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Convincing the Alpha (Hobson Hills Omegas Book 8)

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by C. W. Gray

  “We got pregnant,” Griff said, voice tired. “One night a couple of months ago, Marie called and told me Bill and his new omega just had a huge baby shower. She said he was all excited about the baby and making this big deal out of it.”

  Zed cursed. Griff’s ex hadn’t wanted kids. When Griff had gotten pregnant with Bea, Bill had made it clear they were over.

  “I was depressed and lonely. Luke was pining after Brittney. She was dating Tommy at the time, so he thought he didn’t stand a chance with her. We comforted one another.”

  “He’s dating Brittney now,” Zed said, voice hard. “I’ll have a talk with him.”

  “No.” Griff flicked his ear. “No talks needed. Luke and I have already talked. We’re going to raise this baby together, but not as a couple. We don’t feel that way about one another, and it would ruin our friendship, which would do a lot more harm than good.”

  “Bullshit,” Zed said, scowling.

  “Is it?” Griff arched a brow. “Would it be better to force ourselves into a relationship we don’t want for the sake of the baby?”

  Zed deflated. “No, damn it. I have some money saved and you have insurance. We can do this.”

  “Yes, we can,” Griff said, hugging him. “I never doubted for one moment that you’d help me. I really hoped you wouldn’t kill Luke, but I knew you’d offer to take care of everything.” He leaned back. “Here’s the thing. I don’t want your savings account, Zed. I just want you to be there for me.”

  Zed squeezed him tight, pressing his face against Griff’s hair. “I’ll always be here for you and Bea. The new baby too. Hell, even fucking Luke, but only after I kick his ass a couple of times.”

  “Zed.” Griff chuckled. “No hurting Luke.”

  Zed sniffed. “Just a little ass kicking. Nothing too permanent. I’ll get Noah to go with me. He has a way of keeping me sensible.”

  Griff gave him a knowing look. “You talk a lot about Noah. How are the ASL classes going?”

  Zed scowled again. “Don’t change the subject. When are you telling Justin?”

  “Give me a couple of weeks.” Griff made a face. “Luke has to tell his parents too. The whole town will know then.”

  “Small towns.” Zed leaned back, wrapping an arm around Griff. “Let’s get you some biscuits and gravy and start planning. I missed Bea’s birth, but I’m not going to miss this one.”

  Griff sighed and leaned his head on Zed’s shoulder. “I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  He shot Zed a mischievous look. “I’m going to have to learn sign language, aren’t I?”

  “Make it ASL,” Zed said, frowning at the menu. “Noah prefers it.”

  Chapter 6

  “I can’t believe Elijah and Abel wouldn’t let me out of this.” Noah scowled as he watched Zed do another few reps of squat thrusts. His friend couldn’t stand being still for long, and they’d been waiting on their dates for fifteen minutes.

  Zed did one more rep and hopped up. “It’s just one date, and Sam and I will be here too.”

  Zed’s three miniatures watched him curiously, eyes and heads following their person’s movements. Butter wore a navy blue, knitted toboggan, and Peanut and Jelly both had their own knit caps and colorful barrettes.

  Carrot settled his head over Noah’s shoulder, so he leaned against his horse and scratched his nose. “I’ve known Mason for a year. It’s not happening.”

  Zed was the one scowling this time. “Damn right, it isn’t.”

  Noah frowned, certain he misunderstood. “Can you repeat that?”

  Zed gave him an innocent look and batted his eyes. “I can’t remember what I said.”

  “From two seconds ago?” Noah arched a brow.

  Zed shrugged and checked the gas gauge on the two ATVs.

  “I think I’ll text Justin and tell him you really want a cat.” Noah slowly pulled his phone from his back pocket and laughed at Zed’s panicked expression.

  “Why would you do that to me?” Zed’s bottom lip trembled, and Noah shoved him before putting his phone away.

  Zed’s head turned toward the road, and Noah followed his gaze. A small, lime green car pulled in and parked next to Zed’s truck. Zed moved to stand next to Noah, arms crossed and a distinctly grumpy expression on his broad face.

  Sam and Mason got out, both bundled up in warm clothes. The late October air was a bit cold, but it was a rare beautiful, clear day.

  Mason waved and gave him a wide smile.

  Okay? Noah smiled back hesitantly. Normally, Mason was really shy around Noah, but at that moment, the omega looked on the verge of laughter as he looked between Noah and Zed.

  Sam gave Mason a knowing look. “See? I told you.”

  “I hate that I’m too late,” Mason said, pouting.

  “You all aren’t too late,” Noah said, trying to smooth things over. “We have plenty of sunshine left in the day. Let me put the horses up, and we’ll get on the trail.”

  Mason giggled, and Sam rolled his eyes, while Zed just flushed and looked up at the blue sky.

  Noah patted Zed’s arm. “Z made lunch. He’s a really good cook and made ham and potato soup. We also packed some warm blankets. Prepare to be wowed by the natural beauty around us.” He shot finger guns toward Zed. “Just be warned, if Zed was a transformer, he’d be Optimus Fine. Try not to fall in love while I’m gone.”

  Zed’s crooked grin was worth Noah’s heated cheeks as Mason and Sam leaned into one another and laughed.

  Noah pulled Carrot’s lead and whistled. “Come on Peanut, Butter, and Jelly. Back to the barn.”

  The three miniatures trotted behind him, and he risked a glance back at Zed. The alpha watched him with soft eyes.

  Noah leaned into Carrot when they entered the barn. “I can’t believe I said that. Zed just looked so uncomfortable, and I didn’t want him to feel awkward. He probably thinks I’m an idiot now. I think I’m an idiot.”

  Carrot butted his head against Noah’s shoulder.

  “You’re right. It’s not like I stand a chance with him anyway. Mason is nice, I guess.” Noah sighed and put Carrot and the miniatures in their stalls.

  Butter watched him with longing.

  “I’m sorry, big guy. You can’t keep up with the ATVs.” Noah patted his head and snuck him a treat.

  By the time he shut the barn door behind him, the other three were ready to go. Noah blinked uncertainly at Mason and Sam. The sat together on one of the ATVs, while Zed took the other. That’s not how it’s supposed to go. Zed and Sam ride one, and Mason and I ride the other.

  Zed patted the seat behind him and grinned. “We’re ready.”

  Noah shrugged and climbed behind Zed. I’d rather cuddle with Zed anyway. He tugged Zed’s cap down around his ears, then did the same with his own. Then he wrapped his arms around Zed’s waist and didn’t even try to keep distance between them. He hugged Zed and settled his chin on the other alpha’s shoulder.

  Noah enjoyed the vibrations of the ATV thrumming beneath him and the crisp fall air as they drove through the woods. This is the perfect date. No talking, no crowds. Just a nice day with Zed. He breathed deeply, enjoying the appealing scent of the alpha in front of him. Perfect.

  A few hours later, they came to a stop at a clearing near Marco and Bennett’s house. Noah reluctantly untangled himself from around Zed and slid off the ATV. His legs wobbled a bit, so he took a minute to stretch.

  Mason did his own stretching and smiled at him. “This is so much fun. Thank you for inviting me out, Noah. I hope we can be friends, and do this more often.”

  And I’m friend zoned, Noah thought, strangely happy about it. “That would be great.”

  Sam and Zed spread a couple of the blankets on the ground, and they settled in a circle. Noah passed everyone cups, and Zed poured soup into them from the thermos they had brought.

  “Okay,” Sam said. “Let me tell you all what North told Griff yesterday when he came into the pub for lunch.”r />
  “Oh, no.” Zed snorted a laugh. “Why does his foot get stuck in his mouth every time Griff comes around?”

  Noah settled onto his side and let himself enjoy the day.

  A couple of days later, Zed paced the floor in the waiting room of the regional hospital. Justin had been in labor for six hours. “Do you think everything is alright?”

  “Sometimes babies take time.” Griff sat with Bea and watched as she colored in one of her many coloring books. “First babies especially.”

  Zed tugged at the collar of his shirt, unsure exactly why he was nervous. He really wished Noah was there.

  Abel and Justin’s two other best friends, Caden and Grey, waited with them.

  Grey gave Zed an exasperated look. “You need to calm down before you make yourself sick.”

  “Seriously, Zed,” Abel said, hands propped on his pregnant belly. “You’re going to pass out.”

  “Justin’s in good hands. It’ll be alright,” Caden said gravely.

  “I’m okay. I’m just a little on edge. No problem. There’s absolutely no problem here.” He ran his hands through his hair. “Justin is good. It’s just a baby.”

  The elevator dinged, then opened, and Noah stepped out and looked around until he saw him.

  Zed stopped pacing and released a pent-up breath. “Noah.”

  Noah smiled wide and held up the oversized stuffed bear he carried. “Where’s the baby?”

  Zed scowled. “She’s not here yet. It shouldn’t take this long, right?”

  “For fuck’s sake,” Abel muttered and rolled his eyes.

  Noah shrugged. “Elijah took almost twenty-four hours to deliver the twins. Grammy says sometimes babies take a while.”

  Zed smiled, relieved. “That’s good to know.”

  Griff snorted and handed Bea another crayon.

  Noah patted Zed’s back and handed him the bear. “Have a seat, Uncle Z. I’ll go get you a bottle of water.”

  Zed sat down with the bear in his lap and watched Noah walk toward the vending machines.

  The four men in the room gave him the same pointed look.

  “What?” he asked, jumping back up and doing a couple reps of burpees.

  Noah came back and handed Zed the water and waited for him to take a drink. “Okay, let’s see how long it takes you to do twenty reps.”

  The next hour passed quickly with Noah there. By the time Tanner came to the waiting room, Zed was worn out, but calm.

  Tanner grinned, eyes wet with tears. “Justin and baby Rhonda are doing well. They cleaned her up and have her fed. Justin wants to see you guys before he falls asleep. Griff, Bea, and Zed first.”

  Noah grabbed Zed’s shoulders and shook him from his daze. “Go meet your new niece.”

  Zed shared a grin with his friend and grabbed the bear. “I’m telling Justin I brought this.”

  Noah shook his head, eyes soft. “Get moving.”

  Zed gave him one last look and followed Tanner, Griff, and Bea down the hallway. Bea grinned at him over Griff’s shoulder, and Zed blew her a kiss. I wish I had been here for Bea’s birth.

  Justin sat up in bed with a little yellow bundle in his arms. He laughed when he saw the bear. “I can’t believe you all waited for so long.”

  Zed set the bear in one of the chairs. “We’re your family. We wanted to be here for you and meet Ronnie.”

  Justin’s face screwed up, and he started to sob.

  Tanner gave them a panicked look and sat on the bed to hug Justin. “Hey now, why the tears, love?”

  “I have brothers,” Justin managed to say through his tears. “I have a family.”

  Griff wiped his own eyes and hugged Justin from his other side. “We love you, Justin. Zed and I are so happy you let us be part of your life.”

  Zed sat at the end of the bed and patted Justin’s foot. He couldn’t speak easily past the lump in his throat. It had always been him and Griff against the world. He couldn’t imagine trying to go it alone as a kid. “We’re here, Justin.”

  After a little while, Justin’s tears slowed, and he gave them an embarrassed look. “I’m sorry, guys.”

  “Never apologize for feeling,” Zed said softly. He may have only met Justin a few months ago, but he loved the other man as much as he did Griff. “Family comforts.”

  Bea patted Justin’s cheek. “Kiss the baby?”

  Justin chuckled. “Oh, honey bee. Come meet your cousin.”

  Zed turned around to share a smile with Noah, then remembered he wasn’t there. Damn it, I want my alpha. Some moments were meant to be shared, and Noah was quickly becoming one of the most important people in Zed’s life.

  Chapter 7


  Noah rubbed his eyes as he opened his door to find Elijah and the kids on his front porch. “Why are you all here so early?”

  Snow poured outside, and Noah was happy to be in the warm house. It was the first snowstorm of the season, and he was a little worried about Jake making it to work that morning. It was Saturday, so usually Jake and he were the only ones taking care of the horses.

  I’m not worried that Zed won’t come by today. Not. At. All.

  It had been over a month since his date with Mason, and while he’d enjoyed it, he was quite happy that everyone had stopped trying to set him up with random omegas. He suspected they thought he was sad about Joey ghosting him and Mason friend zoning him.

  Noah felt only slightly guilty that he hadn’t corrected anyone. Despite what he had told everyone, he suddenly had very little interest in dating an omega. He had a slight obsession with a big-eared alpha.

  Zed came to visit his horses every day, then spent the evening hanging out with Noah before heading home for the night. Noah fucking loved it. Every second he spent with the man was a complete joy.

  Elijah gave him a curious look and tapped his arm to get his attention. “Where did your mind go?”

  Noah scowled at his brother but couldn’t keep it up when Connor and Cooper each hugged one of his legs. His nephews were too stinking cute for their own good. They smiled their gap-toothed smiles, and Noah knew he’d let them all inside. He mentally rolled his eyes at himself. Like you wouldn’t have anyway.

  Olive bounced in place, a wide smile covering her face as she signed. “Daddy has a surprise, Uncle Noah.”

  “Are you making me pancakes?” Noah asked hopefully.

  Elijah held up the brown bag in his arm. “Fresh apple pancakes with maple syrup.”

  “Please, come in.” Noah opened the door wide and the four pushed inside. Make that five. Hotdog was with them.

  Carter’s hairy Old English Sheep dog licked his hand as he passed.

  “Are we still on for our sleepover Wednesday, Olive?” Noah asked.

  His niece only had a few days left in school before the winter break, and she had already told him they were celebrating with a Harry Potter movie marathon. Fortunately, she didn’t mind watching the movies with the subtitles on, and he’d gotten used to his new normal.

  “Yes!” She fist bumped him on her way to the living room with the twins.

  Elijah wiggled in place before setting the bag down and pulling out his ingredients. “I have some important news.”

  Noah sat at one of the stools lining the counter. “You’re pregnant.”

  Elijah stopped dancing and pouted. “It was supposed to be a surprise.”

  “Then you shouldn’t glow so much when you’re pregnant.” Noah shrugged. “I noticed a couple of weeks ago. Then, a few days ago, when Carter was all protective alpha at Rue’s birthday party, I knew for sure.”

  Elijah sulked and washed some apples, then grabbed a knife. “You could have at least acted surprised. Carter’s telling his parents and brothers now.”

  Noah’s mouth made an O and he slapped his cheeks. “Oh my god, Elijah! You’re pregnant?”

  Elijah stopped slicing apples to point his sharp knife at Noah. “Watch your tone, little brother.”

  Noah laugh
ed and stole an apple slice. “Sorry. I really am happy for you two. You guys are the best parents.”

  “You’re the best uncle.” Elijah’s smile faded. “No more messages from Steven or Rachael?”

  “No.” Noah made a face. “Hopefully they stay gone. There’s not a lot we can do unless they threaten us.”

  “I think they’ll just move on to some other scheme.” Elijah’s words came fast, and Noah didn’t catch them all, but he caught enough. “There’s no welcome for them here, and they know it.”

  “I hope so.” Noah didn’t want to talk about their parents. It just made him itchy inside. “I rode Carrot yesterday. He handles well and is really gentle. He’ll be a good therapy horse.”

  Elijah grinned. “You just love him and don’t want to adopt him out.”

  “I’ll give him a good home.” Noah wrinkled his nose. “Zed said if I tried to sell him, he’d throw me in a horse trough.”

  “Zed,” Elijah said slowly, drawing the name out and signing the letters to add emphasis. He resumed cutting his apples. “All I hear from you anymore is ‘Zed said this’ or ‘Zed did that.’ I think someone has a crush on a brown-eyed alpha.”

  Noah looked around. “Did we somehow transport back to high school. Please tell me it isn’t so.”

  Elijah pointed his knife again. “You should ask Zed out. I still haven’t met the man, but the way you talk about him is enough to know you have it bad.”

  Noah gave him a suspicious look. “Is that why you’re not pushing me to date again?”

  Elijah shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ve decided I’m not dating anymore.” Noah shrugged. “I’m too much work.”

  “I hate that you think that. Joey better watch his back.” Elijah put his apples in a pan on the stove and added his spices. He turned around, making sure to face Noah. “I gave him the chance to date the most amazing alpha in the world, and he didn’t show up. Fuck him.”

  Noah chuckled. “Love you too. You know I’m right though. Zed can have any person he wants. There’s no way he’ll want me. We’re friends, but that’s all we’ll ever be.”


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