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Desolation (Earth Evolution Series Book 1)

Page 13

by K. D. Jones

  “What if Ben and his tribe are there?”

  “Who is Ben?” his father asked.

  “The jerk that captured Liam and wanted to use him as a bargaining tool,” she told him.

  “He’s also the one responsible for Maggie being shot.” He gave his father a look. His father nodded his head that he understood that he suspected this Ben was the man that forced himself on Maggie when she was still just a kid.

  Liam hadn’t planned on telling anyone else about it because he didn’t want to abuse her trust in him, but he needed someone to talk to because he was starting to feel a little crazy over the idea of not having been there to protect her from something so horrific. He decided to confide in his father the night before. His father surprised him. He sat and listened to him, then put his hand on Liam’s shoulder and told him something that would always stay with him.

  “We can’t always be there to protect those we love from getting hurt, but we can love them enough to help them heal and live their lives to the fullest.”

  “When I spoke with the tribe leader Jerry, I requested that Ben be turned over to face charges for kidnapping and attempted murder. He said that Ben and his group left the day we disappeared and they have not returned. So he shouldn’t be there,” Liam told her.

  Devlon frowned. “Maybe I should come along.”

  Liam shook his head. “You are needed here. I am taking my team as a security measure.”

  “You will call for reinforcements at the first sign of trouble,” Devlon ordered him.

  Liam tried to hide his smile, as did his brothers. “Yes, Father, we won’t take any unnecessary risks.”

  Maggie smiled and felt her eyes tear up. Seeing the Estro men finally behaving like a family really touched her. It also made her a little sad that she had not tried harder to reach out to her own family. She rubbed her still-flat stomach. Her baby deserved to be surrounded by his or her family, all the family. She had been given a second chance with her family and she was wasting it. She sighed, laying her head against Liam’s shoulder. She gasped when he suddenly stood up with her in his arms.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You are tired. I want to run a bath for you, then massage you all over, make love to you, and hold you while you fall asleep.” Liam walked out of the living room carrying her like she weighed nothing.

  Maggie waved over his shoulder at the three men staring at them. “Goodnight! We’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Good night, Maggie.” Devlon and his other two sons said. Tomorrow was a new day. Maggie was determined to reach out to her own family and try to mend the bond.

  Chapter 19

  She sat on the shuttle with her hands twisting in her lap. She was nervous. Not about seeing her tribe, but about seeing her parents. It was getting easier each time, but it always ended the same way, with her father insisting she move to the dome with them and her storming away. Would they ever accept that she was no longer the child they once knew?

  “What’s wrong?” Liam leaned down to ask. He was sitting next to her.

  “Just thinking about my parents and how they are going to handle the news about our asawani ceremony.”

  “I have a confession to make.”

  She looked up into his dark eyes. “What confession?”

  “Your parents already know about our ceremony.”

  She was shocked. “How?”

  “I told them. Kyle helped me research Earth traditions for this type of ceremony. He found that the man is supposed to ask the woman’s father for permission.”

  “That’s an old tradition. Outdated, really.” She paused as she bit her lip. “You asked my father for permission to marry me?”

  “I did. He gave us his blessing.”

  “Really? What would you have done if he had said no?” She was floored that her father agreed to this. He had been so insistent that she move in with them.

  “He asked me that first. I told him that regardless of whether he actually gave his blessing, nothing on Earth or in the stars beyond would keep me from claiming you as mine for all eternity. He said that since I was determined to have you anyway, that he would grant his blessing as long as I promised to put your needs above all else. That was an easy promise to make.”

  That had to be the sweetest, most romantic thing she had ever heard. Her eyes seemed to be a little blurry. Liam handed her a tissue as tears started to fall down her face. This pregnancy was wreaking havoc with her emotions.

  “Did you tell them about the baby?”

  Liam shook his head. “No. I felt that you should be the one to decide when to tell them that. I only told them about the ceremony because I thought it would take away some stress from you. Plus, this will keep your father from continually pressuring you to move in with them.”

  “I love you.” She laid her head against his shoulder.

  “I love you too, amahala.” His kissed the top of her head.


  The shuttle landed about twenty feet from the entrance to the subway station. As she climbed out, she flipped the visor up on her helmet. She was wearing one of the black Drastan soldier uniforms. It had to be custom fit to her smaller size. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do when she started to get bigger with the pregnancy. She figured she would have to wear those dresses that Liam had originally gotten for her to wear.

  “There they are.” Liam pointed to a cargo van pulling up. Two soldiers got out of the front seats and slid the side door open. Her father stepped out. He was wearing one of his old Colonel uniforms. Climbing out of the van behind him was her mother and Rachel.

  Liam stepped forward and reached out a hand to her father. “Lt. Colonel James, it is good to see you again.”

  “Captain Estro.” Her father shook Liam’s hand. She could see the respect her father had for Liam. It was real and genuine. It warmed her heart. The two men that mattered the most to her were right there before her.

  Her father turned to her and there was something there she hadn’t noticed before. Love and pride. Something new was there as well: resignation. He understood that she was never going to be that sixteen-year-old girl again, living under her parent’s roof. It was a relief that he finally got it, but also sad.

  She touched her stomach and thought about how would she feel if she had been separated from her child, only to have an adult suddenly appear in their place. One that did not need her. For once, she could relate to her parents. She realized that she needed to push down the wall that she built around her heart and let her family in.

  She stepped forward. “Hi Dad.”

  He smiled at her warmly. “You look good. Healthy, happy.”

  “I am.” Liam moved to her side to put his arm around her. She smiled up at him briefly, then turned her attention back to her family.

  Her mother came forward and reached out to hug her. “I can’t believe you are getting married. It’s going to be a really big deal, the first interspecies wedding. It will be an elaborate event! The entire dome can be decorated with flowers.”

  “Um, actually, I want to get married on the Eclipse. I thought I’d invite just close friends and family, something small,” Maggie told her.

  “Oh.” Her mother sounded disappointed.

  “I am going to need help planning it, though. I don’t know anything about this type of event. I was hoping that you and Rachel could help me with it. It would mean spending a lot of time together, though. Do you think Dad could spare you?”

  Her mother’s eyes lit up. She glanced at her husband, then back to Maggie, “I think he can handle things on his own.”

  Maggie looked at her sister, who was standing further away. She wanted to say something to her, but she didn’t know what. She worried that she might have broken her sister’s heart by taking Liam away from her. Not that she would change anything, Liam was everything to her. But she wished she didn’t have to hurt her sister to get him.

  “We’re ready to proceed,” Kyle called out.
He had been scanning the area, making sure it was secure.

  “Let’s go.” Liam escorted her as they began their descent down into the subway system.

  The first thing she noticed was that Jerry and a small group from her tribe, consisting of mostly men, were waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Thank goodness Ben was not among them. The tribe leader clearly didn’t recognize her, so she removed her helmet and heard a few gasps.

  “Maggie? Is that you?” Jerry stepped towards her.

  Liam immediately put himself in front of Maggie. “It’s okay, Liam.” She moved around Liam and stood in front of him. “Hi Jerry, its me.”

  “You look different, bigger.” He seemed to realize how that might sound. “Not fat! I wasn’t saying that.”

  Maggie giggled and so did her mother and sister. “It’s okay, I know what you mean. I have more muscle mass now and managed to gain a little weight. The Drastans treated me for almost two weeks and now I am one hundred percent healthy. They want to do that for everyone else, too.”

  Jerry stepped closer to take in her changed appearance. “What would this treatment entail?”

  Maggie motioned for Jared to come stand next to her. “I received shots of healing serum and nutrients that fortified me. It didn’t hurt and I began to have more energy immediately after the first treatment. This is Mediko Jared Estro. He is a doctor for the Drastan people. Would you allow him to assess the tribe and start them on treatments?”

  “I will go first to make sure it is safe,” Jerry told her, eyeing Liam suspiciously. “Do you hold a grudge against my people for holding you for questioning?”

  Liam didn’t smile or offer to shake hands. “You were not the one to knock me unconscious. I will forgive you holding me for questioning for Maggie’s sake.”

  Jerry nodded. “I want to be the first to receive the treatments so that I can make sure it is safe for the rest of the tribe.”

  Maggie frowned and was about to argue that of course it was safe, but Jared spoke before she could. “That will be acceptable.”

  “It will take almost a day to get back to the tribe, though,” Jerry warned them

  “We brought portable wagons,” Kyle said from the stairs. He and the other members of Liam’s team carried in what looked like small, floating golf carts. “Each one of these can carry six people at a time. We brought three, which should be enough carry us all, and we also brought supplies that we’ll carry on the roof racks.” Kyle motioned for everyone to load up.

  Jerry sat in the front next to Kyle, admiring the vehicle. “This is amazing.”

  Kyle smiled at him. “We can leave one with you, if you like.”

  “In exchange for what? Nothing is ever for free,” Jerry said, suspicious again.

  Liam and Maggie sat in the middle row behind them. Maggie leaned forward. “There’s no strings attached to what the Drastans do for us. We truly are here to help. But if it makes you feel better, you can use it to travel the tunnels and let the other tribes know that help is coming their way and that we are friendly.”

  “I can do that.” Jerry nodded his head.

  Maggie sat back in her seat and Liam wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders. “You said ‘we’.”

  She looked up at him. “I plan on helping you. I know the tribe lifestyle better than anyone. You haven’t found any other signs of other survivors because you don’t know what to look for. But I do. I can help.”

  “You will not take any unnecessary risks,” Liam told her firmly.

  “I will be with you, you would never let anything happen to me or …” She touched her stomach but didn’t say anything. Her parents and Rachel were squeezed into the back row right behind them. This was not how she wanted to tell them about the baby. She was waiting for the right time and place.

  He nodded that he understood and kissed her on her forehead. Maggie leaned her head against his shoulder and sighed with contentment. An hour later, she sat forward as they arrived to her Tribe’s home site.

  “I can’t believe we got here so fast. It takes hours for us to walk to the subway entrance.” Maggie commented. Everyone must be hiding and watching them approach. Everyone except for Corey, who stood with his gun, watching them like a hawk. A warm, happy feeling came over her at the site of her friend.

  “Corey!” Maggie tried to leap off the cart when it started to slow down but Liam held her in until it came to a complete stop.

  Corey’s face lit up with joy as he approached the cart, though he was still holding his weapon. “Maggie, is that you?”

  Finally, they stopped and Liam let her go. She got out and ran to Corey, throwing herself into his arms. He caught her easily.

  “God, Maggie, I thought I would never see you again.” He hugged her tight. He didn’t want to let her pull away but he did, keeping his hands on her hips. He looked her up and down. “Damn, you look good.”

  She smiled up at him. “I had some treatments that helped build muscle mass.”

  “Treatments? What kind of treatments?” Corey stared at her adoringly.

  She took his hands and pulled them off of her so that she could move out of his embrace. “We’ll explain it.” She motioned for Liam to come forward. “Remember Liam?”

  Corey’s eyes narrowed when he saw how Liam wrapped an arm around Maggie, pulling her to his side. “Yeah, I remember him. Last I heard, you were trying to set him free, but he turned on you and kidnapped you.”

  “Where did you hear that? No, wait, let me guess … Ben.”

  Corey nodded his head. “Yeah. He said that the alien turned on you and took you before he could stop him. He also said that the aliens shot you and that you were bleeding out pretty bad. We worried that you were dead.”

  “He lied. Ben followed us and shot me in the back. Liam took me to the Eclipse, which is their main battleship. I was healed of the gunshot wound and given treatments for radiation sickness.”

  Corey glared at Liam. “So in gratitude, you are with him now?”

  Maggie drew herself up, insulted. She wouldn’t allow anyone to undermine her and Liam’s relationship. She squared her shoulders and took Liam’s hand in hers. “I am with Liam because I love him. If you want to stay my friend, you will respect that.” She pulled Liam with her as she walked past Corey.

  She was grateful to see that Jerry had taken the others ahead of them and was introducing them to the rest of the tribe. No one else had seen the exchange with Corey. It hurt that she might lose a friendship, but there was no way in hell she was giving up Liam.

  “Are you okay, amahala?” Liam whispered to her.

  “As long as you are with me, I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Come, introduce your parents to your Tribe. They seem nervous,” Liam told her.

  She looked over to where her parents and Rachel stood awkwardly. Her father was scanning the area, taking in every detail. What must he think of how she had to live for the past five years?

  Chapter 20

  Maggie walked over to stand by her parents. “It’s okay,” she assured them.

  “Maggie?” Lily’s voice called out from behind the crowd of tribe people circling the newcomers. She finally broke through, carrying Thomas.

  “Mommy, it’s Maggie!” Little Thomas pointed excitedly.

  Lily had tears coming down her face. “I see that.”

  Maggie smiled at her. “Lily, Thomas, come meet my parents.”

  Lily was shocked. “They’re alive?”

  Maggie nodded. She hugged her friend and then bent down to hug little Thomas. “You’ve been taking good care of your mommy while I was gone, right?”

  “Yep, Corey has been over every day watching over us. He said that you would be back. That you would never willingly leave us,” Thomas told her.

  “Of course not, you’re my family.” She kissed his forehead.

  She stood up and took Liam’s hand. “This is Captain Liam Estro. He saved my life.”

  “I remember. I
am glad that you were able to return to your people.” Lily shook his hand.

  “I am grateful to Maggie for helping me.” He squatted down and offered a hand to Thomas. “I’m Liam.”

  Thomas hesitated, looking at his mother first. After she nodded, he smiled at Liam and shook his hand, puffing out his chest. “I’m Thomas and this is my mom.”

  “Nice to meet you, Thomas.” Liam stood up and looked at Maggie. “I’m going to help Kyle and my team secure the area. Will you be okay without me?”

  Maggie leaned up and kissed him quickly on the lips. “Go. I’ll be fine.” She watched him walk off smiling.

  “You’re in love with him?” Lily leaned close to whisper her question.

  Maggie nodded. “I am. I’ll tell you all about him in a little bit. Let me introduce you to my parents.” She turned and motioned her family to come forward.

  “Lily, this is my dad, Lt. Colonel James, my mom, Melissa, and my sister, Rachel. Everyone, this is my good friend Lily and her son Thomas.”

  Lily and Thomas greeted her parents. Thomas really took to Rachel. “She looks like an angel, mama.” He seemed to be in awe.

  Lily smiled down at him. “She is very pretty like an angel.”

  Rachel’s reserved manner seemed to disappear as she looked at the little boy. “Hi there. I’m Rachel.”

  “I’m Thomas.” He shook her hand. “Mama, can I show Rachel around?”

  Lily looked hesitant but Rachel smiled reassuringly. “I would love to have Thomas show me around. I have never been inside a subway tunnel before.”

  “Never?” Thomas seemed shocked.

  “Never.” Rachel answered back.

  “I guess so. Just stay in the main tunnels.” Lily kissed her son on his head, ruffling his hair.

  Thomas took Rachel’s hand and led her away. Maggie envied Thomas for a moment. She hadn’t been able to make such an easy connection with Rachel. Maybe it was too late for them. That thought made her sad.

  “Are you okay?” Lily touched her arm in concern.

  Maggie wiped away a few tears that slipped out. Damn hormones! “I’m fine.” She looked at her parents. Her mother was watching her very intently, but her father was watching Liam wistfully. “Dad, would you and your soldiers help Liam get the area secured?”


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