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Blackmailed For Vengeance

Page 8

by Marie Kelly

  “Have you ever been to a council estate?”

  The woman had looked at Lee with a contemptuous look before replying

  “Absolutely not” with a tone which made Lees heckles rise

  “Then how do you know” she asked holding back the anger she felt

  The woman had glared back at Lee

  “If you read the papers young lady “she began before Lee had cut across her

  “Perhaps you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers. I grew up in a council estate, and the only reason that kids hung around corners was that there was nothing else to do. These kids don’t have money to go to clubs, they rely on what free clubs and activities are available. If they hang around then it is only because they have no where else to go to”

  She had looked at the others in the group

  “There are a lot of really good projects out there to help these kids, projects that are hardly able to survive because of lack of funding…. So perhaps it might be better to help these people rather than listen to what the papers say” she said unaware of just how magnificent she looked as she stood facing the surprised woman.

  Yanis had watched her in surprise, stunned at the passion she spoke with and the honesty with which she had readily admitted to her background, not showing any of the usual pretensions of his dates. As she turned away, suddenly embarrassed by what she had said he had taken her hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze. Lee had looked up into his eyes, hers showing the surprise of his actions.

  The rest of the night had gone in a blur, as she had danced with Yanis enjoying the feel of him leading her around the dance floor. As he held her close, she could feel his hands on her sending pleasant sensations through her whole body. She had lent against him allowing herself to be lost in the heady scent of him, as he had whispered to her about the different people they had met, telling her who each person was along with what they did for a living. Unsurprisingly most were like him multi millionaires, many inherited from families.

  When they had finally returned back to the house Yanis had asked if she would like a night cap. She had surprised herself by accepting, as together they had moved into the library. After pouring them both a drink he had thrown off his jacket and tie, undoing the top button as he moved over to stand beside her

  “You did well tonight” he said softly “I was asked if you would be interested in heading a campaign to bring more projects to urban kids” he said noting the surprise in her eyes.

  “So how do you know about the projects in the estates” he asked with interest

  Lee had taken the drink from him, looking deeply into his eyes

  “I still work with some of them.. weekends mostly….cheaper than a gym” she said with a small nervous laugh “When I was younger, my parents couldn’t afford a lot, so I used to go to some of the dance clubs, and then when I was sixteen I used to help out… they always needed volunteers” she said her voice a little ragged seeing the way he looked at her. He had taken a drink of his whisky before placing it on a nearby table his eyes watching her face as he moved in closer to her. As he had taken her drink from her fingers and placed it beside his she had tried to step back finding herself against the wall

  “What are you doing” she asked quietly, fully aware of his intentions. He had smiled before moving even closer to her, so that she could feel the heat of him against her

  “Something that we both know was inevitable” he whispered against her ear, as his head had lowered, his fingers moving to gently touch her shoulders

  “But you hate me” she whispered back, feeling herself becoming lost as his teeth gently nibbled on her ear. With a sensual soft laugh he had breathed

  “So, that has nothing to do with this”

  Grasping at any small piece of sanity she could find she moaned

  “But how can you want this when you don’t even like me” she said, causing him to lift his head to look down on her with such fire in his eyes

  “Didn’t we cover this last night” he chuckled softly “From the moment I ever saw you in the hospital I wanted you”

  Lee looked at him in surprise

  “Had you not turned out to be who you were then I would have sent you flowers and invited you for dinner, and …..” he left the rest unsaid his eyes portraying his plans, as his fingers had lifted a strand of her hair and used it to gently stroke her ear, sending shivers running down the entire length of her body

  “And I would have said no” Lee said with certainty

  “Why” he asked with interest and surprise

  “Because I know your reputation” she replied

  “You move from one woman to the next with little or no regard for them” she said

  “They are just bodies in a bed to you”

  She could see the brief flash of anger in his eyes as he held hers with his own

  “And yet you want to be one of those bodies” he said softly his head once more returning to her ear as he pulled one lobe into his mouth his tongue licking it gently causing her to bite her lip to stop the groan escaping her mouth

  “No” she managed, as he chuckled, a deep throaty sound

  “Your right Lee, you are a lousy liar” he said softly

  “I can feel how you body you look at me…tell me that you feel it to Cara” he whispered against her flesh as she shivered gently

  Suddenly Lee couldn’t speak at all her mouth dry

  “Admit it, you long to feel me making love to you” he whispered sensually against her, as her eyes had closed her mouth groaning slightly

  “because I feel it to..” he said softly “tonight Lee we will be lovers”

  Lee was struggling to stop her whole body from exploding into small shivers as he now licked her neck

  “No…I won’t be your lover Yanis” she said through gritted teeth

  “Oh I think you will” he said softly

  “No” she said more forcefully

  “You said that you wouldn’t force me into your bed”

  Yanis raised his head to look down into her eyes, those wonderful hazel eyes, so full of need and confusion. With his eyes flicking over her face and finally resting on her lips she had moaned gently as he pulled her in closer against him, her body not pushing him away as her head shouted it to do

  “I don’t think I’ll need to force you” he said quietly “Do you Lee?” he asked as his head lowered and very gently his mouth had kissed hers. With a shudder, she had leant in further against him and with a whimper had returned the kiss her arms snaking around his neck. With a small triumphant sound Yanis had swept her up into his arms his lips still causing such sensations to sweep through her before moving to the stairs to carry her to his room.

  Lee was completely unaware of where she was, not caring as his lips had maintained their onslaught of her soft mouth, his tongue stroking hers as it invited her to do the same, the first she realised they were in his room was when he had gently placed her back down onto her feet the sudden action bringing her round as he had stepped back slightly to look down on her, his eyes so dark burning brightly.

  As her eyes had opened, blinking she had for the first time been able to see around his room, so masculine just like him. Lee had swallowed her eyes so unsure as she had looked back up at him

  “Yanis..” she whispered as his mouth had silenced her before lifting once more from her his eyes intent on her hair as his fingers removed the clips which held it up until it fell about her shoulders. She had seen how he had followed it his eyes watching the long glossy hair tumble around her

  “So beautiful” he whispered

  Before cupping her face and once more kissing her. This time intense and passionately making her head spin with the desire he was raising within her. Almost with a will of their own, she had felt her shaky fingers pulling at his buttons, in a need to feel his skin, a soft sigh escaping her as she felt his lean contoured body under her fingers as he shivered slightly as they had moved over his taught s

  His hand now sought the clip at the back of her dress, before undoing it to allow the dress to swish to the ground, as he lifted her once more, out from the folds of taffeta to lay her down on his bed, lying down beside her.

  Pulling back, his eyes had moved down the entire length of her body admiring the pert breasts, slim body and legs which he longed at that moment to feel around him.

  “I have wanted this since the first time I ever saw you” he breathed against her neck, as his tongue slid down her to capture a nipple making Lee moan throatily as her hands had held his head against her, her fingers running through his silky hair

  “We shouldn’t do this” she half groaned her voice tortured with the need she felt

  “This is wrong Yanis” she whispered, as his head had once again come back to look down into her eyes

  “No Lee” he said gently “This is so right” he finished, as his fingers had slipped under her small panties, moving between her legs to the damp centre of her, before slipping inside and moving so erotically as to cause her to gasp loudly, her hips moving against him with a will of their own. His head had once again moved to suck in a nipple his tongue rolling it against his teeth as she had gone wild under him gasping and moaning against him. As one hand had pulled at his shirt and the other moved to gently stroke his straining arousal over his trousers Yanis had gasped before pulling himself from her to stand.

  “I always knew you would be wild in bed” he whispered, his eyes full of a fire which glowed strongly in his eyes

  Catching her breath while totally confused at the way she had reacted, lee had watched as he pulled off his clothes before standing totally naked in front of her. As she had seen him for the first time, she had gasped at how perfectly contoured his body was, and how aroused and erect he was. For a second her eyes had held a look of panic at the size of him before he had once more returned to her, kissing her lips as he pulled the panties from her before he had raised himself over her, moving her legs apart to lie between them. Yanis could feel himself sinking under the desire to fill her, to take her and feel himself inside her. His whole body ached with the need, but still a small thought managed to float to the surface of his brain

  “Are you on the pill Lee” he whispered even as the tip of him had began to enter her, holding himself back with the last small remnant of will power he possessed

  As she had nodded speechlessly against him, with relief he had surged forward finally feeling the welcoming embrace of her all around him. Lee had cried out with surprise and joy, as her body had arched against him, the feel of him so deep within her driving her wild with sensations which were pulsating throughout her entire body. She had bucked under him, as he had moved over her spurred on by her reactions and the way she was pushing him so close to the edge. With small sharp thrusts he had raised her high, until he had felt her body go rigid as she climaxed around him, her head thrown back panting as the sensations had spread through her as she clung to him, as he lay still, feeling the waves passing over him. Gritting his teeth and groaning, he had felt her beat all around him, until she had relaxed, her eyes looking up at him in complete surprise and wonder.

  As she opened her mouth to speak he had kissed her again, his arm moving under her hips to angle her upwards, moving her legs around his back. Lifting himself higher he had once again began thrusting inside her as she had gasped in disbelief.

  “No” she cried even as her head had fallen back, a moan escaping her as she had once more felt her body rising to his actions, stunned she could feel the waves building as he thrust harder and faster into her his mouth moving to take one stiff nipple pushing her over the edge as she had climaxed yet again, this time crying out as the sensations had ripped through her whole body as he had stiffened before his final thrust before releasing himself into her with gasps of pleasure, his eyes closing as he had felt the heady dizziness of his orgasm as he spilled into her. Falling heavily onto her he had looked into her eyes, his so bright as both their bodies had meshed together the feel of her under him so right. Gently he had kissed her soft mouth, bringing her back down from the intensity of their love making feeling her whole body shudder as his tongue had licked the beads of perspiration from her brow before both their bodies had stopped shuddering with the wonderful aftershocks which would still cause them both to shiver gently

  Rolling from her he had lain on his back, his hand over his eyes as she looked up at the ceiling, both still catching their breath. Finally he had spoken

  “I can see why Jim was so upset at losing you”

  Lee bit her lip closing her eyes to stop the tears which she felt rising as she felt her heart break into a thousand pieces. He would never believe her if she again told him the truth, that she had only ever slept with one other man, who had not been Jim, and that he had not created such a reaction in her as he had. So she kept quiet. As she sat up reaching for her dress Yanis had turned onto his side

  “What are you doing?” he asked her softly

  “Going to my room” she replied gently

  He had placed an arm around her waist pulling her back down onto the bed beside him

  “No..from now on you share my room… my bed” he said

  Lee looked at him in anguish

  “No…I never agreed to be your mistress” she bit out

  “You just did” he said softly “and from now on you sleep with me.. until I end our relationship”

  Lee looked at him with panic in her eyes shaking her head

  “No, let me go Yanis”

  He however had laid back over her his mouth kissing gently along her jaw line making her slowly sink back into the great dark hole of desire for him she had already fallen so deeply into

  “No, please..I can’t” she moaned

  “Yes you can, and you will” he whispered sensually against her mouth, the feeling of his breath on hers breaking down the last small remnant of fight she had left and moving her mouth with his Lee did, once more being brought to the most exhilarating climax she had ever experienced, by the man who touched and stroked her to such devastating effect, causing her to let go of all of her inhibitions as he explored her whole body with his hands and tongue. When he had moved down between her legs, his arms holding her hips while his tongue had explored her, flicking deeply inside her, she had lain beneath him, her hips moving rhythmically against him as she allowed him to drive her wild with his exploration of her softness, moaning and gasping with desire and want, until he had once again returned to her, entering her, and with his thrusting both fast and slow raised her and him to new levels of pleasure, until they had peaked at the same time, both crying out in the darkness.

  They had both finally fallen into an exhausted sleep, their bodies entwined together; both spent and sated in each others arms.


  The next morning she had woken late to find herself alone, and closing her eyes she had relived the feeling of his body on hers, moaning slightly at the way her body still craved his.

  As she arose, she had remembered his words, remembered how he had told her that she would stay in his bed, until he decided that she left. Closing her eyes in pain, she had known that she couldn’t do that, determined not to repeat what had happened the previous night.

  With resolve she had moved back to her own room, showering and dressing in her own space. Leaving the house she had determined that there was no way on earth she would ever be sleeping with him again.

  That day she had been busy. She had attended several meetings, prior to visiting Jim alone at the hospital. Once again Yanis had been unable to attend, and Lee had spent 30 minutes with Jim, pleading for him to wake up. When she had returned home, she had met Maria, who had given her a knowing smile.

  “Hungry?” she had asked with a large grin on her face

  “Thanks Maria, but I had something earlier” she had said wearily “I think I’ll just head off to bed”

  “No problem, I moved all your stuff Lee” she said
with a soft smile on her face

  Lee had looked at her in surprise

  “Pardon” she asked in confusion

  “It’s OK, Yanis phoned me earlier to tell me that you would be sharing a room and to move your things to his”

  As Lee had looked at her in shock the house keeper had smiled a small twinkle in her eyes

  “Don’t look so shocked, Lee, It is perfectly natural, and I am so happy for you both” she said gently “I thought he would never find a nice girl” she finished giving Lee a gentle pat on the arm “I am so glad he found you”

  As she had walked away happily humming, Lee had looked disbelieving at her back. As the anger had finally taken hold of her, she had moved back up the stairs softly cursing Yanis. “Who the hell did he think he was” she fumed to herself, as with little care she had grabbed armfuls of her clothing from his closet, and marched it back into her own room, determined that he wasn’t going to push her around, and certainly not back into his bed.

  Finally as everything was back to normal, she had sat down on the end of her bed, tiredness creeping into every bone in her body. With a sigh, Lee had showered before pulling on one of the silky night dresses which had been delivered to the house. Then exhausted she had crept into her bed before falling straight into a deep dreamless sleep.

  As Yanis entered his room, he had expected to see her asleep, curled up on her side as she had been that morning, but he had found the bed empty and undisturbed. Throwing his suit jacket forcibly onto a nearby chair he had moved to his bathroom, showering before pulling on a pair of silk pyjama bottoms. He pulled back the sheets, before with a grim determined set to his mouth he had left his room entering hers. In the darkness with only the light from the hallway he could see her lying in the bed. For a few seconds he had watched her, as she slept so peacefully, her hair fanned around her beautiful face. He had moved over to her closet and seeing her clothes neatly placed on the hangers had cursed angrily under his breath before turning back to look at her.

  He had remembered how she had reacted to him the previous night and how he had lost complete control, the feel of her climaxing around him destroying any self restraint he had as he had joined her. With a frown he had thought how no other woman had make him feel that way, while telling himself that it was just good, wonderful sex. This memory along with seeing her lying so beautifully and innocently her lovely chest rising so rhythmically once more causing him to feel his body respond to her, and moving forward he had pulled back her bedclothes and scooped her up into his arms holding her against his chest like a small child, before moving determinably towards his room.


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