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Twisted Death (A Twisted Fairy Tale Book 2)

Page 6

by Ace Gray

Immediately I knew what I held. It was her crusade. Her death sentence. It was my inheritance, along with my cruel and crossed fate. It was Mickey Maloney’s ledger.



  My heart hammered in time with Mickey’s thrusts into the little girl’s throat. Each thump threatened to rattle my chest just as hard as she swayed beneath his brutal pounding. Though it wasn’t the sex in front of me making my pulse race. It was Elle. Or rather the lack of Elle.

  I’d almost died a week ago when I stopped her from stepping into traffic. Seeing her that desperate was a far more effective way to go than a bullet. And the fact that errands for Mickey had kept me from seeing her since had every hair on the back of my neck standing up.

  What if she’d followed through?

  I should have called Horse and yelled at him. I could have masked it as looking out for Mickey’s property, but I just couldn’t bring myself to say those things about her. Or to call him. If I did, the loosening chinks in my armor were bound to fall to fucking pieces.

  But the longer I waited in that God awful dark red room, the more I wished I’d caved. Whether they knew my real game or not, I would have had peace of mind that she was there. Any there. And not a corpse in the morgue.

  Going to Hell and bringing her back would be my only choice.

  Mickey’s groans brought me back to the room. The creases in my forehead deepened as I watched him. His hips pistoned into the tiny mouth kneeling before him. Mascara dripped down her cheeks and her cheap red lipstick was smeared around her perfectly O shaped lips. Her slight frame and small rosebud breasts quivered and I didn’t think that it was from the vicious throat fucking.

  I closed my eyes as I sucked in a deep breath, trying to bottle the rage slowly simmering beneath my skin. When I opened them, I focused on the door rather than the spectacle a little to my left. I couldn’t help but repeat come on Elle every few heartbeats or so.

  She should have been here by now.

  The snarl resonated in my chest before I realized I’d made it.

  “You want a go?” Mickey laughed when he asked me, curling his hands harder into the small girl’s hair.

  “No,” I shot back.

  “You used to be so much more hungry. It was a pleasure to watch.” He twisted to look over his shoulder at me and his dick slipped from the girl’s lips. She cried out, a tortured sound, and Mickey whirled, backhanding her as if it was all one fluid motion. Her mouth popped back open but the tears started again, new black streaks appearing on her cheeks. “I miss watching you in your natural habitat.” Mickey shoved in so hard the little girl’s body contorted and she yanked on her chained wrists.

  The night I’d been chained to that very floor came rushing back. It was the perfect reminder to play dead inside.

  “I quench my thirst with blood these days,” I said it as nonchalantly as possible even though my stomach heaved.

  Mickey started laughing his twisted, maniacal laugh as he used his deep throat position to shove the poor girl to the floor. He knelt on either side of her bent back body then reached out to hold himself up. The second he was in position, he started hammering into her throat. She writhed beneath him as best she could, but it really didn’t help. She was trapped. Just like me.

  I watched without seeing them, contemplating the parallels that could be drawn between the helpless, fragile thing on the floor and me. I still wore the chains from that night. I always would. And I was fucked. In a really disgusting and debasing way no less.

  No wonder Elle had almost walked in front of a bus.

  Where the fuck is she?

  I fixed my gaze back on the door and my breathing picked back up as I started praying.

  God in Heaven or Satan below, deliver her here. Today. NOW! And in one piece. I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve anything. But she deserves everything. Goddamned everything.


  I shouldn’t swear.

  But please. Please! Keep her safe.

  Mickey’s ragged orgasmic cries cut my plea short. My eyes drifted from the door to where he was slamming the small girl’s head into the floor over and over and over. I had to force every fiber of my being to stay still. Almost every minute of every day, I felt the need to choke Mickey until his life drained out beneath my hands. Right now, it was curling my fingers into the wood of my disgusting chair.

  He rose suddenly and before the girl realized he was missing, stroked himself and started shooting jizz onto her face. The moment she felt heat sprinkling her face, full-blown sobs wracked her naked body.

  Acid burned my throat.

  But when a familiar shriek came from the doorway, something else entirely burned with the fire of a thousand suns.

  My eyes snapped up to find Elle, frozen just inside the door with her small little hands up across her mouth. Horse was trying to pull her to the side but her tiny body stayed perfectly rooted against all his muscle and might. I blew out a deep breath simply at the sight of her.

  “What did you do to her?” Elle asked with a far too loud and far too harsh voice.

  Horse tried to shush her and pull her from where she’d planted herself.

  “Exactly what I wanted to. She’s my property.” Mickey stroked himself, still hanging out of the fly of his jeans as he answered Elle.

  “She’s a person,” she shot back and Horse tried to calm her down, his hands frantically rubbing her shoulders as he whispered in her ear.

  “She’s a possession. My possession,” Mickey’s voice rumbled ominously.

  “No, she’s not.” Elle’s voice was getting louder, stronger.

  My fingers flexed into my chair, wanting to replace Horse’s where they worked to calm her down. She shrugged against him and tried to bat against his hands. I heard a muffled stop it, Horse as Mickey walked over, cock still swinging. My heart leapt into my throat.

  Before she cooled off, Mickey had the back collar of her shirt dress and was pulling her. Every muscle in my body tensed and my feet kicked back against my chair like I was going to go grab her.

  “She is,” he snarled in her face. “Just like you are.”

  Elle wiggled against his grip. I knew she didn’t have a prayer of getting free.

  “I’m not.” Elle’s voice was weaker now.

  “You are,” Mickey yelled. “And you’ll please me just like she did.”

  My insides somersaulted.

  “We had a deal.” Her voice got loud and screechy. “I make the plates and you don’t do this to me.”

  Horse had made that deal and I thanked God every day he had the foresight to do it.

  “How many plates have you made?” Mickey’s voice had gotten harsh as he pulled on her. Her knees bent and she dropped lower before he used the same grip on her dress to haul her towards him.

  Everything in me seized as her knees wobbled and she slid side to side.

  “Nah…No…” she stammered.

  “None,” I finished for her and made sure to pinch my face as I stared over at her.

  “That’s what I thought. And that makes you a whore like all the rest of them,” Mickey said with a laugh as he shoved her down toward the floor.

  Her dress ripped as she stumbled. Horse reached out to catch her, but Mickey shoved him aside as he thrust Elle fully to the floor. Her dress ripped all the way down along her spine.

  “You dare get in my way while I’m playing with a toy, Horse?” he spat through gritted teeth. “You’re a better soldier than that.”

  My eyes stayed fixed on Elle. She’d fallen to all fours and her dress had ripped far enough that the fabric shrugged off her shoulders and her breasts peeked out. My dick reminded me just how much I liked those tits.

  Mickey balled his fist into Horse’s chest. He shoved Horse and he stumbled backward. Horse’s hands balled and gripped at his sides; for a moment I thought he was going to swing. I knew I was supposed to get up and stop him, be the flat hand that wrapped around Horse’s flying one, but I wanted to punch
Mickey too. Especially when he bent down to Elle.

  “Touch yourself,” he hissed in her ear but we all heard the command.

  “No.” My Ladylove’s voice wavered.

  “Do it!” he shouted in her ear and she flinched away. “I don’t have any qualms about killing you if you don’t do what I want.”

  My whole body tensed and I couldn’t help but stand the slightest bit from my chair.

  “I better see your fingers in your cunny by the time I get back to that chair.” Mickey got up in her face to point back toward his throne.

  He turned from her then at the last minute, swiveled back. He grasped at the tattered fabric of her dress and pulled. The tearing sound filled the room a split second before Elle was stripped. Only a simple white thong hugged her little hips.

  My dick went rock hard at the sight.

  Her little hand reached for the fabric and shoved it down to her knees. The smallest, slightest whimper slipped from her mouth before her fingertips slid between her thighs. Her head drooped toward the floor and her shoulders rounded in defeat before she dipped in.

  I was going to groan loud and long—fuck did I want to—but I swallowed it instead. And adjusted myself.

  She stroked gently, trembling a little as she rimmed her slick pussy. Her knees shuffled closer as she slid her finger to the little rosebud of her clit. They jerked when she circled on it. I remembered the way she wiggled against me. The way that little velvety pussy held me tight. I loathed that Mickey got to see this, but it filled the achy cracks in my being.

  I wanted her. I’d never stopped. I couldn’t. For as long as I lived she would be what smoothed my splintered being. She was still what my ragged heart beat for.

  “Better, Elle,” Mickey urged. “Make it better or I’ll have to.”

  She was perfect. The way she explored herself was innocent and sultry all at once. How he could demand more was beyond me. How he could even want more was enough to blow my mind.

  She was enough to blow my load.

  “Perform goddamnit. Or I’ll put on the show!” Mickey roared and shot back up out of his seat.

  “I’ll put on the show.” My words came out before I even thought about them.

  “I thought you were fulfilling your needs in other ways these days.” Mickey turned and shot a positively wicked smirk at me.

  He was challenging me. I saw it written across his face.

  I was the one that had said I was blood thirsty. I was the one that said she meant nothing. And now I was volunteering to perform, something I hadn’t done for years. I had to follow through and in spectacular fashion.

  “Who says she can’t give me both,” I said it in my most acidic voice. It matched the bile churning in my stomach.

  I stood, making sure not to waver even the slightest. I couldn’t falter in front of Mickey, or more importantly, in front of her. She had to be my toy. My dirty, filthy toy. I was going to have to hide the pleasure, the pure ecstasy.

  Mickey needed a show, a spectacle, the kind of thing Siobhan used to give him. I swallowed all the disgust welling up at the memories and shrugged out of my jacket. I walked around her and looked down at her tiny frame and creamy skin and sucked in a deep breath to prepare for touching them both. Slowly, I undid each of my shirt buttons then pulled the tails from my waistband and let it slide off my body and pile on the floor.

  Elle twisted so she could look up at me. The hunger in her eyes was obvious when she skated over the planes of my chest. It had me praying that the same wasn’t reflected back tenfold. The way lust thumped in my veins was almost painful so I wouldn’t have been the least bit surprised. I made sure to darken my gaze when she finally met it. Thank God she dropped her head in defeat again.

  “On your knees,” I commanded roughly.

  “I am on my knees,” she shot back with a little too much snark.

  I had to commit. And now.

  I reached down and fisted into her hair and pulled. Hard. She screeched then tried to swallow the sound as I pulled her hands off the floor.

  “Like this,” I held the S as I bent down and snarled in her face. She swallowed a giant lump in her throat then settled into her spot. Swiftly, I undid my belt and pulled it out. “Suck my dick, Elle. And make it good or it’ll be your ass.”

  I shoved my hips into her face and her delicate fingers came up to my fly. They trembled as she undid the shiny button and dark zipper. Then again when she grabbed at the elastic of my boxer briefs and pulled. My dick was so hard that I winced when I fell toward her. Her eyes shot to mine and for a moment she was evaluating me again.

  When she kept studying me, I shifted to look at Mickey. His strokes on his cock were slowing and the determination was building behind his eyes. I had thirty seconds or so before he took over.

  Goddamnit, Elle. Just suck it.

  I willed her to snap to it but she just kept searching my face for something she’d seen or at least thought she’d seen, a moment ago.

  Forgive me.

  I silently pled with her the split second before I doubled my belt on itself and cocked it back. With lightning speed, I brought it down and let the leather crack across her back and sting the upper flesh of her ass. She screamed a gut-wrenching sound and I almost went soft, both literally and figuratively.

  Horse shot toward me before some nameless shithead held him back. I couldn’t tell if it was hunger or fury boiling beneath his skin. But Mickey sucked in a deep breath and started back up his strokes so I knew I had to keep going down this road. Wasn’t I lost to a dark and dangerous path anyway?

  “I told you it would be your ass. You want another?” I asked even though inside I was begging desperately for forgiveness.

  Her eyes had snapped shut when I hit her and when she looked up at me, tears were pooled in the corners. They matched the ones my heart was starting to weep.

  After what felt like an eternity, she popped her lips open. Without hesitating, I angled my hips toward her. The second she wrapped her lips around me I shoved in. She was just too good not to.

  I was home. And it wasn’t the sex, though she was built for my body and that would always be perfect, it was just her. To feel her again. Feel her breath against me, her heartbeat so close.

  It only took me a few thrusts to lose a little of my carefully crafted control. My eyes slammed shut and ragged, pleasure-filled groans started pouring out of me. I added in grunts when I remembered to make it seem a little more savage than the unadulterated pleasure it really was. But when she wrapped her hands up and around my thighs to clutch into my ass, I couldn’t even manage those.

  I looked down at her, my mouth hanging open as I fucked her throat with everything I had. She was watching me with her big, beautiful doe eyes. Tears still shimmered in the corners but they didn’t seem sad. For a moment, I convinced myself she was lost to this—to us—just as completely as I was.

  This was bad. So bad.

  She couldn’t see this side of me. She couldn’t feel that way about me anymore. She needed to put the bullet between my eyes the next time the offer came up. And with Mickey, it would come up.

  My heart jackknifed in my chest at the thought but I forced my head back into the game. It was for her after all.

  I swung the belt but this time to my other hand. Holding an edge in each hand, I tightened it to the back of her neck and started driving a punishing pace. I met each of my vicious pulls with a full thrust to her throat. There was no way she could breathe. I felt her gag around me with each and every stab in. Her hands shifted from holding me to shoving against my thighs.

  The fact that she was struggling pushed me even closer to coming. And I couldn’t come yet. I couldn’t let her go yet.

  Without warning, I dropped the belt and stepped back. My dick ached when it fell from her lips and this time it wasn’t just lust. She was gasping for air, her whole body shaking, but she still reached automatically for me.

  I made myself shove her roughly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Horse take a step again. I selfishly hoped the fucking assholes in the wings stopped him again. I needed more of her.

  I shoved out of my pants, briefs and shoes in one fell swoop as I followed her to the floor. I reached one hand up her body, traveling all the inches of her perfect flesh until I reached her throat. Of course I squeezed. Hard.

  Her hands came to mine and started scrambling against my grip. Her nails dug in and it made me even harder. I used my grip to lift her the tiniest bit from the floor and then shove her down, knocking her head all over again. She whimpered just before I latched my mouth onto her slick little slit.

  Cherries. Fucking cherries filling my senses all over again. Forever my life would revolve around that intoxicating scent, that perfect flavor.

  I ate her out like my life depended on it. Every trick I knew, every move that my tongue could make. I wrapped around her and pushed into her. I flicked her and nipped at her. When she surrendered to my grip, and her hands fell to the wooden floor at her sides, I knew how good it was for her too.

  She started to buck against my face. Her familiar rhythm felt so damn good. With the gentle rock and sway of her hips, I was myself again. The world with both light and dark came back. Things made sense.

  I had to get inside her. I needed to feel that rock against my hips but moreover, I needed that heartbeat against mine.

  I shot from between her thighs to her wrists and stretched them overhead, capturing them beneath one hand. I was about to guide myself into her when I broke the spell for a minute and looked up. Mickey was excited but there was something more, some extra glint that was pure evil even for him.

  He saw through my wall. He was seeing how easy it was for Elle to tear it down, how easy it was for her to set me free.

  I changed my plan but just barely. I fumbled with my dick for just a second against her ass and then shoved. She cried out and her whole body flexed violently back into the wood.

  “Let me in,” I snarled. “Now.”

  I shoved again, making a little headway. My hand fell from my dick and I snatched one of her legs and threw it up over my shoulder and shoved again. She screamed this time but I sank in deeper. I reached my hand below my mouth and spit into it then spread my saliva down my still exposed shaft and shoved one more time.


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