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Twisted Death (A Twisted Fairy Tale Book 2)

Page 7

by Ace Gray

  Her sounds were screechy but I recognized pleasure deeply hidden so I started hammering. My whole body flexed as I rolled into her over and over. Each thrust let me move a little easier. Each thrust made everything inside me clench.

  I snaked my hand down between her spread thighs and let my Felix the Cat tattoo flick on her clit. He twitched against her then dove inside while I lost myself to the way we moved together. Sweat was beading on my brow and making my skin slick against hers. Her body was responding to me again.

  I was going to come. And this time I wouldn’t be able to hold back. But maybe, just maybe I could get her off first. It would be the smallest redemption for how roughly I’d handled her.

  Felix went to work on all her favorite spots and her body started to short circuit beneath me. I couldn’t help but smile. Well as much as I could with a big giant O face anyway.

  When she came, it was better than I remembered. She went rigid and liquid in waves while her greedy pussy gripped my fingers. She panted and moaned sensual haggard sounds. Her nipples rose up and she arched herself off the floor like she was going to break through the wood itself.

  And then she splashed onto my hand and hips.

  The scent of Elle was thick in the room and it made my thrusts falter. My hitched rhythm only kept up a minute before I shot violently into her. As if her body knew, it clamped down on me all the tighter. I couldn’t help but make my own breathy groans and grunts as I stilled, slammed my eyes shut and pumped into her.

  After a few moments, something hot and sticky hit my torso and I opened my eyes to find Mickey’s jizz. He was tugging on himself wildly as his cum spilled onto the both of us.

  It was a fucking Hindenburg crash back to earth.

  For a minute, I’d gone to Heaven on the wings of the most perfect angel, but that didn’t change that we were deep in hell and I was supposed to be the devil himself.

  I let Mickey finish then pulled roughly out of her. I sauntered right over to him and naked or not looked him directly in the eyes.

  “Show enough for you?” I said it as detached as I could possibly manage with the gasping breaths and tiny whimpers coming from the floor behind me.

  “Positively fabulous. Can’t wait for a repeat,” he answered unflinching.

  “All in a day’s work.” I shrugged.

  “What a good little employee you turned out to be.” He shot his eyebrows up once at me. “Let’s see if we can still say the same for Horse.” He shifted his gaze to where Horse was being restrained behind one of the black velvet couches. “You’re coming with me,” Mickey said in his most menacing voice as he narrowed his gaze at Horse.

  My stomach flipped and I had to dig my fingernails into my palm to keep from standing up for him.

  Mickey unceremoniously zipped his pants and stepped toward Horse before he stopped and looked back over his shoulder.

  “She makes a good whore, Cole. If she doesn’t feel like making plates, we could just keep her doing that. I don’t think I’d mind in the least.”

  I had to choke back vomit, but it was nothing compared to when I turned to look back at her.



  Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

  I rolled onto my side, gasping, and curled in on myself hoping to hide. Hot, sticky cum dripped down my ass cheek and I shuddered. It wasn’t from the stickiness, it wasn’t even from the fucking I’d just been handed. It was because I’d liked it.

  No, fucking loved it.

  As proof by the wetness coating the floor from where I’d…

  Oh God.

  What in the ever-loving fuck was wrong with me? Cole had been vicious—he’d hit me—and he’d done it in front of everyone. But it was Cole. And for a few moments, it was even my Cole. Or so I told myself trying to feel better about the debasement of my body.

  Cole’s naked feet padded back toward me and I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander up him. He was staring off into the distance beyond me as he swept down and snatched up his pants. He stepped over me, and I couldn’t help but flinch. He noticed and his face pinched in on itself as he bent down toward me.

  When he reached toward me, I shot away from him as best as my balled body would allow. With an unreadable face, his hand shifted to the side and he snatched his belt from where he’d thrown it. The leather unwound from his hand and the buckle dragged along the floor then up and over my body.

  Oh God.

  I shivered wildly. His carelessness drove home how thoroughly I’d been used. Used and violated. My throat and my back door had been assaulted. Mickey’s cum coated my skin.

  But Cole…

  I whimpered and balled tighter into the fetal position.

  Never had I felt so dirty. Like there was a film coating my skin. But that film was Cole. His sweat, his skin, his sounds. His dick. And the fact that I didn’t want to wash it off made me feel even more foul and disgusting.

  Low murmurs started to break through my hazy brain. As soon as I caught some of the words I tried to bury myself back inside.

  What I wouldn’t give to be the one fucking her.

  Imagine what she’d look like with lots of belt marks across her back.

  Or cum all over her tits.

  Wonder if we could slip it in right now while Mickey’s gone.

  Obviously Cole doesn’t give a fuck anymore.

  A ball of sobs, sorrow and rage formed in my throat. I did what I could to swallow it down as I twisted to reach for my dress. Only once my fingers found the fabric did I remember it was ripped down the back. The emotion came rushing back and I felt it choking me.

  When two nameless men circled over top of me, bone chattering fear flung itself into the mix.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Cole’s positively frigid voice slithered through the room from somewhere behind me. “You heard Mick, she has work to do.”

  “Sounded like she could pick her line of work if you ask me.” One of the men shot back, his hand making grabby shapes at his side like he was already pawing at my skin.

  “True.” Cole walked into my line of sight and rooted himself between them and me. He’d gotten his pants back on but his huge eagle tattoo across his naked back was rippling in time with his seethe. Without warning, he turned on me. His eyes bored into my very soul and his chest rose and fell a little too fast. “What’ll it be, Elle? Money or sex?”

  He was being rough, asking me in his blunt and harsh voice but the way his fingers balled and he clenched his jaw seemed to be saying something more. I’d just been too fucked and fucked up to catch it.

  “Speak up now. They can have you fair and square if you’re picking whore,” Cole warned.

  “No,” I managed even though my voice didn’t sound like my own.

  Cole turned back toward the men and I swore I saw his shoulders relax the slightest bit.

  “See?” he growled through gritted teeth. “Not a whore.” He twisted toward me, still sprawled out on the floor. Just when I convinced myself that he was defending me, he added, “Yet,” with a wicked smirk.

  The men faded into the background after that but Cole barely moved. He was still positioned above me, his body still said protect even if he had grabbed his knife and was digging underneath of his fingernails again.

  “Let’s go, Elle,” he said sharply.

  When I didn’t move, he twisted the slightest bit and watched me out of the corner of his eye.

  “Elle,” he warned.

  I finally pushed myself up to sitting and looked around. The room was hazy through my bleary eyes but I noticed why Cole was planted where he was. It was why he was warning me too. Hunger flashed from eyes in every corner. Our performance had shifted something inside the room, not just inside me. A carnal hunger glinted everywhere. I gasped.

  Another man was slinking forward and Cole barely hesitated before he crunched a wild blow to his face. Cole’s muscles rippled wildly and his breathing ticked up again. He was fraying.

More hungry eyes seemed to stalk forward toward us all on their own. Cole swiveled but this time toward me. He snatched his suit jacket from the floor and threw it at me.

  “Get. Dressed,” he barked but then softer, so soft I almost didn’t hear he added, “Please Ladyface.” His eyes flashed when he said it and for a moment Cole, my Cole replaced the savage.

  It jolted me.

  I started scrambling into his blazer, wrapping it fully around me and breathing in deep. The familiar fresh spice that was Cole filled my lungs. I pulled the lapel up and breathed deep. A smile automatically pulled across my lips until I captured the bottom one and bit ever so slightly.

  He called me Ladyface.

  My smile grew.

  But then a giant hand clamped down on my arm and started pulling on me. I yelped as my body started moving toward the door. I tried to stand up but Cole was yanking me forward every bit as much as he was upward. My feet were just wheeling beneath me.

  “You’re hurting me,” I whined.

  “I don’t care,” he snapped back.

  He kept pulling on me, out of the room and down the stairs. The blazer flapped open here and there putting my naked body on display. I added to the wild flailing mass of limbs by trying to shove at him to cover up.

  “Cole, stop!” I shouted as he dragged me down the stairs. “Cole. Please!”

  He grunted at me and squeezed all the harder. I was going to bruise under his grip, and my pulse started to thump against his hand. When he pulled me out the front door, the wind whipped my jacket open and my whole front was on display for the entire street. I yanked against him as hard as I could. I didn’t break free but I jostled us hard enough that I smacked into the wrought iron railing. Tears started falling down my cheeks as wild and hot as the descent down the stairs.

  My loud, gaspy, shoulder shaking sob stopped Cole in his tracks. We were just feet from his car but he took a moment to look me over. Twice. The second time I looked down with him. I noticed my skin stippled with goosebumps, then my slightly bruised knees, followed by black dirty feet.

  The stupid smile I’d worn when he called me Ladyface buried itself deep in the recesses of my memory. I tried to hide that it had ever happened. Even from myself. The urge to scrape the Sharpie ink from my skin, out of my blood, had me digging into my forearm.

  Cole’s hand fell from me and for a moment he looked like a wounded animal. A wounded animal I’d leave to die the slowest, most ragged death on the side of the highway. I shoved around him, making sure to knock him as I reached for the passenger door of his car. Heat was coursing through my body but it had absolutely nothing to do with being near him.

  I whipped the door open and cranked on the backseat then all but threw myself in. I slammed the seat into place without giving a second thought to his stupid car door and wrapped myself up in his jacket then in on myself.

  His naked torso couldn’t distract me as he stalked around the hood of the car. It was a beautiful canvas, covering a heart as black as the panther on his stomach. I sank to the leather of the backseat as he dropped into the front seat. My skin crawled with how close he was.

  The car rumbled beneath me and the memory of the vibration against my body had even more emotion barreling through me.

  How dare he? How dare he make me love him? How dare he give me everything then rip it away? How dare he take more of my tears?

  My next sob turned into a growl that matched the roar of his engine. He flinched but otherwise stayed frozen, he sucked in an audible breath but otherwise stayed silent.

  We could have driven for two blocks or across two states and I wouldn’t have known. I was busy grappling with every emotion running wild with my insides. They made my mind whirl and go vacant all at once. I was gnawing holes into my lip while letting tears pool onto the leather beneath my cheek. My soul was so stripped, so violated, that I couldn’t do much else.

  The car slowed and Cole sighed loudly again just before the mechanical clunk of shifting into park and the click of his keys replaced the rumble with a far more deafening silence.

  “Elle,” he started, his voice softer and sweeter than I’d heard in what felt like forever. My heart tried to pick up pace but I forced it to flatten out.

  “Don’t,” I replied as cold and sharp as I could.

  He slumped forward but he didn’t say anything else for a little while. The air was getting heavier in the car, growing a life of its own and reaching out to strangle me.

  “I have some of your clothes upstairs.” He finally broke the silence, his voice every bit as heavy as the air in the car.

  “I don’t fucking care,” I spat the words out at him.

  “You’ve gotta start making those plates, Elle, or more things like this will happen.” His voice was low and grumbly.

  “I don’t fucking care about that either.”

  And in that moment, it was true. Now that I’d touched him again, the desperation wasn’t consuming me. I wouldn’t step in front of a bus today, but there wasn’t much left of me. Mickey or Cole or whoever could do whatever, I really wasn’t living here anymore.

  He got out of the car with enough force to shake it and the whole thing shifted again when he slammed the door and leaned against the window by my head. I sighed to myself and stared at the seat in front of me without seeing any details of the leather. That was my world now, a bunch of vacant, blurry landscapes.

  Once again time was moving fast and slow, sideways and circular. I could have been in the backseat for a heartbeat or an eternity. A small, scornful laugh slipped from my lips when I remembered that time was supposed to move similarly in hell.

  He’d dragged me there after all.

  And when he yanked on the car door, then the front seat, and wrapped his hands around my upper arms and pulled, he dragged me upstairs, too. This time, I didn’t fight him. I let him treat my body like a rag doll. Wasn’t that what I was anyway?

  I let him shove me in the door of his apartment. The moment he let go of me, I crashed to the floor and barely made an effort to catch myself. I couldn’t find the point anymore. I was a possession.

  Pain shot through my knees then up into my hips. It reminded me of what they’d suffered at the hands of Cole moments? hours? lifetimes? ago. I looked up at him and all the darkness coloring my heart replaced the tears and started oozing from the corners of my eyes.

  His whole face twisted in pain then fell. For a moment, I thought he might crumble to the floor just like me. Agony like I’d never seen—or rather agony like I’d only seen that night—wracked every inch of his body. Whether I wanted it to or not, my heart reacted to him. To the utter torment coloring his features.

  “Elle, I’m sorry.” His voice cracked and the inky monster he’d been posing as fell to pieces.

  “For what?” I sneered back at him.

  He blew out a heavy breath. “Tonight.”

  “No.” I couldn’t process what was happening in front of me. “No, you’re not.”

  “I am.” He was more desperate and more determined, becoming more animated and his gestures sharper. “I swear to God I am.”

  “I don’t think you are. I don’t think you’re capable of feeling sorry.”

  “I don’t know that I am either. I’ve been buried beneath sorry and sadness for so long, I can’t see it anymore.” His volume was rising. “I’ve just got emptiness left, Elle.”

  His words hit me like the belt across my back. They were sharp stinging slaps and they threatened to bruise and batter me. The edges of them would throb like the belt mark. I slowly crumpled lower to lie out on the floor.

  “I tried. I tried to do it for you but I can’t. I’m not strong enough.” Tears were starting to shimmer in his eyes. Similar ripples were moving across my heart. “I can’t do those things to you, even when they’re for you. I can’t be that man. I can’t be anything at all, even alive, without you.”

  I closed my eyes and tried to block his words out. Ten minutes ago I was done, done
with everything, but now…

  “I’m so sorry. I’ll be sorry forever, Ladylove.” My eyes shot open. Ladylove. I automatically started tracing the letters on my outstretched arm rather than claw at it. His shoulders quivered as badly as his voice. “So sorry…” he barely breathed the words.

  “For what?” I almost couldn’t choke the words out.

  “For tonight. For…for…for everything,” he murmured.

  Instantly I was back to that night, I was fighting for Cole, fighting to keep Cole. That version of Cole had captured everything about my being. He was my fairy tale, as dark and twisted as that fairy tale that had gotten. And that one seemed to stand before me once again.

  Yes, he was the hot poker that had burned me to the point of a disfigured soul but he was also the flame that lit my being up.

  “You’re sorry for tonight?” I asked as tears streamed down his face and then across the perfectly sculpted planes of his chest. He nodded as he wiped a few away. “Well, I’m not. I’m not at all.” My voice was sharp, my heart was leaping out of my mouth and slamming around in the apartment despite the fact that this was likely the last time I’d live through losing it. “Tonight I got you back. If even for a moment.”

  He looked up and his eyes darted back and forth as he studied my face. “Ladylove?” His question was no more than a whisper.

  I blew out another deep breath, sucker punched again by that simple, perfect word.

  “I mean it, Cole. I’m just not sure if I still want to keep you.”



  Pure joy and absolute panic rolled through my body. She was here, back in my apartment. Ladylove still had a pull over her, which meant I still had a pull over her. But I’d pulled her under. I’d been doing it for a while, then I’d gone and held her down tonight.


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