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My Weekend Daddy

Page 7

by Lena Gordon

  He tugged my braids and tweaked a nipple in response. “What was that?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I answered dutifully. Juices leaked from between my legs. I couldn’t have stopped it if I wanted to. Not that I did. “I’m ready.”

  He slipped one hand down my body and between my legs, thrusting his fingers inside me with no warning. Not that I needed one. I was so ready for him. “Fuck yes, you are.” He pulled his hand out, dripping with my moisture and held it to my lips, forcing me to taste myself.

  I sucked his fingers into my mouth greedily and said again, “I’m ready, Daddy.”

  “Being with me won’t always be easy,” he said, his fingers still in my mouth. He twisted them and pushed, and I sucked them as if they were his cock. “I will demand things of you. Both sexually as well as in your everyday life. You will be expected to perform. Always. That means both in the bedroom, and out.” I opened my eyes wider and sucked his fingers harder. “You will be expected to excel in your schooling. And of course I will help you. I will take care of you. Always.”

  Nothing sounded better because I knew how he’d take care of me and I couldn’t think of anything more satisfying.

  “I will be your Daddy and you will be my little whore.”

  I nodded so hard I almost choked on his fingers, so he removed them. “Do you like that idea?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” I stumbled over the words, desperate to get them out. “I like that idea so much.” And that was a huge understatement because nothing could have made me happier in that moment. As recently as an hour before, I thought I’d lost him forever. I was heartbroken and now my heart was flying high. Soaring about the clouds because this man was not only back, but his hand was on my breast; the other had moved between my legs and I knew without a doubt that he was going to fuck me and continue to fuck me every day for as long as we both wanted it. And nothing could have been better than that.

  “Good.” The word was more of a groan. He kept one hand between my legs, his fingers pressing up inside me, while his other hand worked quickly on his belt and his zipper to free his massive erection. And then it was there, between us.

  I know I licked my lips. I couldn’t help it.

  He grinned, and the next second, turned me so I was pressed up against the huge picture window, my breasts squished against the glass. I looked down on the hundreds of people in the square below. They only had to look up to see me, exposed to them all, only one floor up. I was right there, on display for any of them to see. My future classmates, my professors—everyone.

  But I didn’t have time to object, because a moment later, Daddy drove his cock inside me. The force of his entry pushed me even harder into the glass. My hands flew up, pressed against the window next to my breasts. I’m sure the force of it made a sound against the window, but my eyes closed in reflex as his fingers found my clit and squeezed tight.

  “Look,” he commanded. “Look down at them. They all wish they were being fucked the way you are now.” He thrust again. “They wish they had a daddy to take care of them the way you have me.” He thrust again, causing me to groan. Daddy tweaked my clit in response, turning my groan into a squeal.

  My climax was close. I could feel it building. “I’m going to come, Daddy.”

  “Yes,” he said. “You’re going to come and you’re going to come hard. Scream it out. Don’t hold anything back.”

  I shook my head. I couldn’t scream. They would hear me. There might even be people outside in the hallway. Oh God, I hadn’t thought of that. I was so excited to be given a chance to be with Mr. Conrad, I’d so willingly stripped down into the little schoolgirl outfit and stuck my tits on display for him that I hadn’t even thought about anyone in the hallway. Someone could walk in. This was my education at risk.

  “You will scream,” he said. “You want to.”

  I did. I wanted to scream. The orgasm was building hard; it was threatening to explode through me. Another second or two of his hard thrusting into my pussy, and I might not even have a say in the matter.

  With one hand alternating between pinching and stroking my clit, the other hand found my still tender ass. It rubbed a gentle circle and then, without warning, Daddy raised his hand and delivered a blow to my still red ass. I couldn’t help it—waves of pleasure crashed through me and I screamed.

  Fuck, I screamed as my climax tore through my body.

  Daddy was relentless as he fucked me from behind. He didn’t let up, fucking me hard, pushing me over and over into the glass, where my fingers desperately and futilely grasped the slick surface for purchase.

  Vaguely, I could feel the juices of my climax streaming down my legs in an orgasm of epic proportions, but still he didn’t relent. My screams faded to groans and he slapped my ass again, sparking off another orgasm. Fuck, I was so easily manipulated.

  Daddy pumped hard and as I rode the second wave of pleasure, I felt his seed pulsing through me.

  I would have slumped over, exhausted and completely wrung out, but he held me there, pressed against the huge picture window for all to see if they bothered to look up.

  “Open your eyes,” he commanded.

  How did he even know my eyes were closed?

  “Open them, my sexy little whore,” he said again, and I did as I was told.

  Everyone below me was surely too busy with their own lives to notice what was going on up on the second floor of the building, but sure enough, there were a few sets of eyes focused on me.

  My face burned red knowing what they’d seen, but I still couldn’t move.

  “Look at them,” Daddy whispered in my ear. “All of those people watching you wish they were you right now. Every single one of them wishes they could be fucked to the point of oblivion the way you just were.” He rubbed circles on my back, letting his hand slide up and stroke my braids. Caring for me. Loving me. “They all wish they were you, Abigail. Every single one.”

  Emboldened and feeling safer and more secure than I’ve ever felt with Daddy’s cock still inside me, his arms holding me tight, I looked at each one of them who were still watching me. And dammit if I didn’t see envy in their eyes. Longing for what I had and they could only watch. And then my eyes locked on my friend and roommate Jessica.

  The longing and need was strongest in her eyes.

  I wiggled my ass backward, just a little to let Daddy know how much I loved his dick inside me, and then I blew Jessica a little kiss and winked at her. She was my best friend, and if anyone deserved to have what I did, it was her. I made her a silent promise to help her find her own Daddy.

  But then the moment passed, and Daddy was pulling me away from the window and into his arms.

  “You’re a good little girl,” he whispered into my hair. “And you’re my fucking sexy little whore, aren’t you?”

  I looked up and grinned. “Always, Daddy. Always.”

  Did you get enough? Ready for more sexy Daddies??

  Read Jessie and Shane’s story in My Biker Daddy…NOW! And stay tuned for a special sneak preview right after this…

  About the Author

  Lena Gordon is the sexy alter ego of a USA Today Bestselling Romance Author and the man who makes her moan.

  Hang out with us…

  Sneak Peek…My Biker Daddy

  Please enjoy this little sneak peek of My Biker Daddy…


  I’d been looking for a cup of coffee.

  Not a hard-on so hard I thought it might cause personal injury if I didn’t stop looking at the sweet young thing in the pale-pink dress that was stretched tight across her tits in all the right ways.


  I knew I was in trouble the moment I walked in and saw her, and her heavy breasts popping from the top of her uniform as she leaned over the counter.

  The last fucking thing I needed was a sexy piece of ass distracting me.

  Or maybe that was the very thing I d
id need.

  It had been a long time since I’d indulged in a little distraction of that nature. And Lord knows I was well overdue.

  As the CEO of MultiTech Software, I was used to the pressures that came with business, but with the details of the latest takeover weighing heavily over my head, the stress was reaching a boiling point. Which was exactly why I’d broken out my Harley.

  The minute I ditched my suit jacket and Rolex and slid into my beat-up leathers, it was as though I could breathe again.

  Nothing cleared my head like a long ride.

  Except a good hard fuck.

  My cock throbbed painfully, reminding me again of just how long it had been since I’d had that kind of release.

  Why had it been so long?


  I knew exactly why. The last woman whose company I’d enjoyed had been after a whole lot more than my cock and the last thing I needed was another fucking gold digger.

  I lifted my mug and took a sip of the strong, bitter coffee before I poured another dose of sugar in. She might look pretty fucking good in her uniform, but her coffee making skills needed a little work.

  I sipped slowly as I watched her.

  She was young, probably barely twenty, and judging by the book in front of her, a student.

  Exactly my type. There was nothing like a sweet young thing calling me Daddy while I fucked her from behind that released the pressure quite the same way.

  Not. Even. Close.

  “Can I get you anything else?” I’d been so busy imagining what it would be like to slide my thick cock inside her that I hadn’t noticed Jessie approach, coffee pot in hand. “A piece of pie, maybe? It’s delicious.”

  “I’m sure it is.”

  “Stan makes it himself.” She gestured behind her toward the kitchen, where the stereotypically bald, with a pot belly, cook stood over a grill. “It’s peach.”

  “Just some more coffee.”

  “It’s not too strong?” It was, but I didn’t say anything as she topped up my cup. “I make it really strong because I need to study. And work,” she added quickly. “But it can be kind of slow on the graveyard shift.”

  “Lots of time to study, then?” I shifted in my seat in an effort to release the pressure in my pants that had only grown worse when she came closer. “What are you studying?”

  “Organic chemistry.”

  She was smart too. Damn. It was even more of a turn-on. Like I needed any more reasons.

  She shook her head a little and put the pot down on the table. “First semester just started and it’s already kicking my ass. Honestly, the only thing that keeps me from falling behind is this job.”

  “The job?” I lifted the cup to my mouth and instantly wished I hadn’t. The coffee really was terrible. “It doesn’t seem like you’d get a lot of experience with organic chemistry at the diner.”


  She laughed and I was grateful to be sitting down because there was no way I would’ve been able to hide how hard that sound made my dick. Fuck, she was sexy.

  “But I have a chance to keep up on my reading here.” Jessie stretched her arms behind her back in a way that made her tits thrust forward. The buttons of her uniform strained, and I willed them to pop so those luscious tits would be right in my face. “It’s a trade-off, I guess,” she continued. “This job doesn’t pay nearly as well as the club, but at least I can get my work done and I don’t have to deal with—never mind.”

  “Deal with what?” I prodded, pretty sure I already knew the answer.

  “It’s just...well, the customers are different here. The club was full of entitled college boys with too much money and tiny—”


  She laughed. “I was going to say brains, but cocks works, too.” Jessie shrugged and picked up her coffee pot. “I’d rather be temporarily broke than deal with that every night. And speaking of broke...I should go make a call. I have to see if I can find a mechanic who’ll work for free.”

  She turned to head back to the counter, and as much as I loved looking at her ass, I stopped her. “Car acting up?”

  “You could say that.” She half turned and looked at me over her shoulder. “But it would be more accurate to say it’s not acting at all. Stupid thing crapped out on me right as I was leaving for work. Again. Which means it’s going to be a late night walking home.”

  “You’re going to walk? In the middle of the night?” Did she not realize how dangerous that was? Never mind how dangerous it was to tell a complete stranger that she’d be doing it? This little girl needed to be taught a thing or two. And damn, if I didn’t want to be the man who would teach her. “If you were my little girl, there’s no way I’d let you walk.”

  Her face went bright red and her mouth fell open, but she didn’t say anything.

  “You need to learn to be careful about what you say,” I continued sternly. “And who you say it to.” I lifted my eyebrows and tilted my head in dismissal.

  Clearly stunned, she blinked and walked back to the counter.

  I waited a few minutes and tried to talk myself out of what I was about to do. But when I looked at the clock over the door and saw that it was almost one in the morning, closing time, my decision was made for me. There was no way she was walking.

  She brought me another refill of coffee along with the bill before scurrying off again without another word. But she didn’t have to say anything. I could see the way she looked at me. The way her breath caught in her throat when she felt my gaze on her.

  I left a twenty that would more than cover my coffee, wrote my message on the back of the receipt and went outside to wait.

  Read more HERE…

  Lessons in Desire


  Mia and Evan desperately need to spice things up in the bedroom!

  After all, life is too short for run of the mill sex!

  On the recommendation of a friend, they take a big step and make their first visit to the “Institute.”

  They know they're in for an adventure, but are they really ready for what’s on the other side of the door?

  And more importantly—can they open up themselves and their relationship to the opportunity of the fantasy?

  Chapter One

  She could see her friend’s mouth moving, and she was pretty sure there were words coming out, but Mia had successfully managed to tune Rachel out while she took care of the final bits of dinner prep. As much as she loved her best friend, the last thing Mia wanted to hear was how exciting Rachel’s sex life with her husband was. It didn’t seem fair that after five years of marriage, the two of them were still hot and heavy. Especially since that was not the case with her own husband, Evan. And they’d only been married two years.

  “Are you listening to me?”

  Mia stopped, bread knife in hand and tried her best to look interested. “Of course I am.”

  “You’re a terrible liar,” Rachel said and poured Mia another glass of wine. “Because if you had been listening, you would have heard how Dane did the most incredible thing with his tongue. I have never in my life come that hard. I thought I was going to literally break apart.”

  Mia took a gulp of wine, letting the coolness of the chardonnay douse the flicker of flame deep in her own core.

  “Rach,” Mia started. “As much as I—”

  “Oh wait.” Rachel held up her hand. “You haven’t even heard the best part yet. I was lying there, totally wrung out. I mean, totally. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to move again, and just when I thought I couldn’t take another second, Dane—”

  “Stop.” Mia dropped the knife against the cutting board and like a little girl, squeezed her eyes shut and stuck her hands over her ears. “I can’t hear another word. Seriously. You’re killing me.”

  After a moment, when she thought it was safe again, Mia dropped her hands and opened her eyes just enough to see her friend smirking at her. “You done?” Rachel asked.

  Mia nodded, picked
up the knife and resumed slicing the bread.

  “So, you want to talk about it?”

  Mia didn’t even pretend she didn’t know what Rachel was talking about. They’d been best friends most of their lives and since their husbands happened to be best friends, too, the four of them spent as much time together as they could.

  When Mia didn’t answer, Rachel nudged a glass of wine closer to her, raised her eyebrows and waited. Just as she always did, Mia sighed, picked up the glass and got ready to spill her guts. But before she did, she took a quick look behind her at the deck where Evan and Dane were standing around the grill, tending to the steaks.

  Satisfied that they wouldn’t overhear, Mia leaned over the counter and whispered, “It’s sex.”

  “Sex is great!”

  Mia shushed Rachel with a gentle swat to the arm. All she needed was Dane overhearing Rachel say the magic word, and he’d be trotting inside to whisk her off to the nearest bedroom.

  “I know, I know,” Mia said. She took another quick glance around. “Except when it isn’t. Let’s just say that things with Evan and I haven’t been very satisfying lately.”

  In hindsight, Mia probably should have waited for Rachel to swallow her wine before she offered up her confession. But while Rachel choked and coughed her way back to recovery, it gave Mia a chance to figure out how much detail she wanted to go into with her friend.

  Mia handed her friend a glass of water and waited while she took a sip and put the glass down. “Are you okay?”

  Rachel ignored her. “What the fuck, Mia? You guys have only been married for a few years. Is everything okay between you two?”

  Mia nodded. “Yes. We’re fine.” And it was fine. Evan was her best friend. They shared everything together and they still looked forward to the end of the day when she came home from teaching English at the high school and he got off shift with the fire department, and they could cuddle on the couch together. Evan still made her heart beat fast and her panties wet with just one kiss. But when it came time to get down and dirty, there just wasn’t much excitement lately. Everything was feeling just a little too routine. She told her friend as much.


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