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Salsa and Speedbumps

Page 6

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  The appointment went well. Her counselor, Sarah, was compassionate and kind and challenged Steph to pray for and forgive Luis. That was hard. Stephanie knew Sarah from a group at church. She felt exposed letting another person in on her secret but lamented she couldn’t hide the truth from everyone else for much longer. She had some forms to read over and fill out. Homework. She prayed as she sat down to work on it all, hoping God would lead her to just the right parents for her child.

  Several days later, after an hour of test drives, she purchased a used car that was only three years old. It was a four door sedan and grey. Non-descript. She felt safer already and experienced more freedom knowing she did not need to rely on Tony to get to and from work while Luis remained at large. She said good-bye to her little red sport convertible and grieved another loss as she cut one more tie to her pre-baby past.

  She returned to Tony and Renata’s home to drop off the sale papers in her bedroom and grab a quick sandwich before heading over to the restaurant to hostess the lunch crowd. She felt wiped out already. It was going to be a long day. She wondered how Robbie was. She longed to connect with him but didn’t want to appear needy so she refrained from sending a text.

  When she arrived at De Luca’s Cucina, she found Tony hard at work training a new chef. There was little more than a “hello” to be said. By three in the afternoon, the restaurant had slowed to nothing so Stephanie sat down and put her aching feet up. Since when did I become such a wimp? Oh, yeah, when I became the incubator. She sighed.

  A few minutes later, the door opened and someone walked into the restaurant. She jumped to her feet and almost tripped. Luis! His hair was unkempt, and he apparently hadn’t bathed in a week. His stench permeated the entryway, or so it seemed as pregnancy heightened her sense of smell. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears. Stay calm. Lord, help me! Where was the security guy?

  “Here you are. I had to track you down at work.” His voice was gentle but she could tell by the glare of his eyes and the set of his jaw that he was in a rage.

  “Hi, Luis, what brings you here?”

  “You need to call off the police. I can’t even go home.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  Luis moved forward and grabbed her by the neck with one large hand and pushed her back against the wall so her feet no longer touched the floor. “You will call them and tell them it’s a mistake.” His teeth were clenched, and she struggled to breathe. He picked up the restaurant’s land-line phone and handed it to her. He took his hand away from her neck and she slid to the floor.

  “Okay, I’ll call.” She dialed 911 and four other numbers to make it seem she was dialing a regular one.

  “911 operator. What’s your emergency?”

  “Hi, Luis Vasquez insisted I contact you. He says it was wrong for me to have filed a police report and get a restraining order against him.”

  “Is he there in front of you?”


  “Are you in danger?”


  “Police are on the way. Please stay on the line and keep talking to me.”

  “Well, he said he didn’t mean to wreck my apartment. He doesn’t want to be deported either.”

  Luis motioned for her to be quiet. “You’re saying the wrong things. Can’t you do anything right?”

  They both heard the sirens coming down the road. He swore, took the cordless phone, and threw it across the lobby. He grabbed Stephanie by the hair and dragged her to the office as she struggled to get to her feet. Once inside, he shoved her into the room and locked the door. He stood there, listening. Steph crawled to a spot behind the desk, pulled her cell phone out of her skirt pocket and texted Tony’s cell.

  Luis here—hostage in office.

  She texted Robbie the same message. He returned a text.

  On my way.

  The police began beating on the door, and she heard Tony call to her as well. The interior room had no outer window. She willed herself to breathe and prayed. She was miffed at God. She had been trying hard to forgive Luis and now this? Help me understand, Lord, why this is happening?

  Are you okay? Tony texted. The phone was on vibrate. Luis was too distracted by the yelling outside to realize and wasn’t paying attention to her.

  For now.

  Can you use a gun?


  Bottom drawer of the rt side of the desk, under ledger. It’s loaded. Cock it, aim, and shoot.

  Do I have to?

  Is he armed?

  Stephanie peeked over at the desk and realized that Luis held a revolver. He was shouting at police. “Let me go with the girl or I will put a bullet through her head.”

  Stephanie couldn’t hear the response from where she was. She texted Tony back.

  He has a gun aimed at the door.

  Get my gun. Aim for the head or chest. Shoot to kill.



  Stephanie opened the drawer, making as little noise as possible. She found the gun and coughed loudly while she cocked it. Luis turned towards her and pointed his revolver her way. “No funny business.” Stephanie shook her head, keeping the gun out of sight.

  Luis turned back to the door. Stephanie texted again.


  She tried to calm her breathing. She could hear shuffling and murmurs outside the door and then silence. Luis relaxed and let go of the door knob. She raised the gun, aimed and pulled the trigger.

  There was a yell and the door swung open. Police poured into the room, surrounding Luis. She hadn’t killed him, but the glimpse of shock on his face told her she had done injury. She rose to stand. Her legs became jelly, and the world went black.

  * * *

  She awoke to Robbie’s concerned face above her as he held her in his arms to keep her head off the floor. She smiled. He had come.

  “She’s coming to,” he called to someone out of her range of vision. Robbie’s voice seemed far away. “Stephanie? Stephanie?” Darkness wrapped around her once again.

  * * *

  She awoke in the emergency room with Robbie by her side, holding her hand, stroking it with this thumb. His eyes narrowed as he watched her.

  “Hey, sleepyhead, you ready to wake up now?”

  She nodded, “I think so…have I been asleep long?”

  “Long enough to take a ride to the hospital via ambulance. You’ve only been here about ten minutes.”


  “In police custody. You shot him in the shoulder. He’s here at the hospital before he gets taken to the police station.”

  “Am I in trouble?”

  “Other than with Tony and me for almost giving us heart attacks? No. Self-defense is justifiable. Police will want a statement from you when you are up to it.”

  “If I could just rest here for a little while yet, that would be nice.”

  “You might be getting more than a ‘little while.’ The doctor is concerned about your blood pressure. They want to make sure you and the baby are fine.”

  Stephanie lifted the hand that held his and raised it to her lips and kissed it. “Thank you for coming.”

  “How could I not? By the way, the new car you bought?”


  “You shouldn’t have transferred your old plates. That’s how he found you.”

  Stephanie groaned. “I didn’t even think of that. I had hoped to wait until the current plates expired. How stupid. I was just trying to save a little money.”

  “It’s okay. Luis is under arrest, and you’re safe, that’s all that matters.”

  “If I could have avoided this drama that would have been nice.”

  “True, but you did add excitement to the day for a lot of people. It was far from a boring afternoon.” He grinned at her. “I am just grateful God answered my prayers and got you out of there without being hurt.”

  “Me too. I’m glad Tony had a weapon for me to use. Maybe I need to get some target practice, just in case.”

/>   “I hope you are joking. I would prefer there never be a next time.”

  Stephanie winked. “I’m kidding. This is far too much drama for me.”

  “Ditto.” His gaze was warm, but she saw the worry lines on his forehead and around his eyes.

  “Am I going to be okay? I’ve never blacked out before.”

  “We’ll let the doctors determine that.”

  “How’s Tony?”

  “Shook up, but the business remains open. Holly is pulling hostess duty in your stead. You won’t be back to work tonight.”

  “I’m so tired.” She drooped.

  “Rest. I’m not leaving.”

  * * *

  Roberto sat by Stephanie’s side as she dozed in the hospital bed. Rage swept over him at the black and blue marks around her neck. He struggled with anger at Luis and a feeling of fierce protectiveness towards this beautiful woman who carried his heart with her. Hadn’t he only just met her a few weeks ago? Now, she seemed integral to his happiness, and he wasn’t sure what to make of that.

  Lord, how do I forgive Luis after this? I want justice for Stephanie, but that is Yours and Yours alone. You love her more than I ever could, but hasn’t she suffered enough? Help me to forgive and let You and our judicial system take care of the rest.

  An hour later, she was sitting up and giving her statement to the police while Robbie leaned against the wall, arms folded, listening. When she finished, a reporter from the Journal-Sentinel wanted to speak with her, but Roberto managed to discourage him. As soon as the doctors determined she was ready to leave, Robbie wheeled her out to his car. The ride to the DeLuca home was quiet. Robbie didn’t know what to say anymore. She was fine. The baby was healthy. He longed for a Vicodin to numb his pain at almost losing her and for the agony that radiated through his body. He knew it ultimately wouldn’t take away the pain—only make him not care anymore—and numb him to the emotions.

  Renata greeted them at the door. He escorted Stephanie to a recliner loveseat. He put her legs put up and Renata pushed a cup of tea into her hands. Dinner was served to her right there in her chair with Robbie guarding her. Soon, the babies demanded Renata’s attention and they were left alone. He stayed by her side on the reclining loveseat.

  “Thank you again for all you did today, Robbie. It means a lot that you came.”

  Roberto nodded. “Would you like me to go now?” Please say no.

  “No, but you work tomorrow and probably need to get some rest.”

  Robbie gave a wry grin, “There will always be work, but today, I feared I had lost you and that was a thought I couldn’t bear. I’d like to stay a little longer if you don’t mind.”

  “I’d like that.” She took their plates and set them on the nearby table.

  Robbie reached over and pulled her close to his chest and placed a kiss on the top of her head. It felt so right to be holding her in his arms. His heart warmed with the thought that she wanted him near. Soon, they were both asleep.

  * * *

  Stephanie awoke when Tony came in at eleven. Robbie was still there, his arms around her, and she struggled to sit up, feeling self-conscious to be found snuggling her boyfriend in her employer’s home.

  “Hey, Tony,” she whispered.

  Tony entered the room and saw her with Robbie. “You okay, Steph? You sure gave us all a scare.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m sorry that happened.” She saw his stooped shoulders and the worry lines on his forehead. He appeared older.

  “Yeah, me too. A least it’s over and Luis is behind bars.”

  “I’m glad you got my text. I was afraid your phone would be in the office instead of your pocket.”

  “That is sometimes where it ends up, but Rosa has a cold and I wanted to be available for Ren if she needed me.” He nodded his head in Robbie’s direction. “He stayed with you the whole time?”


  “Should we wake him up so you can go lie down?”

  “I suppose. Let me do it.”

  “Fine, I’ll leave you to it. I’m going to hit the sack, but call if you need anything, okay?”

  “Will do.”

  After Tony left the room, Stephanie put the bottom of the chair down and twisted her body to face Robbie. She reached up to push his hair back with her hand, marveling at how soft it was. She rested her palm alongside his face and the stubble tickled her skin. She placed a kiss on his forehead and another on his cheek.

  His hand came up to rest on hers as his eyes opened.

  “You’re the best dream I’ve had in a long time.” His voice was low and slow.

  “It’s not a dream, it’s really me.” She smiled.

  He removed her hand, straightened up and stretched. He glanced at the time on his phone. “It’s late. I should leave.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. Thanks for being a wonderful pillow and comfort for me today.”

  “Glad I could be of service.” He shook his head to try to wake up.

  “You going to be okay driving home?”

  “I can roll the windows open and crank the radio. It’s not far to Menomonee Falls. I think I’ll be fine.”

  “Good. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “Me neither.” He grinned down at her and pulled her to her feet and held her close, placing a kiss in her hair. He let her go, and holding her hand, they walked to the front door. “Lock it behind me. Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  He exited and waited for the bolt to shoot home. She witnessed a little salute as he headed off. He missed the kiss she threw him.


  Lo que no puede ser curado debe ser soportado.

  What can’t be cured must be endured.

  ~Mexican proverb

  Tony drove her over to the restaurant in the morning to pick up her car. He insisted she take the day off and follow up with her doctor as requested by the hospital staff.

  The visit was uneventful. Her vital signs were fine today, so when she was done, she decided it was time to go view a few possible apartments. While she could move back to her old place, she had opted to give up the lease and start fresh. When she got to the third apartment complex in Menomonee Falls, she found a two-bedroom she liked at a price she was comfortable with and signed the lease. She would be able to move in as soon as she wished, so she went shopping for a bed and furniture to be delivered and ready for her when she was.

  By mid-afternoon, she was worn out and returned home to the DeLuca’s to catch a nap before considering how she might spend the rest of her day. Renata and the twins were not home at the time, so she had the house to herself. As she was about to lay down, the doorbell rang. She felt a little nervous answering it but remembered Luis was in jail. She was safe. Looking through the window by the side of the door, she saw a delivery guy. She opened the door.

  “Stephanie Simson?”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “These flowers are for you.” The man thrust a bouquet of white daisies, pale pink roses and yellow carnations at her. She took the flowers.

  “Thank you.” she said as she closed the door.

  The beautiful bouquet was already in a vase. She set it on the kitchen table and lifted out the card.


  These flowers reminded me of the purity of your desire to please God.

  That is what makes a woman beautiful.

  I’m grateful He brought you into my life.

  Affectionately yours,


  Stephanie pulled out her phone and texted Robbie.

  Thank you for the flowers. They made my day. 

  A response came quickly. How did your doctor appt go?

  Fine. All good. Found a new apt today!

  Great! Where?

  Meno Ave in the Falls


  N86 W19962 #4

  Welcome to the neighborhood!

  You live near there?

  Across the courtyard.

didn’t know!

  I like that you’ll be close by.

  Me too.

  Wish I could see you tonight—got a mtg

  I hope it goes well.

  Thanks. Take care and get some rest.

  Aye, aye, sir! 

  * * *

  Roberto rubbed his neck as he sat in the booth with his friends to talk about how they were all coping with the stress of life and staying away from their particular drug of choice. This was their Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous type meeting, but a smaller group of guys and they didn’t follow traditional Alcoholics Anonymous traditions. Scripture, prayer and accountability were the main touchpoints they held to.

  Roberto was the new member. The day after he moved in, he had called Pastor Dan Wink at Orchard Hill to be hooked up with a group, and these were the men he was connected with. Robbie, Alex, Ben and Tim met every other week and checked in more often than that. Alex had a close run thing with the desire to get some drugs, and they spent time praying over him with his challenges to stay clean with having lost his job due to layoffs. Ben was doing well, and Tim had reported that while there had been temptation to use drugs, he had managed to resist. More prayer.

  “So, Roberto, you’re the newbie to our group. How has it been going?” Tim asked.

  “My pain level has been increasing. Work has been stressful and busy. I have a new girlfriend and she’s been going through some tough stuff. I really like her, a lot. With no recourse of relief from the drugs, however, it’s hard to not want to lose myself with her. I can’t do that to her or to God. It’s not right. I just am not sure how to cope with this level of pain and it’s frustrating.”

  “Did you talk to your doctor?” asked Alex.

  “Yeah, I was in to see him today after work. He wants me to try the Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation unit again. But I need two—one for my neck and one for my lower spine. Insurance won’t cover it. So I feel like I’m back to square one. He offered me a different medication and I am reluctant to take it. He said it had no addictive qualities, but I’m still not sure. I could try cortisone shots, but they don’t always work that well or for too long. I don’t know if it’s worth it.”


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