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Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel

Page 23

by Natasha Thomas

  If I thought I felt relief at knowing she was unharmed, that was nothing in comparison to the feeling of having her in my arms again. The reality of what I could have lost what I nearly lost hits me hard, bringing me to my knees right there on the porch, in front of my brothers, with Lex still held securely in my arms. I can’t hold back the flood of silent tears that overwhelm me, and I don’t give a shit who sees them. Lex is safe. She’s coming home, and she’s not leaving me, nor am I leaving her ever again. It’ll take an act of God to pry her from my cold dead hands, and if that happens she better believe I’ll be coming back to haunt her sexy ass from beyond the grave.

  Lex slowly, rhythmically strokes my hair, whispers that she's fine, everything's okay, but it still takes me a good five minutes of just holding her, feeling her warmth against me to rein my emotions in. Taking the opportunity to look up into her big blue eyes, I note she looks exhausted.

  “Hi,” she says sweetly. Kissing my cheek she suggests, “I think it would be a good idea if you let me up, just for a minute.” When I shake my head and growl, she lets out a little giggle, playfully swatting my arm. “Um, yes. My dad looks like he’s going to take the choice out of your hands in a minute, and I want to say hi to the boys.”

  I don’t like the thought of letting her go, but I understand she needs to reassure her family she’s okay, so reluctantly I stand with her still in my arms, keeping her there until I place her down only a few feet away from her dad.

  “Five minutes then I want you back in my arms, Lex. That’s all you get, five minutes, or I’m coming to take you back myself.”

  She smiles then launches herself into her dads’ outstretched arms. Cage starts talking to her, but it’s too low for me to be able to decipher any of what he’s saying. Not waiting for an invitation Cody and Wheels join the family hug, and Lex bursts into a fresh fit of tears when she notices the tears in her brothers’ eyes. Those kids love the shit out of my woman, and I can only imagine they were almost as frightened as I was when I learned she was gone.

  After disentangling herself from the group hug, Lex makes her way around the rest of our motley crew taking the time to reassure each and every one of them she’s really okay, and no harm came to her while she being held prisoner. Priest and Pipe take the longest to placate, and if I didn’t know them better, I’d say both of the big men have a few liquid emotions travelling down their faces too.

  Reaper’s the first to break the reunion by asking,

  “Lex, we need to know what the lay of the land inside is. How many? Where? That sort of shit.”

  Not breaking the eye contact she sought out with me the minute he asked she replies,

  “Only one. I locked her downstairs in the cellar in the same room she was holding me. First door on the right. I don’t think you’re going to have a problem with her running when you open the door though,” she finished smugly.

  “And why’s that, little one?” Pipe asks chuckling at his granddaughters’ obvious amusement.

  “I’m not admitting anything, but my gun may have gone off, twice, when she tried to make a run for it. Unfortunately for her, instead of the bullets going stray they found new homes in both her feet. But like I said, I can’t be sure, it was all so scary,” she sighs dramatically.

  Busting out laughing, Cage throws an arm around Lex pulling her tightly into his side.

  “Good girl.” Cage sobers after several seconds explaining to Lex what happens next. “This isn’t getting reported to the police, Lexi. Tell me you know that. We’ll deal with this shit in house, yeah?”

  Lex doesn’t hesitate in nodding her agreement, and like I demanded she makes her way through the huddle of men back to my side.

  “Better,” she asks looking up at me.

  I need this connection with her. I need to create this same overwhelming connection I feel with her with my babies too. Placing my hand gently over her distended belly, I caress it in a soothing circular motion.

  “Fuck yeah. How are the babies doing? They moving around alright?” As if on cue, our babies let out duel kicks of excitement, my hand stilling instantly over where I felt them move. “Holy shit,” I exclaim quietly.

  Lex presses her much smaller hand over my own and squeezes.

  “Their names are Jagger and Deacon. I would have talked to you about it, but…”

  I don’t want to think about all the time I’ve wasted trying to stay away from her, being told to stay away from her. I want that shit to stay in the past where it belongs. From here on out it’s my woman, and our boys. Shit, we’re having boys. My heart swells to bursting with the knowledge, and my soul perks up and takes notice.

  It’s been months, four and a half to be precise, since I’ve felt this light. The weeks of no sleep, dreaming of what Lex was doing, if she was alright, if she was missing me as bad as I missed her has taken its toll, but the knowledge she’s carrying my boys, they’re healthy, and she’ll pull through this okay has me feeling liberated from the darkness I’d been cloaked in.

  I place my finger against her lips effectively stopping her from speaking and drop to my knees in front of her. Lifting her pale blue T-shirt, I pepper kissed from one hip to the other, finishing at her belly button.

  “Jagger and Deacon. That’s fucking perfect, babe,” I say, the sound muffled by her stomach as I continue to press kisses against it.

  “Touching as this reunion is, we need to get in there and see what we’ve got. Glock, you take the boys with you while you get my niece checked out at the hospital, and we’ll clean up here. Meet you back at the clubhouse when you’re done.” It’s not a suggestion Reaper’s offering, it’s an order he’s issuing. I don’t argue though, because I happen to fuck agree with him. I fully intended to have Lex checked out ASAP without the need for his directive.

  Lex says her goodbyes, as I load the boys into the truck waiting at the open passenger’s door to help her up. She had enough trouble getting in by herself even using the ‘oh shit’ handle before she was pregnant, so I can only imagine it’s ten times harder now. Grabbing her by the sides of her face before she has the chance to climb up, I don’t waste any time telling her,

  “I love you Alexis Rose Marks, and as soon as you’ll let me, I’m putting a ring on your finger and my leather on your back.”

  Her eyes widen in surprise, but a crooked grin forms on her perfect lips telling me she’s not altogether unhappy with the idea.

  “Is that right? Well, you’re lucky I love you too, or I’d have to kick your ass for telling me I’m marrying you and not asking.”

  Fuck but I love her. Crushing my lips to hers I don’t wait for permission, I push my tongue inside her mouth and claim every part of her. Tasting, nipping, stroking, caressing. It’s not an overly sweet kiss, but it’s us. Filled with raw passion, desire, and the kind of love you only get once in your life.

  A wise man once said; “Life always gives you a second chance, it’s called tomorrow.” I happen to agree with him. Lex is my second chance. She’s my tomorrow, and she’s my every day after too.



  “I bet the people who created fairy tales where couples live

  happily ever after must have been high on some pretty strong ass weed

  when they did because nothing ever works out like that in real life.”

  - Rotten eCard

  I was exhausted. Dead on my feet. Glock took me to the urgent care clinic in Clearwater where they poked, prodded, and blood tested my within an inch of my life, finally ending in an ultrasound which only confirmed what they already knew, our boys were fine.

  The look on Glock’s face was priceless the first time he heard the tiny, dark room fill with the twin’s heartbeats. It was even better when he saw them on the tiny ultrasound screen. Having seen this three times already didn’t lessen the joy I felt every time I saw the boys kicking, moving, and wiggling around in there. Sure, I could feel it all, but actually seeing it was something else al
together. It made everything so much more real, if I could have one every day to see how they were progressing I would, and by the look of awe Glock was sporting he wouldn’t be too opposed to it.

  When the technician went to wipe the goo off my belly, Glock snatched the paper towels from her saying he’d do it himself, he was their dad, so all this shit was his job. The pride in his voice overshadowed my need to laugh at the woman who was now staring at my man with a mixture of fear and trepidation. Little does she know the man’s a big softy, a teddy bear really. Clearly demonstrated with the tender way he’d wiped off my stomach and placed kisses over where he’d seen both of his children resting.

  My brothers had waited outside during the ultrasound, there wasn’t enough room for them to come in too, but I had bribed them by saying the next time they could come too if they shut up and stopped their bitching. That seemed to do the trick because when we exited the room, both of them were sitting asses planted in the same chairs we left them in, grinning like fools.

  Just a side note. I wasn’t kidding when I threatened to rain down holy hell if I didn’t get my soda or Cheetos. I was dead serious. So on our trip home to Glock’s house, he dutifully stopped and procured the food of my people. He’s such a good guy sometimes. That or, he was scared I’d turn into a raving bitch, jump out of the moving truck, and get them myself. I prefer to go with the first one though.

  It had been a long two and a half days, and as much as I just wanted a shower, some clean clothes and to fall into bed, I knew what would be waiting for me when we got home. There was no way today would pass without me seeing my mom, grandma, aunts and Ade, no way. To be honest, I’m a little surprised they didn’t show up at the urgent care center. Later I found out Glock was the reason they didn’t, and for that I’m eternally grateful. Not because I don’t love them all, I just didn’t want to be fussed over. I’m fine. The babies are fine. Everyone’s freaking fine, so let’s not make a big deal out of it I say. No such luck.

  Not stopping to let anyone say hello, Glock steered me toward his bedroom and shut the door behind us, locking it when we were safely ensconced inside.

  “Tilly packed you a bag, Princess,” he says pointing to the backpack on the bed, “I don’t know what’s in it, and I figure you won’t give a shit as long as it’s clean and it’s not what you’ve got on now. Take a shower, a bath, whatever you want, just take your time. They’ll all be waiting when you get out, so don’t worry about how long you take, yeah?”

  Kissing him soundly on the lips, I take a step back and watch as he grins at me over his shoulder when he leaves the room locking the door again on his way out. Smart man. I have no doubt if he hadn’t my mom or Aunt Lou would have been in here in a flash.

  Have I mentioned I love Glock’s bathroom nearly as much as I love him? Well I do. In the far corner, under the only window is a huge two person whirlpool tub raised off the ground by three slate covered steps. In the center of the room, against the longest wall sits his and hers basins, clad with timber doors and a matching slate counter top. Floating shelves, three high, line the opposite wall as you walk in the door to the left, and are filled with charcoal colored towels, candles, and bath salts. I may have been the one to put those there, but he didn’t move them.

  The shower works as a part of the overall layout designed in keeping with the wet room concept for the space. No walls, screening, or privacy the shower might not be to most people’s taste but I adore it. The six multi-direction shower head, accompanied by the waterfall shower head above are my idea of heaven, and I fully intend to spend as long as the hot water allows in there.

  I showered, brushed the nasty tangles out of my hair, those bastards were stubborn, and for a second I considered just shaving my head to get rid of them, but reconsidered just as quickly when I thought about the fallout from Glock if I did. He loved my hair. And I have to admit I loved that he loved wrapping his hands in it when he kissed me too. Decision made, I settled on a messy bun when I was finished, and dragged on a pair of sweats, sans panties, and one of Glock’s T-shirts without bothering to put on a bra. I didn’t have anyone to impress, and bluntly put, the girls wanted to be free, so the girls get what the girls want. Less work for me too making it win-win.

  By the time I made it out to the living room half an hour had passed. Turning the corner from the hallway that leads from the bedrooms at the back of the house, to the kitchen, dining and two living areas at the front I hear Aunt Lou giving Glock a piece of her mind.

  “If you don’t step aside and let me go see Lexi, I’m going to make it so those are the last two kids you ever have, Glock.”

  Rob must find my family highly amusing, because it’s his laugh I hear over everyone else’s making me have to stifle a laugh of my own. Trust Lou to start threatening to kick someone’s ass during a time that’s considered a crisis. Heaving out a deep breath Glock tries to be patient with her, but I can tell she’s grating on him when he replies,

  “For the tenth fucking time Lou, leave my woman the hell alone. She’ll come out when she’s good and ready. Let her have a minute to get her head straight, yeah?”

  Maybe Uncle Steel needs to learn how to reason with her like this, because for once it seems to work.

  “Fine, but if she’s not out here in ten minutes I’m going in,” she warns.

  Stepping out, I put an end to the back and forth wrapping my arms around my man as soon as I make it to his side.

  “No need, she’s here.”

  I shouldn’t have bothered trying to hug him because as soon as they spot me I’m swamped by seven women and Emma. Long, emotionally draining night cut short; after copious hugs, kisses, offers of food, drink, and everything else they could try and force into me, Glock kicked them out just before midnight, told them to go home to their husbands and kids, and leave us the fuck in peace. His words not mine. A quick hug and ‘glad you’re back’ from Rob later, is when Glock and I found ourselves blissfully alone, wrapped in each other’s arms tightly in his huge bed.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be okay, Princess? You don’t want to talk to someone about what happened? A doctor or something.” I know why he’s asking, but it isn’t necessary. The whole incident was more annoying than permanently mentally scarring.

  Snuggling further into his embrace, I sigh.

  “No. Like I keep telling everyone, I’m fine. I love you for asking, but seriously, I’m good.” Kissing his chest I add, “Better than good.”

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t turned on by Glock’s naked chest, strong arms around me, and the growing bulge beneath the covers. Call me crazy, but the pregnancy hormones mixed with not being able to touch him, taste him, and make love to him for weeks was too much to bear. He was well aware of the effect he had on me too when he seamlessly shifted me until I’m straddling his hips.

  Holding my waist steady in his big hands, he looks at me with lust and wariness in his eyes.

  “You sure, babe? You went through some pretty serious shit over the past couple of days, I don’t want you doing this just because you think it’s what I want.”

  Shamelessly grinding myself down on the rigid length of his erection draws a moan from me instantly. Before getting into bed I had stripped off my sweats leaving me only wearing Glock’s T-shirt and nothing else. Grabbing one of his hands I place it between my legs at the junction of my thighs, and urge him to see for himself.

  Taking the hint, he slowly starts to let his fingers wander to the entrance of my sopping wet pussy, manipulating my clit with his calloused thumb.

  “Jesus, Princess. This all for me? You this wet because you need me to fuck you hard, baby?” I moan and grind myself against his hand trying to get better friction. “Tell me what you need Lex. I’ll give you everything you want, just tell me what you need.” It comes out a growl proving he’s not unaffected by my less than subtle movements.

  His cock is deliciously hard resting inside the thin cotton of his boxer briefs. The layer of ma
terial the only thing between me, and sinking down on to what I know fills every inch of me. Preferring to show him what I want instead of telling, I shuffle back enough to lower the waistband of his boxers allowing his cock to spring free, hard, throbbing, and ready. The bead of pre-cum at the tip showing me he’s more than okay with what I’m doing.

  I don’t waste another second in stripping my shirt off, and leaning over so that my breasts are in line with his chest, and his cock is lined up with the entrance of my drenched core. Whispering in his ear I say,

  “I want you to fuck me. I don’t want gentle, I want what only you can give me, Thomas.”

  A deep groan leaves his throat, and he has me flipped on my back him hovering over me, and his mouth at my neck before I can blink. A second later, and one deep thrust, he’s buried inside me and I immediately start clenching around him.

  “Fuck, Lex. Fuck you feel good, babe. So tight. So fucking wet.”

  With every thrust he grinds his hips burying himself to the hilt. He touches every part of me. Strokes every nerve ending as he pushes me higher and higher, closer to the release my body’s now craving. The release only he can give me. My self-induced orgasms have nothing on what this man can do with his hands, his tongue and his huge cock. If a woman tells you she can get herself of just as well as a man, then tell her she hasn’t been doing the right men because nothing, and I mean nothing, compares to the feel of Glock’s bare cock inside me.


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