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Convincing the Alpha (Hobson Hills Omegas Book 8)

Page 4

by C. W. Gray

  Zed enjoyed it a lot more than he should. There was something about the other man that drew Zed in. He had even started trying to learn ASL from a few sites online. It was going to be hard as hell, but Zed knew it would be worth it. For the first time since moving to Hobson Hills, he wished they were in a larger city so he could take classes instead.

  He wanted no barriers between Noah and himself, and while the other alpha was very good at speechreading, Zed didn’t want to leave all the work of communicating to him.

  Zed washed his hands and grabbed his keys. “I’ll see you girls later. Don’t worry. I won’t be home late. Sam’s nice and all, but this is just dinner.”

  His truck came to a stop at the end of his long driveway, and he thought for a moment. It won’t hurt to stop by Noah’s first. He might need someone to walk Carrot. He turned right instead of left and headed farther away from Hobson Hills.

  He pulled into Noah’s driveway and drove past the watermill house. Zed loved the place. He’d been inside once now and thought it might be the most peaceful place he’d ever been. The sound of the creek and water wheel lulled him in, and Noah’s calm presence made him want to stay.

  It could use some more plants, he thought with a smile. He really didn’t recall seeing any aloe in the kitchen.

  Zed parked next to Noah’s truck and jumped out. He knew Noah saved the smaller barn for last, so he slipped inside.

  Noah and Dean were tending to the horses near the tack room. Noah’s back was to him, and Zed took a moment to admire Noah’s wide shoulders and slim hips. The man’s curly black hair looked styled. Hmm, Noah isn’t wearing a hat like normal.

  Zed noticed Butter was wearing another cowboy hat and smiled. There it is.

  He started toward them, grinning at Dean’s laughter. The omega was a really nice guy.

  “My love for you is like diarrhea. I just can’t hold it in,” Noah said, hands pressed to his heart. “Will that one win my date over, Dean?”

  Dean leaned against Carrot’s stall, laughing hard enough that Zed thought the man might wet himself. “Please, use that line. I really want to know how he reacts.”

  Zed’s smile faded, and his eyes narrowed. The idea of Noah going on a date didn’t sit well with him. He wasn’t sure what the heavy emotion in his chest was, but it wasn’t good.

  He tapped Noah’s arm to get his attention.

  Noah’s eyes brightened when he saw him. “Zed, I thought you weren’t coming by tonight.”

  Zed shrugged. “I had a little time.”

  “You look nice,” Dean said, brows raised. He looked between Zed and Noah. “You both actually look really nice.”

  Zed noticed Noah’s clean jeans and boots and nice dark green button-down shirt. The color went well with Noah’s light brown skin and hazel eyes. The freckles across his nose begged for a kiss, but Zed thought it might be a little too weird if he leaned over and kissed Noah’s nose. Maybe.

  “Do you have plans tonight?” Zed asked, voice rough even to his own ears.

  Noah made a face. “I have a date at the Irish Rose tonight.”

  Zed’s eyes widened. “Me too. We should ride together.”

  Dean blinked. “Ride together to your separate dates?”

  “Sure.” Zed shrugged. “What time do you have to be there?”

  Noah frowned in concentration.

  Zed didn’t wait for him to ask him to repeat himself. “What time do you have to be there?”

  Noah smiled. “Six.”

  “Perfect. Me too.” Zed grabbed a treat from the bin hanging on the wall and fed it to Carrot. “If we finish early enough, we can come back and brush Carrot and the sandwich club.”

  Noah ran his hands through his black hair. “I’d like that.”

  Dean shook his head. “You two sound so eager for your dates.”

  Zed shrugged. “My brothers set me up.”

  Noah groaned. “Elijah set me up too. Brothers are so annoying.”

  “Yes, they are.” Zed guided Noah toward the barn door. “See you later, Dean.”

  Dean watched them leave with a strange smirk on his face. “Have fun.”

  Zed held Noah’s door open for him as he climbed into Zed’s truck. He ignored the confused look Noah gave him and shut the door.

  The drive to town was quiet, but Zed didn’t mind. He hadn’t really been around Noah away from the stable, and it felt really nice. The other alpha had a way of looking around him as if he was trying to take everything in all the time.

  Zed pulled into the parking lot of the Irish Rose. Noah was out of the truck as soon as Zed put it in park. He had Zed’s door open a few seconds later.

  Zed laughed as he got out. “Thanks.”

  The pub was busy, but it was early evening on a Friday, so that was to be expected. North and Wiley were tending the bar, and Laura and a few other servers were darting back and forth from the kitchen to the tables.

  Zed waved at Sam when he saw him. The omega had a table by the window.

  “You’re on a date with Sam?” Noah asked, voice a little louder than he likely intended it to be.

  Zed nodded. “Yeah. Want to come sit with us?”

  Noah bit his lip. “I don’t see my date here yet. Elijah said his name was Joey. He’s blond with blue eyes and should be wearing a blue and grey sweater. I have his picture on my phone.”

  Zed pulled Noah with him. He made sure he faced him when he spoke. “We’ll watch for him from the table.”

  Sam jumped up and hugged Noah. “It’s good to see you again, Noah.” He signed something, making Noah laugh.

  Zed scowled and sat across from Sam. It was stupid to feel jealous that Sam could sign while he couldn’t.

  “I’m sorry, Sam.” Noah smiled shyly. “Zed invited me to wait for my date here. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all.”

  Noah sat beside Zed. “I’m sure I’ll be gone soon, and you two can have your date.”

  Sam gave Zed a playful look. “I think Zed and I both know this isn’t going anywhere.”

  Zed smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry my brothers roped you into this.”

  “Why wouldn’t you want to date Zed?” Noah sounded a little angry. “He’s a great guy, and he’s hot. Look at his ears.” Noah poked Zed’s ear. “They’re adorable.”

  Zed felt his face heat up. Noah thinks I’m hot?

  Sam rubbed his chin, dark eyes full of mischief. “Now that you mention it, Zed is really hot. Maybe I’m not thinking this through.”

  Noah scowled and crossed his arms. “He’s not that good-looking. You’re better off without him.”

  Zed leaned back and studied Noah’s face. He knew Sam didn’t have any interest in him. The two had gotten to know each other the last couple of weeks. He was just doing this as a favor to Justin. Noah, however, didn’t know that.

  “Are you jealous?” Zed asked Noah. “Do you like Sam?”

  Sam snorted and coke dripped from his nose. “Damn it.” He grabbed a tissue.

  Noah looked confused. “Sam is a wonderful guy, but we’re just friends.”

  Sam looked between them and grinned around the tissue pressed to his nose. “Why don’t we order some appetizers. I’m hungry.”

  Noah looked puzzled, so Zed repeated Sam’s words since the omega’s hands were busy. Noah gave him a grateful look.

  They spent the next hour eating and talking. Noah watched the door, but with each minute that passed, he seemed to get sadder.

  Sam patted Noah’s hand. “Did you really want to date the man?”

  Noah made a face. “No, but it sucks that he didn’t show up. I need a drink.”

  Zed wanted to hug the other alpha but knew it wouldn’t be appreciated at the moment. “I’m glad he didn’t come. I’m having fun.”

  Sam chuckled. “Me too. I don’t want to date either of you, but it’s nice to hang out.”

  “You should come visit the sandwich club.” Zed took a bite of his Reuben sandwich. Albie was the eve
ning cook, and while he wasn’t Reuben, he still made a good sandwich.

  Sam tilted his head, eyeing him with curiosity. “Huh?”

  Noah’s wide smile showed off the little gap between his front teeth, and Zed’s breath caught, making him choke.

  Noah patted his back, then turned to Sam. “Zed here adopted three miniature horses named Peanut, Butter, and Jelly.”

  Sam looked surprised. “Really? Wait. I really shouldn’t be surprised at the names. Justin’s rabbit is named Butter Bunny. I think the Ames family likes butter.”

  Zed watched Noah as the younger man told Sam all about Zed’s minis. Noah loved horses. He’d seen it over the past few days, but the man fucking lit up when he talked about them. Zed thought it was possibly the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

  What the hell is wrong with me? Zed wasn’t the type to wax poetic over anyone. His exes had often complained he was too blunt and pragmatic for romance.

  Zed sipped his ice water. He might be romantically challenged, but he wasn’t stupid. He hadn’t wanted someone this much in a long time, if ever. Now, all he had to do was convince Noah to be his.

  Chapter 5

  Noah was a little tipsy when they left the Irish Rose. The date he hadn’t really wanted had ghosted him. What was worse was that Zed knew it.

  Noah wasn’t that worried about what Sam thought, but he did care what Zed thought about him. Now he probably thinks I’m a sad loser.

  He stumbled and Zed wrapped an arm around his waist. Noah couldn’t resist leaning into him and sniffing the man’s neck. He smelled so damn good. He always did.

  He felt Zed’s laughter shaking his body.

  Zed helped him into the truck and buckled his seatbelt for him. He definitely thinks I’m a loser, Noah thought.

  Zed patted his knee, then shut Noah’s door.

  Noah curled into the seat and closed his eyes. Alcohol always made him sleepy. He had learned to avoid drinking at poker night with his buddies. “If I drink too much, Niccolo gets all my money. He’s a sneaky little bastard.”

  Zed patted his arm and pulled out of the parking lot.

  Noah opened his eyes and watched the evening shadows dance across Zed’s face. “I wish I could flirt. Even before losing my hearing, I was shitty at dating. Of course, Mom and Dad only let me date girls in high school, so that was a problem. They thought omegas were wastes of space, and there was no way they’d accept me being gay anyway.”

  Zed frowned and said something, but it was too dark for Noah to read his lips.

  “I like your lips.” Noah pursed his own. “They look so soft, and when you smile your crooked smile, I lose my train of thought.”

  Zed smiled.

  “Just like that.” Noah rubbed his face against the leather seat. “Mind blown.”

  Noah was almost asleep by the time they pulled into his driveway. Zed helped him out of the truck and walked him to the house.

  Noah leaned into him and sniffed his neck again. “Why do you always smell so good? Do you roll in peppermint and lemon?”

  Zed’s body shook with laughter again. Noah liked it when the other alpha laughed. He got the impression Zed didn’t laugh enough.

  Noah unlocked his door, and Zed helped him inside. He fell down on the couch and pulled Zed with him.

  Noah leaned back against the arm and watched Zed for a minute. “I’m not a loser.”

  Zed frowned. “I know.”

  “I’m a little messed up, but Diane helped me work through a lot when I moved to Hobson Hills.”

  “I like Diane.” Zed smiled.

  “Yeah, she’s great.” Noah rested his head on the back of the couch. “She says I worry about having my control taken away again. Sometimes I dream about being tied down and drugged again, and I wake up screaming. That’s only sometimes though.”

  Zed moved closer on the couch until his knees bumped Noah’s. He eyes flashed with anger when he spoke. “Your parents will never take you away again. You have people to protect you now.” He made the sign for protect. “You’re not alone.”

  Noah smiled softly. “You signed.”

  Zed’s cheeks pinkened. “I’m learning ASL from an online teacher Diane suggested. It’s hard. It’s a whole new language, and I didn’t realize facial expressions could be so important.”

  Noah snorted. “I know, right? I think the only reason I learned as fast as I did is because of Olive. She made friends online in the Deaf community and really pushed me to learn ASL instead of just Signed English. She said it wasn’t enough to just get by. I needed to flourish. Now she’s teaching the twins ASL too.”

  Noah smiled softly. He used his voice to express himself, but communication was a two-way street, and he enjoyed being able to have full, deep conversations with his family and friends. Olive and Elijah had also been the ones to introduce him to Diane. I owe them so much.

  “You love Olive and the twins.” Zed gave him an understanding look. “I love my nieces too.”

  “They’re special.” Noah breathed out slowly, eyes feeling heavy. “You’re special too, Zed. I don’t want you to think I’m a loser.”

  Zed shook his head, and his hands made the sign for brave.

  Noah smiled happily and fell asleep.

  A few days later, Zed sealed the fermenter on the newest batch of A&J’s Pale Ale. It had been a long day, but Abel had wanted to get a little ahead since he would be going on paternity leave soon. This week was going to be a lot of work, but Zed found he didn’t mind too much.

  Abel watched him from his office doorway. “You’ve been quiet this week. Well, quieter than usual.”

  Zed gave him a considering look. “Noah.”

  Abel nodded, face confused. “He’s my cousin.”

  Zed grabbed the broom from the corner and started sweeping. He had swept after lunch, but it wouldn’t hurt to do it again. “I like him.”

  “He’s a good guy.” Abel yawned and stretched his arms over his head. “Noah had it rough with his shitty parents, but we’ve taken care of him since he’s moved here. I just made a date for him for next Saturday. My friend Mason has had the hots for him forever.”

  The broom handle made an odd crunching noise when Zed squeezed it a little too hard. Abel and he both stared at the broken handle in surprise. The silence between them stretched toward awkwardness, and Zed shuffled his feet, face heating with embarrassment.

  Abel pressed his hands to his cheeks, eyes widening in excitement. “Did my pragmatic and stoic right-hand man just throw a jealous fit? When you say you like Noah, do mean you want to slob his knob?”

  Zed shuddered. “What the hell is wrong with you? Slob his knob?”

  Abel winced. “I may have been looking words up on urban dictionary. Valentina will be dating before we know it, and I want to be prepared.”

  “Would she even call a blowjob that?”

  “I don’t know.” Abel rolled his eyes. “That’s why I’m looking things up. Now answer the question.”

  Zed rubbed his face. “What was the question again?”

  Abel giggled. “Do you want to do the nasty with my cousin?”

  For some reason, Abel’s urban dictionary slang reminded Zed of Noah’s corny pickup lines and made him smile. “I want to date him.”

  Abel gave him a considering look. “I always pictured Noah with a sweet omega that he could take care of. Instead, you want to take care of him.”

  Zed frowned, shaking his head. “No, I don’t. Noah doesn’t need anyone to take care of him. He’s one of the most capable people I know.”

  Abel gave him a smug look. “Good answer. It’s too late to cancel the date with Mason, so I’ll call in a favor from Sam, and you all can make it a double date so you can keep an eye on them. You had better work fast. Grammy and Aunt Anna are making a list of omegas. I’ll try to stall them.”

  “Thanks,” Zed said, smiling. “Now, maybe you should get out of here before Mateo comes and drags you home.” The two had gotten married over the we
ekend, but were waiting until after their baby was born to go on the honeymoon. Mateo was a bit overprotective at the moment.

  Abel grinned. “I kinda like it when he gets all caveman and parks the beef bus.”

  Zed made a face and threw his hands up. “I’m out of here. I’m meeting Griff for dinner. Do Valentina a favor and stop expanding your slang.”

  Thirty minutes later, he parked outside the Kozy Kitchen. It felt strange not to eat at the Irish Rose, but Griff had said he was craving gravy and biscuits.

  Zed ran through the rain and ducked into the diner. Griff gave him a pitiful wave from the back booth, making Zed pause a moment.

  He studied his little brother carefully. Griff was paler than usual and looked worn out. Bea wasn’t there either. That meant she was either with Justin or her babysitter, Ines.

  “Have you been working too much again?” he asked, sliding into the booth.

  Griff shrugged, not bothering to argue. “I need to work while I can.”

  Zed’s eyes narrowed. “What the hell does that mean? Are they laying you off or something?”

  Griff climbed out of his booth and slid in beside Zed. “Hug me.”

  He didn’t hesitate to pull his brother into a tight hug. “What’s wrong?”

  “First, I need you to promise not to tell anyone, not even Justin. Everyone will know soon enough, but we want to keep it to ourselves for as long as possible.”

  Zed’s fists clenched in the back of Griff’s sweater. “Griff, what the hell is wrong?”

  “You know Luke, right?”

  Zed rolled his eyes. “Yes, I recall your best friend. Explain the problem, Griff. I’ll fix it.”

  Griff leaned back, smiling softly. “You like to take care of everyone. Okay, so Luke and I fooled around a little.”

  Zed growled, eyes narrowing. “I’ll kill him.”

  Griff punched his arm. “For what? We were both lonely and blew off some steam. It was no big deal.”

  “Clearly it’s a big deal.” Zed tried to unclench his jaw. “What did he do?”


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