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Lake Effect

Page 13

by Johannah Bryson

  “Wait!” He laid the microphone down and jumped off the raised platform at the front of the room. In three long strides, he was next to her and without another word he bent her back over his arm and kissed her fiercely. The room erupted into a frenzy of clapping. He stood her back up, then grabbed her hand and pulled her back up onto the platform with him.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, my apologies.” His eyes never leaving hers, he held the microphone in his hand and waited for the room to quiet down. Shelby’s cheeks were stained red and her emerald eyes flashed at him with fury and embarrassment.

  “It would appear that I need to thank my mother, Olivia Packard, for more than her amazing skills at organizing this benefit tonight. I believe, if I’m not mistaken, that she has managed to read my mind as well.” He turned to look at his mother and sister who were laughing and wiping tears from their eyes simultaneously. Looking Shelby in the eyes again and keeping a tight hold on her hand, he continued.

  “As you are all aware from reading the newspapers, I am scheduled to have a hearing Monday with the SEC. I don’t need to tell you that it’s been weighing heavily on my mind. I also don’t need to tell you that my Board of Directors has asked me to step down from my duties at Packard Corporation until a verdict is reached.” The room became deathly quiet; all eyes were on him.

  “What you may not know is that I’ve just received word through my attorney that all charges have been dropped. It would appear a good citizen came forward with information. Due to this new evidence, tomorrow’s hearing has been canceled.” He waited for the room to quiet and for people to sit back down and stop clapping. He reached out, still holding Shelby’s hand, and used his thumb to wipe the tear coursing down her cheek.

  “This woman, this beautiful, stubborn woman standing here next to me, came here to stand by me no matter what. I didn’t know she’d be here tonight. In fact, when I looked out into the room and saw her, I thought she was a vision I had conjured up out of want and longing. I know you are all anxious to get this event started and to enjoy your dinner but I’m hoping you’ll indulge me for just another moment.”

  • • •

  Shelby watched in awe as Wyeth set the microphone down, reached into his pocket, and dropped to one knee. Slowly he opened the box, removed the most beautiful ring she’d ever seen, and raised it to her finger. The room was so quiet she could hear her own heart beating, racing as if it would burst from her chest.

  “Shelby Aylesworth, will you marry me?”

  Standing there, looking down into his handsome face, Shelby nodded her head yes and the tears began to fall in earnest. Wyeth stood and took her in his arms, twirling her around. Suddenly they were surrounded by Wyeth’s family and the raucous applause of the crowd. Joy surged through her filling every empty spot left in her heart, chasing away every doubt she’d felt over the past few days.

  After the meal she was paraded from group to group — and that’s when reality hit her. The people who had just an hour earlier shared a laugh at her expense with Abby Newkirk were now shaking her hand and congratulating her. Abby was right — she did not belong here. This was not her world, and she just couldn’t help but wonder just how long she’d last before this bubble burst.

  “Have I told you how fantastic you look in that dress?” Wyeth’s voice was right in her ear, his hand on the small of her back. She looked into his eyes and suddenly realized she didn’t care if she fit in or not. In fact, she didn’t care about another person in this room except for him. If Jack and Kyrie’s deaths taught her anything it was that life was a gamble at best. You couldn’t live your life worrying about what might happen. You had to live, take chances, and put your heart out there. She smiled up into his face.

  “All I can think about is getting you out of here and out of this lovely dress. Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes. Let me just make a quick stop, please.”

  “Don’t take too long.” He kissed the top of her head and reluctantly released her.

  • • •

  For the second time that evening, Shelby found herself in the ladies’ room. She fixed her makeup — thank goodness she’d worn waterproof mascara — and was brushing her hair when the door opened.

  Abby Newkirk didn’t even try to hide her anger as she dismissed the attendant, saying something to her in Spanish and pressing a bill into the woman’s hand.

  “Well, congratulations on sinking your claws into all that fabulous Packard cash. I guess collecting all that life insurance money from one dead husband just wasn’t enough for you, huh? Tell me something, Shelby, you’ve been here this evening, seen the kind of people Wyeth hangs out with. Do you really think you fit in? Do you really think after the newness of fucking you wears off, you’ll actually be able to keep him?”

  Shelby glared at her, not certain if she should speak her mind or just start swinging at her. One thing was for certain, she’d had just about all she could take from this woman and she wasn’t about to let her walk all over her now. Carefully closing her clutch, she straightened her shoulders and looked Abby in the face.

  “I feel sorry for you, Abby. Sorry that you would not know the joy of loving someone so deeply that no amount of money could ever compensate for their loss. Sorry that you’ll never know that love once, much less twice in a lifetime. Sorrier still that you feel the need to degrade me and harass me because you think I’ve got something you have a right to. You’re right, I don’t fit in with this crowd of people, but if fitting in with them means being like you, I’m okay with it.”

  Clapping came from the last stall of the restroom, taking both women off guard. Shelby was surprised to see the leggy blonde emerge who had stolen Wyeth away earlier. Her heart dropped to her stomach. She was outnumbered, it would appear.

  “Gretchen, I should have known you’d be hanging out in the ladies’ room.”

  Gretchen stopped by the sinks to wash her hands. Mystified and without thinking, Shelby handed her one of the fluffy white hand towels, filling in for the missing attendant. Gretchen gave her a smile and a wink then turned her attention back to Abby.

  “Wow, Abby, not only have you managed to offend the lovely Ms. Aylesworth here, now you insist on attacking my sexuality. How charming and classy of you. I believe the woman here said it all. Not fitting in with the likes of you is a blessing. You’ve lost, go away.”

  Shelby watched as Abby straightened her shoulders and left the restroom without another word. She turned her attention back to the blonde.

  “Gretchen Short, Mr. Packard’s secretary, and now, your biggest fan.” The smile she graced Shelby with could’ve lit up a room. Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “Oh, I’ve waited a lifetime to see that woman smacked down in her place and, sister, you did it with style and class. C’mon, let’s go find that man of yours and get you two out of here.”

  Shelby grabbed her clutch as Gretchen linked their arms and led her from the restroom.

  “Uh oh, should I be worried that you two are together? That could spell trouble for me.” Wyeth laughed as he walked toward the two ladies.

  “No, boss, you should just be thankful your beautiful woman here is straight ’cause I think I’m in love with her.” Gretchen winked again at Shelby as she delivered her into Wyeth’s embrace. Before she handed her over completely she whispered into her ear: “Don’t you listen to a word that was said, Shelby, you belong right where you are.” Shelby felt an instant affection for the bubbly blonde.

  “Shall we make our escape?” Wyeth asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  Flashbulbs went off like small explosives as they walked out the door, reporters shouting questions at Wyeth about the cancelation of the hearing and his exoneration of the charges. Wyeth wrapped his arm even tighter around Shelby and, pulling her close, raised his free hand to quiet the crowd.

  “A statement will be relea
sed through the Packard Corporation tomorrow. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  Wyeth ushered her into the back of the waiting limo and climbed in behind her. They were barely away from the curb before he had her in his lap, his lips on her mouth.

  “I guess you’re not mad at me then for not staying on the island?” She gloried in the deep chuckle he gave as he pulled her even closer to him in a warm embrace.

  “The next time I tell you to do something, feel free to tell me to shut up. I’m so glad you didn’t listen. I didn’t realize just how much I needed you here until now. Besides, you show up and the feds drop their entire case. The way I see it, I can’t afford to be without you.”

  “Who came forward?”

  “We don’t know but apparently whoever it was had recorded their anonymous informant boasting about having made up the charges. That’s all the feds needed.”

  Shelby thought back to Abby’s confession at the spa. She remembered the smile on the face of the pedicurist when Abby threatened her. The woman had been fussing with her iPhone as the water was filling. Score one for the little people, she thought to herself, vowing the next time to tip even more generously.

  “Wyeth, if you didn’t know I’d be here tonight, how is it you came to have this in your pocket?” She held out the beautiful antique ring, her hand shaking slightly.

  “Funny thing, that. I purchased it just a few days ago. I was going to fly to the island the moment my name was cleared, if my name was cleared, and ask you to marry me. Then, tonight, just before I was ready to leave the house, I saw it sitting on my dresser and just had to put it in my pocket. It was a reminder of what I wanted. I was using it as a good luck charm, a way to get me through what I was certain would be an awful evening and an even worse day ahead.”

  “What if the hearing hadn’t been canceled, if I hadn’t been at the benefit tonight, what then?” Shelby whispered the question as she looked down at the ring.

  “I’d made up my mind. I was going to mail you the ring and ask you to wait for me. I just knew there was no way I could lose you, Shelby.”

  “Oh, Wyeth, I love you.” Shelby leaned into his embrace and let the tears flow freely. Wyeth held her in his arms, gently rubbing her back and placing small kisses on her cheeks.

  “I love you more and I’m not taking you back to my mom’s. I can’t possibly wait that long. I want you all to myself.”

  • • •

  Wyeth wanted more than anything to ignore the ringing cell phone that had awakened him. Untangling himself from Shelby, he reached across the nightstand and picked the offending object up, jamming the button as if that would make the caller aware of his irritation.

  “Packard.” His anger dissipated the moment Shelby started to giggle.

  “You think you’d be offering me a raise after the way things have turned out.” He could hear the amusement in James’ voice.

  “I hate to interrupt your celebration but I’ve been told to tell you that you are both expected for dinner tonight. It’s not a request. And, there’s a Board meeting set for Monday.”

  “Well done, James. Yes. Thank you I’ll be there, for both. Shelby wants to know how Norman is doing?”

  “My, you’ll be happy to know that Norman made himself comfortable with James Jr. last night. In fact, when we went to check on him, we found them both cuddled together on the bed. Janele didn’t have the heart to part them. She’s a terrible mother.”

  “Shelby will be happy to hear that.” Laughing he put the phone back on the night stand and pulled Shelby into his arms.

  Chapter Nine

  The reflection of the iris shone in the clear water of the newly renovated reflecting pool like a Monet painting, their shimmering image dancing in the late afternoon sun. The gardens were full of flowering hedges, hollyhocks, foxglove, zinnias, and a myriad of other plants. Off the back of the beautiful manor home was an herb garden, surrounded by boxwood hedges. The newly groomed lawn wove in paths through the various gardens, down a gentle slope, and right to the beach.

  Shelby and Wyeth stood, hands held together under a white arch. The bride wore a beautiful pale green dress that flowed in layers to just below her knees. The zigzag cut of the hem and the shimmer of the material made her feel every bit like a fairy princess. A wreath of flowers circled the crown of her head, the finishing detail. The groom stood tall and handsome in his black suit and tie, crisp white shirt, and a stylish black leash in his hand that led down to a newly groomed, large collie dog. Family and friends filled the beautiful white chairs that had been rented for the occasion. The weather was perfect, with a breeze off Lake Erie ensuring that it was neither too hot nor too cold.

  Lindsey stood behind Shelby while James behind Wyeth. Shelby’s mother, May, brushed back tears from her front row seat, holding on to her husband’s hand. Behind her, Cheri Beauchamp beamed as Len pulled her closer to his side. Across the aisle, on the groom’s side, Olivia Packard held onto Janele who sat with a sleeping Madeline in her lap, beaming up at James Jr. in his little tuxedo, holding onto his dad with one hand and Norman with the other.

  “You may now kiss your bride.” The small crowd of family and friends broke into applause and a standing ovation.

  • • •

  Shelby removed the buttermilk biscuits from the oven and brushed them with butter. She slapped the hand that reached out and tried to take one.

  “Stop that! You’ll burn yourself and these are for paying guests, not the innkeeper if you please.” She laughed as her husband patted her very rounded belly and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek while stealing a hot biscuit off the tray.

  “As the innkeeper, ma’am, it is my duty to taste test everything that comes out of this kitchen. Besides, I promised my son I’d bring him one.”

  “Wyeth, the boy is two years old. He could not possibly have sent you in here for a biscuit.”

  Her husband just winked at her, playfully swatted her behind and left her laughing in the kitchen as their guests began to file in.

  About the Author

  Johannah Bryson has been writing for as long as she can remember, creating characters and their stories, always with a happy ending. She lives in northeast Ohio with her real life hero, has raised two beautiful children as well as four female collies and one crazy male Border Collie. She hopes you enjoy Shelby and Wyeth’s story and loves to hear from readers at

  A Sneak Peek from Crimson Romance

  (From Begin Again by Christy Newton)

  “What … is that?” Maisie Scott asked as she eyed a white cardboard box poked with tiny holes sitting on one of the tables inside Ginger Snaps, the diner on Main Street.

  “It’s a gift.” Her sister, Cady, pushed the small box toward her with pleading hazel eyes. “You need something to take care of.”

  Maisie shook her head, hands on her hips. “I have plenty to take care of.” She tilted her head toward the half-full diner. “See all these customers?”

  Cady frowned. “That’s not the same, and you know it.” She gave the carton another tiny push toward her. “Start small and work your way up.”

  Sighing, Maisie looked down at the matte pink and white checked floor. She’d known something like this was coming when her sister asked her out for a girls’ night last weekend. As much as Cady had tried giving her space, they both knew she couldn’t keep quiet much longer.

  Ginger, the diner’s owner, picked a great time to walk out of the back. “No critters in here. You want the board of health after me?” She was a stern but fair woman, and Maisie enjoyed working for her. Ginger gave her plenty of hours, so Maisie’s savings had continued to grow, getting her closer to her goal of buying a house.

  With unbelievable speed, Cady scooped up the box and held it close to her chest. “No critter here.” She turned to Maisie and smiled the same way s
he always did when she knew she’d get her way. “I’ll put him in his cage and you can name your hamster when you get home.”

  Maisie ignored her busybody older sister and continued to wipe down the tables with a terry cloth towel. Her heart sank at the thought of what would be waiting for her when she got back to the apartment she was renting in her sister’s basement. She wasn’t ready for a pet. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

  “Excuse me, can I have a refill?” A gray-haired lady with way too much makeup held up her lipstick-stained coffee cup, interrupting Maisie’s thoughts.

  “Sure, I’ll be right there.” Maisie blinked away her tears and shoved the towel inside her apron pocket while she walked back to the coffeemaker. First, Cady had insisted she start going to therapy, and now she had gone out and bought her a mouth to feed. Why couldn’t her sister just see she needed more time?

  Maisie rushed the pot of steaming coffee over to the lady, hoping for a good tip. A few more months of saving and she might have enough money for a down payment on a place where she would have the privacy to hide in her shell as long as she wanted. Too bad Cady hadn’t gotten her a turtle, then they could hide in their shells together.

  “Thanks, doll.” The lady smiled and winked at her with a glittery eyelid that any Vegas showgirl would envy.

  Maisie pressed her full lips together and did a quick nod. “You’re welcome.”

  She went behind the counter to grab more napkins for a little boy having a hard time finding his mouth, by the look of all the red sauce on his chin and the table. Maisie bent down to grab a handful, and when she looked up from the stainless steel counter, she noticed a customer had just sat down with his laptop. All she could see was the top of his blond head.

  “Be right back.” She whisked the napkins over to the thankful mom and rushed back to take the guy’s order. They were short-handed today because the other daytime waitress, Lola, had called in … again.


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