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Steps to Submission Volume 2: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

Page 3

by Lexie X

Piper pressed her cheek back in kind. Tightening her arms to embrace her roommate, she tenderly worked her cupped hand against light, humid fabric. Feeling Isabella slowly giving in, she just rubbed, breathed, and watched the video with her for several quiet minutes, staying close while the girls began undressing each other.

  When Isabella let out a deep sigh and began breathing harder, Piper knew she'd gotten through the biggest barrier. The feeling of being in control and being the one leading had her rather exhilarated. Knowing it was all on her, the warmth radiating from her roommate's body seemed to hold special energy, like something that was hers to manage and bring out. She rubbed Isabella's increasingly damp panties harder as the blonde in the video began working her mouth along her friend's chest.

  Sensing a cue, Piper moved around in front and took care to keep an open angle to the video. Using her free hand, she pulled her own loose shirt down a few inches, and her bra along with it—exposing her left breast in front of her roommate's flushed face. Isabella looked up at her with lust-filled eyes, and then down at the firm mound of flesh inches away. Thrusting her hips up against the hand working her and making a pained noise of resistance and surrender, she slowly opened her mouth.

  Almost not believing that it was actually happening, Piper stared down at the full lips pressed against the curve of her breast. Isabella kissed hesitantly downward, bringing electricity with every contact. Working her hand harder to encourage more, Piper did her best to keep from shuddering as soft moisture wrapped around her exposed nipple. Watching the blonde's closed eyes and entranced expression, she realized that this was actually more taboo for Isabella than kissing. Kissing was something everyone did, but this—with this, there was no denying that the other body in the equation belonged to a girl. Ever so slowly, Isabella opened her mouth wider, and then brought her tongue forth with trembling anticipation.

  Tensing against the stimulation brought by that firm wetness, Piper felt her thoughts begin to dull as her arousal flared. Struggling to keep sharp, she took a long moment to close her eyes and focus. When she opened her eyes again, she found Isabella looking up at her as her tongue moved in slow circles. "That feels good," Piper said softly, rewarding her with a smile.

  That encouragement seemed to lower the blonde's inhibitions an iota further, and she let her tongue move more freely, even going as far as flicking every so often.

  Feeling her nipple harden in response, Piper switched the position of her hands to expose her other breast. Isabella moved to the new nipple without hesitation and continued to explore her firm curves in between deep panting breaths.

  Lifting her chest to give her roommate a better angle with her mouth, Piper felt herself heating up to an almost painful degree. Watching and feeling Isabella's mouth on her breasts brought a powerful urge between her legs that simply begged to be relieved, but she knew she had to keep focus. There was so much further to go, and she knew that this might be her only chance to bring Isabella across the tremendous barriers of her own inhibitions. Leaning back and freeing her hands just long enough to lift off her shirt and bra, Piper returned bare from the waist up and brought her breasts quickly back to Isabella's waiting mouth.

  Looking over her shoulder, she saw that the girls in the video had progressed beyond making out; unable to wait any longer, Piper pushed down her own jeans until they piled on the floor. Rising up and moving her arms around, she managed to keep her fingers rubbing and one breast in Isabella's face while moving her thighs around the blonde's bound hands.

  Without stopping her flicking tongue, Isabella looked up at her with an anxious expression.

  Keeping her gaze, Piper moved her hips forward insistently.

  Isabella glanced past her at the video, where the girls were doing the very thing she was considering. Taking a deep breath, she used the little slack she had to rotate her hands and finally made contact.

  "Good, good," Piper breathed, increasing the pace of her fingers against her roommate's panties while sliding her other hand deep in her hair. "Just like that."

  The pressure against her burning crotch felt absolutely heavenly, especially knowing that it was Isabella finally reciprocating—and while she was completely sober, to boot. High on nothing but arousal and lust, the blonde breathed loudly and rapidly through her nose as her mouth and hand worked with increasing engagement.

  Finding a good rhythm despite their complex position, Piper carefully gauged her roommate's arousal. She had to be too caught up to resist the next step—upon feeling the first clenching precursors of the blonde's building orgasm, Piper made her move.

  Slightly lifting the arm that had been shoved down between their moving bodies, she brought her fingers above the top of Isabella's panties and then slid her hand down under the fabric, making direct contact with her slick and heated mound. At the same time, she took her hand out of those long blonde locks and quickly pulled her own panties to the side.

  At her chest, Isabella's eyes widened, but their shared rhythm was too powerful to resist. With only a moment's hesitation, she gave in, and her hand touched bare slick skin for the first time. Overcome by the moment, Piper shuddered at some desperate need within her heart finally finding relief in sync with her body's leaping anticipation.

  And then, just like that, they were back in the rising crescendo of mutual pleasure—working each other directly.

  Breathing raggedly, Piper arched her breasts harder into her roommate's mouth and pushed her crotch more forcefully against her hand. Out of the bottom of her eyes, she just barely met Isabella's doe-eyed gaze—an expression which quickly faded from amazement into glazed lust as their mutual peak rapidly approached.

  Tensing against the fiery ecstasy surging up through her, Piper rode with her roommate; everything else had been shut out, and the video had been forgotten. For a timeless rise, there was nothing else—just the two of them thrusting and rubbing in a frantic cadence of rapid breathing and excited moans while their gazes remained locked.

  Drawing in a sharp penultimate breath, Isabella finally freed her mouth from those soft mounds, now forced to press her face fully between them as the pleasure overwhelmed her.

  Filled with electricity herself, Piper pushed all the air out of her lungs and let her body overflow with sparking satisfaction. Feeling her insides prepare to clench, she slipped a single finger inside her lover in the hope that the blonde would reciprocate while in the fog of orgasm.

  And, instinctively, Isabella did.

  As that single finger slipped inside her, Piper felt her inner walls begin clenching, and her orgasm hit with full force. At the same time, she felt Isabella's muscles contract around her finger as the blonde pressed against her and came with body-writhing intensity.

  Sensing no inhibition whatsoever in the blonde at that moment of total animal abandon, Piper knew she'd won a major victory. There was no way Isabella would be able to forget this passion, and no way she would ever get the feel of a girl clenching around her finger and getting off against her hand out of her head. Isabella seemed to know that, too, but, so caught up, it only seemed to turn her on more.

  Together—so powerfully together—they thrust against one another and came for nearly a minute, still sharing every moment. At long last, Isabella let out a deep breath, and all motion between them stopped.


  Chapter 3

  Withdrawing slowly, Piper tried to catch her breath. Her head spun and her body remained weak from the intense orgasm, but she still managed to turn, stop the video, and close the laptop. When she turned back, she found Isabella staring at a vague point on the side of her bed; her eyes were distant, her whole body was flushed red, and her chest still heaved from fading passion. Sensing that she'd pushed her roommate far enough for the night, Piper moved forward and worked at untying her.

  Isabella remained motionless and unfocused until the last of the ropes fell away. Rubbing her wrists, she moved across the room to her bed, climbed in, and rolled over to face the wall.
  Noticing that her roommate had left the blankets behind her purposely open, Piper approached and clambered in slowly behind her. Wondering what the blonde was thinking, Piper embraced her from behind; she waited, feeling Isabella's racing heart and recovering breath.

  Unexpectedly, Isabella turned over. Piper adjusted her arms, putting one under their pillows and one on the blonde's waist.

  Isabella's lip curled oddly, and then trembled. She bit it to stop the motion, and her eyes moved back and forth as she studied her roommate's face. "Piper…"

  Feeling floaty and strange and scared and hopeful and ecstatic because she knew instinctively exactly what kind of moment this was, Piper could only manage a single word. "Yes?"

  Isabella's eyes darted around, focusing first on the scant inches of pillow between them, then on the distant wall of the room, and then back on her. "I…" She paused, her expression deeply awed, as if she'd just made some sort of tremendous internal decision and couldn't quite believe the result. "…yes."

  "Yes what?" Piper asked, beaming. She knew full well what question had just been answered, but she wanted to hear it spelled out.

  Breathing hard, Isabella didn't seem to have the spare mind to feign annoyance. "Yes… I'll go on a date with you."

  Feeling a bout of bubbling joyous laughter coming up, Piper suppressed it just long enough to torture her a little more. "Aren't we way past just a date?" she asked, her smile threatening to expand right off of her face.

  And still, Isabella couldn't joke. She only seemed more overwhelmed. "I have feelings for you!" she breathed, unable to believe her own words.

  Face contorted with the effort of resisting an ecstatic outburst, Piper gave a response she'd been saving up for quite some time. "I know."

  That finally brought Isabella's usual self back with a vengeance. She frowned fiercely, mock threatening mass destruction.

  "Yeah, yeah," Piper finally gave in. "This is real to me, too."

  And then they were kissing—a deep, slow, tender series of relieved and amazed kisses more aware and meaningful than any before.

  Sinking into one another, their bare legs entwined, they began moving together; lost in joy, her hips moving instinctively, Piper found the pressure of the toned thigh pressed against her sex surprisingly pleasurable. Isabella, too, seemed to feel it—a much more direct level of the grinding they'd enjoyed on the dance floor that drunken night at the club. Without words, they fell naturally into a better angle, and then began thrusting a little harder with each kiss and clutching grasp of desperate hands. When Isabella had to break off their kiss to breathe deeper, something clicked between them.

  Eagerly, they pushed off the sheets and the last of their clothes. Piper shoved down her panties and Isabella quickly lifted off her tangled shirt and bra after discarding her underwear. Both fully naked and embracing at new level of intimacy, they pressed tightly together. Seemingly unbelievable amounts of soft skin moved against soft skin as their breasts squeezed together and their hands roved in desperate attempts to answer unanswerable urges for closer and more.

  Sharing breath, their thighs intertwined again, and that natural rhythm returned. It didn't take long for an unspoken impetus to overtake them. Together, they crossed a line from passionate making out into seriously working toward pleasure; enamored with the slick wetness pressed against her thigh and the firm leg pressuring her sex, Piper turned for a better angle.

  At the same time, Isabella turned the other way, and Piper ended up more or less sitting on her roommate's leg. Grinding herself along firm smoothness, she grew slightly sweaty from the effort and ecstasy.

  Turning farther, seeking more, Isabella angled one leg up, and Piper found herself naturally sliding inward until their bare mounds pressed directly together. Rather surprised by the feel of her lower lips spreading open against soft flesh, Piper shivered and stared down at her sex as it made contact with Isabella's pink slit. Folds widened and lips pressed together in an intimate approximation of a kiss.

  Both girls froze for a moment to contemplate the depth of the taboo they were crossing. Piper looked across the canyon formed by their entwined bare bodies and met Isabella's gaze. This new and unexpected line that they were considering crossing—this was serious girl sex. Piper could feel her inner heat flaring just thinking about how deep into certain labels this would be taking them.

  But looking into Isabella's eyes, seeing her emotions returned, seeing the same lust—she wanted it. Inhibitions thrown to the wind; she wanted it.

  Isabella gripped her leg by the knee, and Piper braced herself.

  They began moving.

  Both watching the undulation of their bodies at the point where their intimate lips met, they rolled into one another, and their mounds compressed and moved with each motion. Gripping the sheets harder, overcome by the direct soft slickness against hers, and trying to process the strange feeling of another girl's sex pressed against her own, Piper focused her all on moving with the pleasure and pressuring Isabella's clit with hers.

  "Oh my god," Isabella breathed, thrusting harder, her eyes wide. "How the hell does this feel so good?"

  "I don't even know," Piper panted back, arching to buck with insistent energy. Her eyes jumped back and forth between the surreal sight of their grinding sexes and the more familiar but still powerfully alluring image of Isabella's large round breasts bouncing with each thrust. "You're so fucking beautiful."

  Isabella flashed her a naughty smile as their rhythm quickened. "I know."

  Laughing, Piper leaned back and really put her body into it. Each push brought a soft, fiery, slick bolt of bliss, and the gorgeous sight of Isabella's naked and sweaty body seemed to impress itself upon her mind and heighten her enjoyment exponentially.

  Glancing up between thrusts, she noticed that Isabella was looking at her body with the same lust-filled expression. It hit home for her as their shared panting grew louder that this was real. She was sharing feelings and mutual attraction with this gorgeous girl, and everything they'd been doing had kept her more turned on for months than anything the rest of her life had ever offered. Scrunching up her face against the sheer intensity of the pleasure working its way through her body, she couldn't help but breathe her thought aloud. "This… fuck!... This is sex…"

  Her eyes closed and her neck strained as they both rolled into one another with all their strength, Isabella panted right back, "God, I know, right?"

  Not missing the blonde's rare openness, Piper clung to that statement as her mind numbed and her thoughts went blank in favor of sheer animal lust. Thrusting in a frenzy as her moans mingled with her lover's, she let herself freely soar into a new height of pleasure. Beyond the pressure itself and the attractiveness of her partner in crime, the surreal but strangely natural feel of their slick mounds and the tangible power of how right it felt had her animal self completely overwhelmed. For the first time, she found herself verbally vocal as the orgasm hit her: the word 'yes!' left her mouth forcefully and repeatedly.

  Moaning loudly and happily with her, Isabella joined her in the throes of ecstasy. Together, they bucked, twisted, and writhed with pleasure, getting off for an immeasurable and utterly enjoyable time. Their moans and screams mingled in the air, together with the smell of sweat, intimate sweetness, and complex musk.

  They finally stopped only when someone in the hallway shouted. "Jesus, some of us are trying to study!"

  Horrified, laughing, utterly exhausted, and amazingly satisfied, the two girls fell together in the sweat- and juice-soaked sheets. Completely happy in a new and indescribable way, Piper held her roommate close and shared kisses at leisure. Studying the amazed happiness in Isabella's face and caressing and exploring feminine curves and girlish smoothness without fear, hesitation, or judgment, she felt content to stay in that moment forever.

  Her arms still wrapped around soft warmth, Piper blinked heavy eyes and woke with a smile on her face. Tracing the large round curve near her fingers, she lightly touched
her lover's nipple and teased it into hardening.

  Waking with a groan, Isabella stirred. After a beat, she sat up abruptly, and her matted hair curved into a puffy blonde mane. Looking around the room with a shocked expression as she ran over the night's events in her memory, she slowly moved to the edge of the bed and put her feet on the floor. Her fingers lightly gripped the corner of the mattress.

  "You alright?" Piper asked, compassionately concerned.

  After a moment, Isabella nodded, but her gaze remained on the floor.

  A certain fear occurring to her, Piper sat up. She spoke to her roommate's naked back. "If you're going to freak out and be mean again, that's fine," she said quietly, her tone fierce and trembling. "But don't you dare take back what you said last night. Don't you dare."

  Isabella turned her head gently. "I wasn't drunk. I remember." Her eyes traveled up and down, looking her naked body over. "I have feelings for you."

  Stunned with happiness all over again, Piper nodded.

  Turning her head away again, Isabella let out a long breath. "But, holy crap, you're a girl. I don't even—" She rubbed her face with both hands. "I don't think it's going to be simple."

  "Is anything with you ever simple?" Piper asked, both joking and serious.

  Isabella couldn't help but turn halfway around and crack a small smile. "You know me, and yet you still stick around. And stick through everything I do to you. You're so you, I can't stand it! But I can't stop, either. I have this terrible fear that you're going to get through all my defenses, and you'll worm your way deep in my heart, and I'll never get you out."

  Caught off guard by the blonde's rare honesty with her feelings, Piper arched her eyebrows. "Why is that a fear? Why does that scare you?"

  "You saw my parents," Isabella said, her face contorting through several different emotions. "I just—" She stopped abruptly, stood, and began searching for her clothes. "I'm not ready to—" She shook her head. "I don't know."

  Confused, but caring, Piper watched her roommate dress in silence.


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