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Steps to Submission Volume 2: Virgin Lesbian Erotic Romance (Steps to Submission Bundles)

Page 4

by Lexie X

  "Crap, I'm gonna be late for class," Isabella said, checking her phone. "No time for a shower." Smelling herself, she realized that she stank very strongly of sex and sweat. "On second thought, I guess I'll just have to be late." She slammed the door behind her on her rush to the showers.

  Trying vainly to fix the mussed and stained sheets, Piper sighed and climbed out of her roommate's bed. The previous night had been a major step, but it seemed there were still many more hurdles ahead. More sure of her love than ever before, she felt determined to get there.

  She smiled, then, and said it out loud to herself again. "She has feelings for me…" Shaking her head in disbelief, she plopped down in her own bed, content to just lay there for a time and relive the prior night's experiences. Deep in her reverie, an excitement grew. The possibilities between them were opening up, and there was so much more ahead. As much as she liked it when Isabella was in control, the opposite had been just as intense. As she lay there, she began crafting a plan.

  Chapter 4

  "I can't believe I haven't had a drink in two weeks," Isabella said calmly, her eyes on the television above as she ran in place. "It's a good chance to get back into shape, though. I gotta lose my freshman fifteen."

  Trying in vain not to huff too loudly or sweat too profusely as she ran on an adjacent treadmill, Piper looked her gorgeous roommate up and down. The blonde's body ran in smooth, perfect lines under her tightly clinging gym wear. "Are you freaking kidding me?"

  A slow teasing smirk crossed Isabella's face as she ran, but she kept her eyes on the show above. "Okay, maybe it's more like a freshman one. Or two."

  "You just like fishing for compliments."

  Isabella's grin widened. "Or maybe I just like the way you look at me."

  Her heart skipping a beat, Piper matched the blonde's gaze for a moment—and then she looked across the gym at the bathrooms. That was their next destination, ostensibly for showers and changing, but subtle electricity had her thinking something else.

  "We're done," Isabella said happily. Hitting a button, she stopped her treadmill and stepped off. Excited, Piper fiddled with her controls, managed to turn the thing off, and then raced after her roommate while trying not to look too eager. Most of the passing students had eyes for Isabella's slim body and full cleavage, but, to her surprise, she still managed to capture some glances herself.

  That was one of the disconcerting things about being out with Isabella. Piper found herself catching attention she'd either never gotten or never noticed before. She had a vague suspicion that it was the total change in her personal energy. The smile on her face mirrored her inner feelings—something she never normally let show. Isabella had once insisted it was because she was nerd pretty, but compliments from someone with the body of a goddess were hard to accept and even harder to believe.

  They entered the bathroom completely casually. Slipping to the back of the wide shower area, they took up spots under the last two showerheads.

  "You seem to know your way around this gym," Isabella said as she stripped without the slightest hesitation.

  "If you've been to one, you've been to them all, I guess," Piper replied, not wanting to explain her confused misadventures trying to pick up a girl months before. Studying Isabella's bare, glistening curves, she fought overpowering antsy energy and waited for a lull in the locker room population. "We could totally get away with it right now."

  Isabella looked down the empty shower area and listened to the lack of activity in the locker room outside. Her attention returned with a bemused smile.

  Scooting forward quickly, Piper let her urges guide her hands against soft skin and flowing water as her inner heat flared. She saw a brief image of Isabella smiling warmly and moving closer before she closed her eyes and sank into a deep kiss. Their tongues teased between open lips.

  Pulling her roommate close, Piper relished in the silky utter softness pressed against her. The feel of Isabella's larger, firmer breasts against her own still tickled her mind as her thoughts struggled to comprehend the taboo and surreal realities of enjoying another girl's body; she began kissing her way downward, eager to get to that particular act they both enjoyed most.

  Isabella pulled away. "I can't right now," she breathed, turning to her shower.

  Full of electricity denied, Piper fought down her inner urges and turned back to her own stream, her expression dark.

  "It's my chemistry midterm tomorrow," Isabella offered. "It's killing me. I've been studying for days, and I have to study all night tonight, too. Once that's over, I'll be less stressed."

  Piper tried not to say something she knew she would regret. The first few excuses had made sense, and she'd waited patiently, eager to explore their new whatever-the-hell-this-was, but it was becoming increasingly clear that Isabella was avoiding physical interaction. In the two weeks since the blonde's admission of mutual feelings, they'd spent some seriously enjoyable time together, but none of it had been sexual. The unspoken distance had been slowly making their quality time feel hollow.

  Piper took a moment to suppress her frustrated arousal and think about her words. "But then it's Thanksgiving break," she finally said aloud. "We won't see each other for like a week."

  Isabella glanced at a girl entering from the other side of the shower area, then looked forward at the tiled wall, her expression distant. "We would have been caught anyway."

  "I kinda woulda liked to get caught," Piper shot back, her words more biting than she intended.

  "I'll be fine after Thanksgiving break," Isabella replied quietly. "I promise."

  Her anger brought up short, Piper froze, and then began regretting her tone. "It's your family, isn't it? It's not your chemistry midterm, it's going home for Thanksgiving."

  Isabella took a deep breath, enough that her slick breasts rose with the effort.

  To her credit, Piper managed to keep her eyes up top. "Sorry I called your mom a stupid bitch."

  The blonde's expression turned light for a moment. "Hah, no, that was incredible. Don't ever apologize for that."

  Piper glanced at the girl across the showers to make sure that she was politely ignoring the two of them. "Well, then, don't go."

  "I can't just not go."

  "Sure you can."

  "What would I do? Sit around on an empty campus for days?"

  Raising her eyebrows, well aware of the rather insane step she was taking, Piper gave her offer quietly. "You could come with me."

  "Really?" Isabella perked up and finally looked at her. She blinked for a moment as she processed the feasibility of the idea. "Are you up for that?"

  Deliciously scared and excited, Piper nodded.

  "What would we tell them?" Isabella asked, watching her response carefully.

  A broad smile crossed Piper's face as she thought about it. "You're my roommate. Simple, honest. The rest stays between us."

  Seemingly freed from an enormous weight, Isabella let out a deep breath.

  This time, Piper couldn't resist looking down.

  Noticing her lusty gaze, Isabella laughed. "Pervert!"

  The next afternoon couldn't come fast enough. Her heart pounding from a heady mix of excitement and nervousness, Piper sat waiting in her car. Scattered students passed by on the sidewalk every so often, the last of the great exodus. She watched each of them pass, wondering where they were going and what their lives were like. It wasn't so crazy, taking home a girl, was it? Every thought of Isabella made her heart flutter and her skin tingle. That was the crazy part.

  A voluptuous blonde figure came running from around a nearby building, her backpack bouncing over her shoulder. Staring, Piper couldn't help but chuckle. For all her beauty and style, Isabella ran about as gracefully as a charging cow. Come to think of it, she'd never mentioned playing any sports. It was oddly refreshing to see that there was at least one thing she wasn't good at. For some reason she couldn't quite articulate, Piper only felt more endeared to the girl.

  Her face red
from stress and running, Isabella piled in to the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. "Go, let's go! Screw this place! Vacation time!"

  "Hell yeah!" Piper agreed, immediately caught up in her roommate's energy. "Music?"

  Eagerly, Isabella tinkered with the radio until she found a poppy tune. "I'll pack quickly, I wanna get out of here!"

  Piper grinned. "I already packed your stuff. It's in the trunk."

  "Really," Isabella replied, intrigued and wary. "Bold move. Should I trust that you got it right?"

  "Yes," Piper said confidently, seeing in the blonde's manner that her little idea had paid off.

  "Alright, I'm trusting you," Isabella said teasingly. "Which reminds me, where are we even going?"

  "Four and a half hours roughly southwest," she replied. She brought her phone up with the map app already open. "See?"

  Isabella nodded, and then transitioned the motion into a happy head-bobbing dance to the music that was rather hypnotic. Watching her, Piper smiled and shook her head. Just like that, the blonde's utter grace was back.

  Making her way out of the eerily empty campus, Piper turned onto the highway in an extremely good mood, even daring to sing along to some of the songs with her cheery companion. The drive seemed to pass quickly, and she found herself wishing it would actually last longer.

  Two hours or so in, they stopped at a drive-thru for sodas and a break.

  "My turn to drive?" Isabella offered as they stood stretching their legs in a small fast-food parking lot overlooking the windswept highway.

  Piper began to immediately refuse, but then she thought better of it. There was something Jessie had said about not being a pushover. "Alright. Sure!"

  The first turn onto the highway felt rather harrowing, but Isabella soon picked up the car's feel. As weird as it felt to have someone else driving her car, let alone Isabella, Piper found it a relief to sit in the passenger seat and relax. Watching the fields race by under the orange autumn sun, she marveled at how easy and natural everything felt. Her anxiety had long since vanished, replaced purely with contentment and warmth. Glancing over, she saw her look returned.

  Isabella's lip curled up lightly even as she kept her eyes on the road. "You're being kind of ridiculously awesome lately."

  "Just lately?"

  The blonde's smile turned more salacious as she turned down the radio. "I think I'm ready."

  Her eyes wide, Piper sat up straighter and abandoned her lean against the window. "Now?" Evaluating the situation, she looked around the car and the highway.

  Isabella nodded and pressed her lips together to resist squirming under the subtle antsy energy coursing through her.

  Wary of doing something in a moving car, but already filled with rising urges and intimate sense memories begging for satisfaction, Piper scooted an inch closer on her seat and reached over to rub Isabella's jeans along her thigh.

  The blonde sighed and arched up slightly, but kept her eyes on the road. "Fuck, I've missed this so much."

  Trembling from sheer anticipation, Piper nodded in unspoken agreement, and her eyes fixated downward. Fumbling with the blonde's belt, she managed to unclasp it after a minute's effort. "Just don't get us killed," she breathed, glancing at the mostly-empty highway around them.

  Isabella took a deep breath before replying with an aroused laugh. "I'll try not to."

  Pulse racing with the potential danger and very real chance of someone passing and seeing them, Piper first tried to keep her actions inconspicuous. Leaning awkwardly to her left as if she was studying the radio, she tried to get her hand under her roommate's jeans, but the angle proved impossible.

  Next, she strained against her belt, making it more obvious that she was doing something untoward. She managed to squish her hand under, but the angle was still all wrong.

  "These damn tight jeans," Isabella muttered, glaring at the road ahead.

  "We are making this happen," Piper declared, unbuckling her seat belt. "Two weeks of hell ends now!"

  Isabella glanced over at her in surprise. "You didn't, ah, do yourself? That whole time?"

  "Of course not," Piper replied without hesitation, moving carefully above the sodas sitting in the cupholders between them. "I don't get off without your say-so."

  The blonde ran her tongue lightly across her lips. "I like that."

  "I thought you would," Piper whispered in her ear, just before she slipped and tumbled back between the seats. Upside down, flailing madly, and caught awkwardly in the space between the front seats and the back, she struggled for nearly a minute to right herself. "Augh! I've forgotten how to human!"

  Red-faced and giggling loudly, Isabella shook her head as she drove. "You were so close to sexy. So close."

  "I try!"

  And then she righted herself, buckled into the back seat behind Isabella, and reached forward eagerly. Sliding her arm around from directly behind the blonde, she found a much better angle and slipped her hand down underneath her jeans and panties.

  Isabella breathed out forcefully through her nose. "So worth it," she said softly, her body already responding to the long-denied touch.

  Senses completely focused on the smooth curve, warm dampness, and soft flesh against her fingers, Piper could only nod. Her cheek brushed the blonde's ear as she leaned forward even farther. Pressing her body against the seat, holding her head up high, and thrusting her arm around the side, she managed to reach fully down and cup Isabella's humid mound under her clinging panties. "So this is what two weeks without feels like…"

  Isabella sighed deeply. "I've been so horny. You have no idea."

  "Oh, I do, trust me."

  "Sorry for making you wait," the blonde practically whispered.

  "Just drive," Piper whispered back, glad Isabella couldn't see just how much she appreciated the apology. "And let me make you feel good."

  As she began moving her hand back and forth and really getting her first good feel of Isabella in two weeks, a warmth started spreading through her far more powerfully than she'd expected. As she ran her middle fingers along soft slick lips, she called to mind every single detail of her roommate's perfect pink folds; their alluring trim lines just begging to be touched, that intimate scent, and, most of all, that sweet and intoxicating flavor. "I'm gonna go down on you so much this week," she whispered. "You have no idea."

  As her words hit home, she felt the body under her hand tense, and a little more wetness surged against her fingers.

  "That was sexy," Isabella breathed as a flush crept up her pale neck. "When the hell did you start turning me on so much?"

  Smiling warmly against the blonde's ear, Piper began adding pressure with her palm. Isabella made a little noise and squirmed for a moment, but kept her hands on the wheel and her eyes on the road. Her own jeans filling with uncomfortable heat and humidity, Piper reached her left hand down to respond to an incredible urge.

  "No," Isabella said suddenly and breathlessly.

  Looking up, Piper realized the blonde could see her in the rear-view mirror.

  "Do it without touching yourself," Isabella elaborated, her reflected gaze sultry. "I want you to get off just from enjoying doing me so much."

  Piper's warm smile shifted into a mischievous grin. "So you were listening when I told you to be more honest about what you like."

  Isabella nodded once, deliberately and slowly. "It turns me on."

  "Alright, then."

  Piper closed her eyes for a moment to focus on her inner pleasure. It'd been quite awhile, and her position was strange, and the situation was rather exotic—but two weeks of pent-up arousal had given her a good base to work with. Focusing her senses entirely on the warm wetness under her fingers, the reactions of the gorgeous body pressed against her arm, and the still-surreal fact that she was rubbing and fingering and pleasuring and caring about a girl, Piper began working that familiar sideways pattern of enjoyment through her body; that more difficult, more mental, but equally as satisfying pleasure that could
bring her to orgasm without direct stimulation. Once she had a good grasp of the feeling, she opened her eyes to find Isabella watching her in the rear-view mirror hungrily.

  The blonde turned her gaze to the road again, but the moment of bare lust had not gone unseen.

  Her inner fire surging, Piper slid her two middle fingers in between slick walls and found that perfect spot inside Isabella. For the first time, she'd had a glance past all of her roommate's barriers straight to that hungry, sadistic, and perverted darkness beyond, and that darkness turned on her beyond words. She knew implicitly that Isabella had all sorts of twisted thoughts churning around where nobody could see them, each backed by the power to actually get what she wanted. Breathing hard as her own pleasure reached an unbearable pressure, Piper called on all her months of experience bringing the gorgeous blonde to orgasm.

  Panting and squirming to keep her focus on the road, Isabella pushed herself up tightly against the hand working her.

  Her whole body tensed painfully to hold the inevitable back, Piper worked her arm back and forth rapidly. She was vaguely aware of a passing car to her left, and of a teenage boy gawking in amazement from the back seat, but she was too caught up to care. Pushing her cheek against Isabella's flushed and heated neck to feel the blonde's body tense under her ministrations, Piper brought them both over the peak together.

  Lifting her left shoulder and scrunching up her face to keep focused on driving, Isabella let out a series of desperate breaths and moans.

  Relishing every moment of the gorgeous body getting off against her hand and cheek, Piper let the heat rush through her and fill her every corner with intense pleasure. Gripping the inside of the door with her left hand to remain stable, she bucked against the back of Isabella's seat as her lower body clenched powerfully.

  Deep in the high, she kept her thoughts focused on one desire: she wanted to bring out that dark sexuality in her companion. That darkness was the perfect foil to the way she herself wanted to be treated, if she really admitted it to herself. Isabella had the perfect power and personality to make her submit and give in to her secret desires; where Isabella enjoyed controlling and manipulating and fulfilling twisted schemes, Piper knew herself, and could admit now that she'd never been more turned on by anything before the blonde's machinations and carefully calculated games. Those games had brought her, one inevitable step at a time, to her literal and figurative knees.


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