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My Life in the End

Page 16

by Adriana Alexa

  - Very beautiful. - I smile - My son bought one just like in a junk shop.

  - Then I need the address of that store, Miss Scarlett, because counterfeiting is a crime.

  The other man was older, the clothes she wore should not work for the police and had something ... something familiar.

  - Could we go and talk?

  - I am not obliged to let you in unless you have a good reason or a warrant, Mr. Zahner.

  The older man behind him chuckled and something inside of me wondered why.

  - I do not want to discuss the law with Miss. - He raised his open hands and offered me a broad smile. Laura Scarlett is not a lawyer. Why is he leading?

  - It's late, you Zahner. If you want to talk, come at a convenient time. - Would close the door in his face.

  - Miss Thoen, please. - The oldest pleaded suddenly.

  - Malcolm! - Zahner reproached with a short growl and I held the door.

  - What did you call me? -ah shit ... I had heard very well.

  - Ms. - He swallowed, watching the police - I'm Malcolm Walton. We have met in either event. I believe you met my daughter ...

  - Merryl? - Faced man the gap of the door. He had gray hair neatly combed and a serious expression of men who do not waste time. That was it ... I really knew him from somewhere.

  - Merryl. - Confirmed - I do not know if you heard ... But she passed away a few years ago.

  - Mr. Walton, I ... - I reached the mouth - I'm so sorry. She was a great person. I ... I do not know what to say. What happened?

  - She was murdered, Miss Scarlett .... - Decided under the watchful eye of the police - Could we come in and talk calmly?

  I nodded and closed the door to open the safety chain.

  If they were men sent Eleanor had already knocked down the door, is not it? And besides ... he knew who I was and seemed to respect my desire to remain hidden.

  I closed the door behind them and asked to sit down.

  - Can I offer you something?

  - No thank you. We just want to talk.

  - It's all right. - I sat in the chair facing the sofa they chose. I would say more, but the two had come to my house late at night talking about the murder of a well-known that I had not seen for years. I stared at the two and let my gaze ordering them to begin the explanation.

  - Miss Scarlett ...

  - You can call me Laura.

  I felt ridiculous being called by a false name by two people who clearly knew who I was.

  - Laura - Zahner went on - you know a person named Eleanor Baxter, yes?

  I gulped.

  - Grandmother of her ex-boyfriend, Gregory Baxter.

  Listening to the wrong surname after his name still hurt me.

  - I know who is.

  - Great. We have a theory about it and would like to help us, okay?

  - I do not like jokes, Mr. Zahner, why not just tell me for what reason I opened my door to two strangers in the night?

  - I think she killed my Merryl, Laura.

  - Malcolm! - Zahner the protested about once more.

  - Well, relax, Gary! For whom it will tell? - returned.

  I opened my eyes at him and tried not to let my transpire despair.

  - I do not think that's possible, Mr. Walton. - I knew that Eleanor was capable of, but ... Merryl? - Eleanor idolized his daughter, I do not think she would be able to ...

  - You are shocked at who is the victim and not the fact that women are able to kill? - The police kept me under a focused and inescapable look - I think it helps our theory.

  - I do not know if I agree with your theory, Mr. Zahner.

  - Gary, please.

  - I do not know what can have them brought to me or how I can help ...

  - We're behind you a long time ago, Laura. Years, in fact.

  I held my breath and was silent.

  - It was almost impossible to find it. Whoever hid, did it very well.

  - Apparently not well enough.

  - You were with Gregory. He seemed happy, all we thought you were getting married and one day ... one day you just disappears. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe, and convinced Gary here - indicated - that Eleanor may have something to do with his sudden disappearance.

  - Why do you think that?

  - Because people can not just disappear for no reason. And you did it. And my ... my Merryl Merryl also disappeared. But she was found dead two days later. - He spoke the dead word full of disgust. As would never become an acceptable word in his vocabulary - seemed to be a common crime and I would have believed it. If it was not the situation ...

  - What a situation?

  - She sent a message to his mother shortly before disappearing. Saying he was already coming home and Eleanor had gone mad. Only this and nothing more.

  - We Interpol know there's something strange in Baxter. Time and again the name of the company is always in trouble, but ... Who wants to mess with them?

  - After Hyatt died, Eleanor took over the business and things ... things were not right there, Laura. Hyatt was a great friend of mine and I do not feel right what was being done with the work of his life. A prosecutor heard me a few years ago. - Walton explained - convinced the right people to carry out an audit of the company, lasted a few weeks and was very intense, but found nothing. Eleanor hide his dark side very well and now found the perfect advertising grandson kid.

  Something in my heart snapped and hurt.

  - An exemplary human being, he is young ... Baxter. President responsible and competent, committed to social organizations, pays taxes, supports certain political candidates and well Cysts by people. No one can find even a coffee stain on your tie boy. It is immaculate.

  - And you came here waiting for? A homemade sex tape of us to use against him?

  - We came hoping you could confirm some of our suspicions about Eleanor. We believe it is a bad person and have some facts for us to base, but it's all circumstantial. We need proof, take years trying to collect what we could and I confess, Laura, is not much.

  - Still do not know what you want from me, Mr. Walton.

  - I want you to tell me what she did to you, girl. What did she say that made you run away without looking back? Perhaps with this we can have new data to work.

  - I would not be very smart of me to do that. If you think I ran scared of her, that would help you and run the risk of his anger?

  - We do not need a signed statement. - Expired - Just tell us if we are going in the right direction.

  - The boy is his son, is not it? - Zahner abandoned his silence.

  - Gary! Do not be rude!

  - It's a simple question. - The officer touched the knee of Mr. Walton, asking to calm down - The boy asleep upstairs? - Indicated the stairs with his chin - is the son of Baxter, is not it?

  - Do not. - I lied and stared into his eyes firmly. He smiled and I knew I did not believe.

  - She offered you money? - Zahner spoke with the tone of someone who had experience. As a man who has seen a lot bad for the world and was impressed with very little - So, let me guess ... You refused. Then she threatened to kill you, manicure heard and tell you? About it? I lost some detail?

  I could feel my eyes starting to tear traitors.

  - It was the driver. - Admitted.

  - Ah! The driver. - Hit a hand in the other, disappointed, as if he had just lost a bet.

  - So she did it, girl? You threatened?

  - Gentlemen, I preferred to go away now. It's late. My son can ...

  - Come on! - The police asked - was starting to get interesting.

  - I do not know anything else.

  - You know yes. - Narrowed researchers eyes at me - I just do not want to talk because they are scared ... scared that she track it back to you.

  IT IS...

  This not want to compromise Boe ... he saved my life, so I can not reciprocate.

  - We were already watching you a few days ago, you know? To be sure it was you and everything. If we find you ... No
thing guarantees that it also will not find you. You can face it alone, Laura, or you can look at it alongside Interpol and Mr. Walton connections.

  - I've been alone for many years and am well, thank you.

  - I do not doubt. Then fine. There is the chance to be safe that Miss will be dispensing. It will be the chance of something much much better.

  I did not need it concluded.

  - I'm not interested in revenge, sir Zahner.

  - Really? Now, I doubt it. And you can call me Gary. - Repeated, winking - The chance to see the old you hate, the old woman who made you lose your life and live fleeing and hiding in another country with another name ... The chance to see her prey: Humiliated and handcuffed in newspapers around the country. You will even dispense with it?

  - What do you want from me?

  - Nothing else, Laura, thanks for your time. - Walton looked at Gareth angrily. He was a good and educated man, but I could not risk my son's life to help you. No way.

  - Now, the girl wants to help, Malcolm, let her help.

  - He said he wanted to help.

  - I will not put it in it, Gary.

  - Come back with us. - The policeman smiled as if he'd just had the best of his plans, but by his excited expression and the slight anger in the eyes of Walton I imagined that that plan had been discussed to exhaustion and, although Gareth thought great, Walton he disagreed.

  - Why would I do that?

  - You do not want to tell us what happened between you two? Not want to give more details?

  - You said you just wanted me pointed in the right direction. I pointed.

  - It's all right. - He continued as if I had not interrupted - no need to tell us anything. Just go back. Malcolm here can give you a good job, better than anything you have now.

  - And what good would it do?

  - I deal with criminals many years, Miss Thoen. You know what I learned? They never make mistakes so great as when they are cornered. If I'm right, the mere sight of her will be enough to make the matriarch Baxter get lost. She'll need to get you out of the game again and that is where she will make a mistake.

  - Want to use me as bait, then?

  - And if you want to return to meet with your ex and find out some secret information from Baxter Inc. would not be bad. - He suggested - or try to seduce him again and bring it to our side.

  - Not Just Gary.! Laura, thank you! You were kind enough to receive us. Can I leave my card with you? If you change your mind or remember something you want to tell us?

  - Imagine his face. - The police laughed - When you come back. Tell me that will not give you the least satisfaction?

  - Place the life of my child at risk? No, no satisfaction. - I growled at him.

  - Let's start another audit at Baxter. The idea is to put as much pressure as possible on her pan and wait explode, you know? Do you really think she was going to plan a murder or two while her entire life is under the microscope?

  - So, she expects the audit over and kill me then. Continues without making me any good.

  - If the audit end without any success, I put you in the witness protection program. Take a vacation and you accompany personally to make sure it is safe. But trust me, Miss ... will not end without success this time. Not if you help us.

  - I will not say anything more about Eleanor.

  - Not today. Already understood. What about the second part of our proposal?

  - I do not even want to talk and you want me to face the woman? You lost your mind?

  - Walton gets a job for me, too.

  - It can, is it? - He complained.

  - Can. - Zahner did not look at me - I'm working undercover. We will be neighbors. Not shot the eyes of you and your child, you will be safe, you have my word.

  - And you think Eleanor will not be around watching me the second you find out that I'm in town? You will notice their existence very quickly, Gary.

  - Then we will be more discreet. I can guarantee your protection keeping me a little distance.

  - I do not even know you! That is worth me your word?

  - This woman needs to be stopped! She can not kill, threaten and manipulate and get away with it. You really let that happen?

  He had convinced me since the first mention of revenge. But motherhood inside me screamed that protect my puppy was more important than anything else.

  I opened my mouth to say "no" again.

  - It's him? - The police changed the focus - not wants to avenge her, is resisting, okay, I understand. But what about him? We know who called him when he was in Italy. By my count you had just had a baby or was close. What did he say? The fucker makes perfect entrepreneur role model husband, immaculate taxpayer, but as it is, really?

  The kindest man I have ever met.

  - What did he say when you explained what his grandmother had done? He said it was not his problem? He sent you turn around?

  Something like.

  I was biting my lip.

  - Come on, Laura! Only need to appear in the city. Scare the old. With time you want to help us with Baxter, even better! Come on ... She threatened you! He killed the daughter of Malcolm! You are a mother, how would you feel if someone hurt your son? And the guy does not pay! He abandoned you and your child. The whole family it is rotten. It's your chance to give back. Restore balance. Do not pretend you're not tempted.

  I faced the police with fire in his eyes.

  - What do you say? - He asked.

  - I need to think.


  Laura face on Monday morning was particularly unpleasant. She was holding information and fumbled with the schedules of two important meetings. I believe that on purpose.

  She was a good employee and I was partly to blame for their behavior, but it could not continue. The company could not suffer because of my relationship problems.

  - Mr. Baxter? - Rose asked when I answered the phone.

  - Yes?

  - There are two people here wanting to talk to you. It has no appointment.

  - Put on the agenda, Rose, I'm already late. - With thanks to Laura.

  - They said it's urgent, sir.

  I rubbed my eyes, angry.

  - Who are?

  - Andy and Rick are the names they gave me. - My heart popped loudly. I did not talk to either of them for years - not have last name, but said that you recognize them by their first names?

  I scratched the hair, considering.

  - All right, Rose. Let them in.

  The door opened and it was as if I had seen two ghosts. Lost far in my past.

  - Greg! - Andy smiled, offering me a punch on the shoulder excitedly.

  - How long! - Rick held out his hand and I shook it.

  - Long time. - I agreed with a calm smile. The image of the two brought back memories of the best and worst moments of my life. My heart was indecisive, not knowing whether it was better to prolong the conversation by good memories, or get rid of them quickly before the bad start to attack me. - What brings you here. - I gestured toward the chairs and they sat - Want a drink? - I offered, serving me a dose.

  - No thank you. - Rick nodded. His sober and contracted expression. I watched Andy, squeezing her hands on her lap. Bad news.

  Rick looked at her as if seeking permission to continue. I sat with them.

  - I came because I needed to talk to you, Greg. - It began - is a very delicate subject and it is not our business. - He stressed, polite - but we think you should know.

  - It's all right. - I agreed, curious - what happened?

  - Well ... - Rick took a deep breath.

  - You could speak with Laura? - Andy has exalted himself.

  The whiskey went down bitter and burning.

  Hear her name, especially this sudden and unexpected way was not at all pleasant.

  - Forgot that part, Andy? - Squeezed her lips - She's gone, remember?

  - Yes, but ... after that ... you never talked to her?

  - Why talk? - I leaned an elbow on the
arm of the chair. Had she gone mad? - Do not remember what she did?

  - My God. - She put her hand to her mouth, searching for Rick to look for moral support - So never told you, even. Thierry was right.

  Rick rubbed his temples as if he'd rather be anywhere else in the world than sitting in front of me.

  - Andy. - I said firmly. I was losing patience - never told me what?

  - Thierry died, Greg. - Andy whispered before the weight of words. I felt the burden on it to transfer to me, as I received the words. We were never best friends, but he was a good man.

  - Cancer? - I wanted confirmation. It would be a lie to say that I thought about it a lot, but our old neighbor fought the disease for years. I was last time I saw him forgiveness, but it was always a possibility with this damn disease.

  - No -. Rick smiled. He rather had Thierry as a great friend. - I think he just got too old. - He lifted one shoulder making me feel the affection that he had for the man in your fraternal and careful way.

  - I'm sorry. - I offered.

  He nodded.

  - But what does that have to do with ...

  - Laura? - Andy completed for me - Still can not say her name? - Accused.

  - Laura ...? - I completed my own phrase, feeling the name out bitter. Rick touched the pulse of Andy as if asking her to be more gentle. The gesture bothered me a lot. I do not need anyone to be kind. I could endure.

  - Excuse me. - She asked - Is it just because you never know with you two ...

  - Andy! - I asked - Can you tell me what happened.

  Rick took a deep breath to tell me, probably his most polished way. But the words of Andy hit me first.

  - Sun was pregnant. She spoke with Thierry before leaving ... and he said to us before ... - shook hands as if that part was not relevant - There are some things about your grandmother that you have to know.

  I exhaled heavily. A smile escaped my lips and I felt ridiculous. What else did I expect her to say?

  - I know, Andy.

  - You know?

  - Know. Eleanor told me about pregnancy and abortion clinic. And the proposal she made to Laura.

  - Spoke?

  - He spoke. She's not the crazy monster that so many people think. That's what Thierry told you?

  Rick was agreeing, but Andy interrupted his forehead wrinkled in doubt.

  - And what happened when you went after her?


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