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Broken: A Devil's Spawn MC Novel

Page 24

by Natasha Thomas

  Gasping for breath, I raise my knees to his sides, because let’s be honest, pregnancy belly doesn’t allow for acrobatics, and pull his face down to mine.

  “I love you, Thomas Xavier Davis. More than you will ever know.”



  “You know the reason we’ll grow old together?

  Cause no one else will put up with my shit the way you do.”

  - Rotten eCard

  There’s nothing closer to heaven than being deep inside Lex’s sweet, tight body. If I could stay here for the rest of my life, I’d do it in a heartbeat. The feel of her hands as she strokes down my back. Her thighs pressed tight to my sides, gripping me with all her strength has me hard as hell. The way her pussy contracts around my cock just before her orgasm makes it hard for me to hold off my own. And the feel of her tongue tangling with mine are all forms of living ecstasy.

  My rhythm gets reckless within minutes. What were long, even strokes, become furious, untampered, and almost brutal in their intensity. This is what she does to me every time. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. I’ve never lost control during sex before no matter how hard the woman I was fucking tried to force it. But with Lex, it’s not about losing control because I never had any to begin with.

  This is what sex should be like when you love someone. You shouldn’t have to control yourself. You don’t need to work at it, everything should come naturally. Your bodies should be in sync. And your craving for each other should be all consuming. A passion that overcomes you, fires every part of you on a cellular level. That’s what I’ve got with Lex, and that’s why I’ll never let her go.

  It doesn’t matter how selfish that makes me, but this tug of war we’ve had going on stops now. I won’t be pushing her away again, and I won’t let her do it to me either. Lex doesn’t know it yet, but she’s not getting the chance to change her mind. The second the words, I love you came out her mouth she became mine. For good this time. The minutes she told me she’d marry me, all the while giving me hell for not asking but telling she became, my everything. And the day she gives birth to my boys, she’ll become my reason for living.

  Looking down at her moaning my name, I tilt her chin and stare into her eyes. With her lips parted slightly, her hair lying around her like a golden halo as her back is arched, and her eyes unfocused, she looks like a goddamned angel. My angel.

  “Tilt your hips for me, Princess. I wanna go deeper. I want to fucking own you.”

  At my command she tilts her hips up, grinding herself flush against me. The ragged groan it pulls from my chest is deep, hoarse, and filled with the kind of pleasure I’ve only ever found with Lex. Pumping my hips furiously now, taking advantage of the extra inch or so she’s given me, she whimpers and I growl. The sensations are extreme. There’s no other way to describe it.

  Taking her mouth again, I eat at her. There’s no finesse. There’s no tenderness in my kiss. It’s savage, brutal even, and she loves every second of it. Meeting me half way, she stroke my tongue with hers, manipulates it to her advantage and takes charge. Now it’s her ravaging me. Her hands in my hair, pulling, twisting, grabbing at whatever she can to get a firmer hold.

  Lex’s knees are digging almost painfully into the sides of my hips as I plunge into her. I can feel my release building at the base of my spine, but I don’t want this to be over yet. I never want it to end. I use my free hand and grab a hunk of her hair, moving her head to the side right where I want it. Pulling away from her swollen, pink lips, wet from our kisses, I nip and suck my way down her throat until I latch onto the soft skin just above her collarbone. When I reach my destination I can’t help but lap at her skin like she’s the finest thing I’ve ever tasted. Her skin tastes like ripe, juicy peach. I want to devour her, have her taste embedded inside me. I want to spend the rest of my life learning every inch of her. I want to savor the way her skin flushes and goose bumps break out beneath my touch.

  Throwing her head back screaming my name, Lex cums violently. The force of her clenching around me makes it nearly impossible not to hold off any longer. But when she clamps down, almost forcing me from her pussy, I lose my battle and cum, hard.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, Lex. That’s it, baby, cum all over my cock.”

  “Oh God, Thomas. Harder. Please harder,” she begs. Using the last few thrusts I’ve got left in me, I power into her, and collapse on top of her when I feel the last of her spasms dies off.

  Rolling to my side so as not to crush her, I look over at her to find her staring at me her gaze lazy and sated.

  “I didn’t hurt you did I, Princess?”

  I hadn’t even thought about whether I was hurting her or the babies. Was I too rough? Did I go to deep? I don’t know shit about how safe it is to fuck like we did when a woman’s pregnant. And you better believe I’m not reading baby books to find out, but I’ve got no problem asking her doctor next time she sees him.

  A giggle stops me thinking about how that’ll go down, and Lex squeezes my bicep to get my attention.

  “No, you didn’t hurt me. Didn’t you hear me when I told you to go harder,” she replies making moaning noises, and dragging her fingertips across my pecs.

  Just the sound of her soft moans, whether they’re for effect to prove her point or not, have me getting hard for her all over again. Rolling her to her side, so that her back is to my chest, and her thigh is flung over my hip, I lean down, bite the side of her neck and growl.

  “I wanna hear you make those sounds when your milking me cock, babe. Don’t waste them pretending.” Slamming into her again, I make my woman moan, beg, whimper and scream my name before tucking her tightly to my side, and falling into the first good sleep I’ve had in months.



  “Don’t mistake my silence for weakness.

  Nobody plans revenge out loud.”

  - Rotten eCard

  This mornings’ wake-up call was nothing like the one I’d hoped for. A phone call from your club President while you’re in bed with his granddaughter, after you spent the night before thoroughly defiling her, is not high on the top of my list of ways to wake up. On the other hand, Lex waking up, taking one look at my rock hard cock, and taking pity on me by sucking it while I struggle to listen to what priest is saying, is abso-fucking-lutely now being added to my mental highlight reel.

  Thank fuck the old man filled the majority of the conversation with questions that were yes or not, because I’ve got no idea if I could form a coherent sentence when Lex took me all the way to the back of her throat and swallowed. It took me about two minutes to cum in her mouth and watch her lick the last of my release off her lips, silently begging Priest would get the fuck off the phone so I could go pleasure my woman as repayment. Just before I was about to hanging up on his cock blocking ass, Priest blew my world apart. But this time, unlike Lex’s kidnapping, I could damn well do something about it.

  I wanted to take the time to explain everything to Lex before I left. I wanted to tell her I wasn’t running out on her, on us. I didn’t for a second want her thinking I was going to be like last time. A fucking asshole that used her, coming and going as I pleased, but I needed to be at the clubhouse STAT so it’d have to wait.

  When she saw me throwing clothes on not bothering to check if they were clean or not, grabbing my piece and shoving it down the back of my jeans, and pulling on my boots, Lex sat up on her knees at the side of the bed leaning her head against my back.

  “You go do what you need to do, but when you come home you’re going to have to talk to me, Thomas.”

  I sighed, raking my fingers through my hair, feeling the iron fist in my chest clenching in anger at what I was going to do, and in sadness for having to walk out the door this morning.

  “Yeah, baby, we’ll talk. I don’t know how long this’ll take, but when I get back I promise I’ll tell you everything.”

  Seemingly placated by that Lex grabbed my shoulder
s pulling me to her for the sweetest kiss we’ve shared yet.

  “You should know, it doesn’t matter to me what you do for the club, who you were, what mistakes you’ve made in the past or do make in the future, as long as you come home at the end of each day, I’ll do my best to help ease that heavy burden you’re carrying around, Thomas.” Kissing my shoulder she shuffles back in bed until she’s tucked under the blankets, and her back is resting on the pillows. “You might see it as your job to protect me, take care us, and provide for your family, but it’s my job to make sure you have the support to do that.” Sighing deeply she adds, “I wasn’t just raised in the MC, I learned a lot from watching the women there too. The good old ladies don’t hold there men up, they’re there to act as a barrier between all the shit that happens in the club, and when they walk through the door at home. They make sure their men have a safe place to land after a bad day, and they offer a side of life you don’t get when you’re surrounded by smelly, dirty bikers all day.”

  Cocking my eyebrow at her I ask,

  “And what’s that, Princess?”

  Lex wrinkles her nose looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. She knows I know the answer, but I want to hear it from her.

  “We offer you sweet and clean.” She’s not wrong. I know I could get through just about anything I had to do for the club if I’ve got her waiting on me at home every night. Not to be deterred by my silence, Lex goes on to say, “It doesn’t matter how dirty your hands get, Thomas, what matters is that I’ll always be here to make sure you get your piece of clean too.”

  Launching myself at her, tackling her gently to the bed, I pull her into my arms and hold her tight. Fuck! I don’t want to let her go. I don’t want to spend a second without her by my side, but now that I know she’s aware of exactly what it means to be an old lady, to support her man no matter what, I feel a fuck of a lot better about the blood I’m going to help shed today.

  “I fucking love you, Alexis Rose.”

  Half an hour later I find myself outside the door that leads to the basement level of the club, breathing heavily trying to get control of the burning anger coursing through my veins. Inside those door are the two people that tried to destroy a young boy, ending up leaving him broken and scarred instead, but no less alone and scared. I’m just fucking grateful I was pulled out of my own living hell by Priest, and accepted in to the brotherhood that’s now my only family, aside from Lex, Rob, and my boys when they’re born.

  A big hand clamps down on my shoulder causing me to spin, both fists raised ready to knock the bastard out. Saint throws his hand out in front of him showing he’s no threat. Chuckling at my reaction he lowers his hands slowly.

  “Only me, brother. You didn’t thing I’d miss out on this shit did you?” At first I’m confused not understanding what he’s talking about. He clears it up for me, and in turn has me seeing red of a whole new reason. “I was here when they were brought in, brother. Don’t know the details, and don’t want to. That’s your business. I’m just here for the party.”

  “Who fucking told you,” I snap without restraint.

  Stabbing his finger into my chest he yells, “You fucking listen to me, and listen good asshole. You’re not alone in this shit. It doesn’t matter whether you want us to know or not. It doesn’t matter if you ever tell us what the fuck happened to you when you were a kid or not. What’s important is your brothers are here to watch you put two sick bastards in the ground where they belong. We’re here for support, Glock, nothing else.”

  Taking deep drags of oxygen in through my nose, my nostrils flare, my jaw clenches, but I feel a little of the anger drain away.

  “Who fucking knows why they’re here?” I ask slightly calmer than before.

  “We don’t know shit about why they’re here man. Just that Reaper and Tank dragged their asses in about an hour ago, lock them up, and left to call you,” Dagger replies gruffly.

  Glancing over Saint’s shoulder I notice Dagger, Shifty, Liam, Noah, Davies, Jones, Cage, Arrow, and Pike standing by looking murderous. Jones takes a step forward coming to a stop a foot in front of me.

  “Son, I don’t know what those motherfuckers did to you, don’t wanna know either. Like Saint said, that shit’s your business, and it’s gonna stay that way till you’re ready to share. You want to do this on your own I’ll take these assholes out of here, and leave you to it. You want an audience, you got one. You’ve just gotta tell us what you need from us, and consider it done.”

  “He’s right, brother. You just say the word and we’ve got your back,” Pipe adds hoarsely. I didn’t even notice Pipe, Reaper, and Priest joint the group.

  Letting the emotions wash over me I make a decision I hope doesn’t backfire on my ass saying,

  “Let’s go to Church, and I’ll fill you all in.”

  An hour later, six broken chairs, and a crack down the center of the Church table later, I descend the stairs to the basement with eleven brothers at my back, a tool chest in my hand, and a lighter soul than I’ve had in years.

  “How you wanna handle this?” Reaper enquires.

  I’ve given this a lot of thought over the years, what I’d do to them when I saw them again. Because I knew I’d see them again one day, it was only a matter of time before they showed up like a dormant virus. But now they’re here, I don’t know what I want to do to them first. I’d like to rip their fucking arms off and beat them to death with them. I’d like to shove an angle grinder up his ass and watch as it tears him apart from the inside out when I turn it on. What I’d like to do to her is worse though, much fucking worse.

  The basement of the clubhouse was renovated around the same time the dorms were built, and it works the same way as Church. No one other than the brothers are allowed down here. Not prospects. Not old ladies, kids, or club hang arounds. No one aside from the fully patched brothers who have had business here, or helped to remodel it have stepped foot down these stairs, so it’s going to be a fucking eye opener for the likes of Noah and Liam.

  I’ve been down here only twice before. Neither were good, and both ended up resulted in an industrial sized bottle of bleach, a high pressure cleaner, and a drum of acid being needed to clean that shit up. Not one of my favorite jobs in the world, but living this lifestyle, taking the risks, and associating with the kind of fucked up criminals we do it’s necessary in our line of work to make sure all loose ends are tied up.

  The setup’s pretty simple. Concrete floors slanted in toward a center grate for water drainage. A few well-placed steel hooks in the walls used for restraints. And a workbench is about all that makes up each of the four rooms. We don’t need much more, what we do down here isn’t rocket science, and it’s rare we’ve got more than four fuckers down here needing to be taught a lesson so the space works for us.

  “Second and third door, brother. We’ll give you ten then we’re coming in, yeah?” Priest confirms with a tilt of his head.

  That’s the plan. I get ten minutes of uninterrupted time with both of them, then a few of the boys will come in and take out the trash. It mightn’t sound like a lot of time, but I can assure you, what I intend on doing isn’t going to take all that long.

  “Yeah, sounds about right Prez.”

  Saint was the one to suggest a time limit, I can’t say I blame him, but until he explained he was worried it’d fuck me up even worse, having to listen to their bullshit I didn’t appreciate his involvement. He wasn’t there when these assholes did what they did. He didn’t suffer at their hands for years. And he didn’t seem to get that this isn’t just for me. I’m doing it for Robbie too. He deserves his shot at them, but club rules are just that; ‘club’ rules.

  Even though I practically demanded he be let in on this, Priest and Pipe both told me in no uncertain terms it wasn’t happening. I’d get my shot but that was it. Rob was just going to be happy with the second hand recount I give him later, and in the knowledge they’re no longer around to deprive the world of precious oxygen
that was wasted on them.

  With a nod, I shove the heavy steel door open, slamming it behind me effectively leaving me alone with my childhood tormentor.

  The room is dark, musty smelling, and the man shackled to the wall isn’t at all like I remembered. Gone is the polished exterior he prided himself in, and in its place is a man wearing wrinkled slacks, a filthy white tailored shirt, scuffed shoes, and a look of horror on his face. Chained to the wall by his wrists and ankles, he looks over me and a chill sneaks up my spine.

  Then the strangest thing happened to me. All that fear, pain, and terror dissolved. Looking at the man in front of me, I no longer felt scared for my safety. I didn’t cower at the sight of him. I didn’t feel like throwing my guts up at what he was capable of either. No, I didn’t feel any of that. What I did feel was a blinding rage so deep I thought it would consume me if I didn’t set it free. So set it free I did.

  My eyes went cold, blank, malicious, in one word; deadly. Dropping the tool box on the only surface in the room, the workbench, I laid out a selection of shit that I was sure he’d be terrified of before spinning back to face him.


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