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The Kidnapping

Page 7

by Aiden Vaughan

  “Dad, is that you? Yeah, I’m all right. Just some bruises and cuts. Come take me home.” After a few seconds, he continued, “Hi, Mom. I’m free. Yes, I’m okay. I love you too. Can’t wait to see you and get home.”

  When Jason handed the phone back, Daniel closed his phone as he asked, “Jason, do you think you can walk yet?”

  “Oh, yeah, anything to get out of this place.” The two friends walked down the hallway of the maintenance building to the door where Daniel had entered.

  “Let’s sit outside so the police can find us,” Daniel suggested.

  “Sounds great to me,” Jason answered. “I haven’t seen sunlight for four days.”

  Outside, not too far away, was an old park bench. The two sat down. “I need to call my parents now,” Daniel said. “Part of the kidnapper’s instructions was to leave home without telling anyone or you would be harmed. So I did. I need to tell them things are okay.”

  Daniel called home and told his mom what had happened. He even told her about the note in his room. “You can go read it so you will see the situation I was put in.”

  Just as his call was concluding, they heard a vehicle pulling up. Turning, they saw it was a police cruiser. Now that the police had arrived, Jason and Daniel were safe. They heaved a joint sigh of relief that Jason’s ordeal with the kidnappers was finally over.

  Little did Jason know the aftermath would be even more distressing.

  Part II: The Aftermath



  (Friday Afternoon)

  The patrol car pulled up to the front of the maintenance building, near to where Jason and Daniel were sitting on the bench. Getting out the patrolman asked, “Are you Jason Hunter and Daniel Holmes?”

  “Yes,” chorused the two boys.

  Then the patrolman told them, “Just remain where you are while we secure the area.” Speaking on his car radio, the policeman sent in the needed information. In a matter of minutes, several more patrol cars arrived, plus an ambulance with a medical team, and some plain, yet “official-looking” cars.

  Immediately a number of the uniformed police officers and plain-clothes men got out and began going over the area around the maintenance building. Two of them went inside the building to check it out.

  Lt. Antonio Garcia got out of one of the plain cars and came up to Jason and Daniel. “Welcome back, Jason. Hello, again, Daniel. Jason, my name is Lt. Antonio Garcia. I have been heading up the police team that has been working on your disappearance. How are you physically? Are you in need of any immediate medical attention?”

  “I have some cuts and bruises, but can walk around okay,” Jason replied.

  “We will have you looked at by the EMTs and a doctor. Our first concern is your health and well-being. Being a captive often affects your body in many ways, especially if you were kept restrained.”

  Just then more cars arrived. Bill and Edith Hunter hurried out of their car and came running over to where Jason was sitting. He jumped up and shouted, “Mom! Dad!” The three Hunters were quickly in a long, family embrace. It was a very emotional moment for them, especially after all the low points of the week.

  Bill said, “We are so relieved that you are safe again, Jason. We were afraid that we would never see you again.”

  Edith was overcome by tears. “Jason, we love you so much. Life without you was unbearable.”

  “It was horrible being kidnapped, Mom. But one of the things that kept me going was thinking that somehow I had to survive and get back to my family and friends. It feels great to be free. Thank you for whatever you did to make it happen.”

  After a few minutes, Lt. Garcia came up and said, addressing the Hunters, “I know that you want to continue your reunion, but there are some important procedures that we must complete first. Jason needs to be examined by a doctor to make sure that any medical issues are dealt with. There is an ambulance here with an emergency medical team.” Turning to Jason, Lt. Garcia continued, “They will take a preliminary look at you, Jason, and then take you to the hospital for a complete examination by a doctor. Mrs. Hunter, you are welcome to go along with him in the ambulance.

  “Jason, you have been the victim of a major crime, and we will need to go through a debriefing process in order to let us know exactly what happened to you, which can help us find the criminals that did this to you and your family. Most likely this has been a very traumatic experience for you, Jason, and we will also provide you with some counseling services to help you cope with things.

  “In the meantime, I will talk with Daniel about how he came to find Jason and I will need to find out about any role that you had, Mr. Hunter, in his release. Did you pay a ransom to secure Jason’s release?”

  Bill Hunter nodded his head indicating yes.

  On the access road, cars continued to converge. A couple of police-beat reporters had picked up on Jason’s rescue and already two camera crews had arrived.

  Garcia talked to some of his team members. “Sergeant Jackson, bring the medical team over now. We need to get Jason out of here. Sergeant Nuñez, go talk to the media people and tell them I will make a statement shortly. Detectives Nguyen and Barclay, check inside the building for any evidence and bag it. Sergeant Malone, go stay with Daniel over there and make sure he is kept isolated from the press.”

  Things happened very quickly after that. The EMTs came for Jason and assisted him over to their ambulance. They asked him if he was in any pain or if there were any places on his body that were still numb.

  Jason replied, “I’m still a little sore from being tied up, but right now I feel so happy just to be free.”

  The head EMT told Jason, “That’s great that you are starting to feel better. I want you to sit in the wheel chair here. Our standard operating procedures require that we admit you to the hospital that way. I can see a number of small cuts, bruises, and rope marks. At this point they don’t look serious or life-threatening, so I think it is better for the doctor to check you out completely before those are treated and bandaged.”

  Quickly they loaded Jason into the vehicle. Mrs. Hunter came along, as did Sgt. Nuñez. Bill Hunter said that he would drive the family SUV over to the hospital. A minute later the ambulance left.

  Bill walked over to where Daniel was sitting with Sgt. Malone. He shook Daniel’s hand and then pulled him up and gave him a big hug as he said, “Daniel, I can’t thank you enough for your bravery and assistance in getting Jason back. I know what you did had to have forced you to break rules that your parents expected you to follow, but you showed real guts coming over here on your own and helping Jason in his time of need. I would be happy to talk to your parents about it, in case there are any problems. And I would be honored to help you get home or take you along if you would like stay with us while we are at the hospital. You’re like one of the family now.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Hunter. You know that Jason is my best friend. I had to go try and help him no matter what the consequences were or I couldn’t live with myself. I still don’t understand why the kidnappers chose me instead of contacting you first. I did call Mom already, and I think she isn’t really mad at me for sneaking out of the house like I had to. I had left her a note in case things didn’t work out and I told her to go read it. I would appreciate it if you talked to her also.”

  Lt. Garcia then came over and said to Daniel and Mr. Hunter, “Both of you will need to give me complete statements about your role in Jason’s release. It seems now that he was indeed the specific target of the kidnappers and we want to find out why. This needs to be done right away so that we have a chance to pursue them. Right now, and for the next hour or so, Jason will be under the doctor’s care at the hospital, so this would be a good time to get your statements, since there is nothing you can do at the hospital except wait.

  “There are a lot of media people around and I need to talk to you before they approach you for comments and information. Remember, you are not obligated to speak to them if yo
u don’t want to. The best place to make your statements would be at police headquarters. I am going to have Sgt. Malone take you there right now. I will give the reporters here a brief statement so they have something to report. Hopefully they will leave you alone for a while. Daniel, do your parents know that you are here?”

  “I just talked to my mom a few minutes ago, but I will need to tell her that you want me to go to police headquarters.”

  “Your parents need to be informed because you are a minor and they have a right to be at your debriefing if they wish,” Garcia replied.

  “I would be happy to talk to Melinda and Gary Holmes,” Bill Hunter interjected. “I know they must be upset that Daniel came over here without their knowledge, but he had a similar day as myself in terms of dealing with the kidnappers, so I think that would help smooth things over. Also, I would be willing to act in loco parentis for Daniel during his interrogation if they are willing. After what he has done for my family, I know I will be very protective of his interests. It would probably save time and also help put the picture of what went down today in place.”

  “Please, call it a debriefing, not an interrogation!” Garcia exclaimed. “We are on the same side here,” he said with a little laugh and big smile.

  Bill Hunter called Daniel’s parents and after a lengthy conversation, it was agreed Daniel could proceed to the police station and that Bill would temporarily look after his interests and be responsible for bringing Daniel home later. Then Bill helped Daniel load his bicycle into the back of his Ford Explorer and together, with Sgt. Malone, drove to police headquarters, which was about six blocks away.

  Meanwhile, Lt. Garcia went over and addressed the media, telling them, “A missing persons/kidnapping case has just been resolved with the safe return of the victim, a fourteen-year-old boy. The case is still under investigation and that means no names will be released at this time.” He concluded by saying, “A more detailed statement will be released when there are more facts and information to give out.”

  Naturally, the media reporters were not satisfied with the brief statement. One of them insisted in asking, “Isn’t it true that this young boy was taken from one of our city streets in broad daylight? Are things safe here anymore?”

  Garcia replied, “You know that if someone is determined to commit a crime, they can do so almost anywhere. This crime was particularly bold and brazen in its execution. To counter this type of crime, we have a dedicated police force and missing persons unit that do everything possible to protect our citizens, and especially our children. Our police officers are continually looking for ways to make the streets safer and crime free. Please don’t pre-judge us until the case is completely investigated. Also, please take into consideration the age of the young victim. He needs time to recover from his ordeal. That is all I have to say today.”



  (Friday Afternoon)

  About a half hour later, Bill Hunter, Daniel, Lt. Garcia and Sgt. Malone were seated in one of the interrogation rooms in the police station. Drinks had been provided so Bill and Daniel would be comfortable talking.

  Lt. Garcia started the process by telling Bill Hunter and Daniel, “This conversation is going to be recorded. Your statements are a part of the official investigation of the kidnapping of Jason Hunter. The unusual process of interviewing two people together is partly due to the fact that Mr. Hunter is acting as a temporary guardian for Daniel Holmes, fifteen, and a minor. Also, it is partly due to the fact that each person had a significant role in the return of Jason.

  “Let’s start with you, Mr. Hunter. Did you receive a ransom note, and if so, where and how, since there is no recorded contact with the kidnappers from your house.”

  Swallowing, Mr. Hunter began his testimony. “Friday morning I was called down to my business in order to open a special safe that only I have access to because a client had finally decided to purchase a very expensive necklace that was locked in the safe. I received the call from my office manager, Ellie Planting, on my cell phone. When I got to the office, Ellie mentioned that a package had just arrived and she had placed it on my desk. Inside the package was Jason’s baseball mitt, a picture of him in captivity, a manila envelope, and a ransom note. The note was very explicit about what I had to do. It ordered me to start immediately, following their instructions, as this was my only chance to get my son back.

  “The most unusual thing about it was that the ransom asked for was very low, only $50,000. The note said that this was due to the intervention of an important person in their organization who was sorry for what my family had to go through this week so that’s why the amount was so low. Another reason given was that they knew I could get that amount in cash without using a teller or other eyewitness who would have to notify the authorities if I withdrew it from an account. The note seemed almost apologetic, like they didn’t really mean to take Jason, but since they had, all they wanted was a token amount for his release.”

  Bill went on to explain going to the bank and to the library where he had left the money, Jason’s picture and the ransom note inside the hollowed-out book. “I then went home to await word on where Jason would be dropped off.”

  “Did you tell anyone else about this?”

  “No one on the outside, although once I got home, I told Edith. It was the first thing we had heard all week, and Edith needed some hope. We just waited at home after that until we received the call from Daniel that Jason had been found.”

  Lt. Garcia then said, “Daniel, tell us what happened with you.”

  Daniel explained: “Like the Hunters, I had been depressed all week and was just starting to deal with it, when I received a call from Jason’s cell phone on Friday, about 12:30 in the afternoon or so. Instead of the call being from Jason, it was from one of the kidnappers. After making sure that I was alone, the kidnapper then ordered me to sneak out of my house and bicycle down to City Park if I ever wanted to see Jason alive again. The whole thing seemed strange. I wondered why the kidnappers put everything on me, a teenaged kid, when clearly Jason’s parents or someone with financial resources must have paid a ransom for Jason. And the whole rescue had to rely on me sneaking away from home so my parents wouldn’t immediately find out or try to prevent my going. But I knew that I had to go, no matter what the consequences or odds against me. I had to be there for my friend, as I know he would for me. At least I had the good sense to leave a note for my parents, in case something did go wrong, or if this was a trick to also kidnap me.”

  Then Daniel went on to describe what had happened when he arrived at the maintenance building: “After calling out for Jason, I walked through the building, still calling his name. I heard a noise and followed the sound and found Jason in a back room. I untied his blindfold, removed his gag, gave him some water, and cut the ropes binding his hands and feet. Next, I called Jason’s parents to let them know and then called the police. After that I helped Jason get mobile and out of the building. Luckily the kidnappers were no longer around, as they had threatened during the phone call.”

  The lieutenant then asked them, “Is there anything else that either of you remembers that might be pertinent to the case? It seems very clear from your accounts that the kidnappers had a plan all along that involved avoiding any possible contact with the police. It also seems clear that Jason was definitely their target all along. The question now is why? What could they possibly hope to gain from this and why was it so important that they went for Jason in broad daylight in a public park?”

  Lt. Garcia went on, “This is the strangest case of abduction that I can remember. We have to ask: ‘Was this a case of mistaken identity? Was Jason mistaken for a much wealthier look-alike? How did the kidnappers know he was going to be in the park that morning? Was he set up by his thirteen-year-old cousin? How is that even possible?’ After all, the kidnappers seemed to know exactly what they needed to do to grab him. I don’t think that they would be followin
g instructions from a self-absorbed kid. Nothing seems to make any sense. The only good thing so far is that we have Jason back.”

  “Well that is the important thing,” Bill Hunter replied. “Can we go over to the hospital now? I really want to be with my son.”



  (Friday Afternoon)

  At the Silicon Valley Medical Center, Jason was given priority admittance, and then taken to an examination room. There, he was introduced to Dr. Timothy Cartwright. The first thing Dr. Cartwright did was ask everyone except Jason to leave the room. “I think a one-on-one examination is best. There is a comfortable waiting area outside.”

  Dr. Cartwright started the examination by checking Jason’s weight, blood pressure and body temperature. The doctor determined that Jason was a little dehydrated and ordered a four-hour IV to replace salts and fluids. His tongue was a little swollen from enduring the different gags during his captivity and there were a lot of minor cuts, bruises, and rope marks on his arms, legs, and face from the different restraints that had been applied to Jason.

  The doctor cleaned and treated all these minor injuries with first aid medication and gave him some antiseptic mouthwash to sooth his tongue. “I am not going to bandage any of the cuts or sores until tomorrow, if at all. These minor cuts are better off exposed to air and the natural healing process.” Then he asked Jason, “Were you able to get any physical exercise during your captivity?” Jason nodded his head and described how he had made a point of doing a daily regimen of exercises in order to help him make the best of a bad situation. “That was very smart of you, Jason. It seems you have some good survival skills.”


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