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Convincing the Alpha (Hobson Hills Omegas Book 8)

Page 3

by C. W. Gray

  “Let me see if I can find a place to stable them. I have a little land I can pasture them on, but it will take time to build a barn for them.”

  Grover smiled wide. “I know a man that has a horse therapy ranch. His name is Noah. Here, I’ll get his card for you. I know he’d stable them for you. That boy is horse crazy.” He handed Zed a card. “I’ll drop them off for you right now. I can’t wait to text Bertie and let her know her babies have a good home and won’t get eaten by coyotes.”

  Zed clutched the card and watched as Grover jumped into his truck and drove away. “Did I just adopt three miniature horses?”

  Chapter 3

  Noah stood in Stinkbug’s stall with Diane’s new patient, Jared. “First, you should use a curry.” He handed it to the young beta and helped him brush a small circle on Stinkbug’s neck. “With this one, pretend you’re washing a window and make circles all over Stink’s body. Curry combs help get all the dirt out of his coat. He has a habit of rolling around in the pasture.”

  Jared gave him a reluctant smile and mumbled something Noah didn’t catch.

  Noah stifled his annoyance. He hated it when people didn’t face him when they talked. Jared is shy, he reminded himself.

  Diane signed for Jared, eyes sympathetic. “He rolls around like a dog?”

  Noah snorted and patted Stinkbug’s neck. “Yeah, he’s a character. He also likes beer. A couple of my friends came over for a drink a few months ago, and Stinkbug actually stole a glass of beer and guzzled it.”

  Jared shook with laughter and pressed his face against Stinkbug’s side.

  Diane signed from where she leaned against the stall rail. “This is helping him. He hasn’t laughed like this in all the months I’ve known him.”

  Jared leaned back, worry replacing his laughter. “Wait. Is beer okay for horses?” He spoke a little too fast, but Noah was able to figure out what he asked through context and a few recognized words.

  “Yeah, in moderation.” Noah started brushing Stinkbug again. “I sneak him a little beer in his water every now and then.”

  Jared smiled again and worked on Stinkbug’s other side. “I like him.”

  The rest of the morning went fast. Jared learned how to feed, water, and brush Stinkbug fairly quickly. Diane would bring him to Noah’s once a week until he felt comfortable either coming on his own or needed to move on to a new type of therapy.

  Noah waved as they drove away. Jared and Stinkbug were a good fit. The horse was a rescue and both gentle and playful. He’d help the omega find a little peace from whatever was haunting him.

  He joined Dean, Emmet, and Saul for sandwiches in the breakroom. Ray made the best sandwiches, and Noah didn’t know how he did it. When Noah made his own, it just tasted like a sandwich, but if Ray made it, somehow the sandwich tasted ten times better.

  Dean held out a plate of food for him after he washed his hands. “I watched you and Jared a little. Stinkbug’s the one for him.”

  “I think so too.” Noah yawned, then bit into his sandwich.

  Saul scowled. “Stinkbug.”

  “Your mortal enemy,” Noah said between bites. “The thief that stole your beer.”

  Emmet chuckled and bumped Saul with his shoulder. “How can you not like Stinkbug?”

  Noah lost track of the conversation and focused on his food when the two started picking on one another. Saul and Emmet had both started out as patients of Diane’s. Eventually, they’d become good friends and came to the ranch often to visit with Noah and the horses.

  Noah wished they were there all the time. They were good company even if Dean’s teenage son was more mature than them.

  Dean rolled his eyes at the two men, and Noah smiled, leaning over to whisper in the omega’s ear. “Do you have a Band-Aid? I scraped my knee when I fell for you.”

  He must not have been too successful with the whispering because Emmet gave him a shocked look, while a flash of anger stole across Saul’s face before he managed to hide it behind a cold look.

  Dean covered his face and shook with laughter. He looked up after a moment. “You’re terrible. Where do you even find these pickup lines?”

  “What the fuck, Noah?” Emmet crossed his arms. “Are you trying something with Ray’s husband? That’s just wrong, man.”

  Noah arched a brow. “Does that sound like something I would do?”

  “No,” Saul said, slowly, relief replacing the frozen anger. “What’s going on here?”

  Dean smirked. “Noah has a date this weekend. Everyone is setting him up with their omega friends and family.”

  Emmet grinned. “I know an omega that would be perfect for you.”

  Noah groaned. “Not you too. Just leave me alone. All I did was mention that I might be open to dating again, and everyone suddenly has the perfect omega for me.”

  The other three turned to the door, so Noah turned around.

  Doc Grover smiled as he walked in. He made sure he faced Noah and spoke as clearly as possible, but Noah still had to guess a bit on what he was saying. “I’ve got three miniatures I need you to stable for a man.”

  Noah’s eyes widened. “Three miniature horses?”

  Doc nodded. “Justin and Griff’s brother is adopting them.”

  “Zed?” Noah asked.

  Doc nodded again.

  Noah hadn’t met Justin and Griff’s brother yet, but it wouldn’t be long before the Wilsons descended on the man. He was new to town and working for Noah’s cousin, so it was almost certain he’d be pulled into the Wilson circle.

  He frowned. “Wait. Why is he adopting horses if he doesn’t have somewhere to put them?”

  Doc gave him a smug look. “Justin wanted Zed to have a pet.”

  Noah rolled his eyes. “You conned him into three miniatures.”

  Doc grinned smugly. “He’s easier than Carter.”

  Dean shook his head. “I’ll help you unload them.”

  Noah grabbed his hat. “I guess I’ll get some stalls ready. Poor guy doesn’t know what’s in store for him.”

  Later that afternoon, after Emmet and Saul had left, Noah checked over the three miniatures. He fastened a hair clip in Peanut’s soft, wiry mane. “You’re the queen of the pack, aren’t you?”

  The pintaloosa gave him a sweet look and munched on her hay.

  He moved on to Butter. The brown dun was a little rounder than he should be, and Noah made a mental note to exercise him a bit. Their previous owner hadn’t been able to do much with them because of her health. They were well-fed and clearly well-loved, but all three were energetic and eager to play.

  Noah took his straw cowboy hat off and put it on Butter’s head. The horse bumped him with his soft nose, then went back to his feed.

  “Miss Jelly, how about another hairclip? Olive leaves them at the house all the time.” Noah stroked the black and white pinto’s neck and smoothed out her mane before fastening the red butterfly clip.

  Dean’s son Jake set his shovel down and leaned over the gate. “I need to steal some of Nari’s hair clips for Jelly. I think she’s my favorite.”

  Noah grinned. “Don’t let Peanut know. She’s the queen, you know.”

  Peanut tossed her head and gave Jake a baleful look, her lips shaking as she nickered.

  Jake gave him a wide-eyed amused look, then collapsed against the fence laughing.

  Noah laughed with him, shaking his head. Miss Priss really is the queen.

  After a few moments, Jake bumped him with his shoulder. “I’m going to help Papa clean the stalls in the other barn. I’m here this weekend, right?”

  “Are you sure you’re alright working every weekend? You need to make sure you have time for homework.”

  Jake rolled his eyes. “Dad doesn’t let me forget the homework.”

  Noah patted his shoulder. “Okay then. See you Saturday.”

  Jake grabbed his shovel and ran for the door. The kid was way too energetic and happy about shoveling shit. Noah liked him a lot. Jake lov
ed horses as much as Noah and Dean, and he was a hard worker.

  His phone vibrated in his back pocket, and he pulled it out, still smiling.

  His smile disappeared when he read the text. This is your father. I need money and I need it now. You owe me, Noah. I went to PRISON because of you and that bitch omega brother of yours. I’ll text you my account number. Don’t disappoint me.

  The phone tumbled from Noah’s trembling hand, and he slid down Jelly’s stall door. No, no, no. He’s in prison, and he can’t come near me. His body shook uncontrollably, and he closed his eyes. He’s in prison, and he can’t come near me.

  A large, calloused hand took Noah’s own, startling him. His looked up into a pair of warm brown eyes. The man kneeling in front of him was in his late twenties or early thirties. He was massive, with light brown hair and broad features. His oversized ears stuck out a bit from his head, and his smile was a little crooked.

  He’s fucking gorgeous. The random thought made Noah’s cheeks heat.

  The man spoke, but Noah was too out of it to focus on his lips. The warm weight of the man’s hand helped still his trembling, but he couldn’t make his dad’s text go away.

  Noah shook his head. “Can’t hear. Sorry.” Noah’s eyes fell on the phone again, and he shuddered. “He’s supposed to be in prison.”

  The man breathed out, then tried speaking again. He spoke slower this time, but Noah still couldn’t concentrate. He had to be paying close attention to speechread, and his mind just couldn’t take it right then.

  The man pulled a phone from his pocket and typed something, then held it up. My name is Zed. What can I do to help?

  Noah flushed. “Justin and Griff’s brother.”

  Zed nodded and sat beside him, then wrapped an arm around Noah’s shoulders. He typed on the phone. You’re Noah, right?

  “Yeah.” Noah tried to even his breathing and pull himself together. “My dad is supposed to be in prison.”

  Zed picked up Noah’s phone and read the text, anger filling his eyes. His lips moved fast, but Noah thought he was cursing. He typed in his own phone again. Justin told me some of what they did to your brother and you.

  “The whole town knows,” Noah said, sighing. “My parents locked me up in a mental hospital. They wanted my VA benefits.” He laughed, the vibration rough in his throat. “Like there was really that much.”

  I see your dad texted you. I thought you had a restraining order.

  Noah looked up from Zed’s phone, swallowing hard. “I thought I did too.”

  We can call my BIL, Tanner. He’ll know what to do.

  Tanner was a sheriff’s deputy and would know what to do, but Noah was reluctant to drag the police into this. It was a family thing.

  His knee bumped against Zed’s as he shifted. It was odd, having a stranger close enough to feel his body heat. It was a little electrifying too. Zed was an attractive man. He was big enough to make Noah feel damn near delicate.

  Noah felt his face heat again. “I just need to talk to Caden. He’s my lawyer.” He took a breath. “I can do this.”

  Zed smiled his crooked smile, and Noah’s heart beat faster. “Yes, you can.” He started to hold his phone up, but Noah stilled him.

  “I can speechread pretty well when I’m not out of it. I’m sorry to be such a pain in the ass. Hold on.” Noah grabbed his phone and texted Caden. “There. He’ll let me know what’s going on with them.”

  Zed gave him an intense look. “You’re not a pain in the ass,” he said slowly.

  Noah made a face. “If you say so. You don’t have to speak extra slow or anything. Just make sure you’re facing me when you speak. Now, you’re here for the sandwich club, aren’t you?”

  Zed’s shoulders shook when he laughed. “Yeah. Peanut, Butter, and Jelly. I have to say it in that order too.”

  Noah shifted from under Zed’s arm and stood. He held his hand out and helped the other man stand. “I’m happy to stable them for as long as you need. They’re charming little buggers.”

  Zed shook his head. “I can’t believe I adopted three miniature horses.”

  Noah laughed. “You might want to stay away from Doc Grover. He knows you’re a softy now, and he’ll saddle you with all kinds of pets.”

  Zed scowled. “He played me.”

  “Yep.” Noah opened Peanut’s stall, and Zed slipped in to pet the pintaloosa. The other alpha looked up from hugging the miniature. He said something, but Noah didn’t catch it.

  Zed pointed farther down the row of stalls.

  Noah turned around and saw Carrot glaring at him. “Aww, I’m sorry, buddy. Was I giving these cuties too much attention?”

  He went to Carrot’s stall and rubbed the pinto’s soft nose. He settled his forehead on the horse’s neck and breathed in his scent. “Do you forgive me?”

  Carrot rubbed his big head against Noah’s chest, making him laugh.

  A tug on the bottom of his flannel shirt drew his attention. Butter stood behind him, watching them with big, sad eyes.

  Carrot nuzzled the top of the miniature’s head, making Butter’s hat tilt down over his eyes.

  Zed jogged over, wincing. “Sorry. I didn’t close his gate.” He straightened Butter’s hat before patting Carrot’s neck. “Who’s this guy?”

  Noah rubbed Carrot’s ears. “This is Carrot. He’s one of the rescues.”

  Zed eyes went soft. “He’s more than that.”

  Noah made a face. “Okay, so I love him.” He straightened. “That doesn’t mean I don’t love all my horses. I do, I swear.”

  “I understand. I’m that way with my plants.” Zed spoke clearly, but Noah didn’t catch everything he said next. “She’s my favorite even if I have a lot of other ferns.”

  Noah smiled and nodded. No sense making him explain things over and over again. Don’t want to annoy the gorgeous alpha.

  Zed gave him a look. “You didn’t understand that one, did you?”

  Noah deflated. “No, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I was confusing.” Zed took his phone out. “I named my favorite fern.” He held his phone up. Eugenia.

  Noah laughed, understanding Zed’s earlier point. “Eugenia. That’s a good fern name. She’s special and your favorite even if you love all your plants.”

  Zed smiled proudly. “Yes. I have pictures.”

  He showed Noah a few pictures of a bushy fern.

  “She’s lovely,” Noah said politely, trying not to laugh again.

  “Janelle gave me an ivy today.” Zed held up his phone again. Maude.

  Noah nodded, face grave. “Now Eugenia has a sister.”

  Zed grinned. “I know you’re joking, but it’s true.” He patted Butter’s neck. “She has two more sisters and a brother too. I just need to build a barn.”

  “Until then, visit them any time.” Noah grabbed a few treats for Carrot. “I live in the house on the creek, so even if we’re closed, just come get me, and I’ll let you in the barn.”

  “Thank you,” Zed said, smiling softly. “Do you need any help here?”

  Noah considered him for a moment. Zed seemed like the kind that liked to stay busy. “Grab the broom over there and start sweeping if you don’t mind. I’ll get these fellas fed.”

  Zed gave him a grateful look and moved for the broom.

  Noah patted Carrot one more time, then led Butter back to his stall. He quickly fed the horses and refreshed their hay while Zed thoroughly swept the hallway and tack room. It only took a half hour or so, but it was nice having the man around, even if they weren’t talking. Maybe because they weren’t talking.

  His phone vibrated, and he took a deep breath before reading the text.

  Caden: The restraining orders expired a month ago. I called Nevada, and they’ve been out of jail for a year and a half now. They both got out for good behavior. First Rachael, then Steven. I’ll talk with Sherriff McKenzie and figure out how to renew the restraining order. Keep all of his texts and update me if he contacts you a
gain. Don’t engage and DON’T send that fucker a thing.

  Noah squeezed his eyes shut. He just wanted them to stay away from him and Elijah.

  He jumped when he felt a hand on his arm, then settled down and went easily as Zed pulled him into a hug. The other alpha’s scent was soothing and was fast becoming addictive. He hated looking weak in front of the man. He didn’t want Zed’s pity. I want him to see me.

  He took a breath and pushed back. “I’m alright. Thank you.”

  Zed kept ahold of Noah’s arms. “It’s okay to be upset.” The rest of his words were too fast for Noah to read.

  Noah sighed, suddenly exhausted. Even with every person around him trying to make communication easier for him, talking was still patchwork at best. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that last part again?”

  Zed smiled softly, hands gently running up and down Noah’s arms. “Parents have a way of fucking with our heads.”

  Noah’s laugh felt rough. “That’s the truth. I guess I should tell you that I know about your dad too. Justin is basically a Wilson, even if he won’t admit it.”

  Zed snorted. “I’m definitely telling him that.” He looked sad for a moment. “My dad was a bigamist and a liar that abandoned his families. Your parents are manipulating narcissists. We make a good pair.”

  Noah licked his lips. He liked the heat of Zed’s hands on his arms. “Yeah. We do.”

  Chapter 4

  Zed checked Eugenia’s soil. “Looking good, Eugenia. How do you like Maude?”

  The English Ivy hung next to Eugenia in the big kitchen window. They looked a little unbalanced, and Zed swore Eugenia pouted at having to share her space.

  “Siblings aren’t too horrible, sweetheart.” He winced. “Well, considering I’m going on a damn date tonight, maybe siblings are horrible.”

  He looked over his other plants. He had several pots of ivy, succulents, and herbs around the kitchen. I wonder if Noah needs an aloe plant for his kitchen.

  Over the past few days, he had found himself thinking about the younger alpha often. He stopped by and visited his miniatures every day and ended up helping Noah finish out his evening chores while he was there. Then they jogged a few miles together before Zed forced himself to go home.


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