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Bella Vita

Page 26

by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman

  Don't you dare blame yourself for the actions of others, Michael O'Shanold. If I were in control of my body I would so be kicking your arse right now. I threatened him.

  I don't doubt that, Sweets. Let me see what I can do about getting you these people. He laughed at me.

  “Em, I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I don't know if I could've done something, but I'm so sorry.” Dom was whispering at me.

  Mike, can you please tell him that it wasn't his fault. I hate all you damn guys thinking you can blame yourselves for some idiot's actions against me. Tell him, I'm sure he came as soon as he could. I suddenly wanted control of my body, if only to knock the two males closest to me around.

  “Eh, Dominic, she said that you shouldn't blame yourself as it wasn't your fault and she is sure that you came as soon as you could.” Mike mumbled.

  “Thank you, Mike. I'm sure this is an uncomfortable situation for you.” I could hear the respect in his voice.

  Mike, what day is today? I feared that I had been out for weeks and my wedding had been pushed away- breaking the vampire tradition.

  Friday. You've only been out for about sixteen hours. It's morning here. He was trying to help soothe my worries.

  Okay, thanks. I drifted into silence as I listened to the people that cared about me.

  A slight tingling sensation brought me out of my almost sleep state- if consciousness can sleep. I was beginning to feel things in my body. There was a physical pull now trying to tie me back to my body. It was like a cool breeze had been let into an old house. My heart beat and pushed the blood through the veins I couldn't feel before. I still couldn't move or anything, but just having physical sensations was awe-inspiring.

  Dom? I tried again to talk to him.


  Mistress Hutchinson? Emmaline's voice drifted in my mind.

  Emmaline? Shock rocked my mind.

  Phew. We were worried we weren't actually helping. How are ya feelin'? Her voice made me think of sunshine.

  Well, I still can't communicate with others. But I'm getting some sensation back to my body. I feel... more tied to it. How are you guys doing this? I wanted to know how my very beginning students had managed to reconnect me to my body.

  Hey, darl. I said this is a bit much for beauty sleep. Dontcha think? Leland's smug voice filled my thoughts.

  Are you guys working as one? I was confused about how the voices had changed so easily.

  Yes, Emma. We pooled our energy to try and heal you. I'm glad it's working. Charlie's voice was proud.

  I'm impressed. You can take energy from the world around you as well. But I guess I never had a chance to really teach you how to apply it. I'm glad to have such talented students. I laughed.

  Darl, is there anything in particular we're supposed to be goin' about doin' in here? Or is just sending healing vibes to you enough? I could hear the concern he was trying to keep out of his voice.

  For now, you're doing all that can be done. Once I'm fully attached to myself, I'll be able to guide you or possibly get it done myself. But don't exhaust yourselves. Promise me. I didn't want them to hurt themselves while trying to help me.

  Promise. I heard their voices echo.

  I waited patiently as I felt them working. Several times I thought that they had stopped for the day, but it seemed that they had set up some sort of break schedule. My sense of time was shot, but I never tried to engage them in conversation. I didn't want to use more of their energy. It took hours before I knew I was back in my body.

  Leland, Charlie, and Emmaline, I'm completely back in my body. I'll try to restore myself without putting more stress on you guys. Should I need help I'll let you know. My words were warm and full of thanks. Thank you guys so much.

  I didn't wait for them to respond- I gently pushed them from my mind. I needed them to rest. I went through a mental inventory of myself. Everything was present. My body was still unresponsive to me. Frustration rolled through me like thunder.

  Well, this is just stupid. I didn't know what was wrong.

  I started to think about Mike and what I had done to him. What if this is a spell? My experience with magic was very limited, but I knew I could find it if someone had spelled me. I sank further into my thoughts, searching for what I now believed would be there.

  It was darkness again. If you could imagine a thick, sticky, spiky web- that's what it was. I found it spread like peanut butter on toast all over me. I wasn't sure if I should mentally touch it, but I didn't really have a choice if I ever wanted to get out of this situation. I knew I could call on the others for help, but something told me not to. It was as though if they got involved with getting rid of this mess it would jump on them; like the spell had been safeguarded.

  The beginning of the spell was thick with knots- meant to stay put. I took a deep breath and cleared my mind. My energy wasn't as strong as it usually was, and pulling the spell away from me was draining me fast.

  Leland. I hoped that I could quickly teach them to share energy.

  Emma, darl. What's up? His voice sounded concerned in my mind.

  I need help. But I can't ask you guys to break this spell, I need you to share your energy with me. I wasn't sure if I should explain the whole spell thing or not.

  Not a problem. That's why we're here, babe. I could feel his smile and then rush of power flooded me.

  Thank you. I broke away from our conversation with new determination.

  I had to believe that I could rid myself of it and it would be gone. I went back to unweaving the darkness from my system. Small pieces were loose, and others began to break away. Slowly, very slowly, I felt life rush back into my body. I didn't try to move anything, I wanted to make sure I got rid of the craptastic spell. I scanned my entire body- searching for any hidden darkness. When I found none, I relaxed. I sent the borrowed energy back to my three healers. I beamed with pride for them.

  My toes were the first things I wiggled, then my fingers. Once I was sure they were working, I blinked open my eyes. Light rained down on my unsuspecting pupils. Tears welded up and coursed down my cheeks, as my eyes tried to adjust.

  “Eh, could someone, eh, hit the lights?” I squeaked out.

  Instantly the room was darker and I was able to see again. People crammed up against my very tiny hospital bed. Relief was present in everyone's eyes.

  “Hey you guys, whatcha looking at?” I tried to smile, but my lip cracked and blood tickled down my chin.

  “Aw, Em. I'm so glad you're okay!” Mike came closer to me and gently put a tissue to my lip.

  “Good to know I was missed.” I chuckled.

  Grandpa gently patted my head, “We were worried about you. It pleases me to see that spark back in your eyes.” He smiled.

  “You know nothing can stop a Hutchinson.” I stifled a yawn.

  “Mia bella, I was so worried. I'm so sorry.” Dom put his head down next to mine.

  “Hey, you should've figured out by now, I'm one tough cookie.” I smiled at him.

  I looked over at my three healers that had drifted to the edge of the room, allowing my family to close in around the bed. My feelings were all over the place, but I knew that these three had helped to save me.

  “Hey wallflowers, come bask in your glory... because you guys seriously kicked some ass!” My voice only rose slightly, but I knew my words made it to them by the smiles on their faces.

  “Thank you, Emma.” Charlie actually bowed to me.

  “You opened this door for us, thank you for calling on us in your time of need.” Emmaline followed Charlie's cue and bowed slightly.

  “Come on, darl, nothing can keep you down, all we did was speed up the process a little bit.” Even cocky Leland gave a slight bow.

  “Oh, for Pete's sake, get over here you guys.” I threw open my arms so I could hug them.

  Leland sprang right over, Charlie and Emmaline were nervous at first, but made their way over to me.

  “Thank you, thank you for coming, for bel
ieving in me, for giving me the energy I needed to take control of the situation, for everything! You're my heroes.” I hugged all three in a tight embrace.

  Being so disconnected from my body made me very thankful for every sensation. Once the hospital staff had been notified I was in control of my body, the tests began. Most would've hated all the poking and prodding, but I was just happy I could feel it. Hours passed, my friends and family waited patiently to see if any of the tests revealed anything. I knew they wouldn't- just as Mike did. I had started something and now the consequences caught up to me.

  Mike was upset, but he didn't know how to retaliate or even who caused it. It seemed that those closest to him had betrayed him and then attacked me for showing him the truth. Every time he looked at me, I could feel the guilt through our bond. If I hadn't been connected to a sea of machines, I probably would've lured him into a sparring match with me- just to prove I was fine.

  Saturday concluded with no new answers. None of the vampire specializing doctors had any idea what happened to me. All they could say was that I medically fine now. I was an enigma. A shocking fact that I had discovered in my boredom was that none of the doctors had any special talent for healing. There were many warriors that had never had their gift recognized.

  I sat studying the neurologist they had currently brought in for the last tests- Doctor Kheng. He was tall, had pale alabaster skin, deep dark blue, slightly slanted almond shaped eyes. He was built for a doctor. His beautiful long maroon straight hair was pulled into a pony tail. Every ounce of him screamed warrior- everything but the fact that he was my current neurologist.

  “I'm fine.” I smiled at him.

  “So I've heard. You are quite remarkable, Miss Hutchinson.” His teeth gleamed white in the darkened room.

  “Please, call me Emma. I'm not remarkable... but you sure are.” I had to tell him.

  “Nothing remarkable about wanting to help people, Emma.” Dr. Kheng's voice was smooth as silk.

  “I wasn't talking about your desire to heal. I was talking about your gifts as a warrior.” I beamed at him.

  “I'm not a warrior.” He looked at me with his deep penetrating eyes.

  “But you are. It is your natural gift. You were never trained as a warrior, but if you were to pick up a sword or a katana, you would be unstoppable- even as untrained as you are.” I was sure he was thinking I had damaged my head in some way.

  “Hmm.” He expression was puzzled.

  “I'm not crazy. I can sense what your natural talent is. You'd be surprised how many of you doctors don't have any gift for healing, but for wielding death and protection.” My thoughts turned to the many people that I came into contact with since I was back in my body.

  “Interesting.” He just kept on fidgeting with his instruments like I hadn't said anything.

  I let the silence surround us. Sometimes people don't want to hear something and choose not to hear it, I had a feeling that if I tried to tell any of these people that they were in the wrong profession I would just get the same reaction. People that have chosen to heal people don't wanna know that they would be better at killing people and causing injuries- strange but true.

  Doctor Kheng finished up his tests, declared that I was fine and should be able to go home later that day or the following morning. I merely thanked him, no longer wanting to get involved with the people here at this hospital.

  My family buzzed around me like antsy bees. All the necessary things had been signed, but I wasn't allowed to leave until my primary doctor signed off- and he wasn't there to sign it. Dom offered to take the paperwork to him- wherever he was- but was declined. So we sat and waited.

  Mike came to my side, and I knew instantly that it was time for him to go back home.

  “I've got to be heading back to the Emerald Isle.” He took my hand.

  “Yeah, I figured. It's been a treat for them to let you off the leash for so long.” I laughed.

  “You'll have to come back for a visit... you know, after everything is settled down again.” His smile was like sunshine.

  “You know I'll take you up on that.” I hugged him tight.

  “Gráim thú go síoraí, a chuisle, a chroí- is tú mo shonuachar.” His whispering breath was like a warm summer breeze blowing across my ear.

  I put my forehead to his. I love you too, just as you're my soul mate as well. Be safe. And if you need me, remember, I'm always here. I kissed his cheek.

  “See ya, Em- take care of yourself.” Mike's hand gripped mine once and then let go- it felt like we were being ripped apart, my heart hurt from it.

  The moment Mike was gone, Dominic was at my side. His fingers gently stroked through my hair. I realized then that he could feel the pain I was going through, and that it was probably hurting him as well- in all honesty, I didn't really care at that moment. Every ounce of me had the strongest desire to get out of the bed and follow Mike back to his green isle- leaving all this behind me.

  It took me about half an hour to calm down enough to get control over my emotions. The entire time, Dom was sitting next to me- trying to get through to me. When the mood passed, I reached and took his hand.

  I'm sorry. It was the best I could say, I didn't know how to explain it.

  Don't worry, Emma. I understand that there will always be a pull with him, and that you're torn in two between the two of us. Just, don't worry about it. Dom's voice felt like a cold shower in my mind.

  Thanks. I drifted back into silence, attempting to keep all my feelings locked behind their usual walls- not letting those around me know anything of my distress or the coldness I had felt from Dom after the warmth from Mike. It's normal... he's just jealous. I let my own words comfort me.

  Three hours later, I was in a car and headed back home to Castello di DeDominico. The world kept shifting from completely black to fuzzy. I knew that this was just a side effect of being detached from the world for so long. I could feel the worry coming from the people in the car with me- I didn't remember who had gotten in this car. I tried to explain to them that I was fine, but I slipped back into the darkness.

  When I came back, I felt Dom's strong arms carrying me up the stairs. I smiled up at him. His face was set in determination.

  “Hey there.” My voice sounded groggy.

  “Bentornata, mia bella.” His accent was in full color.

  “Why, thank you, good sir. You know I can walk, right?” I felt better.

  “Sorry, cara mia, I'm not taking any chances, there are quite few stairs for you to go tumbling down if you suddenly blackout again.” He shook his head.

  “I could just jump outta your arms.” I shook my head as I felt his grip tighten in response.

  About two minutes later I was gently deposited on my bed. I pouted at him for being so pigheaded.

  “Pout all you want, Emma. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you when I could stop it.” His face got tense.

  “I know that!” I sighed at him.

  “Goodnight, my Little Emma Bird.” He actually bowed to me.

  I wanted to scream, instead I just threw a pillow at the door and laid down.

  Sunday dawned with glaring light and with the worst headache I've ever experienced in my life. When I got outta bed, the world tilted violently sideways and my stomach lurched. I swallowed down the extra saliva in my mouth and inched my way to the bathroom. I wasn't sure if I should call out or just take it slow.

  By the time I made it to the toilet, everything that I had eaten in the last days came screaming out. My body shook with tremors, and my face was covered in a light sheen of sweat. I sat on the floor and thought of trying to get to the sink to wash my face and rinse out my mouth, but I knew I would never make it. My head rested on the cool rock next to the porcelain throne.

  “Emma?” Dom's voice was gentle as he stepped into my bathroom.

  I lifted my head and weakly blinked at him.

  “Oh, Em. Let's get you cleaned up.” He rushed over to me. />
  I tried to protest, but my words failed me.

  “I promise you, I'm not afraid of a little vomit.” He smiled at me as he washed down my face.

  “I don't know... what's wrong... it's like I'm not completely healed.” I breathed out at him.

  “I'm sure it'll pass.” Dom's face was suddenly ashen and strained.

  “I'm just outta sorts is all. I know I'm healed.” I smiled at him, trying my best to keep the shortness out of my voice.

  “Must be.” He held a glass of water to my lips as I rinsed my mouth.

  “Thank you.” I let him carry me back to my bed.

  “Okay, now I need you to rest. If you need something, let me know. No matter what! And if you have to get out of bed, let me know if you need help.” He pulled my blanket up to my chest.

  “You know I can actually do things for myself.” My tone was defensive.

  “Yes, I know. But I also know that I don't want anything to happen to you. You don't want me to have never-ending guilt because you didn't call for me when you needed something and got hurt trying to get it yourself, do you?” His beautiful green eyes shone with triumph.

  “Oh, fine. I promise I'll call you.” I sighed and rolled over to stare at the wall.

  It's funny how you can stare at a wall for only so long before your mind completely shuts down and you go to sleep- at least that's what happened to me. When I woke back up, I felt a little better and slowly inched my way out of the bed. I didn't want a repeat of earlier. I knew I had to start thinking about tomorrow as it was a school day and I had classes to teach. But every time I tried to focus on something in particular, the world went a little fuzzy.


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