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Honest Love

Page 24

by Cm Hutton

  “At first, I would go home and write over your letters. I wanted it to stay there…to feel closer to you.” Her eyes started to tear up.

  “Hey, it’s okay. I’m okay.”

  “I know, but we almost lost you, twice. So…” She composed herself, gently wiping her tears so she didn’t mess up her make-up. “So, one evening when your mom came to sit with you, I had it done. No one knew. No one asked any questions, even if they noticed the tiny bandage. I knew that even if something happened and you didn’t…if we’d lost you, I was still yours, forever.”

  I examined the words closer, then fully realized what she’d done. Claire had had Mrs. London tattooed in my handwriting on the backside of her ring finger. The thought of her doing that just for me…well, it was pretty fucking amazing. I kissed the letters, then cupped her face and slowly kissed my beautiful wife. Even before the words were said or the papers were signed, before the island and the proposal, Claire had been mine from the very beginning.


  My mom went crazy with decorating the hospital chapel. It looked great and I could see that Claire was happy. As we walked in, there were white rose petals sprinkled down the aisle that led to the altar, which was nearly completely covered in dozens and dozens of long stemmed white roses all bunched together in these opaque, frosty looking vases. I have to say, it looked pretty amazing.

  Claire had told me that she didn’t care about anything fancy. She just wanted to officially be my girl, but I was glad to see my mom came through and made everything so beautiful for my bride.

  Claire was pushing me in a wheelchair since I was still weak from all the surgeries and from being in a bed for three weeks, but I was determined I was going to stand beside her as we took our vows. As we stopped at the giant, double wooden doors, Claire leaned down and whispered, “I love this. Your mom did a great job.” She kissed my cheek. I hated being in that fucking chair.

  “She did.” I looked at all the people standing, waiting for us. My whole family was there, along with Claire’s boys who I’d called the night before and asked if they would stand with my brothers as groomsmen. They stood proudly at the front looking at us.

  Jenna was her maid of honor and wore a beautiful pink dress. It was unreal how fast everything had come together. I had no clue why women spent years planning this stuff. Hell, we did it in twenty-four hours. Well, my mom did it in twenty-four hours.

  “I have a little surprise for you.” I said as I looked up at Claire.

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Mmm hmm.” I carefully stood and heard everyone gasp.

  “Derek! What the hell? Sit down, baby.”

  “No. I’m walking down the aisle with you, but I’ll need some help.” Just then, Claire’s two brothers walked up beside us, one on each side and she burst into tears.

  “How…when…?” She was very confused.

  “Well, let’s just say your oldest son might have spilled the beans to us a few weeks ago when I called to check on you. He filled us in on how his mom was doing since she never calls. We had no idea about this guy, but we’ve learned plenty through Matt.” Claire’s oldest brother, Tom teased.

  Claire glared at her son, but wasn’t mad at him at all. “Is that right?” Matt just smiled the biggest, proudest smile he could, making Claire laugh.

  “Yes. So, when Derek called yesterday telling us about all this, well the three of us worked up a plan and here we are.” Frank, her other brother admitted.

  “I love you guys!” She hugged both of them tightly and tried to pull herself together.

  “Okay, fellas…let’s do this. I’m done waiting.” I was ready to marry my girl.

  Frank stood on my right side and let me lean on him. I had Claire on my left, her arm around my back for support and mine was on her shoulders. Tom was on Claire’s left. The four of us took a step right as Lionel Richie’s My Love came on the speakers. I knew she’d love the song.

  “You didn’t!” She looked up at me.

  “I did. I hope you still like it.”

  “Uh, it’s Lionel! Of course I do.” I laughed.

  We walked slowly and stopped right at the altar. I could feel my face sweating, not because I was nervous. I was exhausted.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, but we might speed this along.”

  “Right.” Claire looked at the chaplain and nodded.

  “Dearly beloved…,” he started.

  “Sir, if you don’t mind, I’d like to just get straight to my vows.” Claire interrupted.

  “Sure. Go ahead.”

  Looking into my eyes, Claire started. “Derek, I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love you. I never thought I’d love again and really even now…well, this isn’t like any love I’ve experienced in my life, not even close. It’s more intense. It’s deeper. It’s pure and honest. You are such a good man and you love like no one I’ve ever known. You’ve opened your heart to my kids and you’ve shown me what it means to love without limits. Thank you for finding me. I promise to love you for the rest of my life.”

  I kissed her hand and smiled as tears welled up. I couldn’t believe she was mine. “When I first met you, I was an ass.” Everyone laughed and Claire nodded her head. “And fifty-nine minutes later, I was in love. I couldn’t get enough of you. I stalked you, I burglarized my sister’s office to find your number and address…”

  The whole audience was laughing along with Claire who just shook her head and smiled at me.

  “…I bribed you with junk food and movies, ran off any potential creepers that came to visit you and even begged to go on vacation with you and your kids.” Claire smirked at me and mouthed ‘not true’ to the audience. “And at every turn, every tantrum, every bump you forgave me and loved me for who I was. The greatest gift I’ve ever received was you. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that the lives we lived before were only preparing us for this love, right here…this pure, honest love we’ve found. You are who I was waiting for…who I was searching for all these years. Thank you for coming to me, for allowing me to be a part of your world, for trusting me with your heart and your children’s hearts. I am so very grateful to be joining your family, Claire. I love you so very much. I will honor you, protect you and forever put you first for the rest of my life.”

  “The rings?”

  Claire looked at me, shocked. But I had it covered. Jason stepped up and handed me two boxes. “Hope you don’t mind, but I got both of us rings.”

  Claire laughed. “No, I don’t mind.”

  I took hers out of the box. It was a two-carat princess cut diamond ring on a wide platinum band that had two diamond filled ‘anniversary’ bands soldered to each side. Claire gasped when I started to put it on her finger. I knew she would. Hell, I wanted a bigger diamond but knew she would think it was over the top. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered and I saw a single tear roll down her face. She didn’t know it yet, but I’d had Mrs. London inscribed on the inside. I’d show her later.

  “With this ring, I thee wed.” I whispered the words so just Claire could hear.

  She took my ring out of the box. It was just a plain, simple platinum band with Property of Claire London inscribed on the inside. I thought she might like that. I practically had to pay double to get Kyle’s jewelry shop owner ex-girlfriend to do it for me so quickly. Not really…she and Kyle were still close friends and she was so happy I was okay that she did it for free.

  “With this ring, I thee wed,” Claire repeated in the same soft tone.

  “Well, then…by the power vested in me. I now pronounce you husband and wife.” We both grinned really big. “You may kiss your bride.”

  I grabbed her face kissed the hell out of my wife, right in front of everyone as they clapped and cheered. When we came up for air, I laid my forehead against hers and said, “Mrs. London…finally.”

  “Yes, finally! I love you.”

  “I now present Mr. and Mrs. Derek London.” We slowly made our way back do
wn the aisle as everyone cheer and my mom cried happy tears. Mom had already made arrangements to plan a huge reception party after I was better and out of the hospital. Hopefully, that would be really soon. Claire helped me back into the wheelchair, took me to my room and helped me get into bed. I was pretty tired and just wanted to hold my wife next to me and sleep.

  “You’re staying here.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Yes, I know, but only if you promise to take that pain medicine the nurse left and sleep. I’ll lay with you, if you’re comfortable with me in the bed.”

  “I’ll take it and yes, I want you right next to me.” I moved a little and watched as Claire slipped off her wedding dress, winking at me as it slid down her body revealing her strapless lace bra and matching panties.

  “Claire, you can’t tease me like that when I’m practically immobile.” I growled.

  “Just making sure you still want me.” She looked down at her naked stomach, placed her hand on it and then smiled at me. “So weird. I still can’t believe it.”

  “Come lay with me.”

  “I have to put something on. The nurses will be in here later.” She was pulling something out of a bag she had sitting on the chair in the corner. It was the robe…

  “Claire, you’re not wearing that around here.”

  “I’m just teasing you. I have something else.” She pulled out a pair of yoga pants and a pink, snug-fitting tee-shirt. “Man, look at these things.” She was cupping her breasts.

  “I am. Damn. Why do they look bigger?”

  She climbed up next me and laid her head on my chest as I curled my arm around her. “Oh, yeah, I’m sorry. I’m forgetting this is your first pregnancy experience. Lots of weird things happen, like my breasts get bigger right away and can be pretty sensitive and sore…most pregnant women have the same kind of experience.”

  I liked hearing her talk to me about our baby. “Tell me more. I want to know everything.”

  She looked up at me, rubbed her hand across my chest and said, “If you close your eyes, I will.” So, I did. “By the way, I love my ring. How did you get it done so fast?”

  Without opening my eyes, I said, “I have friends in high places…and I had Kyle make a call. Did you see the inscription?”

  “No.” I felt her take it off and look. She let out a small laugh. “Perfect. I love it.” She kissed my chest.

  “So is mine. Want to see?” I opened my eyes to see her expression.

  As she was pulling my ring off, she said, “What did you do?” She started cackling, laughing when she read it. “I absolutely love this. Thank you. You’re right, you know. That’s perfect because you’re all mine.” She slipped the ring back on my finger.

  “I like having it on my finger, binding me to you. Feels really good.” I was getting sleepy. “Now, tell me about my baby.” I closed my eyes and tried to listen, but the pain meds were kicking in.

  Claire laughed. “Okay. Well, right now it’s the size of a grain of rice…” Drifting off to sleep.


  One week later, I was released from the hospital with a few meds for any lingering headaches, but otherwise a clean bill of health, as they say. I was feeling pretty much back to normal. I’d lost some weight, but with my appetite back, I was gaining quickly and feeling stronger. Claire had spent every night with me at the hospital. I insisted that she leave me during the day and go home to sleep and rest. She was carrying my baby, after all, and needed to take care of the both of them.

  Claire’s brothers stay the week and she got to spend some time with them. I didn’t know a lot about her family, other than her parents had been killed in a car accident years ago when Matt was a baby. Frank and Tom flew back to Texas a few days before I was released.

  We’d talked about where to live and finally decided I’d sell my house and move in with her and the kids. It was easier and only fair that I not make them move again.

  Tonight, though…Claire and I were finally consummating our marriage and I couldn’t wait. Actually, she might have been even more excited than I was. She’d confessed that she was a horny mess when she was pregnant and I was thrilled to hear it. I really didn’t know what to expect about all that stuff, since it was all new to me. We tried to be subtle as we were about to slip off to bed, but her kids weren’t dumb. Matt announced that they were all going to the movies and would be home late. Man, I sure did like that kid.

  Claire had gone up to shower, so I pulled Matt aside and said, “Here. Promise you’ll be careful?” I handed him the keys to my GT-R.


  “Yes, you deserve it. You’re an amazing young man. If your mom approves…and your dad, you can have it. Call it an early graduation gift. For now, you can drive it to the movies. Go slow. Please. Your mom is gonna kick my ass for letting you drive it.”

  Matt laughed, then shook my hand and leaned in for a ‘man hug.’ It was nice. “Thank you, Derek…and not only for letting me drive this awesome car, but for loving my mom…and us.”

  “You’re welcome. It’s easy to love you guys…all of you. You’re pretty incredible kids who have an unbelievably wonderful mom.”

  “You’re going to be a great dad, Derek.”

  “What? She told you?” I was shocked.

  “Yep, she’s really terrible at keeping secrets, dude.” Matt laughed. “So are we…especially Jenna. Do not tell that girl anything you don’t want the world to know. We aren’t good with secrets…especially after everything my dad did. We learned just how devastating they can be.”

  “So glad to know that. My family is the same way. No secrets.” I shook his hand again.

  “No secrets. Okay. Gotta go. I’ll be careful. Good luck when you tell her about this.” He laughed as he jingled the keys.

  “Right. Don’t be too late, okay.”

  “See, spoken like a dad! Good job.”

  “Brat. Go.” Matt was still laughing as he shut the front door.

  I climbed the stairs slowly, not so much because of my head, but my cock was throbbing the minute the kids left and my mind focused on nothing but my wife upstairs waiting on me. I walked in to our bedroom…our bedroom, God that sounded so good. Claire was laying on the bed, in nothing but her little black robe. “I’m burning that thing. It is the bane of my existence.”

  “Are you still jealous of my little robe, husband?”

  “No. It’s just…” I lost all train of thought as Claire let it fall open and I saw a pair of lacy, black thong underwear on her body…and nothing else. I started taking off my tee-shirt and unbuttoning my jeans as I walked to the bed. “On second thought, maybe we should just establish some rules for this tiny thing.” I reached Claire and carefully brushed the material off her shoulder and down her arm.

  “Rules, huh?”

  “Yes, like no one sees you in this but me.” I kissed down her shoulder to her breast, licking first one nipple then the other as I spoke. My wife moaned at every simple touch.

  “Derek, I don’t think I can go slow.”

  I pushed my jeans the rest of the way down, along with my boxers and climbed onto the bed, covering Claire’s body with mine. “Can I lay on you…on here?” I touched her stomach with my hand, then kissed it.

  “Yes, it’s fine, but I want on top, so lay down.”

  “You sure are bossy. I like it.”

  “Well, I don’t want you wearing yourself out before I’ve gotten what I want out of you.”

  I laughed. “Man, you weren’t kidding about the whole horny pregnant woman thing, huh?”


  I laid back and Claire, with her robe still barely hanging on, straddled me. She put her forehead on mine. “God, I’ve missed you…missed us. The last time you were in me, we made our baby.” She smiled then lifted her hips just enough for me to guide myself into her. “Oh, yeah…that feels so right, so good.”

  “Yes, it does. I’ve missed you too.” I licked her open lips and she moaned as her tongue eased into
my mouth and danced with mine. She started sliding up and down my cock, riding me. “I don’t think I’ll last long, baby.” I said as she pulled away from my mouth and watched my face.

  I saw her cheeks flush and heard her breath get faster. She was close. “Derek…”

  “Let go…”

  “Come with me.”


  I tilted my hips and drove myself deeper into her body. Claire let out a gasp and then started pulsing around me. “Oh, God…”

  “Shit…” I came so fucking hard, releasing weeks of missed opportunities into my wife’s body. We were sweaty, but not sated. “I need more.” I said as I carefully flipped us over and maneuvered Claire onto her knees. She knew what I wanted. “This is what I need.” I slammed my cock into her from behind.


  I reached around and found her clit, pinching it gently. “Fuck!”

  “Feel good, baby?”

  “Yes! Again.” I pinched it again as I continued to drive into her over and over.

  “I’m going to take you every way possible by the time the week is up. Hope you’re hormones are up for it because I crave you. I want to mark you as mine over and over, never stopping. You’re mine and I’m yours…forever.” I felt my cock getting harder. “Ready?”

  “God, yes!” I pinched her clit again and we came at the same time, moaning and screaming our releases. I twisted and laid us down on our sides, her back to my front, our bodies still connected. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

  “I might. I feel the same way.” Claire pushed back against me.

  “Ahh…give me just a minute and I’ll be ready. I think my cock is pissed at me for the lack of action these last several weeks.”

  Claire laughed. “Well, my girly parts haven’t been too happy either. Hell, not even my toys were making me happy.”

  “WHAT? I knew I heard you say something about toys with I was unconscious. Devil Woman! You were satisfying yourself as I lay helpless in a hospital bed? The shame!” I reached up and cupped one breast and gave her nipple a little rub, making Claire moan.


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