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Desolation (Earth Evolution Series Book 1)

Page 12

by K. D. Jones

  “Was it me? Did you leave because Mom died giving birth to me?” Kyle asked. For a second, he sounded like a child again.

  “Of course not. Never. Your mother was warned after Liam to not have any more children because it could be dangerous. I thought maybe I should have refused her when she said she wanted another child. But she convinced me that she would rather take the risk and have another child than not. She had problems throughout the pregnancy. I was worried for you both. I should have refused. But I am not sorry we took the risk. I wouldn’t have you, otherwise. I wouldn’t trade that for anything,” Devlon told his youngest son.

  Maggie couldn’t stop it. She started to cry. All three men looked at her with concern. Jared rushed to her side with his scanner.

  “Are you hurt? In pain? Do you need a sedative?” Jared asked.

  Maggie cried, then snorted and giggled. “No, I’m just emotional, watching you guys finally talk about things. I know you love each other, but you have the hardest time admitting it.”

  “Of course I love my sons. I fought tooth and nail to get them on my ship and refused to let any of them be transferred.”

  “You see, that is just so sweet.” What was wrong with her? She was never this emotional. She tried to wave Jared’s hands away when he touched her forehead. She stood up too quickly and became dizzy. Jared held her up with one hand while his other hand used the scanner. It beeped with results. “Nothing is wrong with me,” she insisted, though she still felt woozy.

  Jared looked at the readings and a slow smile appeared on his face. “Maggie, when was the last time you had your menstruation?”

  She felt the heat rise in her face. “That is none of your business.”

  Jared looked into his father’s eyes and they seemed to have a silent communication. Then Devlon said, “Are you sure?”

  “I need to take some blood tests but the scanner is picking up another heartbeat,” Jared said.

  “Another heartbeat?” Maggie was confused.

  “Maggie, dear, you are with child.”

  “I’m what?”

  “You are carrying a baby Estro in your womb,” Devlon said with pride.

  “A baby?” she whispered. Everything started to fade into darkness. She slumped into her seat, feeling light-headed. She could feel Jared’s arms as he lifted her up. The last thing she heard was a door slamming and someone yelling.

  “Get your hands off my woman!”

  Liam. It was her last thought before she fell into complete unconsciousness.

  Chapter 17

  “Easy, Liam. Maggie just fainted. Jared caught her before she hit the floor.” Devlon stood between his two sons. “If you start a fight, you might injure her.”

  Jared glared at his brother. “I will take her to your bed. She should wake in a few minutes. Her vitals are stable.” He walked off, carrying her with careful tenderness. Liam didn’t like his brother touching Maggie, and he especially didn’t like the protective way he was holding her.

  “Why would she faint?” He glared at his father and younger brother. His father motioned for Kyle to leave them alone.

  “She found out something very surprising. It’s not uncommon for women in her condition to react that way to something startling.”

  “Condition? I thought her treatments were done. Is she not fully healed?”

  “Sit down.”

  “No, I want to know what is wrong with my hala asawani,”

  “Sit first.” His father ordered. Liam growled but sat down on the couch opposite his father.

  “Tell me.”

  “She felt dizzy and Jared scanned her vitals. He won’t know for sure until he takes blood samples and test it, but the scanner picked up a second heartbeat.”

  Liam blinked. His mind was racing with thoughts of Maggie being dizzy. He didn’t quite comprehend what his father was saying. His confusion must have been obvious because his father leaned forward to clarify.

  “Maggie is with child.”

  “What?” Liam felt himself going a little dizzy. Thank goodness his father had him sit down. “How?”

  “Son, you should know how that happened. I can vouch that she has not let another man touch her while you were gone, so there is no doubt in my mind the child is yours.”

  “Of course the child is mine!” He glared at his father. Maggie had not yet told him that she loved him because she was scared of her feelings, but he knew how she felt about him anyway. There was no doubt in his mind he was the father of the baby.

  A baby? They were going to have a baby. Joy filled his heart at the image of a little bundle wrapped in Maggie’s arms. He felt elated, but at the same time, scared. He stood up, grateful that his knees would hold his weight.

  “Congratulations, son.” His father stood up and patted him on the shoulder. “I’m looking forward to being a grandfather.”

  How was Maggie feeling about this? Well, she passed out, so the news must have been overwhelming for her. There were things they needed to do before this baby arrived. “We will be having an asawani ceremony as soon as possible.”

  “Let me know what I can do to help. I do ask, though, that you make sure she includes her family in the ceremony.”

  “But she is still resistant to bonding with them.”

  His father sighed. “I know. But having children changes things. She will need her family now more than ever. She has spent so much time bonding with your family that she has neglected her own. As her future asawani, you have to take care of her, even when she doesn’t care for herself.”

  Liam nodded his understanding. “I’ll do anything to make her happy.”

  “I know. I’m proud of you, Liam. I just wanted you to know that.” His father’s gruff voice was full of emotion.

  Liam did something he hadn’t done in years: he reached over and hugged his father. They embraced, patting each other on the backs.

  “Go, your future asawani is waiting.” His father gently pushed him out of the room.

  Liam paused in the doorway of his bedroom and watched as his older brother brushed the hair from Maggie’s face. He growled at the intimate act. His brother stood up and walked towards him.

  “You’re lucky to have her, Liam. She is an amazing person. Strong, generous, kind, and beautiful.”

  “She’s my hala asawani,” Liam told him without taking his eyes off Maggie.

  “I know that, and you are hers as well. As I cared for her, I grew feelings for her. She won’t tell you this but I kissed her, hoping she might return those feelings. But she didn’t.”

  “Do you still have feelings for her?” Liam asked. It took every effort to not strike his brother after this admission.

  “I feel confused. I care for her and see all the qualities I would look for in my own hala asawani, but deep inside my heart, I know Maggie is not meant for me. I was lonely and she makes it hard to not love her.”

  “She does,” Liam agreed.

  “My feelings are shifting. I love her as a sister and a friend. There is nothing else between us and I can live with that. You have nothing to worry about on my part.”

  “Good. You’ll find your own hala asawani,” Liam told him. He had no idea his brother had felt so alone. But he would not share his Maggie.

  “I hope so.” Jared started to leave, but Liam stopped him.

  “I can understand falling for her. She had me the first time I looked into those blue eyes. But if you put your lips or any other part of your body on her again, I will make you suffer severely.”

  “Understood, brother, believe me. Congratulations on the baby. I took some blood samples and will have the results in a few hours. The two of you stop by medik in the morning and we will do a full work up and get the right nutrient plan set up for her pregnancy.”

  A sudden panicky feeling came over him. “Do you think the treatments would affect the baby?”

  Jared shook his head. “No, actually the treatments probably helped her to keep the baby.”

p; “Thanks.” Liam closed the door after his brother left and turned back to his bed, where his woman waited for him. His asawani and their child.


  Maggie woke feeling a little disoriented. She was laying on something soft, but the last thing she remembered was being in the living room. “Where … ?”

  “Hi beautiful. It’s about time you woke up.”

  She looked up at him, recognition dawning, and threw her arms around his neck. “Liam!”

  He held her tight against his chest. He felt warm and safe. She had missed him terribly.

  “When did you get back?”

  “A few hours ago.” He massaged her back gently.

  “What happened? Why am I in bed already?” She was so confused. The last thing she remembered was being emotional over Devlon and his sons.

  “You were feeling dizzy. Do remember that?”

  “I was eating dinner with your brothers and your father. You should have seen them, they were starting to bond right there in front of me. It was so beautiful.” She started to tear up again. “Why am I so emotional?”

  “What else do you remember?” Liam asked patiently.

  “Jared was concerned and scanned me and …” She looked at him, biting her bottom lip. It couldn’t have been real. It had to have been a dream or something.

  “What did the scanner say, honey?” he prompted.

  “That there were two heartbeats. Mine and …”

  “Our baby’s,” Liam finished for her.

  She nodded. “I’m pregnant.”

  “Yes, with our baby,” he repeated, with pride in his voice.

  “Are you okay with that?” She knew their relationship was really new. What if he didn’t want the baby?

  “I am overjoyed,” he assured her, leaning forward to kiss her soft lips.

  “Me, too,” she whispered back, tears falling down her face. “I wasn’t sure if I could get pregnant again after the miscarriage. I’m scared.”

  “I am with you. Jared requested that in the morning we go by medik so he can do a full workup and provide nutrients for you and the baby.”

  “Okay, that’s a good idea. What should we do until morning?” she asked him slyly.

  “Oh, I have some ideas.”

  She smiled. “You do, huh?”

  “Oh yeah. And all my ideas involve you being naked.” He began pulling the straps of her dress down her shoulders.

  “I like those ideas. As long that includes getting you naked, too.”


  He bent and kissed her softly, reverently. Maggie felt their breath mingle and her heartbeat seemed to race to catch up to his. She loved how he was so gentle with her, but she needed more. Her body ached to have him fill her, claim her. She pulled his head closer and deepened their kiss.

  She felt Liam pull the straps of her dress down, then cool air across her exposed breasts. His fingers teased and pulled her nipples. They were hard little tips, begging to be kissed. Liam seemed to know this and pulled back from kissing her lips to kiss his way down her neck, over her shoulder until he hovered over her tips.

  Maggie watched with hooded eyes as he lowered his head and took one of her nipples into his warm mouth. She arched her back, giving him more. His mouth suckled one breast while his other hand teased her other nipple into need. Then he switched positions, taking the other nipple into his mouth.

  She rocked her hips restlessly. She felt electricity running through her entire body. It seemed to radiate from her throbbing pussy. She needed him badly.

  He finally stopped teasing her breasts and kissed his way down her still-flat stomach. He paused to place soft kisses there. He whispered something in his language to the baby, which made her heart overflow with emotion. Then he finished removing her dress and spread her legs. She was completely bare and vulnerable.

  He pulled back to look down at her. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered.

  She felt heat rise to her cheeks. “I’ve put on some muscle mass.”

  He ran his hands over her body, feeling her differences. He smiled wickedly at her. “You’re breasts are fuller, too.”

  She nodded. “They’ll grow larger as I do, with the baby growing inside me.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “You won’t mind me being bigger?”

  He shook his head. “I had planned to fatten you up anyway. This will make it easier to accomplish.”

  She laughed. “You want me fat?”

  “I want you healthy. The image of you round with my child fills me with pride.”

  “Well, I will definitely be round, so mission accomplished.” She was starting to feel really exposed with her legs open and nothing covering her lower half. She had tried to get the uniform person to make underwear but it seemed the Drastans didn’t wear any. She tried to sit up and close her legs, but Liam growled and pulled her legs back open.

  “I’m not done yet.” He moved down her body until his warm breath fanned over her pussy lips.

  Maggie gripped the bed sheets underneath her when Liam took a swipe with his tongue. She felt herself tremble a little. It felt like forever since he had touched her like this. She wasn’t sure she would be able to last long.

  “You taste so good. So … mine.” Liam suckled her nub.

  “Liam.” She whispered his name as he lifted her hips to his mouth.

  He chuckled. “Needy, are we?”


  “I’ll take care of all your needs.” He plunged his tongue deep inside her channel. In and out, over and over. He didn’t let up even when she squirmed to get away from his mouth. Then Maggie felt the electrical currents rippling through her focus in on where his mouth was and she couldn’t hold back any longer. She exploded into a thousand pieces. Her mind blanked and her body felt suddenly heavy, satiated.

  Liam moved up her body, slowly nibbling and kissing her. She could feel the electrical currents building back up within her. She thought she would need a little longer to recover, but he seemed to know her body better than she did.

  She felt the head of his cock pressing gently at her entrance. He paused there for a moment just looking down at her. He had this strange look of awe on his face.


  “I love you, Maggie.”

  Joy filled her heart. “I love you, too.”

  He plunged all the way to the hilt inside of her. They were finally joined, flesh to flesh, heart to heart. They moved together in a rhythm that only the two of them knew. The outside world, above and below, faded away. There was only the two of them, two bodies becoming one, both hearts beating in time, their breath coming into sync.

  Chapter 18

  “Hell no!” Liam raised his voice.

  “Liam, I will be perfectly fine.” Maggie sat on the couch in the main living room. Devlon, Jared, and Kyle were sitting on different couches. They were all watching Liam as he paced back and forth angrily.

  Devlon and Liam had been discussing going to Maggie’s Tribe tunnel. They had made contact with Jerry the Tribe Leader, but he insisted that they prove Maggie was okay. She offered to go back to the subway tunnels with them. Liam was resistant.

  “Tell him Jared,” Maggie pleaded with her future brother-in-law.

  Jared shook his head. “I am in agreement with Liam. I don’t want you down there, either.”

  Maggie almost growled at these overprotective men. “Will spending a few hours down there hurt me or my baby?”

  “No, but …”

  She turned to Devlon. “Will my appearance help ease the tension between my Tribe and your people?”

  He hesitated. “Yes.”

  She looked at Liam. “Please, Liam. These are my people and they are worried about me. I shouldn’t have to ask you to let me come. But I am.”

  Liam ran his hand through his thick hair. “You will stay with one of us at all times?”


  “You will do nothing that will strain your body. If
Jared says you need to return and rest, you will not argue.” He wasn’t asking her this time.

  “I will.” It grated on her nerves to have to accept all these conditions. But he was worried about her and the baby. She couldn’t fault him for caring. She loved him for it. These small conditions were things she could deal with.

  “Very well. You can accompany us.” Liam sat next to her and lifted her onto his lap.

  “Thank you, Liam.” She nuzzled her face against his neck.

  Kyle groaned. “Could you guys stop with all this touching and kissing? I feel sick.”

  Maggie giggled. “Just you wait until you meet your hala asawani.”

  Everyone laughed, except for Devlon. He spoke with a serious voice. “There will be three more additions to the expedition. Dome Leader Lt. Colonel James, his wife Melissa, and daughter Rachel will also be going along.”

  “What?” Maggie must have heard wrong.

  “When I explained to your father about what we were doing, he insisted on coming along. He plans to offer shelter to those in the subway. When he asked if you would be going, I said that it was a possibility and your mother insisted the rest of them come, too. They want to see where you lived.”

  This was a bad idea. But she knew she couldn’t stop it. Liam hugged her to him.

  “It will be alright. Besides, it will give you the opportunity to tell them about our ceremony and the baby,” Liam told her.

  “Um … we might want to hold off on telling them about the baby. They haven’t accepted me being grown up and independent yet. My father is a trained soldier. I am not sure how well he’ll take the news.”

  Liam chuckled. “You’re worried that your father might try to hurt me?”

  “No, I’m afraid he’ll try to kill you.”

  He kissed her soundly. “I promise I won’t let your father kill me. Or I him.”

  “That makes me feel so much better,” she grumbled. She fidgeted with her hands and bit her bottom lip.

  “Is there anything else bothering you, amahala?” Liam lifted her chin so that he could look into her expressive face.


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