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Blackmailed For Vengeance

Page 9

by Marie Kelly

  Lee had woken instantly, her eyes blinking with confusion remaining still as she had lain shocked and confused in his arms. As realisation had come across her as too what was happening she had began struggling against him

  “Put me down, put me down” she cried in panic as he held her tightly before reaching his room. When he had reached his bed he had dropped her unceremoniously onto the soft mattress

  “Do not defy me Lee, when I told you that you would share my bed I meant it”

  Lee had lain still for a second still groggy from sleep her eyes staring at him wildly with shock, before she had leapt up trying to escape from the room, but he was ready for her and had grabbed her around the waist pulling her hard in against him. Holding her so she could not move he could feel her heart beating against him like a small bird trapped in his hand

  “Why do you fight me Lee” he asked tightly

  “Your defiance only excites me more. Can you feel how you affect me” he said taking her hand and placing it on his erect manhood, while his dark eyes had held her hazel ones. She had gasped gently as she had seen how he had closed his eyes with pleasure at the feel of her hand against him through the silk of his pyjamas, and forgetting her need to escape she had began to caress him gently.

  He had moaned softly, his eyes opening to watch as she held him more tightly over the silkiness of the material. As her eyes had looked up to hold his, he had seen the fires rising within her as she had pulled the trousers down so that they floated to his feet, as her hands had held onto the smoothness of him, moving over him to feel the veins beneath which throbbed so gently. As his eyes had once more closed she had seen how he bit his lip to hold back the groan, giving her a sense of complete control over this man, normally so much in command, a feeling which excited her even more.

  As Lee had knelt down before him, he had gasped slightly with surprise, her tongue flicking over him sending tremors coursing through his body, encouraging her to explore him more. As she took him into her soft warm mouth she could feel his hands wind through her hair as his hips began to move sensually against her mouth, his breathing coming fast as the sensations ran throughout the length of him.

  By now he was groaning gently in Greek, his eyes looking down at her as she knelt submissively before him, although fully aware that at that moment she held so much power over him, his face showed the intense pleasure she was raising within him. Suddenly he could feel himself start to peak surprised as he had not expected this so soon and with a soft moan had begged her to stop. However, he had groaned deeper as she had continued, this time holding him in her hand, as she had continued to stroke him, her fingers exploring his length until with a cry of pleasure from him she had brought him to climax, his hands within her hair becoming rigid as had his entire body feeling himself throbbing so exquisitely. As he had slumped against her, his legs suddenly so weak as they shook, he had collapsed on the bed, panting hard his eyes confused by the intensity of the experience. Why should this woman amongst all others make him feel this way? Looking down at her as she still knelt watching him he had sat up pulling her over him as his mouth had kissed her passionately.

  “Why do you drive me so wild Lee?” he whispered against her mouth, his hands pulling the small threads of material down so that he could once more enjoy her lovely body, his hands cupping her breasts his fingers nipping the already erect nipples, Lee had groaned back her hands holding his face as she kissed him back with an equal passion.

  She could feel him pulling up the silky material, ripping it from her in an almost frenzied need to feel her completely naked against him.

  “Already I am hard again” he whispered brokenly

  She moaned loudly as he quickly rolled with her onto her back, gasping with pleasure as he raised himself between her legs and with one long sure thrust entered her, as she had cried out in surprise and delight. He had then subjected her to the most wondrous torture with his own body, stroking deeply within her, sometimes slowly, sometimes fast, sometimes hard and then gently, all the while his mouth and hands exploring her in such a way that she found herself begging him for more until the blackness had taken her as her whole body had exploded with the most intense sensations which ripped through her whole being. As she beat all around him, still rocketing through time and space, he had began moaning until he too joined her, his body rigid as he filled her, the intensity of his climax written all over his face, until with a final shudder he had collapsed over her.

  Yanis lay there for several seconds his eyes staring into hers in complete surprise as hers mirrored his. Neither seemed able to speak, until he had moved from her to lie on his stomach beside her, his fingers running through his hair almost angrily. As she turned to look at him, her eyes still soft from the orgasm she had experienced he had sighed and rolled onto his back pulling her into his arms, cradling her.

  “Go to sleep, Lee” he breathed gently into her hair, as Lee had done just that, suddenly so happy to be in his arms.

  The next morning, waking once more alone Lee had played over everything that had happened that night. For a second she considered moving back into her own room, but with a deep sigh, she knew that she had already decided that night that she would stay with him. Her whole body yearned for him and her heart cried to be near to him, therefore, she had spent time returning the clothes back to his closet smiling self deprecatingly at the fact that she was already back tracking from her determination of the night before.

  When he had once more returned late that evening, he had smiled to see her asleep in his bed and after a shower; he had slid under the covers beside her, his hands reaching out for her as her sleepy body had automatically reacted to him, her sleepy sighs fuelling his desire for her.

  For the next week, they seemed to fall into a routine. Yanis would leave early for work and Lee would wake with him to have breakfast. She would then attend meetings with a variety of organisations, all of which seemed to value her input, before meeting with the children from the orphanage. When he was able he would then pick her up, almost enjoying watching her interaction with the children she thought, before going to visit Jim at the hospital. Three weeks into his accident there was still no change in his condition, and Lee was torn with her desire to see him get better and her desire to stay with Yanis, knowing that when he woke things would have to change. After their hospital visits, Yanis would seem quieter, his conscience pricking him at the way he had become so personally involved with Lee. He knew what kind of woman she was, but far from dying down; his desire for her had grown as each day had passed something that had never happened with any other woman. As he had looked down on Jim, he had felt guilty. His plan to teach her a lesson was fast backfiring on him, and he knew that he would have to end it soon, and yet he still wanted the young woman, who maintained her innocence at his accusations despite the strong evidence against her. Each day he woke he had determined that he would end it that day, but as she stirred against him and smiled that wonderful smile at him, he had put it off until the next day.

  On the Thursday morning he had rolled over to look at her

  “Lee I have to go back to France” he said, watching her expression as a disappointed look had crossed her eyes

  “But this time I want you to come with me”

  “me” she had replied in surprise

  “but I have so much to do here, and I need to visit Mrs Green and Jim” she said frowning

  “I will organise for somebody to look in on Mrs Green” he said gently seeing the look of concern on her face

  “and we can phone to check on Jim…it’s only for the week-end, and his family are there too”

  “Why do you need me there” she had asked her face still unsure

  With a sigh of annoyance he had explained

  “It is a gathering on an exclusive island just off the coast. We are having a meeting on the Friday and then on the Saturday there will be a big party, in which” he said looking at her

  “Delegates are expec

ted to be with their wives, girlfriends or “he punctuated the word “fiancées”

  “So you need me there for show” she said her tone contemptuous

  “Exactly, and Lee this is not negotiable you are coming”

  Lee had sighed at him in defeat seeing the determination in his face

  “Fine, but so long as there is somebody there for Mrs Green” she replied frostily, not relishing having to fob off a whole group of people for the whole weekend, who would all ask about their wedding plans.

  As the next day had arrived she had actually found herself looking forward to the break, even Yanis seemed more relaxed as their luggage had been taken into the car.

  “How are we getting there” she had asked him the previous night, before he had looked at her in surprise

  “My plane will take us there” he had replied in a tone which had been almost surprised at her having to ask

  “Well of course it will” she had giggled, mocking him. He had chuckled pulling her onto the bed

  “I think Miss Andrews” he had laughed

  “That you need punished for your flippancy” he had said huskily, as he had tickled her making her squeal with delight before his touches had become firmer and more sensual until the two had lost themselves in the pleasures of the other.

  Lee had never flown in a private plane before and was enjoying the comfort of the plush leather seats and the ability to walk around the cabin. It was a large aeroplane, not what she had expected, and was complete with a fully fitted bedroom and study. She had gasped at the opulence of the interior and with a grin had asked him

  “Have you ever flown economy?”

  With a quick wink and return smile he had looked at her feigning ignorance

  “economy..economy…nope never heard of it”, which had her giggling “Pig!”

  The flight was short and they had then been chauffeured to a dock where a luxury cruiser had picked them up before taking them to a large island just visible from the mainland

  “At last, I found something you don’t have” she said looking around the beautifully tranquil setting. She had felt him move up behind her as his arms had moved around her shoulders to draw her tightly against him

  “Actually Lee, I do have one… in Greece” he said with a smug note in his voice

  “Maybe one day I’ll take you there” he whispered gently into her ear. Lee had stiffened as sadness had taken hold of her, as she wondered if he ever would, or if he would decide to throw her out before the mood took him to take her there.

  Yanis had been surprised to feel her stiffen in his arms

  “I guess neither of us should really make plans for the future should we Yanis, we never really know when Jim will wake up, or when you’ll finally get bored with this game”

  She said, her tone quiet and controlled

  As he had gasped ready to turn her around and demand an explanation they had found themselves not to be alone as an older man with a young beautiful woman had appeared

  “Yanis” the man had cried “It is good of you to finally make it to one of my little get togethers” he cried looking at Lee. Yanis had shaken his hand before introducing her

  “Pierre, this is my lovely fiancée, Lee Andrews” he said smiling at him

  “Ah! So beautiful” the man had replied in admiration

  “You are most welcome. Please this is Leon Fabrice” he said introducing the gorgeous woman draped in a silk blouse and skirt which showed off her wonderful figure.

  “enchantee” she breathed huskily allowing Yanis to kiss her hand as her eyes looked at him seductively. The woman had made Lee feel somehow lacking and uncomfortable. She had seemed so feminine and beautiful, however, there was a falseness about her which Lee realised was due to the way her smile had not warmed the coldness of her eyes. She had looked over Lee with a glance which had been calculating not liking what she was seeing.

  Lee had noticed that Leon had been given no title and come to the conclusion that the woman was Pierre’s mistress. A good judge of character, Lee had instinctively not liked the woman who was about her age, her make-up perfectly applied and her hair perfectly coiffured. With a sudden jolt the realisation had fallen on her that this was the kind of woman Yanis believed her to be and she had felt sickened.

  Leon Fabrice had linked arms with Yanis as Pierre had done the same to her, as they led them to a wonderful chateau which stood so perfectly within the island setting. Lee had watched with gritted teeth as Leon had leant in so intimately towards Yanis whispering words which he had laughed back at. Beside her Pierre had chatted about the island and a variety of subjects, his clammy hand stroking her arm in a way which made Lee want to pull away from him. With relief they had finally reached a clearing in which stood a large pool. Around this many people milled around, most of the young women wearing only revealing bikinis.

  “Your meeting starts in one hour, please make yourselves comfortable and relax, your cases have been taken up to your room already”

  The man had smiled opening his arms widely

  “My home is yours” he said his eyes moving over Lee.

  “I do so like to share” he said in a tone which implied a lot more than his words. Lee had looked over at Yanis just in time to see the cold look he had given Pierre

  “I’m sure my fiancé and I will be fine” he said in an icy tone which Lee had not heard for a long time. Pierre had looked uncomfortable and bowing more respectfully at her had quickly taken Leon’s hand and moved away.

  “Looks like you have an admirer already” he bit out his eyes angry not only from Pierre’s obvious interest in her, but at her previous comment.

  “Perhaps I shouldn’t have brought you here… why give you the chance to meet new victims” he said coldly

  With a gasp Lee had glared back at him her voice low so that nobody nearby could over hear her

  “You made me come” she hissed “and I am getting really sick and tired of being compared to women like”

  Lee looked around her for a second before pointing to Leon

  “her” she said the anger making her eyes flash green

  Just as angrily he had stepped even closer to her

  “I am not having this discussion in front of all these people” he bit out between gritted teeth

  “I am going to get ready for the meeting and I will talk to you later” before with a cruel look he had added

  “and Lee for the record I think that she could learn a lot from you” he said seeing the shocked look on her face as he marched off leaving her standing stiffly glaring at his tall lean back as it disappeared.

  Lee could feel the tears well up inside her, tears not only of anger but of hurt that he had once again made his contempt for her so obvious. Grabbing a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and putting on her sunglasses so nobody could see her so expressive eyes she had sat on one of the many comfortable chairs scattered around the area.

  As she sat staring contemplatively into the glass biting her lip she once again asked herself how she had got herself into this position. Blackmailed into a sham engagement and now the mistress of a man whom she had made the ultimate mistake of falling in love with, her mind had angrily chastised her for her stupidity.

  As she had sat there nursing the drink, she had become the object of interest from several of the men who moved around the pool. Gritting her teeth she had kept glancing at her watch, waiting until she knew the meeting was due to start so that she could escape to the privacy of their room. By the time the fourth shadow had fallen over her she had become tired of being polite in her refusal, and in a voice which was icy she had not even bothered to look up

  “Please go away..i’m not interested” she had said

  Her head had quickly snapped up, however, as Yanis’s voice had answered

  “What does that mean” he asked with a frown

  Lee had looked around her, relieved to see him

  “Sorry, I thought you were somebody else” she b
egan before she had stopped in mid explanation

  “What do you want” she snapped remembering his last comment. With a sigh he had hunched down so that he was level with her, his hands on her knees

  “I’m sorry” he said “It was a cheap shot, I wanted to hurt you and you didn’t deserve it”

  Lee had looked at him in surprise, more at the fact that he had even cared about her feelings

  “Forgiven?” he asked as she slowly smiled at him

  “Forgiven” she finally said as he leaned forward to gently kiss her before rising

  “Are you not staying here” he asked in surprise as she had stood with him. But Lee had shaken her head

  “No, I think I’ll wait in our room”. Seeing the look of surprise on his face she had added

  “Look around you Yanis, this is just a giant pick-up joint. has anybody else brought their real partners or are you the only one to be missing out on all the fun” she asked as for the first time he had looked around seeing how the young lovely woman scantily dressed had fawned on the many older men who were enjoying the many pleasures laid on by Pierre and Leon. Suddenly her previous comment had made sense and he was even angrier at himself for putting her in that position. Angry also at agreeing to attend the week-end, only doing so because it seemed like a way of spending more time with Lee he had suddenly realised. He had heard rumours of Pierre and should have listened more carefully, suddenly seeing exactly what kind of week-end this was meant to be for the many rich business men, most of whom were not with their wives.


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