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My name is Alexis, though everyone calls me Lexie. I'm a Necromancer. We're rare enough that I've never met another in my life, until Claire came home to tell me she found one. In New Orleans.Now I am headed south with my best friends, staying in close quarters with five guys, four guys whom I have kissed, one who has been ignoring me for the last few weeks, one who keeps sneaking kisses, one who doesn't even remember it and another… Well, I don't know what he wants. Thank God for Miles. He's my one safe place in this disaster I've created.Naturally, that's not my only problem. Things aren't good in New Orleans. Representatives from the Witches Council are in town, the dead are everywhere, and the secrets are piling up. The whole situation is a powder keg just waiting for a match. But why am I holding the matches?