Book Read Free

Lake Effect

Page 12

by Johannah Bryson

  Shelby hung up the phone. There was one more call to make.

  • • •

  Wyeth was pretty sure his day couldn’t get any worse. Given the charges being leveled against him and the evidence the SEC claimed to have, it was going to come down to his word vs. the government.

  “Best case scenario the charges will be dropped. I don’t need to tell you — that rarely happens.” James looked across his desk at Wyeth. “Second best scenario, they fine you, heavily.”

  “Worst case scenario?”

  “You serve time and they take pretty much everything you own. That’s not going to happen.”

  “I like your confidence.”

  “This is why you pay me the big bucks. Listen, these guys are thorough. We’ve cooperated in every way possible. I think you’re looking at a fine, a slap on the wrist for not reporting something, and you walk away fairly unscathed.”

  “Vindicated or not, the publicity from this has not been good for business. My investors are angry, the board is angry, hell, I’m angry.”

  “My hope is to avoid a trial altogether. This is New York. By this time next week, you’ll be old news.”

  Wyeth knew he had to just trust James and trust in the process. Of course, that was easier said than done. Since his argument with Shelby, he’d not heard a single word from her. Two days felt like a year. Not that he blamed her. He’d said and done what he’d needed to in order to protect her. He just hadn’t realized at the time how much he’d be hurting himself.

  “Wyeth, we’ll come through this, I promise. Will we see you tonight?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Listen, you’ve been hiding out between your office and your apartment in town. You need to get away. Come out to Olivia’s with me tonight. Your nephew would love it. He misses you.”

  Wyeth turned toward the window without answering. He waited until he heard James close the door before he sat back down at his desk and put his head in his hands. He knew what he needed, who he needed. When this mess was over, if he didn’t get sent to jail, there would be nothing to keep him from her. Pushing back from his desk, he knew what he needed to do. Reporters and photographers be damned.

  Wyeth managed to skirt the photographers outside his building by taking the parking garage over to the next building’s elevator, then up and out the door. He kept his head low for fear of recognition. The beauty of New York was that you could get lost in the crush quickly, which was exactly what he’d managed to do. Now out on the street he walked with purpose to his destination. It was a small thing and perhaps a foolish thing, yet he knew in his heart if he could accomplish this, he’d feel so much better. It would be enough, for now.

  • • •

  “You made it!”

  Shelby melted into the embraces of Janele and Olivia as she stood in the drive of the Packard family home.

  “Did you tell him I was coming?”

  “Are you kidding? He’s been in such a foul mood no one’s been able to tell him anything. James convinced him to come out last night for dinner for all the good it did. He brooded through the entire thing. Not even little Jimmy could pull him out of it. Now that you’re here, perhaps you can talk some sense into him.”

  Shelby didn’t realize until just this moment how much she’d missed Wyeth’s mother and sister. They all laughed as Norman and little James, having lavished one another with hugs and kisses, walked off to the house together. Norman was every bit as tall as the toddler and could’ve easily bowled him over, yet he was as gentle as a kitten with the boy.

  “Do you think he’s going to be terribly mad at me for coming when he told me not to?”

  Olivia picked up her hand and squeezed, holding Shelby’s gaze in her own for a few moments before speaking. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him, young lady, even if he doesn’t know it yet. I think his heart is in the right place. He’s trying to protect you when in fact you’re exactly what he needs at this moment. I’m the one who invited you and I am the one who will bear the brunt of any of his anger. Now, enough of this, we’ve got to get you unpacked and inside. You’ve had a two day drive and today you’re going to be pampered and spoiled.”

  “Is the baby here? I’ve been aching to hold her.”

  Janele came alongside her and took her other hand. “She’s been waiting for her Aunt Shelby to get here. You can hold her all you like.” Arm in arm, the three ladies walked into the grand old Packard home.

  Shelby was as relaxed as she’d been in a very long time. Her feet were soaking in warm soapy water, her eyes were basking under a cool mask, while the chair she was sitting in was doing amazing things to her back. She’d stayed up way too late the night before laughing and talking with Olivia and Janele. Holding little Madeline had taken away all her angst. The long drive, maneuvering through the nightmare of streets that made up New York City, all seemed of little consequence when she looked at the sweet cherubic face of the infant.

  The ladies had decided that the best thing to do was not let Wyeth know she was here. Olivia had planned her arrival to coincide perfectly with two things: Wyeth’s Hearing and tonight’s charity event. Janele, of course, sided with her mother.

  “Shelby, it’s the perfect idea. You can spend the entire morning at the spa, our treat. I’ll send the driver for you at noon and, after a lovely lunch somewhere fabulous, we’ll go shopping.”

  Shelby let Janele’s excitement carry her away. So far she’d had a massage, a French manicure, and a complete Brazilian wax, something she’d always wanted to do but never had the nerve. The final phase was the pedicure. Why hadn’t she ever allowed herself this luxury? As soon as she possibly could she’d tear Lindsey away from the diner. Shelby was going to get her a full spa day experience. She put her head back and relaxed her shoulders. Lindsey would love it.

  She was just about asleep when a voice she knew all too well came into her ears, ruining her first ever spa experience.

  “I don’t believe for a minute that he’s guilty. In fact, I know he’s not since I’m the one who instigated the investigation to begin with.”

  Apparently she was talking to someone on her cell phone and chose this moment to sit a few seats down from Shelby. Carefully Shelby peeked out from under the mask. The woman took no notice of her at all, just kept right on talking. She was stunningly beautiful — until she opened her mouth.

  “Hold on. The usual, Greta, three coats on the polish and make sure the water isn’t too hot like the last time or you’ll find yourself begging to keep your job. Sorry, now where was I? Oh, yes, I did. It was simple, really, you can do that anonymously, you know. What do you mean, that’s cruel? He had it coming, the way he treated me. It got him back here, didn’t it? What about her? You knew it wouldn’t last. How could some farmer’s daughter possibly hold up against everything he’s always known? She wouldn’t last two minutes in this town. Besides, when he sees me at tonight’s benefit, he won’t even remember where Ohio is on the map, much less some country bumpkin of a girl. Yes, a convenient lay, you know men like him can’t go for too long without a woman. I’m sure she fell into that ‘any port in a storm’ category. Oh, he’ll be there, this is a Packard charity, and his witch of a mother will see to it that he’s there and that he behaves. His name is down as one of the speakers.”

  It took everything Shelby had to keep from ripping off the mask and showing Ms. Abby Newkirk just how tough a country girl could be. By the time her pedicure was finished she was ready to jump out of her skin.

  Shelby tipped her manicurist and made her way to the dressing rooms. She wasn’t sure what had made her angrier, the fact that Abby admitted she’d fabricated a story to cause the SEC to investigate Wyeth, or the slurs she’d made about Olivia. A sudden surge of protectiveness washed through her, quickly followed by doubt. All day long she’d been looking forwa
rd to surprising him tonight. Olivia and Janele had assured her they had a spot for her at their table and, since he was keeping himself in some kind of self-imposed exile, insisted she would be just what Wyeth needed.

  Now, having overheard Abby, she wasn’t so sure. One thing she was certain of, she didn’t fit in this world. Henderson and Whiskey Island were where she felt at home. She knew she shouldn’t let what Abby said get to her. Wyeth did love her. He’d told her as much and he showed it to her in so many ways. Had he only told her that in the heat of the moment? Was it just because she was the only girl around? Had it been the thrill of the chase? Did he tell her to stay home because he was ashamed of her? All these thoughts swirled around her head as she climbed into the limo waiting to take her to meet Olivia and Janele for lunch and then shopping for tonight’s event.

  How had she let herself be talked into this? She knew she had to tell someone what she’d heard about Abby setting Wyeth up, but the rest of it she was less sure about. Should she make an excuse to skip tonight’s event? Or find the best dress Manhattan had to offer and make a stand?

  • • •

  The venue was unlike anything she’d seen before. Light shimmered off of crystal chandeliers, round tables sat covered in fine linens with thin, white china and equally fragile looking crystal glasses. An amazing floral centerpiece sat at the center of each table, exotic flowers providing the only pop of color in the room. Each chair was covered in a beautiful cream-colored fabric with a neatly tied bow on the back. The room was full of beautiful people. Shelby had to steel herself to keep from turning tail and running.

  She’d found the perfect dress for the evening: a deep green with a slight shimmer that played off her hair and eyes. It cut down the front into a v-neck, revealing just the right amount of cleavage. She’d splurged on a beautiful new bra and matching panties, smiling as she heard Wyeth’s voice in her head. The good stuff. The dress hugged her curves as it flowed down to the floor with a slit up the side to show off her leg. A pair of black strappy sandals, with thin spiky heels, showed off her runner’s calves and made her feel taller than she was. Olivia and Janele had convinced her to just wear her hair straight and swept to the side, held there in a stunning antique clip that Olivia insisted she borrow. The overall effect was stunning.

  Olivia cut through the crowd with style and grace until they came to their table up near the front. Shelby followed closely behind, thankful that each time they were stopped it was for a quick hello and then onward. Then she saw him. Wyeth stood next to the bar, a glass full of amber-colored liquid in his hand, a scowl on his face. Her breath caught as she inhaled. He was gorgeous, standing there in his tuxedo, jacket slightly open, drink in hand, and that brooding look. Shelby felt her knees go weak. Holy Mother of Fundraising!

  She wanted to fly to him, feel his arms around her, and draw her strength from him. Willing him with all her might to look in her direction, Shelby started toward him then stopped short.

  “Here you are, darling.”

  She watched as a tall, leggy blonde made her way to his side and slipped her arm into his. She was every bit as stunning as Abby. Was this woman his date? Shelby felt her stomach take a dive. He smiled at the blonde beauty. Tears filled Shelby’s eyes as she watched the woman pull him away from the bar and into a group of equally beautiful people.

  Shelby needed a moment. Olivia was engrossed in a conversation with one of the venue staff. Janele had stopped several tables back and was laughing and chatting with a group of friends. She watched as they all shared pictures from their phones, oohing and ahhing over each other’s children. James had just excused himself to answer his phone, a worried look creasing his brow.

  Grabbing her small clutch, she excused herself from the table that was now filling up and headed for the sanctuary of the restroom. Perhaps she could just sit in there all night talking to the attendant with whom she was certain she had more in common than anyone else at this event.

  • • •

  Wyeth couldn’t wait for this night to end. It was as if his life at the vineyard had never been. If it weren’t for his mother, he sure as hell wouldn’t be here tonight. The event hadn’t even begun in earnest and already he was making plans to give his speech and get out. Luckily he was the first speaker and would be up before the meal. He looked at his watch, satisfied that in exactly sixty minutes he could make his excuse and leave. People were driving him crazy as they attempted to act casual and talk about anything other than the upcoming hearing or the stories that had been plastered all over the newspapers for the past week. Acting sympathetic while the entire time you know they’re just thanking their lucky stars it’s you and not them. Shelby had told him that’s how it was when she and Jack had lost their daughter.

  Shelby. If he’d only had her here with him tonight, he’d be fine. She would’ve come. She’d wanted to come and he’d shut her down. Several times in the past month he’d almost called her and begged her to come. He’d not seen her or spoken to her since he’d terminated their contract. Was she giving him the space he’d asked for or were they through?

  He reached into his pants pocket and wrapped his hand around the small box. The clerk at the little antique shop where he’d purchased it had assured him the emerald was real, as were the diamonds. She’d also mentioned that it had belonged to a couple who’d been married for seventy years. She’d purchased it at an estate sale just the week before. Why he’d even stopped at the little shop was a mystery — he’d intended on going to Tiffany’s to buy her the most exquisite diamond he could find. But the emerald ring was perfect. Wyeth knew that Shelby wouldn’t care if the stones were real. They were, but that wouldn’t matter. She’d love the love story that went with it.

  When he’d seen it this evening on his dresser he’d picked it up and popped the box in his pocket: a reminder that there would be better days ahead. Until he could see her in person, until his name was cleared, he’d use it as a talisman, his good luck charm.

  • • •

  Shelby spent as much time as she dared in the ladies’ room. She stood by the mirror, taking one last look. Opening her clutch for her lipstick, she applied one more light application and made her way out to the benefit.

  “Excuse me.” She hadn’t been looking and felt silly as she almost walked into the woman standing in her way. She raised her head and found herself looking straight into the darkest eyes she’d ever seen.

  Abby Newkirk was amazingly beautiful in a white sheath dress, simple diamond earrings, diamond tennis bracelet, and a flawless diamond necklace. Her jet-black hair was pulled up into a perfect French twist, fastened in place with a diamond clasp.

  “I know who you are.” Her comment was cold and her eyes swept Shelby from head to toe before her lips curved into the slightest bit of a smile.

  “Oh, and who would that be?” Shelby willed herself not to shake. Confrontation was never her forte but she’d be damned if she let this woman get to her.

  “You’re nobody, dearie. The sooner you realize it, the better off you’ll be.”

  Shelby watched as the woman slithered away and joined a group of friends by the door. She could feel the heat rise on her neck and stain her cheeks. It didn’t help when the entire group of people burst into laughter over something Abby said to them. Not wanting to cause a scene, Shelby waited a few more minutes then made her way back to the table, prepared to feign sickness and get the hell out of there as fast as she could.

  “There you are, have a seat, dear. Wyeth is going to give the opening address in just a moment. He has no idea you’re here, never even questioned whose wrap was on the chair next to his. Sit down, sit down.” Olivia was so excited. Shelby just didn’t have the heart to grab her things and run. So she sat down and took a very long drink from the wine glass in front of her.

  “Where’s James?” she whispered to Janele as the room quieted. She’d be
en meaning to tell James everything she’d heard Abby say at the spa, but in the whirlwind leading up to the benefit, there just hadn’t been any time.

  “He got called out about ten minutes ago. Happens all the time, he’ll be here.” Janele’s confidence was amazing to Shelby. To know and trust and love someone so completely had to be such a joy.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to welcome you all here tonight and thank you in advance for your generosity.” Wyeth’s voice flowed like liquid heat down her spine. The house lights were dim so he had yet to notice her. He looked perfectly at ease up there, speaking in front of the crowded room: the CEO, in charge and in control.

  He looked less brooding too. No doubt the result of years of practice or time spent in the company of his blonde friend earlier. Shelby felt her heart pounding and the anxiety building. Abby was right; she was a nobody. Wyeth didn’t want her here and he didn’t need her here. The man she was watching didn’t appear to have a care in the world. What had seemed like a good idea yesterday now suddenly seemed disastrous.

  James slipped quietly into his chair, wearing a grin from ear to ear. What did he have to be so happy about? These people really amazed her.

  She couldn’t bear it another minute. She would slip out now, while it was dark, and no one would be the wiser.

  “Of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to thank those who spent so much of their time making this evening possible. Could we have the house lights, please?”

  Oh shit, shit, shit. Now she was in for it. The house lights came up and Wyeth, expecting to see his family at the head table, locked eyes with hers. Time stopped.

  • • •

  Were his eyes playing tricks on him? Was that goddess sitting next to his mother Shelby? He stood there staring for a full minute, the uncomfortable silence in the room growing with every second that passed. He knew he should continue with his speech but he just couldn’t. Finally, the vision moved, rising out of her chair, and … was she leaving?


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