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Bella Vita

Page 25

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  “If you'd like, I can screen you for these abilities as well to find out if you might find any of this information of use for you.” I decided to be polite and offer it to these people.

  The woman of the group stepped forward. Her skin was pale pink. “Thank you for your gesture, but the observers are not permitted to interact with the observed. If at a later time the offer is made again, then it would be acceptable for one of us to partake.” She nodded her head at me and stepped back- again her voice held very little feeling.

  “As you wish.” I turned my attention to the five students standing before me. “Does Lily know you've come to my class instead of hers?”

  “Yes, Mistress Hutchinson. We asked permission before we came over. She said that if you accepted us then we could stay.” The girl was a little on the rounder side of life, but she held confidence that many didn't, her deep chocolate eyes looked deeply into mine.

  “If the rest of the class agrees, I can take a few minutes to screen each of you. But this is their time, so they'll have to agree first.” I gestured to the students standing in the front, “do you mind if I screen them?”

  The room was silent, but I realized that everyone had sent me mental 'okays' for the screenings.

  I stood in front of the confident girl. “It has been agreed upon, you'll have your screenings now. I'll start with you, what's your name?”

  “My name is Sarah Whiteflower. Thank you, Mistress Hutchinson.” I had a feeling that one of Sarah's gifts was to emit strong emotions- like confidence.

  This will not hurt, but please don't try and force me from your mind. It will feel uncomfortable if you do. Just relax and it should take a moment or two. I sent the words to her.

  She nodded.

  I took her hand and closed my eyes. A sudden hushed silence fell over the room as my new students watched me. I pushed all thoughts out of the classroom. I found Sarah's power source and I followed it. I instantly found her gift for healing, both traditional and through energy, and I also found her gift of confidence, as well as a talent for blending into the background- of allowing viewers to mentally pass over her, as though she was invisible. I pulled out of her mind.

  You can stay, Sarah Whiteflower, I would also recommend you enroll in my other class. I smiled at her. She stepped back and I moved on to the next student.

  “The same goes for you, as did for Sarah. What is your name?” I asked a boy with neon green hair and ivory skin.

  “The name's Kip. Kip Steerling, Mistress Hutchinson.” As he smiled at me his lip ring glinted in the light.

  Kip, please try and relax. This will not hurt, but don't force me from your mind- that would be uncomfortable. I mentally told him.

  He stared straightforward.

  I gently took his hand. I slipped into his consciousness easily and found the information I needed. Kip was a healer, he could compel very strongly, and he had the talent of turning into a howler monkey.

  You, too, are welcome to stay, Kip Steerling. I also recommend you enroll in my other class. I smiled at him. He stepped beside Sarah and I moved on to the next boy.

  “I'm Alexander Brunswick the Third, at your service, Mistress Hutchinson.” The short boy bowed to me.

  Should you stay in my classroom, Master Brunswick, I expect some of this formality left at the door. Now try to relax and this should be over quickly. I took his hand as I told him to be calm.

  I quickly discovered that Alexander could become quite adept at this form of healing, but also he had an unnoticed gift for tracking people. I decided I should send him to Leland after class.

  You're welcome to stay. I'd suggest that you speak with Master Aldridge about developing your gift for tracking. I smiled at him, and he nodded at me and stepped back.

  “I'm Emmaline Stone, Mistress Hutchinson.” The girl with kind hazel eyes stood.

  This shouldn't hurt, Emmaline Stone. Just try and relax. Do not force me from your mind, that would create a certain level of discomfort for both of us. I reached for her hand.

  The girl was covered with freckles, her strawberry blonde hair told me it was part of being a reddish head. Her entire personage told me of her kindness. I was not surprised when I discovered that she had only one talent- healing, but it was in all forms. I realized that she would need both this class and Lily's class, as she had not finished that one.

  You're welcome to stay, but know this. Your talent is for all forms of healing. Both my class and Lily's class will benefit you. You can choose to stay in my class and request private study with Lily or the other way around. The choice is yours. I smiled at her, she smiled at me and stepped back.

  When the next girl stepped before me, I finally saw the spark of a warrior. When Dominic had told me that some people would have a gift for combat, I didn't really believe him- especially after going through so many screenings and not finding one, but this girl provided the proof. She was tall, lean, but also built. Her tight small black braids were pulled back into a ponytail. Although her deep black eyes smiled at me, I knew that they would be cold in battle.

  Merry Meet, Mistress Hutchinson. I'm Tammy Jones. I'm mute. Her words danced in my mind.

  A moment of shock passed through me. Merry Met, Tammy Jones. I sense a great warrior within you. It's an honor to have such a rare talent before me. I smiled at her.

  The pleasure is all mine. When she smiled back at me, her teeth shone white against her caramel skin.

  I'm going to screen you now. Just relax and try not to push me from you mind as it'll cause discomfort to both of us. I took her hand.

  When I stepped into her mind, it was like walking into another world. The order of her thoughts and organization was aimed more toward battle tactics than anything else. It took me a minute to find her power source. I saw her gift for combat, I wasn't really sure where to guide her for it, but I would find out. But I also found the same energy healing that each of these student possessed. It was warming to see such a balance for one person.

  You're most welcome in this room, Tammy Jones. I don't know where to send you for your special combat gift, but I'll find the right person for you. I smiled at her.

  There is no need for that. I've surpassed all the professors here in combat at this point. She met my eyes.

  Then I'll see if I can find someone outside of these walls with a similar talent. No talent is truly alone, I'm coming to discover. I gestured for the rest of the new students to step forward.

  “These five students all have the gift for healing. It's their choice to stay with this class.” I turned to them. “Please, each of you must now make this choice.” I stepped to the side.

  Tammy went and sat by Leland. Alexander and Kip sat together in the middle, surrounded by females. Sarah went to stand near the adults in the back. Emmaline seemed to have a brief debate within her mind and then went and sat next to Tammy.

  “Okay, now that's all sorted. Let's establish some rules. First and foremost, I'm Emma, not Mistress Hutchinson. If you wish to show me respect, then pay attention and work hard in my class. Secondly, everyone in this room is and will be at different levels as we progress. Do not feel that you're lacking in any way should you be toward the slower folks to get something. Also, don't get cocky if you find yourself flying through some sections. Energy healing and wielding, in general, will come in different forms to each person and in different levels of complexity. If you feel that you're having a hard time with something, ask me or one of your classmates. Never be afraid to ask. If you don't come to class, let me know why. This class isn't one of your core classes, you're here because you possess a rare talent. You are unique. But if you want to learn how to use this talent you'll need to get some training. So please come to class.” I smiled at them.

  “You will be expected to practice what you learn in here. I want to see improvements, I don't care if it's perfect, I just want to see that you're trying. Today might feel slow for many of you, or really fast for some. But rest assured that no one will be
left in the dust, and everyone will feel one way or the other at some point. I promise. Are there any questions before we start today's lesson?” I paused briefly. “Okay, then let's begin.”

  The class flew by. I went through the basic forms of mediation and tried to pair people together with someone below their current level and at about the same. Towards the end I began to introduce the idea of pulling energy to oneself to use. I had a lot of blank stares. But I asked them to try and practice this for our next class.

  There was about a twenty minute break for me between my two classes. I took that time to breathe. I was allowed to use the same room, so I didn't need to go anywhere. Some of the people that were in that class stayed near the room as well. I sat outside on a small picnic table. Leland came and joined me

  “Nice class. And thanks for the tracker. I figure that you saw that Kip was able to change as well.” He leaned against the table.

  “Yep. But I figured you knew about him. Howler monkey, though?” I laughed as I imagined Kip with his green hair becoming a monkey.

  “This coming from the knocker that turns into a wolf, I see that as funny.” His Aussie accent colored his words.

  “Alright, what the devil is a knocker?” I sighed.

  “Aw, come on, you yanks know nothing. A knocker, ya know, is someone that is critical, they criticize people.” I could tell he was worried I might fly off the handle again.

  “Go figure. You know I don't actually criticize people, I just found howler monkey to be an odd predator choice. But hey, I didn't say there was anything wrong with it.” I rolled my shoulders as more tension seemed to pile on.

  “It wasn't meant in harm. Just teasing, is all.” He smiled a lazy smile at me.

  “I'm sure it wasn't, Leland. I guess it's time to head back in and get ready for round two.” I shrugged.

  “You'll do ripper. You're welcome to use me as a demonstration again.. that worked last time.” He held out his arm for me.

  “Thank you, I'll keep that in mind.” I laughed and headed back inside.

  I did end up using Leland as an example, but since it was for mental training I had no need to slice him open. I helped him realize the full potential of his ability to compel, something he found out wouldn't work on me.

  The class went by more quickly. In this one, I had them work on mediation to try and learn to listen to their inner selves- a task I knew was harder than it sounded. It ended up being their homework. As I walked off for a small break before I went and tried to learn more about my people and our history I realized that today could have gone much worse. I drifted in this content state through the rest of the day.

  When I finally got home, Dom was waiting for me. He had dinner set out.

  “So how was it?” He beamed at me.

  “I survived, obviously.” I laughed.

  “I'm sorry I didn't get to see any of it. They put me in meetings before and after my classes. I left right after my last one so I could get all this ready.” He smiled up at me.

  “Oh, you made me a celebration meal.” It seemed like such a little thing but it brought tears to my eyes, “thank you.”

  “Come here, I know today must've been hard on you.” His strong arms wrapped around me.

  “It was just so tiring. I mean, on top of the studying about vampires, I'm also screening them out, and teaching them, all in one day.” I sighed.

  “Perhaps your classes could be kicked down from every day?” It was a nice suggestion.

  “I currently have two classes which I have to teach three times a week. I don't think I could survive daily classes with them. It gives me more time to screen on the odd days.” I let Dom guide me out to the patio area he had built for me.

  “Well, I made yummy food. So stop thinking about it and enjoy it.” He laughed as he pulled out my chair.

  “Will do, Master DeDominico.” I giggled.

  “How long did the 'Mistress Hutchinson' last?” He cocked his golden brow at me.

  “Only in the first class, and only before I had a chance to talk to them as a whole.” I shrugged as way of explaining myself.

  “I can only imagine. Eat.” He put a plate down in front of me with buttered grilled artichokes.

  “Yes, sir.” I stopped thinking about school and teaching and finally just enjoyed my evening.

  It wasn't hard to find my groove. By Thursday I had everything down. I even had my lessons planned for Friday. I had just finished my screenings and was waiting for my classes to start when a strange wave of panic rushed through my body. I knew it wasn't Mike, but something else. It was almost like a compulsion, only it was done in the same way- even if it didn't really affect me.

  It rolled through me again, feeling stronger this time. I stood up and looked around. I tried to latch onto the energy to try and trace it, but it wasn't done with something I was familiar with.

  Dom? I sent him a silent message.

  Emma? What's wrong? I'm teaching right now. Concern colored his thoughts.

  Something is, eh, I'm not even sure what it's doing. I wasn't sure how to explain what I was going through.

  What do you mean? Dom knew there was little that I couldn't explain. Do you need me to come to you?

  I don't think so. I'm just... That was as far as I got before it rolled through me once more. This time it poured pain into my body. I screamed out in pain and fell to the floor. The pain rolled through me on a continuous loop. My body bucked in response trying to rid myself of the harm that couldn't be pinpointed. Dom... I called out in one last attempt for him to hear me, my inner voice was fading.

  EMMA! I heard Dom and Mike in my mind, before everything turned black.

  Chapter eight

  There is a strange place between the living and the asleep, I want to think that I had slipped into that middle place. As the pain racked my body, my mind escaped into itself. I no longer was connected to the world. I knew I was still at school, and I'm sure if I had focused I could've heard the sounds going on around me- but my mind couldn't register any more information.

  I was lost to blackness and blinding pain. It was like nothing I ever experienced before, and I knew in my very core that I wouldn't be able to trace it. I would never know who had attacked me with what could've been magic. Magic?

  A part of me realized as soon as I thought, I was getting my payback for unlocking Mike. Someone knew. If I'm in danger, then he might be in it as well. The thought was like cold water in my veins. I tried to break through the pain, to surface, but as the waves crashed over me again, I decided I had to wait it out.

  I don't know how long I sat there in the darkness of my mind, trying to flee from the inescapable assault on my body, but suddenly it just stopped. I felt my connection to reality begin to materialize once more. Sounds surrounded me, they all were panicked.





  Once I recognized the sound, I knew I was in a hospital. I listened to the voices around me- Grandpa, Dom, and several others were whispering; and then I heard him- Mike. There is no way I'm hearing Mike here. He couldn't be? I was suddenly very worried for his well-being.

  I tried to blink my eyes open but the effort was too much. I wanted to scream in frustration. I attempted to move my fingers, but my body didn't want to respond to me. Dammit! I mentally shouted and let out a frustrated mental sigh.

  Dom? My words felt thick in my mind as I tried to send them to him.

  No response.

  Panic began to take me over. What if I'm in a coma? My link to Mike was my best shot now. I struggled to bring the connection that hummed gently in the back of my mind forward.

  Mike? Please tell me you can hear me. I pleaded through our link.

  Em? Oh my God! We thought you were going to die! What happened? Why are you only talking to me? His frantic words shot through me like lightening.

  I'm so glad someone can hear me. I can't connect to Dom or move my body or anything. What is go
ing on? One minute I was sitting waiting for time to pass, and the next I'm being assaulted by pain. Oh, crap, are you okay? I wasn't sure how our physical bond would react to something like this.

  Obviously I'm fine. Can you hear us though? I don't know what happened. I called when I couldn't reach you. Dom said you told him you had a weird feeling and then he lost you. And here we are in the hospital. He let out a breath.

  I can hear all of you, not as crisp as usual, but I can still hear you. I was shocked when I heard your voice. I laughed at him.

  “Hey, you guys. Emma is with us. But there is something wrong... she can't move or communicate, even through your mental talking stuff.” I heard Mike explain my situation to them.

  “How do you know?” My grandmother's voice was cold.

  “It doesn't matter, Winfred. What matters is that she is in there, but can't talk to us. Michael, does she have any idea what happened? Or how we might go about fixing this?” Grandpa's voice was calm and level.

  “I'll ask.” I could imagine him nodding his head as he said this. Em, you heard your grandpa, right?

  Yep. You aren't going to like this, but I think it's payback for unlocking your magic. Someone knows you have your gift. I don't know what it is, or how to fix it. Maybe some of the energy healers could be brought in- Leland and Charlie, oh and the new girl Emmaline. If anyone can help me get to the point where I might be able to heal myself it would be them. I didn't have any idea what else to do.

  “Um, she thinks that the attack was in retribution for her unlocking something that was magically spelled away from me. She isn't sure what it's or how to fix it. But she suggests that you bring in Leland, Charlie, and Emmaline- energy healers, to try to help her get to a point where she can heal herself.” Mike's voice was colored with shame, he was obviously taking the blame for this.


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