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Secrets From the Grave

Page 10

by B. L. Brunnemer

  Her eyes grew wide as she stopped struggling against my hold on her. "Yes, yeah. I get it! No watching the guys in the shower!"

  I set her down and let her go. "Now, if you want to cross, go to Louis Cemetery Number One in the morning." She ran out the balcony door and jumped through the rail.

  It started with just a few snorts, then Ethan started chuckling. “I’ve never seen a ghost run so fast.”

  Asher started laughing. “Now we have to watch out for peeping ghosts?”

  “I didn’t even know that was a thing,” I admitted. Soon everyone was cracking up. It went on until I was wiping tears from my eyes. The tension from earlier washed away as everyone relaxed. I just wished Zeke was here to enjoy it.

  * * *

  I couldn't sleep. Zeke had come back from the gym, gone to his room and stayed in there the rest of the night. Though that might have also been because the guys were watching Disney movies with Claire. I rolled on to my back and tried to fall asleep. The council was following us. That wasn't good, but by their own rules they couldn't touch me. Then again, if they thought they could get away with breaking their own rules... I rolled over again and punched my pillow into shape. What about the guys? Miles was eighteen, Zeke would be in a couple of days, would they go after them? Then there was that conversation with Louis.

  “What’s wrong?” Claire asked from her spot on the other side of the bed.

  “I can’t sleep,” I muttered.

  “Neither can Miles, he’s in the living room.” She blew a raspberry at the ceiling.

  I smiled. “Do you want to watch movies in here?”

  She perked right up. “Can I?”

  I chuckled and turned on the tv. “Sure, I think I’m going to get up anyway.”

  I shoved my covers back and headed for the door.

  “Um, Lexie?” Claire’s voice had me turning back to her.


  “Can you stop by Louis Armstrong Park tomorrow? I think some of the other kids want to move on and I told them to meet there.” Claire asked, practically squirming in her spot.

  “Of course.” I hated crossing kids, but leaving them here wouldn’t be right either.

  I stepped out into the living room leaving her happily watching the Avengers. The living room was dark except for the lamp on one of the end tables.

  Miles looked up from his book and spotted me. “Did the light wake you up?”

  I sat down at the end of the couch, facing him. “No, my mind just won’t go to sleep.”

  He closed his book and watched me.

  I shifted so my knees were bent as I laid back against the arm of the couch.

  Miles had his thinking face on, the one that made the little wrinkle in between his brow.



  He turned to face me on the couch. “What’s keeping you up?”

  I shook my head and looked out the door to the balcony rail. My mind went back to that conversation.


  My gaze moved to the top of my knees. “It’s something I thought... I had given up the hope of a long time ago.”

  Miles scooted closer until his thigh met my shins, his arm slid along the back of the couch. “What hope?”

  I swallowed hard. “Having kids.”

  His went still, though his fingers began tapping on the back of the couch. “You said you didn’t want to pass on your abilities once.”

  “I don’t,” I whispered. “But I guess... ever since I got the ward tattoo a small part of me must have hoped...”

  He stopped my fingers from twisting, then threaded his through mine. “You thought that you could protect any daughters you might have.”

  “Or that it might skip, just maybe.” I shook my head. “It was stupid. I know the score, I know how it works. It’s never skipped before so there’s no reason to think it would now. I was just... stupid.”

  “It’s not stupid to hope,” he said in his soft silky-smooth timbre.

  “It is for me,” I muttered.

  His fingers squeezed mine. “You can still have children.”

  “Not without risking them and their kids.” I met those calm emerald eyes. “I can’t be that selfish.”

  His hand squeezed mine. “Lexie, you have years before you have to make this decision.”

  “I know... can-can we just watch tv or something?” I asked, my throat tight.

  His eyes searched my face, whatever he saw there seemed to help him agree. He nodded.

  "What are we going to watch?" I squeezed his fingers. I really didn’t want to let go.

  He let my hand go, picked up his book and leaned against the other side of the couch. “Come over here.”

  I moved to sit on the inside of the couch and laid back against his firm chest. His arms slipped around me as he opened the book. I relaxed against him. “What are we reading?”

  “The Dresdan Files, Storm Front.”

  “Jim Butcher? Nice,” I said as he turned back to the beginning. “You don’t have to start over, I’m up-to-date.”

  “I’d rather read it from the beginning with you.” He rested his cheek against my hair. “You make it new again.”

  I smiled to myself as he began to read out loud.

  “The mailman walked toward my office door, half an hour earlier than usual. He didn’t sound right,” he began to read. His silky-smooth timbre slid through my ear and had me smiling in no time. Wintergreen surrounded me as he read.

  We were well into chapter two when something else caught my attention. Music floated up from the street and through the open balcony doors. A guitar, someone was talented. A voice joined in. It was deep, slightly husky and clear. That voice rolled over me, reminded me of hot nights and silk sheets. My skin broke out in goosebumps. It wasn't Ethan’s level, but whoever it was had some extreme talent. I closed my eyes and listened as goosebumps ran over my arms.

  Miles looked down at me. "Are you cold?"

  I shook my head. "No, just... that voice is amazing."

  He tilted his head, his eyes unfocused as he listened. “He is.” He looked down at me. "What is it about voices you like so much?"

  "Well, some voices are soothing," I began, deciding to be honest. "And some... well. Everyone has something that flips their switch."

  He started laughing.

  “Shut up.” My face burned. “I’m an audiophile.”

  "That's-that’s not being an audiophile, Angel," he told me as he began to sober. “That’s acousticophilia.”

  “Drop it, Miles,” I muttered. He let it go and went back to reading to me with a smile.

  Chapter 7

  July 13th, Friday Morning


  I finished pulling on my gym clothes. I had given up on sleep hours ago. It was early enough that everyone should still be asleep. The sky was only starting to lighten outside the window now. I rubbed my hands over my face, trying to force myself to stay awake. Fucking nightmares. I cursed as I opened the door and headed down the hall. I stepped into the kitchen and came up short. Lexie wasn't in her room. And she wasn’t alone.

  Miles was on his back on the couch with Lexie stretched out over him, resting on his chest. Her legs tangled with Miles’s, his arms around her. It looked like they had fallen asleep on the couch.

  Miles squeezed her tight then buried his nose in her hair. Did he...? I eyed Miles. Did he like Lexie? No... no way. I took a step toward the suite door, then another. I really was sleep deprived if I thought Miles felt that way about her. I needed to get my shit straightened out. Talk to my shrink…

  I ran my hand through my hair as I left the hotel suite and headed down to the gym. Lexie and Miles? I really needed to get a grip.


  A door closed somewhere, the sound bringing me to the surface. The scent of rosemary was under my nose, a small, familiar body was in my arms lying on me, again. I smiled against her hair.

  Lexie, she felt wonderful this morning. She r
ubbed her forehead against my neck like a kitten, she grew still then fell back asleep. Then again… I ran my fingers down her spine and back again. She felt exceptional in my arms. I wanted to wake up every morning this way. With her curves pressed into me, her arms around my neck. It was perfect. At least until my body woke up and realized how good she really felt. I cursed mentally and tried to shift her a little, just enough to adjust. She made a small breathy noise in her sleep and settled back against me. Damn it. I kept my arm around her, shifted and pulled her a little to the left. She didn’t even wake up as her cheek came to rest on my collarbone. Smiling down at her, I slipped my arm under her legs and lifted her so I could sit properly on the couch. She made a small noise of protest only to settle down again.

  I lifted her and got to my feet, thankful my cast came off the day before we left. I still shouldn’t be carrying her to her room but… well, screw it. I wasn’t going to leave her on the couch thinking I left her sleeping there alone all night.

  Her arm slipped around my neck as I walked into her room. I smiled as she nuzzled into me. Carefully, I put her back in her bed and slid my arms out from under her. Her face pinched as I reached for her blankets.

  Her eyes opened to slits. “Nemo?”

  My heart flooded with warmth as I covered her with her blankets. “I’m getting up, Angel.”

  She reached up and took my hand before I could straighten. “Stay.”

  I wanted to. I really, truly wanted to. But it wasn’t the logical thing to do. It could be rather disastrous if she ever guessed how I felt about her. “Why do you want me to stay?” I asked before I could stop myself.

  She smiled as she began falling back asleep. “Love you…”

  My heart stalled, then began pounding furiously. Did she mean as a friend, like the others? Or more? What answer did I want? My head said as a friend but my heart… it was yelling something completely different.

  I ran my free hand over her hair. Her grip on my fingers loosened. I smiled. She never latched onto me when I carried her or even hugged her. It was always when she was half asleep and I was about to leave. There could be several reasons for it but… there was one I wanted it to be. “Why, Angel?”

  She pulled my hand to her chest just above her cami. “Mine…”

  My body hardened at the possessiveness in her voice. My hand spread out over her upper chest, just below her collar bones. “I am yours, Angel.” I breathed, finally realizing how true it was. Hers. I could live with that. Could she?


  I came out of the bedroom just in time to watch the news report with the others. Except Zeke, he wasn’t in the living room.

  "Twenty-four people are in the hospital this morning with signs of bacterial meningitis." The news anchor announced. "Tulane Medical Center's Medical Director, Darren Phillipe, however, has made a different statement."

  The screen went to a man in a suit at a podium. "Twenty-two adults, and two children have been admitted with signs of bacterial meningitis. However, all tests have come back negative. At this time, those who are affected are receiving the best treatment possible as we continue to run tests. Thank you."

  The screen flashed back to the news anchor. "Authorities have found only one connection between those affected. They all seemed to begin showing signs at a restaurant in the French Quarter. That restaurant has since been shut down pending an investigation by the Health Department."

  "Sudden illness without a cause?" Miles thought out loud.

  "That's strange," Asher agreed. "But maybe it's salmonella or something."

  "That would have been one of the first tests they ran, not bacterial meningitis," Miles said, his complete focus on the news report.

  "Ally, breakfast is in the kitchen," Asher said, his attention back on the tv.

  "Coffee sounds good right now." I headed into the kitchen and made a cup. When I came back in the news anchor was talking about a mentally ill woman who was found in the Garden district. They were looking for anyone who had any information on her identity.

  Wanting to get away from the news, I headed out to the balcony. A strange smell hit my nose. I looked around and spotted the cause. A rotting squirrel. Ew. I was just grateful there weren't maggots.

  I headed back inside. "You guys might want to stay inside for breakfast, there's a dead squirrel out there."

  Miles put down his mug onto the counter. "I'll take care of it." He started looking for something.

  "We don't have a broom; you'll have to call the front desk." Asher informed him as he set his breakfast on the coffee table. Miles went to make the call.

  I hesitated to make my plate. "Did anyone tell Zeke breakfast was ready?"

  "He's in the shower," Isaac answered. "He just got back from the gym."

  I sat down in the corner of one of the couches and curled my feet under me.

  Ethan set his plate on the coffee table as he sat beside me. "You're not eating, Beautiful?"

  "Maybe after coffee," I hedged.

  A door opened down the hall, Zeke came out of the bathroom in his usual all black and boots. His hair was wet as he threw his clothes into his room then came down the hall and into the kitchen to get a plate.

  As breakfast went on, Claire eventually came in through the suite door and plopped down on the arm of the couch beside me. "So, what are we doing today?"

  I looked at her. "Where the hell did you go last night?"

  She smiled. "I went haunting at Greek row near Tulane. Moved some stuff, watched the frat boys scream."

  I snorted.

  Isaac put down his fork. "You know, we could-"

  "Claire, is there anywhere you want to go?" Ethan asked. I turned to Ethan and met his gaze, shooting him a look. Ethan sighed then nodded, agreeing to stop baiting his brother.

  "There's the aquarium...." Claire answered, hesitating.

  "Aquarium it is." Asher announced.

  "Who's going with me?" I asked them.

  "I'll go,” Zeke volunteered before turning to the others. "Stay together and pay attention around you."

  "We know," Asher said patiently.

  "Well, if you guys are going out, you should take a Lexie kit," I announced. All eyes turned to me. I explained what we saw on Frenchmen Street, how there was nothing I could do at the time.

  "They're possessing people right out in the open?" Miles asked.

  "Most people can't see them so... yeah." I shrugged. "I'm going to talk to Louis and see if there is something we can do with the ghosts in town."

  "Did anyone bring a kit?" Zeke asked the group.

  The guys shook their heads. I cursed.

  "We're in New Orleans. I'm sure we can find holy water," Miles pointed out.

  Everyone figured out what they would pick up, and who they would pair up with. Then we put our plates in the kitchen and got ready to go.

  * * *

  After stopping by the cemetery and finding no souls waiting. Zeke and I were walking back through the practically empty French Quarter. Only Zeke was walking his normal speed, although I couldn't keep up with him without jogging. Finally, I stopped trying to. He pulled ahead again as I shook my head. And quite frankly, I needed a couple of minutes to myself. I loved the guys but sometimes I just needed some space. With Isaac's attention and Asher struggling not to pay attention. Zeke was, well, being Zeke. Ethan... Then last night with Miles... It was getting complicated.

  Zeke cursed. I lifted my head and grinned as he strode back down the sidewalk to me.

  "Why the hell didn't you tell me I was going too fast for you?" he chided.

  I rolled my eyes. "Because you've known me for almost a year and you should remember by now."

  He muttered something under his breath as he walked beside me again. The silence was peaceful. Zeke was one of the only people who I can enjoy silence with. But that wasn't going to happen today.

  "You came into my bedroom the other night while I was sleeping," I stated simply.

  "Yeah," That's all
he said. Nothing else.

  I took a breath and let it out slowly. "Don't you think that's a little much?"


  I stopped in my tracks and glared up at him.

  He stopped and turned back around to me.

  "No? Seriously?" I snapped. "You, who would yell at anyone who did that to you, you don't see a problem with that?"

  He clenched and unclenched his jaw. "Lexie-"

  "Don't Lexie me," I said. "You would be furious if someone did that to you. But you see no problem doing that to me?"

  "We're in a city with the Witches Council in town, people who have already threatened to kill you in the past. And you're pissed that I locked your fucking balcony doors?" he growled back. Well, hell, when he put it that way...

  “It's not just my doors. It’s a violation of my privacy,” I pointed out. “If I went into your room while you were asleep you'd lose your shit.”

  "You don't wake up swinging at everything that moves," he reminded me in a deep growl.

  I raised an eyebrow. "You don't when it's me."

  His eyes softened. "I noticed."

  "If you keep coming into my room at night while I'm asleep, I'm gonna start doing it to you," I smiled sweetly. "I'll even bring a pen."

  He eyed me. "You're bluffing."

  I gave him my shit eating grin. "Try me." We had our usual staring contest.

  My phone beeped, stopping the game. I checked the time. Shit. We were running behind, we needed to hurry if we were going to be ready when the guys showed up. "Damn it."

  I picked up my pace and hustled the rest of the way to the park. Louis Armstrong Park was pretty, there was no other way to describe it. A man-made pond wound its way along the pathways, creating a beautiful walk under the trees.

  Zeke and I found the kids playing tag around a statue.


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