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My Weekend Daddy

Page 8

by Lena Gordon

  “It’s just getting kind of stale,” Mia said. “And I just don’t get it. How do you and Dane keep coming up with new moves? I swear, every time I talk to you, you’re telling me about some new crazy shit you’ve done and some new way he’s made you come. I just don’t get it.”

  Finished with her rant, Mia flopped into a kitchen chair and swallowed the rest of her wine before facing her best friend, who no doubt thought she’d totally lost her mind. But Rachel wasn’t looking at her strangely; instead, she was watching Mia with a sly smile on her pretty lips.

  “What?” Mia asked. “I thought you’d have something to say for sure.”

  “Oh, I have something to say, all right.”

  But Rachel didn’t say anything. Instead, she reached into her purse and took out a business card. She handed it across the table to Mia, but before she could take it, Rachel pulled it back.

  “Before you look at this, I need to know that you’re ready,” Rachel said.

  Mia narrowed her eyes. “I’m ready.” She thought back to the last time she and Evan had sex and the less than gratifying, at least for her, conclusion. “Oh, I’m definitely ready.” Before Rachel could tease her with it again, Mia lunged forward and grabbed the card.

  It was a deep purple, glossy card with raised silver printing. She ran her fingertips over the words, and read them aloud. “Passionate Pleasures Institute.”

  Mia looked up. Rachel was smiling behind her wine glass.

  “What is this?” Mia asked.

  “Exactly what it looks like.”

  “It looks like sex school.”

  Rachel raised her eyebrow in response.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh, I’m very serious,” Rachel said.

  “You guys needed to go to school for it?”

  Rachel flicked a glance out the window before answering. “We didn’t have to,” she said. “We were like you guys. Things were getting a little boring, and we didn’t want to lose the spark. One day, Dane came home with the card from a buddy at the gym. I was skeptical at first too, but I swear, Pleasures is for regular people, just like you and me. It’s totally changed our lives. It really is amazing. Trust me.”

  “If it’s so amazing, how come I’ve never heard of it before? How could you keep this a secret? We tell each other everything.” Mia’s head spun. Her best friend went to sex school. How did a thing like that even exist? She couldn’t wrap her head around anything Rachel was saying.

  “You have heard about it,” Rachel said. “I’ve been telling you for ages about the things we’ve been trying. Where do you think we learn them? Besides, there’s a code. I couldn’t tell you directly about the Institute until I knew you needed it. That’s how they keep it exclusive. Invite only.”

  Mia flipped the card around in her hand, and once again ran her fingers over the raised lettering. “So that’s what this is,” she mused, “an invitation?”

  “Oh yes,” Rachel said. “And trust me. You’re going to want to accept.”

  Mia rolled over and stared at the ceiling, listening to the sounds of Evan preparing for bed. After Rachel and Dane left, she’d done her best not to think about the purple card in the back pocket of her jeans. Rachel might think they needed it, but they didn’t really need classes telling them how to get off, did they? They’d been doing it for years and with the exception of the last few months, they’d never had any trouble in that area.

  But the last few months...

  Mia tried not to think about it. No. She was determined to prove her friend was wrong. It was just a phase they were going through. Nothing serious. And definitely nothing they couldn’t work themselves out of. And when Evan was done brushing his teeth, she was going to prove it.

  The faucet turned off and predictably, the bathroom door opened seconds later. Mia’s breath caught in her chest at the strong silhouette his lean body provided. There was an instant quickening deep inside her, just by looking at him. That had to prove something, she thought.

  “Are you sleeping?” Evan asked as he made his way across the room in the dark.

  “I’m most definitely not,” Mia said. She did her best to sound sexy and sultry, but even to her own ears, the effect wasn’t quite what she was going for.

  “Are you feeling okay?” Evan pulled the covers open and slid in next to her. The mattress sank with his weight and she instinctively braced herself so she wouldn’t roll into him.

  “I’m fine.” Mia shook off the feeling of insecurity that threatened to derail her and reached out to trail a hand down his bare chest to the waistband of his boxer briefs.

  “Oh,” he said. “Is that what’s going on?” His voice had a hint of playfulness, but there was also a tone of predictability in what he said that Mia tried not to be irritated by.

  “You know exactly what’s going on.” Mia let her fingers wander farther south, where they were rewarded with a stirring in his shorts. Stroking her fingers slowly along Evan’s inner thigh, she waited until his cock was hard before slipping her fingers inside his shorts and wrapping her fingers around him.

  Mia was rewarded by a groan. Encouraged by his response, she slid her hand up and down with just the right amount of pressure. She knew exactly what he liked. Not too hard, and just light enough to tease. And she knew what would come next, too—although secretly, Mia hoped Evan would surprise her.

  She tried not to be disappointed when he predictably said, “Come here. I need you. Now.” And he did. That much was evident, but she needed more. She wanted more. Sure, she was wet. But it wasn’t enough. For a moment, she thought about protesting. About telling Evan she wasn’t ready. But before she could think it through, his hands gripped her around the hips and forcibly lifted her onto his lap.

  His member pressed against her slit, hot and hard. She rocked up and down, letting the friction build against her clit. A spark fired, and she let out a small moan of her own. Wanting more, she shifted her body to continue the pleasure, but Evan caught her in his grip and when she rocked up, he used the motion in his favor and in one move, plunged deep inside her.

  Mia let out a gasp, which Evan took to be a sign of pleasure and guided her in the rhythm he set. His hands traveled to her breasts, cupping and squeezing. He rolled her nipples between his fingers, but just when she thought he was going to squeeze, and give her the pressure she craved on her sensitive buds, he pulled back.

  Desperate to salvage the situation, Mia leaned forward, increasing the pressure on her clit as their bodies rocked together in rhythm. It was too soon when she felt the familiar tensing of his muscles that signaled Evan’s release. Too soon. Frantically, Mia picked up the pace, letting her mind go blank, all her concentration focused on her pleasure center.

  Just as Evan clenched and released into her, Mia felt the stirrings of what would have been her own orgasm, but then, just as quickly as it showed up, it was gone.

  Tears of frustration pricked at her eyes as she climbed off. When did it get so bad? So routine? Rachel was right. Mia didn’t bother lying down next to Evan. Instead, she crossed the room, ignoring her bathrobe, and headed for the walk-in closet.

  “Mia? Babe?” Evan called.

  She didn’t answer. Intent on her task, Mia scooped up her discarded jeans and dug into the back pocket before heading back into the bedroom.

  “Are you okay?” Evan asked. He was propped up against the headboard, his face lined with concern. “I hope that was good for you. I mean—”

  “We need to talk, Evan.” She sat on the bed, holding her hands in front of her. “I love you, but...”

  “Our sex life,” he finished for her.

  She nodded sadly. “I don’t know where it went so wrong,” she said. “But I know we can fix it. Look at this.” Mia thrust the card at him.

  She waited while he took it from her and read over the words. She didn’t say a word while he digested what she was showing him. And when he finally looked up to meet her gaze, she said, “We need to cal
l.” For the second time that day, she ran her fingertips over the words, and read them aloud. “Passionate Pleasures Institute.”

  Chapter Two

  Evan couldn’t disagree with Mia. And he didn’t. There was something wrong with their sex life and he wanted desperately to fix it. Sex with Mia had always been hot and he had no trouble getting hard just looking at her, but she was right: things had gotten kind of boring and there was no room for boring. When she handed him the purple card, he hadn’t been surprised. Maybe he would have been if Dane hadn’t already talked to him about the Institute. He’d been meaning to bring it up to Mia for weeks, but he didn’t want her to be upset or offended. After all, a sex school? It sounded crazy. It sounded absolutely like something out of a porn movie. But maybe that was the point, he mused as he navigated the car through the streets, following the directions he’d been given.

  Maybe the Institute would put the spark back into things. He glanced over at Mia, who was sitting nervously in the seat beside him. He reached over and squeezed her thigh.

  “Hey,” he said. “What are you thinking?”

  She flicked him a glance before resuming her watch out the window. “I’m thinking this is crazy. Why are we doing this? I mean, a sex school? Do we really need this? And what’s it going to be like? Are we going to have to—”

  “From what Dane told me, you don’t have to go beyond your boundaries. So they aren’t going to make you do anything you aren’t comfortable with. And hey…” Evan waited until he looked at her before continuing. “We’re in this together. If you’re not comfortable, we’re out. Okay?”

  She nodded.

  Evan swallowed whatever doubts he still had lingering and resolved to be strong for her as he focused again on the road. One of them had to be confident in the decision they’d made and besides, from what Dane said, he was pretty confident it would be far different from any school he’d seen before.

  “It’s going to be good,” Evan said. “Dane and Rachel have been part of the Institute for years, and I know we’ve both heard about some of the things they’ve learned.” When he looked over and caught her gaze again, he raised an eyebrow and they both giggled.

  “It’s true,” she said. “I am kind of excited.”

  Evan smiled, and felt a stir in his pants at the thought of what they were about to do. “I am too.”

  Neither of them had any more time to think about what they were doing and what they could look forward to, because according to their directions, they’d arrived at their destination. The Institute was housed in the historic part of town, which was perfect as far as keeping it secret was concerned since no one ever came down this way past seven o’clock. At least that’s what Evan had thought, anyway. It was shocking to see the parking lot full of cars, when everything looked so dark. Evan took Mia’s hand, not failing to notice the way it trembled as she let him lead her to the address they’d been given when they registered the night before.

  Dane advised him not to waste any time, and to get to orientation as soon as possible. And really, it’s not like they had anything to lose anyway. He was desperate to fix whatever was broken with their sex life, and have some stories of his own next time he had a beer with Dane.

  They reached the door of the old colonial house and Evan reached out and lifted the brass knocker.

  Before the metal could hit the wood, the door opened and a woman more beautiful than any he’d ever seen—with the exception of Mia, of course—stood in front of them. She was dressed in a silky purple garment that draped in a halter around her neck with only a whisper of fabric concealing only her nipples from view, showcasing her firm breasts. The fabric wrapped around her waist and cascaded to the floor in a shimmer, leaving her back bare.

  “Welcome to the Passionate Pleasures Institute,” the woman purred. Her voice rolled over them like velvet, and despite her beautiful, imposing presence, Evan felt Mia’s hand relax in his as the calming voice washed over them. There was something about the woman that drew you in, and that’s exactly what Evan and Mia did. They walked forward as the woman stepped back and beckoned them inside.

  “My name is Desiree. You must be Evan and Mia.”

  Mia nodded her head and tightened her hold on Evan’s hand. A shot of electricity thrilled through him at the thought that his strong, confident wife was nervous. He hadn’t had the opportunity to be her protector in a long time. Longer than he cared to remember.

  “I’ve been expecting you,” Desiree said. “Please follow me so we can begin the registration process.” It wasn’t an intimidating tone, but it left no room for argument.

  The woman led them down a dimly lit hall and into a small, unassuming office. Evan peered around the room, trying to see what was remotely special about the place. There was nothing. From the oak lined walls, the large solid desk, and the two chairs that sat opposite Desiree’s own seat, there was nothing distinctive or mildly suggestive about the space. Except, of course, the woman who Evan could not stop focusing on.

  He forced himself to look at Mia. She wouldn’t like it if she saw him staring at another, extremely hot woman. Not when they were there to save their marriage.

  “It’s okay, Evan,” Desiree said, reading his mind. “You can look.” She leaned forward across the desk and slid a small stack of paper out of the single folder in front of her. “We’re all about indulging our passions here, so if it pleasures you to look, by all means, do.”

  Evan’s face burned, but when he glanced at Mia, he found she was staring at the woman too. She was entrancing both of them. He gave in to his desire and focused on her luscious body.

  “So.” Desiree deftly flipped through the pages in front of her momentarily before staring at each of them in turn. “It looks as if everything is in order and you’ve both answered your questionnaires fully.” Evan felt a stirring in his crotch just thinking of some of the questions he’d answered earlier. He’d provided intimate details about their sex life and more exciting, his own sexual desires. He could only dream and imagine what Mia had answered, since they’d been sworn to keep their papers private. “And there were some very intriguing answers,” Desiree continued. “I’m sure you’ll both benefit from your time at the Institute and I’m equally sure that you’re both eager to get started.”

  Mia nodded her head slightly, her gaze never leaving the other woman. Evan shifted in his seat. It was hot to see his wife so openly attracted to another woman.

  “I know it was discussed in detail in your welcome package that you both read, but I just like to remind participants that you are here of your own free will and you understand that our instructors and courses are chosen specifically for you and your needs. Trust is an important part of the process. If you are asked to do something you may not be initially comfortable with, remind yourself of that fact.” Evan nodded and his mind spun with the possibilities.

  Desiree slid another piece of paper in front of them and handed Evan a pen. “Before I can take you into your first session, I’ll need you to sign this agreement. It simply states that everything you learn here will be held in the utmost care and concern for privacy and since your references both checked out, I’m sure that will not be a problem. Will it?”

  It was a rhetorical question, but both Evan and Mia shook their heads before signing the paper. Dane had already told Evan about the reference check process and he was aware of how deeply the Institute had delved into their private lives. Strangely, he didn’t care. He just wanted to get started. The pressure in his pants was increasing to the point where he was tempted to take Mia over the desk right there, just to relieve the ache. But before he could think about it too much, Desiree had pushed up from the desk, beckoning both of them to follow.

  She led them down the hallway, to a small doorway that led down an even narrower flight of stairs. When they finally reached the bottom, they emerged into a foyer and Evan could see they’d come down what was a back staircase. The main door was flanked by large candles, burning on sm
all marble tables, but the room wasn’t dark. Instead, it seemed to be lit by an unseen source that illuminated the space in a heavy purple glow. In the air, there was the unmistakable scent of sex and lust. As Desiree led them through the space, instructing them on how they’d use the main door—which was really the back door of the house—the next time they came, Evan had a difficult time concentrating on what she was saying.

  They stopped in front of a door, marked only by the female symbol. “Mia, you will find a locker inside with a change of clothes. Based on both yours and Evan’s questionnaires, this will be your school uniform until we deem it necessary to change it. Upon arriving at the Institute each night, you are to immediately come to this room to change and prepare before heading to class.” Desiree handed Mia a dark purple folder. “This is your class schedule for the first semester. Inside, you will find a map. You’d better hurry; class will be starting soon.”

  Desiree turned to walk away and Evan, unsure of what to do, glanced between his wife and the commanding headmistress.

  “Will Evan be join—”

  Desiree spun around so quickly, Mia’s mouth snapped shut in mid-sentence. “Evan has his own schedule. There will be times you’ll be in class together, and often, you will be apart. All of your classes have been selected based on your initial questionnaire and nothing has been assigned that will take you out of the boundaries you’ve both decided upon. You will be able to reconvene in the lobby at the end of the night. Are there any more questions right now?”

  “No ma’am.” Mia bent her head and Evan’s cock immediately stiffened at her submissiveness. Had that been on his questionnaire? He racked his brain to remember if he’d expressed a desire to see his strong-willed wife submit. If he hadn’t, he sure as hell did now.


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