Master of the Mountain: Thomas Jefferson and His Slaves
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enslaved people: see Aggy; Arthur; Barnaby; Bell, Mary Hemings; Bell, Robert; Bell, Sally; Billy; Black Sal; Caesar; Cary; Colbert, Brown; Colbert, Burwell; Colbert, Melinda; Douglass, Frederick; Edy; Evans, Jupiter; Evans, Phil; Evans, Suck; Fanny; Fennel; Flora; Fossett, Edith Hern; Fossett, Isabella; Fossett, James; Fossett, Maria; Fossett, Patsy; Fossett, Peter; Fossett, William; Freeman, John; Gawen; Goodman, Sally; Granger, Bagwell; Granger, George (“Great George”); Granger, George (“Smith George”); Granger, Isaac; Granger, Maria; Granger, Minerva; Granger, Ursula (“Queen”); Hall; Hannah; Hannibal; Harry; Hemings, Betty Brown; Hemings, Beverly; Hemings, Critta (b. 1769); Hemings, Doll; Hemings, Elizabeth “Betty”; Hemings, Eston; Hemings, Harriet; Hemings, James (b. 1765); Hemings, James “Jamey” (b. 1787); Hemings, Lucy; Hemings, Madison; Hemings, Martin; Hemings, Nance; Hemings, Peter; Hemings, Robert; Hemings, Sally; Hemings, Thenia; Hemings, Thomas; Hemmings, Betsy; Hemmings, John; Hemmings, Priscilla; Hercules; Hern, David; Hern, Frances “Fanny”; Hubbard, James; Hughes, Caroline; Hughes, Wormley; Jefferson, Israel Gillette; Jeffery; Jemmy; John; Lucy; Lundy; McCoy, Mary; Moses; Parthena; Patt; Phil; Quomina; Robin; Shackelford, Tom; Solomon; Tom; Turner, Nat; Washington, Booker T., Wheatley, Phillis; Will; Woodson, Tom
Eppes, Elizabeth Wayles
Eppes, Francis
Eppes, John Wayles
Eppes, Mary Jefferson (“Polly”)
Evans, Jupiter (slave)
Evans, Phil (slave)
Evans, Suck (slave)
Evans family (slaves)
“Evening Shade”
Fairfax County, Va.
Fanny (slave)
Family Letters of Thomas Jefferson, The (Betts and Bear, eds.)
Farm Book (Jefferson)
Faulkner, William
Federalist Party
Fennel (slave)
First Families of Virginia (FFV)
Fleming, Thomas
Fletcher, Elijah P.
Flora (slave)
Ford, Henry
Forest plantation
Fossett, Edith Hern (slave)
Fossett, Isabella (slave)
Fossett, James (slave)
Fossett, Joseph (slave)
Fossett, Maria (slave)
Fossett, Patsy (slave)
Fossett, Peter (slave)
Fossett, William (slave)
Fossett family (slaves)
Foster, Ann
Foster, Augustus John
Foster, Clayton Randolph
Foster, Eugene
Foster, Susan Catharine
Franklin, Benjamin
Fredericksburg, Va.
free blacks
Free Colored Battalion of New Orleans
Freehling, William W.
Freeman, Douglas Southall
Freeman, John (slave)
Freeman, Melinda Colbert (slave): see Colbert, Melinda
Free Some Day (Stanton)
Free State
Future Governor Edward Coles Freeing His Slaves While Enroute to Illinois 1819
Garth, Thomas
Gawalt, Gerard W.
Gawen (slave)
George III, King of England
German Americans
Gibboney, Stuart
Giles, Billy
Goodman, Jeremiah
Goodman, Sally (slave)
Grady, Reuben
Granger, Bagwell (slave)
Granger, George (“Great George”) (slave)
Granger, George (“Smith George”) (slave)
Granger, Isaac (also known as Isaac Jefferson) (slave)
Granger, Maria (slave)
Granger, Minerva (slave)
Granger, Ursula (b. 1787) (slave)
Granger, Ursula (“Queen”; b. 1737) (slave)
Granger family (slaves)
Great Britain
Great Wagon Road
Grégoire, Henri
Hall (slave)
Hamilton, Alexander
Hannah (slave)
Hannibal (slave)
Harry (slave)
Hay, George
Heath, Barbara
Hemings, Betsy, see Hemmings, Betsy
Hemings, Betty Brown (slave)
Hemings, Beverly (slave)
Hemings, Captain
Hemings, Critta (b. 1769) (slave)
Hemings, Doll (slave)
Hemings, Elizabeth “Betty” (slave)
Hemings, Eston (slave)
Hemings, Harriet (slave)
Hemings, James (slave)
Hemings, James “Jamey” (b. 1787) (slave)
Hemings, John, see Hemmings, John
Hemings, Lucy (slave)
Hemings, Madison (slave)
Hemings, Martin (slave)
Hemings, Mary (slave), see Bell, Mary
Hemings Hemings, Nance (slave)
Hemings, Peter (slave)
Hemings, Robert (slave)
Hemings, Sally (slave)
Hemings, Thenia (slave)
Hemings, Thomas (slave)
Hemings family (slaves)
Hemmings, Betsy (slave)
Hemmings, John (slave)
Hemmings, Priscilla (slave)
Henry, Patrick
Hercules (slave)
Hern, David (slave)
Hern, Frances “Fanny” (slave)
Hochman, Steven H.
Howell, Samuel
Howell v. Netherland
Hubbard, James (slave)
Hughes, Caroline (slave)
Hughes, Stephen
Hughes, Wormley (slave)
Hylton, Daniel
indentured servants
Indian Camp plantation
“Inscription for an African Slave”
interracial relations
Irony of American History, The (Niebuhr)
Irvine, Reed
Ivory, James
James River
Jay, John
Jefferson, Field
Jefferson, Isaac (slave): see Granger, Isaac
Jefferson, Israel Gillette (slave)
Jefferson, Jane
Jefferson, John Wayles
Jefferson, Lewis
Jefferson, Lucy
Jefferson, Martha (“Patsy”)
Jefferson, Martha Wayles Skelton
Jefferson, Mary (“Polly”)
Jefferson, Peter
Jefferson, Randolph
Jefferson, Thomas: in American Revolution; architectural interests of; Bacon’s recollections of; biographies of; birth of; blankets given by; in Boston; British creditors of; British criticism of; British pursuit of; butler of; cabinet of; carriages and wagons of; Chastellux’s relationship with; childhood of; Clinton compared with; clothing of; coffin of; Coles’s emancipation as viewed by; at College of William and Mary; congressional relations of; contradictions of; courtship by; criticism of; death of; debts of; Declaration of Independence written by; descendants of (see also specific descendants); DNA testing and; emancipation as viewed by; encyclopedia article by; Enlightenment ideals of; equal rights as viewed by; estate of; as father; fictional portrayals of; financial situation of; as Founder; “4 percent” formula of; free trade supported by; as governor of Virginia; as grandfather; Granger’s memoir of; grave site of; grocery bills for; guilt felt by; handwriting of; Hannah’s letter to; health of; height of; historical assessment and legacy of; in House of Burgesses; Howell defended by; Hubbard’s escapes as viewed by; hunting by; immigration opposed by; inaugural address of; interracial relationships as viewed by; inventions of; Kosciuszko’s will thwarted by; Lafayette’s relationship with; land owned by; as lawyer; legal documents of; libel case regarding; as liberal; library of; Louisiana Purchase approved by; Madison Hemings’s memoir of; manumission plans suggested by; as minister to France; Monticello plantation of,
see Monticello; moral values of; musical interests of; Native Americans as viewed by; in New York City; Paine’s correspondence with; personality of; personal servant of; in Philadelphia; as philosopher and scientist; physical appearance of; plow designed by; political opposition to; polygraph used by; Poplar Forest plantation of; popular image of; portraits owned by; in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; as president; presidential campaign of (1796); press coverage of; psychoanalytic interpretation of; racial views of; rationalizations used by; religious beliefs of; reputation of; revolving book holder of; in Richmond; salary received by; Sally Hemings’s relationship with; as secretary of state; sexuality of; Short’s appeal to; slave children of (see also Hemings relations); as slave owner; slavery as viewed by; slaves bought by; slaves freed by; slaves sold by; spectacles worn by; University of Virginia established by; as vice president; violin played by; as Virginian; Wayles slaves inherited by; white children of (see also Jefferson and Randolph relations); at White House; white servants of; as widower; will of; in Williamsburg; wine cellar of; writings of; see also specific writings
Jefferson at Monticello (Bear, ed.)
Jefferson at Monticello: The Private Life of Thomas Jefferson (Pierson)
“Jefferson Fathered Slave’s Last Child” (Foster et al.)
Jefferson-Hemings Myth: An American Travesty, The (Thomas Jefferson Heritage Society)
Jefferson Image in the American Mind, The (Peterson)
Jefferson in Paris (film)
“Jefferson’s Hints to Americans Travelling in Europe” (Jefferson)
Jefferson Vindicated (Burton)
Jeffery (slave)
Jemmy (slave)
John (slave)
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, Walter
Jones, John Paul
Jones, Meriwether
Jones, Nellie E.
Jordan, Daniel P.
Jouett, Jack
Julien, Honoré
Kelso, William
Kern, Susan
Kimball, Fiske
Kluge, John
Kosciuszko, Thaddeus
Kukla, Jon
Lafayette, Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de
Lander, Eric S.
Langhorne, Elizabeth
Lavoisier, Antoine
Lee, Robert E.
Lemaire, Etienne
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, Nicholas
Lewis and Clark expedition
Lexington, Ky.
“Life Among the Lowly, No. 1”
Lilly, Gabriel
Lilly, Wilson
Lincoln, Abraham
Little Bighorn, Battle of
Livingston, Robert
Locke, John
Lord, Alfred
Louisiana Purchase
Lucy (slave)
Lundy (slave)
Luzerne, Anne-César, Chevalier de La
Lynchburg, Va.
Madison, Dolley
Madison, James (bishop)
Madison, James (president)
Madison, Wis.
Malesherbes, Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon de
Malone, Dumas
“Mammy Dinah”
Manahan, Anna Anderson
Mansfield, Harvey C.
Mapp, Alf, Jr.
“Marriage Settlement for Martha Jefferson”
Marshall, John
Martin, Russell Lionel, III
Mason, George
Massachusetts Historical Society
Mayer, David N.
McColley, Robert
McCoy, Mary (slave)
McDonald, Forrest
McGehee, William
McLaughlin, Jack
Melville, Herman
Memoirs of a Monticello Slave (Granger)
Mifflin, Daniel
Mifflin, Warner
Mill, John Stuart
Miller, John Chester
miscegenation, racial, see interracial relations
Mississippi River
Moby-Dick (Melville)
Monroe, James
Montalto Mountain
Montesquieu, Baron de La Brède et de
Monticello: agriculture at; Ancient Field of; approach road for; archaeological excavation of; artifacts related to; Bacon’s house at; blacksmiths for; British raid on; canal for; carpentry shop of; cellars of; cemeteries of; charts and maps of; Chastellux’s visit to; chefs and cooks of; clay soil of; construction of; cooper shop at; cotton crop of; dependencies of; design of; Dutch recapitalization for; engineering projects at; as family residence; farm accounts for; financing of; forests of; gardens of; gristmill for; harvests of; hearths at; kitchen of; landscape of; laundry for; living conditions at; mansion at; manufacturing at; Mulberry Row of; naileries (nail factories) at; overseers of; parking lots at; as plantation; profit-sharing at; research library of; Rochefoucauld-Liancourt’s visit to; roundabouts of; sale of; slave culture at; slave graveyard at; slave managers of; slave population of; slave quarters at; terrace of; textile mill for; tinsmiths for; tobacco crop of; tourists at; tunnels underneath; visitors to; wheat crop of; white artisans at; workshops at
Monticello Mountain
Morgan, Edmund
Morgan, Philip
Morse, Jedidiah
Morven plantation
Moses (slave)
Mount Rushmore
Mount Vernon
“Mr. Jefferson’s Business” (Martin)
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French
Native Americans
natural law
Neilson, Joseph
Neiman, Fraser
Newman, Richard
New Orleans
New York State
New York Times
Nicholas, Wilson Cary
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson)
“Observations on Soup” (Jefferson)
“Of the Construction of Saucepans and Stewpans for Fixed Fireplaces”
Oldham, James
“On the Construction of Kitchen Fireplaces and Kitchen Utensils”
Onuf, Peter
Ordinance of 1784
Ore, Billy
“oyer and terminer” court
Page, William
Paine, Thomas
Palladio, Andrea
Papers (Jefferson)
Parthena (slave)
Parton, James
Patt (slave)
Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery
Perry, John
Petersburg, Va.
Peterson, Merrill
Phil (slave)
Philadelphia, Pa.
Pierson, Hamilton W.
Pike County Republican
Pilgrim Society
Pleasants, Robert
Pope, Alexander
Poplar Forest plantation
Price, Richard
Prince of Wales
Pybus, Cassandra
Quomina (slave)
“Quotations on Slavery and Emancipation” (Monticello website)
Rand, Ayn
Randall, Henry
Randolph, Anne Cary
Randolph, Cornelia
Randolph, Edmund
Randolph, Ellen
Randolph, George Wythe
Randolph, James Madison
Randolph, Martha Jefferson (“Patsy”)
Randolph, Sarah
Randolph, Septimia (“Tim”)
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (“Jeff”)
Randolph, Thomas Mann
Randolph, Thomas Mann, Jr.
Randolph, Thomas Mann, III
ndolph, Virginia
Raynal, Abbé
Republican Party
Richmond, Va.
Richmond Enquirer
Richmond Examiner
Richmond Recorder
Rind, William
Rittenhouse, David
Rivanna River
Robin (slave)
Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Duke de La
root cellars
Rush, Benjamin
Safire, William
Sally Hemings: A Novel (Chase-Riboud)
Scholars Commission on the Jefferson-Hemings Matter
Schulman, Gayle
Sedition Act (1798)
Seeing Jefferson Anew: In His Time and Ours (Boles and Hall, eds.)
Senate, U.S.
September 11th attacks (2001)
Shackelford, Tom (slave)
Shadwell plantation
Shenstone, William
Short, William
“silent profit”
Skelton, Bathurst
Skelton, Meriwether
slavery/slaves (see also enslaved people): abolition of; African ancestry and traditions of; “agency” in; amelioration and diffusion of; as apprentices and artisans; auctions of; beating and whipping of; British opposition to; as “burden” for slave owners; catchers used for; census of; chaining of; as “childlike” or “incompetent”; children of; collars used for; colonies proposed for; as concubines; congressional debate on; constitutionality of; contracts with; death of; drinking by; drivers of; economic impact of; education of; elderly; emancipation of; enfranchisement for; equal rights for; executions of; expulsions of; families of; female; field; folktales and songs of; forced migration of; former, military service of; “free papers” of; French criticism of; fugitive or runaway; graveyards of; hanging of; healers used by; health of; hired; houses; as immoral system; imprisonment of; as inheritance; as institution; intelligence of; interracial relations of; laws on; living conditions of; manumission of; market for; marriages of; masters of (slave owners); myths about; as nannies; newspaper notices for; “passing” by (color line); personal loyalty of; plantation culture of; poisoning of; popular attitudes toward; population of; pregnancies of; “privilege”; productivity of; profit from; as property; quasi-freedom of; racist views on; rape of; rebellions by; re-enslavement of; religious background of; religious opposition to; during Revolution; sale of; skilled; skin color of; smallpox contracted by; social impact of; in Southern states; suicide of; in territories; theft by; tips given to; trade in; training of; “transporting” of; trials of; wages paid to; as wet nurses; white artisans and farmers compared with
Sloan, Herbert E.
Smith, Margaret Bayard
Society of Friends of the Blacks