit her lip before saying,” Let me have a taste.”

  “Ah, a taste?”

  “Yes, just a small taste and don’t worry I am not like the youngsters. “She paused for a second,” I want to see if I have gained the ability to read people memories through blood.”

  “See memories through blood?”

  “Yes, some of the ancients can do it.”

  “Um, I guess,” he said as he shrugged his shoulders,” you can try, but can it hurt me?”

  She shook her head and took his finger into her mouth with her eyes closed, sucking on his finger and playing with it with her tongue causing John to begin to become turned on even more. If she made his finger feel like that, what else could she do with that amazing mouth? She continued to suck it for a few more seconds and pulled it in and out a little before pulling it out and kissing it on the tip.

  “See all better now.”

  “You are incredibly devilish.”

  “Well thank you, but sad thing is: I can’t see memories and I was really hoping to.”

  “Why is it so important?”

  “I want to know the truth about a few things and know our origins.”

  “So you would need to feed from an ancient?”

  “That was the idea, but I have more bad news for you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I now know how good you taste,” she said as she smacked him on the ass with a dish towel.

  She started to run away and he took the bait and chased right after her. She was giggling and squealing as he chased her around the kitchen, as he began to grab for her waist she turned a one eighty and somehow she ended up with her back to the center island and John picked her up and sat her rump on the counter as she wrapped her hands around his neck and they both were pulling into each other; both looking into each other’s eyes wondering what it would be like with the only being that was at the same level as each other. You could see the yearning in both of them.

  “Stop stop, I can’t Galechka,” John pulled away and Adela pulled him back and stole a kiss.

  She held him close and looked him in the eye before whispering,” She doesn’t see what she has in you; you are not only a powerful man, but a true and endearing one.” She shook her head in disbelief,” I wish your Guardian bond was with me and not her.”

  Adela bounced off of the counter and motioned for him to take a seat,” John, I know that most of the time I am acting like a young lust full girl, but you need to know that you and I are getting ready to fight a really serious war; these men are going to doing any low trick they can to win, that is how they always win.”

  John thought to himself as she was walking away with that unbelievable strut she had: I would love to play war with her.

  “I tried silly and you stopped me.”

  John sat there for a second and realized that she could read his mind so he thought to himself: We could communicate and no one would know, couldn’t we.

  “Aha,” she replied,” well you could to me, I couldn’t let you know anything other than by body language, but keep in mind another ancient may have the same ability.”

  “How would I fight a beast that could read my thoughts?”

  “Shut them out like you do with me when we are fighting.”

  “I shut you out?”

  “Yes you do,” she grabbed her and his plates and set them down onto the table.

  After she sat herself down, she started to pick up her utensils to eat with; she paused and decided to tell John,” You do know: your biggest weakness, don’t you?”

  “Ah, are you going to try and be funny?”

  “Sadly, not at all, I am about to let you hear something that you may not want to hear; Galechka is your biggest weakness.”

  “Oh, don’t start with this, I love her and,” he gets cut off mid-sentence by Adela.

  “Listen to me, it was the same for every guardian, if they get their hands on her, we are done. They did it to my guardian and as far as we could know it is how they did all the others.”

  John now sitting up and not liking what was being told to him; this meant: Galechka was the number one target and not him. How could he live with this fact? He had never thought about this until this point. He knew Adela was coming from the heart and not just trying to cut into his relationship.

  He asked,” What do we do about it?”

  “You don’t worry and think she abandoned you when she runs; I have given instruction to her to find the best hiding spot and to stay there. John, none of the others know, because I do not trust anyone other than Galechka and Vitaliy.”

  “Galechka doesn’t really talk much about the coven to me, so I have no idea about anyone. I thought she was keeping me away from them, so I wasn’t a tasty temptation to them.”

  “Funny you said that, because you have called me a tasty temptation a few times in your mind.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  She stuck her tongue out and continued with,” I’ll be your T.T if you’ll be my T.T,”

  “Wow! That sounds wrong and dirty in so many ways.”

  “Eat up, we have to go do a few things to day, and John if she is not with me she needs to be with you, the storm is brewing.”

  The night was strange in every way imaginable, the animals were restless, some of the younger coven had decided to go out to the city in a group, Vitaliy was walking around the house looking for places of entry, and Adela just seemed a little too happy; John thought: maybe she was looking forward to this bout. Maybe it was a long time coming for her.

  Galechka was in her room reading like she liked to do some times and did not like being bothered when she was reading lately; before she would gladly put down the book for a few moments and talk to John, but now she was edgy a lot with him. He did not really know what to do to make her happy. The more he bent to her whims, the more she was unhappy and disrespectful with him.

  John was outside looking up at the sky and just wondering what was the meaning of life, if there was one and why was it all so crazy instead of simpler. Truly a thing to think of a world with: humans, werewolves, vampires, and now guardians; who truly could have thought up all this mess and bring it to life.

  Adela was starting to believe that they were just being watched, but the attack would not happen until they had more information about the coven; she knew they liked to be sure of everything beforehand to ensure an easy victory, but they had a few things up their sleeves that she was not going to let get out.

  Longing for a Bout

  It was easy to see that Adela was starting to long for a bout against the soon to be attackers. She was growing more and more in patient throughout the house. She was even starting to take it out on Vitaliy who let it go for the most part, because he understood where she was coming from.

  “Adela” Vitaliy called.


  “I need to speak to you about some pressing items.”

  “You mean the emanate attack?”

  “Well yes, but the way you are making everyone nervous with your sexual behavior; my lady you are making John stressed and might cause trouble with Galechka.”

  “That is what I am trying for; she needs to be a little jealous so she treats him better.”

  “You know that the guardian bound will tear him apart and kill him if something happens.”

  “Yes, I do know that. Damn, of all of the abilities I wish I had the ability to be the guardian of his guardian bond; I am so afraid she is going to screw this up.”

  “I know the other vampires’ ideas put a lot of stress on her. It is beside me why she doesn’t realize they are hating her, because he would do anything for her.”

  “I know and it is hard, because her family and friends did the s
ame thing when she was human, which is why I changed her, to try and give her a life; you know that girl was like a cleaning slave to her family and once she found love, and they made it so hard on her she ditched him.”

  “No surprise with the way she acts towards John. What happened with him?”

  “He tried to fix things until one day he ended himself and she took it hard.”

  “He did what?”

  “I bore witness to his pain, when I gave him the chance for eternal life, he asked me to take care of her, because without her his heart hurt too much. There was no guardian bond, but he loved her as strong I believe.”

  Adela went over and wrapped her arms around Vitaliy and told him,” If there are two or more ancients on this attack, you need to protect Galechka with everything you have, I need to help John.”

  Vitaliy pulled her close and you could see that she was preparing her good byes just in case.

  “Adela, you aren’t going to die.”

  “Oh, I hope not, but just in case I want you to know I appreciate you and our relationship throughout the years.”


  Behind the doors no one understood they two’s difficult and hard to understand love affair, one minute she was all over him and wanted to be with him, the next she was saying she did not want to make the same mistake again with him. Every time she opened up and let him in closer she pushed away even harder. She would start to laugh and talk to him and then tell him that it wouldn’t work for any reason at all. What was it that she was afraid of?

  “Listen John,” Galechka whispered,” I am sorry that I have been treating you this way.”

  John looked at her in a questioning manner and she continued with,” I guess it is from all the people earlier in my life telling me it was wrong to be with someone other than my own kind.”

  She took him by the hand and led him to the moon lit window seal to and had him take a seat with her as she clasped his hands in hers and touched his cheek,” You really are the only man that can deal with me,” she kissed him softly,” I realize you really love me, and I am just dealing with issues from when I was human. I was had a boyfriend and I got rid of him, so that I did not have to deal with people saying things to me, because he was from another country. You remind me of him, and I guess I feel guilty for hurting him and you so bad.”

  John pulled her close and began to kiss her tender lips and look into her eyes that were larger than usual, which he adored so much. Their kiss was long, deep and passionate; the both were in a completely different universe that no one could disturb. He ran his hand through her ear and placed his other hand behind her waste letting her know that he was there only for her.

  She understood by the feel of his heart and his touch that he only wanted to take care of her and make her happy. She too drew closer to him and the brilliant blaze of passion was erupting uncontrollably; not the lustful and animalistic kind, but the pure unbridled passion of complete love that very few souls ever experience in their entire lives. They both kissed and ran their hands over each other in the way of saying I love you and want you all in the same heartbeat. The guardian bond was not the only thing drawling them together it was like it was ordained by a higher power.

  Reaching down for the bottom edges of his shirt she was scrambling trying to get a grip and as soon as her fingers got a hold of it, she lifted it up showing his ripped and chiseled body that made her even hotter, just the sight of the lines of his muscles. He followed suite and started to tug at hers, she raised her arms allowing the exit he needed for her shirt. He picked her up in his arms, with her pink leopard printed bra covering her breasts and concealing them from his sight; she wrapped her legs around him allowing him to reach behind and unhinge the strap locks allowing the bra to hang loose, which she soon liberated her breasts from herself to let him gaze upon her chest with the nipples he could not ever get over.

  He was kissing on her long soft white neck, taking in her intoxicating smell that drove him completely mad. He had never had a woman that all of her sent sent him into a lustful, lecherous, madness that engulfed and enticed his already over driven sexual desire. She leaned her head back and to the side wishing and wanting him to kiss, lick, and bite on her ear. This was one thing that drove her absolutely crazy. She loved his hot breath and touch on her ears, and when he followed through with her desires, she moaned and dug her bottom torso into his like a cowgirl riding a bull and trying to show how she into the moment. She could feel his hand not only hold her buttocks, but also rubbing and massaging it causing her to get even wetter and wanting his manhood inside of her.

  With both of them breathing heavily and longing, but prolonging the full on ravenous sexual fest that they were sure to soon be into just to indulge in this infatuated moment that neither one wanted to end before it needed to be. As he held her kissed her neck, ear and started to head towards her chest she leaned back allowing her access to her perky and fully rounded nipples; she longed for his breath, tongue, and hiss teasing teeth upon them. She had not felt such a need and want for a man since she was human.

  He was carrying her towards the bed the whole time that they had been going through this magical moment of this intimacy that was pushing both of their constitutions to the edge of the envelope and questioning how explosive the ending was going to be. As he reached the bed with her he flipped her onto her hands and knees and as he stood behind her reached around and undid her jeans; she could feel them burst and release around her waist as her place of lust lit up and got even wetter craving his penetration without an hesitations. She swooned as she felt her rip her pants off only leaving her panties behind. He admired how she looked on all fours in her panties that matched her bra that was now lying on the ground.

  Reaching between her legs and rubbing the already wet mound through her saturated underwear; taking his time to rub and tease it with his other hand on her perfectly shaped hind side, he rubbed around the edges of her elastic bands teasing and touching with his fingertips before dipping in just a little to cause her to gasp for a breath wanting even more. She jerked with her hips biting her lips and grabbing deep into the sheets craving for him to tear the cloth that was hindering her bod from being free to the open air and his full unhindered touch. She groaned and moaned wanting to feel his hips up against her and him inside of her.

  She felt her panties being moved to the side and him rubbing them and then came what the lick, taste, and kiss that sent her eyes rolling into the back of her head. She lunged forward and then back tilting her rump into the air begging please, please just give it to me I can’t handle anymore. She rocked her hips back forth, wagging her tail begging for the foreplay to turn into a heated rampage of lustful sex and whimpered, while leaning more and more back asking and pleading to feel a massive instrument to fill her practically untouched crevice of passion, which wanted to be bored deeply into with lots of drive and force.

  She felt herself being flipped over onto her back allowing her to see him reaching for the tops of her panties and pulling them down around her waist leaving her to think: Oh god, yes please give me what I want. He grabbed her at the top of her thighs at the bottom of her bare ass and pulled her closer to him as he began to his and lick at her inner thigh, licking and kissing both legs and getting so close to her precious prize that she was ready to have taken as a present that was already opened and was ready for the taken, but never touched except for momentary seconds just teasing her. He began to kiss down her leg and spending time on the back of her knee that was always her weakness, she moaned as he licked and kissed this sensitive area and could not believe how much he was like her human lover she had before.

  He rolled her over again exposing her back side to him and he began to not kiss and lick up the back of her thigh while rubbing it until he eventually reached the bottom of her one cheek; he kisses, licked, and chewed on one and rubbed the other with his hands and then switching cheeks. She was in complete ecstasy as he teased and pleased all of her sen
sitive spots. Kissing up to the small of her back and taking his time to give it attention and then moved up her back, kissing, licking, gnawing, and massaging deeply as he moved up her spine until he reached the back of her neck. She could feel his package up against her and left out a whimper wanting and craving it. He kissed her neck and worked his way back up to her ear cupping her breasts in his hands and manipulating them just the way she liked as he was teasing her sweet spots on the back of her ear and neck.


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