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The Guardian

Page 15

by J. L McFadden

  He worked his way back down her spine running his hands down her front tweaking and teasing as he massaged with his hands and gnawed and kissed on her spine taking time to enjoy her rump as she wiggled it in enjoyment and bit onto her upper lip. When he lifted up her waist and started to place himself into her, she moaned in delight and he took full control of her by grabbing her hair as a handle as he torqued deep and fully into her as he moved his hips from side to side she also moved along with him in this dance of ecstasy and lust.

  He took her one leg up in his arm and spun her around like a rag doll pinning her down onto the mattress, using that one leg as leverage and was coming at her from a slight angle that rubbed her sides and sent her into a moaning fit as she breathed heavier and heavier. When he released her leg she brought both of her knees up to her shoulders giving him full access and he grabbed her ass for traction and enjoyed feeling her rump within his hands; she had the best he had ever had in his hands, just the feeling of it drove him mad. She rocked and swayed with him even with her knees up at her shoulders on her own accord she was moving in an erotic matter that steamed them both. They were both looking deep and hard into each other’s eyes taking moments to kiss each other during what was a moment in heaven to both of them.

  He sat up and took her by hips and directing her to be on all fours again, he tore into her as she wanted and wished for. This moment of ecstasy seemed to have no bonds as they both breathed heavy and John started to growl like a wolf about to attack, heavy, deep throated she could feel his growl trembling down his body and could feel it vibrating her mound. He heaved growled and snarled until she could feel him releasing onto her. She laid panting and looked back saying,” I love you, I love you, I really love you.” This made his heart leap for joy, because it was the first time she had ever said that to him in the whole time they had been together.

  Vixen’s Visit

  The wind was chilly that night, even for that time of the year; the moon was hidden behind the clouds, but it was the second night of the full moon and the day after they felt the presence following them. John had some doubts thinking that the girls were just over reacting at nothing in a dark parking lot. If there was something out there the wolves would have spotted it and notified the coven for sure.

  John and Galechka where getting dressed to go down stairs, she tossed him his black hoody, just because she knew it was going to be a cold hard night. She was dressed in her skin tight black outfit that screamed: I am hot and someone you should consider scary. John loved this outfit. She reached out for his hand to lead him out the door and down the hallway; it was getting late, because of the hot and heavy that they were into earlier. He squeezed her hand a bit as to say: I love you and she did that back. Even though she normally wouldn’t say it there were loving moments like this that she showed it to him.

  They could hear the coven down stairs chattering about the nightly events, but the coven was a bit thinner in numbers these days; it seemed that some of them headed Adela’s warning of an up and coming war and made themselves, sparse. They came down the staircase together still holding hands passing the coven members and it was to the point where John was not a focal point anymore they had bored with discussing him.

  John opened the door and held for Galechka to go ahead of him like the gentleman that he was. To their surprise Vixen was there in wolf form and being rather aggressive towards them. She was jumping up on John and Galechka was trying to ward her off of him and getting angry when Vixen took Galechka’s wrist into her mouth, not breaking the skin, and looking at Galechka like: please just listen to me. Vixen dragged her by the wrist into the door way motioning for Galechka to grab John and to bring him.

  The coven erupted into gossip over a wolf pulling Galechka into the castle and some were alarmed. Out of the shadows Adela said in her demonic voice,” WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?”

  Galechka responded,” It’s Vixen and she seems startled by something, but it’s the full moon so she is trapped as a wolf.”

  Adela headed over to Vixen and laid her hands on her head to read her mind and Vixen thoughts rung out loud and clear: Adela, the pack has been slaughtered by something. I was told to run and warn you and you coven that,

  Before she could finish her thoughts they heard glass break from the back kitchen; Adela flung her arms up letting everyone know to get into place and bent down telling Vixen,” Go with Galechka and protect her with everything you have. If they kill her, he loses his powers.”

  Vixen nodded her head and looked at Galechka to say: Where are we supposed to go? Galechka headed towards the hiding place that Adela and Vitaliy had created for her. On the way she ran into Vitaliy who grabbed her by the hand and was trying to hurry her along, instructing Vixen that when they got to the hiding place to lay on Galechka and to try and hide her sent from whatever was attacking them.

  Adela looked at John and said,” I believe this is what we have been training for,” she said with a cocked head and more of the tone the old Adela had, more serious and not so playful.

  John rolled his shoulders back, and cracked his neck looking at Adela with the look in his eyes saying: Game time.

  They could hear some of the coven screaming in pain, but staid in the main entrance as planned, so they had enough movement to help each other out if need be. You could see John’s eyes starting to glow green and it seemed as if he was gaining mass as they were waiting. Adela in her training cloths was even bouncing up on the balls of her feet anticipating the attack, which she had been yearning for. John could tell that she had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

  She looked over and smiled at him,” This is going to be a piece of cake love,” winking to try and give him a sense of comfort.

  “We’ll see, we’ll see,” John said seeming confident, but level headed about the matter. He knew to lose focus could cost them all of their lives and that was not an option at all.

  One of the youngest of the coven was tossed off of the top of the balcony and crashed onto the floor to be followed by the doors below the balcony being blasted open. Behind it was a werewolf, but not one of the pack, no this was Baldemar’s beast from hell that he used to turn her friends and her father’s peasants into werewolves. This beast from hell was larger than any werewolf she had ever seen with the ugliest coat she had ever seen on one. His stench was enough to make you want to hurl, and his clouded eye was enough to spook anyone. He stood almost ten foot tall and was bar far the ugliest monster she had ever seen.

  He growled and headed towards John right away, and John was more than pleased to oblige him in meeting half way. Both of them ran faster towards each other as the beast flung his massive claws at John, he felt a kick to the back of the head that was from John; the beast was stunned and confused: How could he, what the hell, he was right in front of me. John was hunkered down looking at the monster as if to say: Awe, did you get a boo boo.

  Adela jumped to the top of the stairs to see: Who was the foe at that threw one of her youngsters after killing him. She was a little taken back to find Vlod, who was an ancient, but the wolf did not belong to him, it belonged to Baldemar.

  “So the boss is having you do his dirty work I see,” Adela said with her hands on her hips.

  “Na, he just thought that a little sex pot like you wouldn’t be worth him coming out, so he asked me to take care of the lite work,” he said with a smirk that turned Adela’s stomach.

  “Oh, I have some surprises for you.”

  “Oh, you have learned some new positions in bed throughout the years?”

  “Not that you would ever find out.”

  Meanwhile, down on the lower floor John and the big ugly was tearing up the castle John more or less was playing with the wolf and it was getting pissed and trying harder and faster and from out behind the doorway that was now in shambles from the beast came another ancient who was known as Jasper, he was from Europe and no one knew too much about him except that he loved to torture his victims for hours
on end. He took John off guard and knocked him about the head sending him flying across the room. John picked himself up and dusted himself off knowing that he needed to take out big ugly fast so he could concentrate on Jasper.

  Upstairs, Adela and Vlod were destroying the castle, knocking each other through walls tearing doors off and using them as projectiles and sometimes as a bat to hit the other one with; Vlod couldn’t understand: How Adela, became so fast and strong, even if she was an ancient, he was once of the elders, how could she be as strong? The went from one side of the hall way to the other and sometimes through the walls creating new hallways and doors opening up the feeling of the room as they were trying to kill each other.

  Adela wearing her spandex pants and sports top was tearing at this vamp that was wearing gothic clothing from years before. There was no time for exchange of words; these two wanted each other dead as soon as possible. Adela was actually enjoying the battle and this was calling her challenger to worry, because this is not how they evolve and it was not right, something had to be a foot.

  John was battling it out with Jasper and the dog, but it mostly was John and Jasper ripping into each other and the mutt getting bumped out of the way. This was pissing off the wolf, for years he had never felt like a joke in a combat situation before. Jasper was more of an English style boxer and John was doing his best to duck his blows and land his own, but this guy was no joke at all and something that John needed to be careful of. John was bobbing and weaving Jaspers moves trying to land a hit on him hard enough to knock him back and give him time to kill the flea bag that was slowing him down.

  John waited and this time when Jasper gave him a left hook he rolled to the left on the balls of his foot taking Jasper’s left wrist in hand, and continued to pull as he stepped with his left foot, pulling Jasper of center and swinging around in one swoop switched his right hand with the left and flipped Jasper up into the air and down onto the floor in one big slam. The beast made the mistake of biting at John and John grabbed the upper Jaw in one hand and the lower in the other and spreading them apart as fast and hard as he could; you could hear the jaw bone snapping as he unhinged the wolf’s jaw snapping the top part of his head straight of the body, and leaving the body to melt to the floor as the beast was done.

  Adela had Vlad in a choke hold and thought she had him until she heard a demonic sound coming from his innards and he reached back grabbing her by the back of the head with one hand and slammed her down in front of him, and following through with a punch to the throat causing her to gasp and fight for air. She grabbed him by the cuff of his shirt and flipped back kicking him in the face, landing on her feet spinning around with a round house making contact knocking him clear to the end of the hall and out through the window, where she chased after him.

  John was not having the easiest of times Jasper was having his way with him a little more each time and John was just wishing and hoping that Adela was winning and would be back soon, but he was also worried for Galechka, because he had no idea where she was even being hid: A caution that they took to keep her safe. He was holding his own as him and Jasper beat the hell out of him. Jasper learned from the slam to the floor to not give John too much of a chance. John was stronger, but Jasper was a bit quicker, making the fight interesting, because Jasper was not use to feeling pain during a fight; he could feel his bones aching for the first time since he was a vampire. Christ that was before Christ’s time.

  As far as anyone knew Baldemar was the eldest, but there was rumors that he was just the puppet or front man for the originals, but this was just lure. No one had ever proven it was true, nor proved it was untrue. Since Vampire History is not questioned or taught and punishable by pain of death no one ever really spoke of it except a few in dark corners hoping not to get caught.

  Adela was in the backyard trying to find where Vlad ran off to, but on her travels found to her dismay some of her coven and her wolf friend throughout the years lying dead right off to the border of the woods and the yard. It seemed they had tried to fight them off or was trying to come and warn them. Heads were tossed in different locations than the bodies; this looked like the work of Baldemar. If she didn’t know better he was somewhere close by, but where and where was Vlad.

  John was starting to throw a beating to Jasper having him pinned to the ground beating and waling on him until he got thrown against the wall. As soon as he shook of the what the hell feeling he noticed now there were two of them; one was Vlad who snuck in through the kitchen trying to help eliminate the guardian so they could make quick work of Adela. They saw John close his eyes and growl to reveal that his eyes were now glowing even darker and it seemed as if he was expanding like his muscle mass was growing larger. Could this be, was this really happening? Neither one of them had ever seen a guardian do this and both of them had killed a hand full of them throughout the years.

  John was now moving faster and hitting even harder being able to handle both of them. It was not a one sided fight by a long shot, with both of them there were times when they would get the better of him until out of some magical place he gained more strength.

  Vlad said to Vlad,” Where is Baldemar? This would be over already if he was here.”

  “Damned if I know; he was supposed to be on my heels and when I spun around he was gone, completely broke off of the plan.”

  What you need to know is even if all of the ancients that are known of attacked Baldemar at once, he would still kill them all. He had the kind of strength that none of them had since he was the oldest.

  This mattered not much, because John was starting to tucker out and they were starting to torture him a bit. With every fleeting moment he was he was feeling more and more drained, but he had to keep going for the sake of his loved one. The encircled him and in one swoop jumped at him, as he grabbed Jasper by the neck, Adela gave Vlad a surprise right hook to the bottom of his jaw sending him spinning. She was using her flash speed and followed up with twenty or thirty punches until she gave him one that launched him through the door and out onto the drive.

  John took his victim and slammed him into the concrete at their feet, cracking in it and repeated the slamming a few times. Jasper had only felt so helpless to Baldemar and did not know what to do. John heaved him up onto of the balcony and as Jasper came to his feet was greeted by John’s boot to the face sending him back flipping through the air and slamming into the wall right above the doorway, he slid off the wall and onto the floor like an undercooked noodle.

  The timing couldn’t be better when Adela sent her attacker through the door way slamming into Jasper causing them a great deal of pain. The strange thing was that when John and Adela fought near each other it was like they were both drawing off of each other’s strengths and growing stronger together. This again had never been seen with an ancient and a guardian before. They both took turns with each other’s partners until…..

  At the top of the stairs a demon of a man stood pointing at John screaming,” You!” He had Galechka by the throat and said,” You too deal with Adela; the guardian was just giving me his life.

  Adela hung her head she knew this play; he had somehow found Galechka and probably killed her Vitaliy in the process. She looked at John hoping for a miracle, but knew it was not in the cards. The two vamps lunged at Adela blasting her out the door to fight with her out in the drive, leaving Baldemar to deal with their guardian problem.

  Baldemar stood all tall and proud, a true giant of a man, even bigger than his pet that John killed earlier. He stood with Galechka in a choke hold by one of his massive hands. Step forward and kneel boy, he whistled and another came out of the bottom door way. We are going to watch you die together and my little friend here is going to tear your head off. A vampire that no one had ever seen before came out of the darkness.

  John took a step forward and said,” My love,” looking up at Galechka,” how strong is our bond?”

  He kneeled and as he kneeled Galechka fell limp and Baldemar lau
ghed,” seems she fainted thinking of what was coming,” he shook her trying to get her to respond, but to his unbelieving eyes when she lifted her head he could feel her body heating up with some kind of weird energy and when she opened her eyes it was the green glow of the guardian. She hit him in the throat and pushed him off the balcony like John had told her to do when he focused all his power into her. He told her to run, run as fast as she could to safety so he could take his powers back.


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