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The first novel in the series, The Kidnapping, describes how the detective team of Hunter & Holmes was formed. As the series begins, teenagers Jason and Daniel are enjoying the carefree days of summer and their extended break from school. Their lives are radically changed when Jason, while walking through City Park in broad daylight suddenly goes missing and no one can figure out what has happened to him. There is no sign of a struggle, Jason's cell phone went strangely silent that morning, and no one in the surrounding neighborhoods saw anything. Jason is a bright, athletic, and well adjusted kid, with no apparent problems in his life so no one seriously believes that he would run away. Unfortunately that means that he was kidnapped or somehow caught up in a crime. If Jason was being kidnapped for ransom, no one really can understand why. Jason seems to be an unlikely target for a kidnapping for ransom. He is from an ordinary middle class family, who are comfortable enough due...