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One Size Fits All (The Classy ‘n’ Sassy Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Stephanie Haefner


  “There’s this dinner party thing on Monday for my dad’s sixtieth birthday. I was wondering if you’d want to go with me. I know we haven’t been dating, uh . . . I mean, together, very long, and I know guys are usually weird about meeting the parents so early in a relationship. Not that I think what we have is a relationship yet. But if you want to, I’d really like it if you went with me.”

  He tried not to laugh. “You’re so damn cute when you’re nervous.”

  The chest rubbing stopped and she actually gave him a playful slap, followed by a smirk. “Is that a yes or a no?”

  “It’s a yes. Definitely a yes.”

  “Really? Even though it’s on a Monday?”

  “The other coaches can manage one night of practice without me. The kids know the drills by now anyway.”

  “Good. I really want my parents to meet you.”

  He’d never met anyone’s parents before. Now he was the one who was nervous. And parents like hers? He knew she came from money. What would they think of their daughter dating a gym teacher? Shit. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

  But then she lifted up, her lips pressing to his. “Thank you. It means a lot to me that you’re going.”

  She looked at him with what he could only describe as adoration. And damn, did he like that. A lot. ’Cause he adored her, too.

  He pulled her onto his lap, cradling her against him as they kissed, giving his hands permission to roam her body. The softness of her curves, the roundness of her ass. He wasn’t sure if he should, but figured what the hell? and cupped her breast. And when a moan vibrated her throat, he knew he’d done good.

  He listened to every sigh of pleasure and committed his movements to memory. He wanted to know what she liked, what turned her on. And when she shifted and sat up, straddling his lap, he made no complaints.

  Penny gyrated on his lap, grinding into his erection. He needed to feel her skin, taste her. His hand slipped under her shirt, brushing against the soft lace of her bra, a hardened bud beneath his fingers. He gave it a gentle pinch. That just made her moan and grind harder.

  But that wasn’t enough for him. He wanted that hot little nub between his teeth. He pushed her shirt above her bra, her hands raking through his hair as he dipped his head and ran his tongue between her breasts. He peeled back the lace, so ready to taste her.

  “No . . . We have to stop,” she said between gasps for breath.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. Oh yes. It’s just . . . We’re going too fast.”

  “Okay.” He fixed her shirt and pulled her to him, her head resting on his shoulder. Her heart pounded against his chest, ragged breaths returning to normal.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Don’t be. I’m the one who’s sorry. I don’t want to push you into something you’re not ready for.”

  “You’re definitely not pushing,” she said with a giggle. “The want is there. The brain just won this time.”

  She wanted him. And for now, that was more than enough.

  Penny shifted and sat next to him again, but stayed tucked into the crook of his arm. Damn, that felt nice.

  “Can we talk a minute?”

  Instantly, a red flag flew up. “Of course.”

  “Today Bryn mentioned some things she’s heard about you.”

  “Oh.” Fuck. He knew where this was going. He’d never really been all that discreet with his sex life. He couldn’t even remember how many quickies he’d had in The Red Brick’s parking lot or bathroom. He was younger then—and far stupider—and was regretting it more and more every day. “What did she say?”

  “Well . . . She said you’ve been with a lot of women. Is that true?”

  He wouldn’t lie to her. “Yeah, but I was an idiot back then.”

  “So, how many?”

  The hell if he knew. “I’m not sure.”

  “Okay.” She processed his answer. “But it’s a lot?”

  “I guess.”

  She was quiet for a minute, her gaze diverted downward.

  “I get it. A bouncer at a bar must get a lot of female attention, especially one who looks like you.”

  He didn’t know what to say to that, so he stuck with, “I guess.”

  “Why not take advantage of what’s in front of you?” She fidgeted with a hangnail.

  “It wasn’t like that. I didn’t take advantage of anyone. But yeah, I’ve had sex with a lot of women.”

  She sat up and pulled away. “Did you at least use protection?”

  “Of course. Every time.” He reached for her, but she backed away even farther.

  “Are you sure? What if you have a disease or something?”

  “I don’t. I’ve been tested. Several times. I always used a condom.”

  “But they’re not a hundred percent. What if you have some illegitimate kid out there somewhere?”

  “I don’t. Come here.” He reached for her hand but she yanked it away. “That was years ago. It’s not who I am anymore.”

  “I know, but I didn’t expect you to be so promiscuous.”

  He’d never thought of it that way. “That was the past. It’s not who I am now.”

  “How do I know that?” Penny stood and stepped away, her back to him.

  He came up behind her, placing his hands on her arms. “I can’t change what happened in my past. You can’t be upset about things that happened before I met you.”

  She breathed deep and let it out. “I think you should go.”

  “Penny. Come on.”

  She shook her head. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little weirded out right now.”

  He was out of options. He had to just leave. “Call me later, okay?”

  She nodded and he stepped back, heading for the door. This fucking sucked. He hated that his past was screwing up his present. He wasn’t that guy anymore, and even when he was, he’d been careful. He didn’t understand why it was such a big deal.

  Relationships were fucking hard and he started to wonder if it was all worth it. Maybe that easy carefree lifestyle was better. Deep down he knew that wasn’t true. But that sure didn’t change the fact that he was confused as hell now and had no clue how to make it right.


  PENNY FELL onto the bed, letting her tears fall. Why had she asked him about his past? So. Fucking. Stupid. She had no right to be mad about any of that stuff, but it hurt like hell to know Bryn’s stories were true.

  She really liked him, but could she be with a guy like that? What if the nice-guy thing was just for show? Was he just pretending, and once they had sex he’d move on to someone else? Was she just a conquest?

  Her instincts told her no, but her instincts were obviously fucked up. At one time she’d thought Jack was a stand-up guy. She’d believed him when he’d vowed to love, honor, and cherish her, but his definition of that included loving, honoring, and cherishing his piece of ass on the side.

  Would Theo do the same thing? Could she trust him not to?

  This sucked. No matter how many dates she went on in the future, she’d never know for sure if they were good men.

  Maybe it was easier to just stay single, close her heart off, and be alone.


  THOR GOT into his pickup. “Fuck!” he yelled at his steering wheel, and punched it. This was not how tonight was supposed to go. How had they gone from making out like horny teenagers to fighting and misery?

  This couldn’t be the end. He liked Penny too much to let his stupid past ruin what they had—what they might have in the future. Obviously it had spooked her. She’d been through a lot with her asshole ex. He had to show her he was different. He wasn’t the guy he used to be and he wasn’t like her ex.

  He picked up his phone and dialed the auto
mated system for the school district. He punched in the extension and a voice mail message came on. When it finished he spoke. “This is Theodore Rublinski. I’m going to need to use a sick day tomorrow, September twentieth. Thank you.”

  He didn’t know how he was going to win her back, but he had about twelve hours to figure it out.

  CHAPTER Thirteen

  Penny woke the next morning, thankful she didn’t have to go to work. She didn’t want to see anyone. Her head pounded and her eyes were so swollen from crying that she could barely open them. The sunlight burned, so she kept them closed.

  This sucked. She was back in the same exact place she’d been two months ago, after finding out Jack was cheating on her. It had been easy to walk away from her husband. He was a piece of shit. But did she want to walk away from Theo?

  The hell if she knew.

  She debated on getting out of bed and doing something productive, like cleaning the apartment. But she couldn’t force herself to get up.

  The text alert sounded from her cell phone on the nightstand but she had no desire to see who was disturbing her pity party. When it dinged again, and again, she wondered if there was an emergency somewhere.

  Good morning, beautiful :)

  Theo. And yeah, it did almost make her smile.

  I hope you dont have any plans for tody casue I wanna make up for last nite. if yu’ll let me.

  Should she? Was there even a point? Penny flopped back down onto her pillow, fresh tears filling her eyes. She so wanted there to be a point.

  Another text.

  Please. I know you’ve been hurt but I wnt to prove to u that im not like him

  Maybe he wasn’t. Maybe she could give him a fair chance.

  She typed back.


  Only a few seconds passed before her phone dinged again.

  Great. A cab will be there in an hour to pick u up

  This time she let a smile blossom. Maybe this dating thing wasn’t so bad after all.


  THOR WAITED impatiently outside the Cazenovia Park Botanical Gardens, checking his phone again for the time. Rows and rows of multicolored rose bushes surrounded him. Shouldn’t Penny be here by now?

  But then the sea of people parted and there she was. Sunlight surrounded her, illuminating her, as she floated toward him. The warm Indian summer day held a soft breeze that danced through her golden hair. Had he ever seen a more beautiful woman in his life?

  “How did you know?” she asked.

  His hands instinctively went into his pockets, his gaze to her feet, like a kid who had been caught stealing a cookie. “I saw the photo on your wall. You looked so happy.” He forced himself to look at her. “I’ve never been here, but I took a chance.”

  Her smile widened. “It paid off.”


  “This is one of my favorite places in the world and I’m really happy I can share it with you.” She stepped closer, her hands to his chest, sending jolts of electricity through his body. “I’m really happy you didn’t give up on me after the way I acted last night.”

  He pulled his hands from his pockets and wrapped his arms around her. “You were justified in feeling that way. I wish I could erase my past and prove that I’m not like your ex.”

  “I know that. This right here proves it.”

  Yep. He was falling for this girl. Hard. He’d never been in love before, but somehow, he just knew.

  Thor brought his hand to her cheek, his thumb rubbing across her velvety lips. He kept his gaze on hers as he inched closer, closing his eyelids just before they touched. She was soft and sweet, like cotton candy dissolving on his tongue. A sugar high he never wanted to come down from.

  He needed to pull away before this simple kiss turned into an X-rated scene.

  “You ready to go in?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” she said dreamily. Intertwining her fingers with his, she led him inside to a giant domed room filled with fancy flowers. “This is the orchid room,” she stated. “They have the rarest collection of orchids in the state.”

  Penny continued talking, listing characteristics of each one, and he tried to pay attention, but it was impossible. She was too damn intoxicating.

  She walked him through a room of tropical plants and into two other rooms, filled with various blooms, all paling in comparison to her. The excitement on her face as she spouted plant knowledge made a smile blossom across his own. He enjoyed seeing her happy.

  After a bonsai demonstration in one of the greenhouses, she stood on tiptoes and kissed him. “Ready to leave?”

  “Sure. Where do you wanna go?”

  “I don’t care as long as we can be alone.”

  Whoa. Last night she’d said she wasn’t ready for sex yet. He didn’t want to do it and have her regret it afterward. He needed to make sure she was completely ready. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t do other things. That he couldn’t do other things to her.

  He led her to his truck, her hand only leaving his when he had to walk around to the driver’s side. They reconnected once he was seated. But where to go? They could go to his place, but at this particular moment, it wasn’t exactly clean enough for guests. And would she be okay with being in the bed where he’d . . . done things . . . with other women? This was new territory and he didn’t want to screw it up more than he already had. This was his one shot to make it right.

  Wait. Seth had a cottage on the lake. They’d partied there tons of times. It wasn’t fancy, but it was secluded. And not too far away.

  He let go of Penny’s hand and reached for his cell. It rang a few times. His friend often slept in, since he worked at the bar late every night, but luckily he picked up.

  “You mind if we hang out at the cottage today?” Thor asked.

  “Are you going to fuck in it?”

  Thank God he didn’t have him on speaker. “No.”

  “Then the answer’s no.”

  “Don’t be a dick.”

  Seth cackled and Thor heard a woman’s voice in the background. “I’m just messin’ with you. Have at it. Key’s under the flower pot.”

  “Thanks, man. I owe you.”

  “Yeah you do.”

  Thor hung up and dropped his phone into the cup holder, then retook Penny’s hand. He brought it to his lips.

  “What was that all about?” she asked.

  “Seth likes to be an ass. But he’s never serious.”

  “Good, ’cause a day at a cottage sounds lovely.”

  “It will be.” He wasn’t sure what Penny’s idea of lovely was, but he sure as hell had a plan. And it would be freaking fantastic.

  Forty-five minutes later, he turned onto a dirt road with a small hand-painted sign that read Lime Lake 1 Mile.

  Thor pulled up in front of the small cottage, got out, and jogged over to the passenger side. He pulled Penny from his truck, her hand in his, and ran toward the porch, her laughter surrounding him as he fumbled with a little flower pot. He managed to get the key in and open the door, barely shutting it behind him before he grabbed her and swept her off her feet.

  He couldn’t control himself. His hands and lips, his tongue, all had a mind of their own, but their shared goal was bringing her pleasure. Today wasn’t about him. Today was about showing her how cared for and special she was. Today was about going slow and doing things right. Today was about doing things differently than he had in the past.

  He maneuvered toward the single bedroom, praying not to stumble and drop her, at least until they got to the bed.

  He set her down gently, immediately reaching for the hem of her dress, pulling it up and over her head. Fuck. Had pink satin ever looked better? Her matching panties and bra hugged her curves, her breasts heaving as she breathed deeply. His dick strained against the confines of his cargo short
s. But today was not about him. His dick would have to get over it.

  He crawled to her, lifting her up, his hand behind her head, as he laid her on the pillow. He pulled back, admiring what lay before him. An angelic woman whose eyes told him she wanted him, only him. And fuck, did he want her, too. More so than any woman in his entire life.

  He kissed her, unable to sit there any longer without touching her, her arms winding tight around his neck. But they didn’t stay there long. They traveled down his back, and around to his belt.

  “Uh-uh.” He shook his head, giving her a quick raise of his eyebrows. “Not today.”

  “What?” She looked so shocked and he couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “You just lay there and relax.”


  “No buts.” He put his lips back on her, but this time on her neck, then her luscious mounds of cleavage. He pushed her bra aside and sucked her nipple. He liked the moan that escaped from her lips, and the way she arched into him.

  This was going to be fun.

  He continued his journey south, making sure to kiss and lick every inch of her, stopping only to dip his tongue into her belly button.

  Penny giggled, a sweet sound, and raked her nails over his shoulders. “That tickles.”

  “But do you like it?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Good. Then you’ll like this even more.” He tucked his index finger into the silky band of her panties and yanked them down her soft, creamy thighs, past her knees and calves, and finally, over painted toenails. He tossed them aside and looked back to the woman lying before him. Stunning. There was no other word.

  He caressed her from toe to knee, back up her thighs, then pushed them apart, situating his body between them.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “What does it look like?” He flashed her a grin, then darted his tongue out to lick her center, her sweet taste tantalizing his taste buds.

  “But . . . I’ve never . . .” She sat up on her elbows. “He never . . .”

  “Are you serious? Now I hate the douche bag even more.” Her ex was an ass for missing out on this treat, and even more so for denying her. “Lay back and let me take care of you.” He licked her again, and this time she gasped, her eyelids fluttering closed.


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