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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 41

by Carl East

  Seeing the tears in her eyes, started to calm him down, but then the room was suddenly filled with her father's goons, all pointing some kind of weapon at him. Julia's father defiantly ordered them to open fire, and the next few seconds were a blur. Death released her father, who immediately received several bullets to the chest and head that were intended for his assailant. Death had gotten Julia out of the way, and then proceeded to rearrange the room, using the goons as a new form of decoration. By the time he left that house, one person was dead and the others wished they were. He left Julia at the gate, telling her to look him up at his next apartment.

  He walked back into town, not sure where to stay, and also feeling empty at what he'd just accomplished. He still didn't have Alice, and probably would never find anyone that could replace her.

  Chapter 8

  Death stood next to the headstone, looking at the photograph embedded in the centre. His thoughts of Alice's smile foremost in his mind, and after touching the headstone in a symbolic gesture, he whispered goodbye, and then walked away.

  He had been the target of a mobster, who had planted a bomb in his apartment, and although the bomb hadn't succeeded in taking him out, it had killed his lover and friend Alice.

  He walked from the graveyard, heading back to his new apartment, knowing that his next mission would soon be upon him. Once there he removed the cloak that gave him his powers, and then poured a drink.

  It had now been twenty-six years since the voice had contacted him, offering him the chance to make a difference in life. He was informed that the souls of those that died, sometimes needed to be set free, and was given the opportunity to do just that. He hadn't known at first that the cloak he was given possessed great powers, but soon came to appreciate how precious life really was, while using it.

  There was a knock on the door, upon opening it, he found to his surprise, Julia. He wasn't sure what to say, so let her in without saying anything; she walked past him entering the small hallway that led to the lounge.

  "How did you know I lived here?" he asked.

  "I asked the landlord of your old apartment, he informed me of where your mail was being redirected to," she replied.

  "Why would you want to see me?" said Richard.

  "For two reasons, first I wanted to apologize for what my father did, I had no idea he had come after you," she said, putting her head down.

  "And the second?" he replied.

  "I also came to warn you, my father had some very powerful friends, these friends have placed a bounty on your head, in retribution of his death," she said, getting Richards attention.

  "Then you'd better not be here, for I wouldn't want to be responsible for your death too," he said, pointing to the door.

  She sat down, a stubborn look appearing on her face. She liked him, ever since that first night, and wanted to somehow makeup for what her father had done. Richard didn't argue he just poured two more drinks, and then handed her one before sitting down. She removed her jacket, revealing a low cut top; Richard couldn't help noticing, as she sat back in the chair how her breasts moved. He realized she wasn't wearing a bra, which always turned him on.

  They talked for a while, and then Richard informed her he had to go and take care of some business. She asked if she could come back later, to which he replied yes, and then donning his cloak they left.

  Death was soon at his destination, yet another car accident, the victim being trapped behind the steering wheel. Reaching through the broken windscreen, he placed his hand onto his blood-drenched forehead releasing the trapped soul. He watched it rise, and then disappear, his job done he returned to his apartment.

  He was about to enter the apartment block, when he spotted Julia returning to see him; she wouldn't be able to perceive his presence however, for he was still wearing the cloak. Then he spotted two guys getting out of a car, and checking their weapon holsters. He knew who they were, as they walked towards the building, but he had to get Julia out of harms way. He allowed the two men to enter before him, and then walked over to meet Julia. Upon touching her arm she suddenly became aware of his presence.

  "Oh, where did you come from, I didn't see you?" she said, startled.

  Death's ability of not being perceived, until he showed him self had always been a favorite power of his, which the cloak bestowed on him very effectively.

  "I have two uninvited guests, who at this moment are going to my apartment, so stay here until I deal with them," he said, pointing to the doorway of the building next to his own.

  Julia moved over to the doorway, as Death started to enter his apartment block. When he got upstairs, they were on the landing, presumably awaiting his return.

  "Hello gentlemen, how may I help you?" he said, knowing that as soon as he spoke they could see him.

  They both drew their weapons, and started to open fire, he walked up to them with bullets bouncing of his body, and they suddenly stopped firing.

  "What the hell gives?" one of them said, turning to the other.

  Death hit him, sending him flying down the corridor. The other one managed to punch him back, but was rewarded with a painful wrist, unable to affect Death in any way. Death raised his arm sharply, sending the second goon sprawling. Getting to their feet they both backed them selves into a corner.

  "I am getting tired of these games, so if you want to live another day, you will tell me who sent you?" he said, in as menacing way as possible.

  They both said Edward Garibaldi together, and then went on to say that he had put a price of fifty thousand on the first person who took you out.

  "When I pay this Garibaldi a visit, I suggest you be elsewhere, because he won't be forgetting it in a hurry," said Death.

  They both left, leaving Death with yet another mission he didn't want; he entered his apartment, and removed his cloak. Then he heard a knock on the door, he answered it to find Julia, He'd momentarily forgotten she was out there.

  "Come in…let me take your jacket," he said, reaching for her collar.

  She removed her jacket, once again revealing the same low cut top that she wore earlier. They started to talk about what had just happened, but after a while it was forgotten for the time being, as they drank Scotch and started to loosen up. Richard started to remember the first time he had seen her; she was on the way to a party which he crashed. Then he'd had sex with both Julia and her friend, remembering that, he suddenly started to get a boner.

  Julia must have noticed, for she started to play up to him, placing her hand onto his leg, and running it up to his crotch. They started to kiss the worries of the day completely forgotten; he could feel his zip coming down, as the kiss became more intense. Then her hand was suddenly grasping hold of his stiff cock; he shifted his position as she attempted to free it from the confines of his trousers.

  Once free, she stopped the kiss putting her mouth over his erect shaft, and then slowly trying to take as much into her mouth as possible. He watched her head move up and down, feeling her mouth surrounding his manhood, with every downward movement. Then he reached down to cup her breasts through her low cut top, she stopped a second, removing her top for him, her breasts feeling full and soft to the touch. She continued giving him a blowjob, until she was ready for a good fuck.

  "Fuck me Richard," she said, standing to remove her skirt.

  He watched as her skirt fell, revealing the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties, this turned him on even more, as he removed the rest of his clothing. When he was ready, she pushed him back down, and then sat astride his cock facing him, guiding it in with one hand, while holding his shoulder with the other to steady herself. Then she started to ride him, rising up and almost falling down onto his hardened cock. He held her breasts, and then started to suck her nipples, feeling them become erect. Her slim body was a delight to behold, as she continued to fuck his cock.

  He couldn't believe what was happening here, for, mere weeks ago, he had been indirectly responsible for the death of her father,
now they were making love as if nothing had happened. Her moans of pleasure became more audible as she started to have her first orgasm.

  He placed both hands onto her ass, attempting to lift her higher, in order to get a better penetration. Then he grabbed hold of her arms, forcing her down onto the floor; he wanted to take control, his cock throbbing as he started to hold her legs in the air. Then rhythmically, he fucked her with more urgency, going that little bit faster with each downward movement.

  "Ah...don't stop, please don't stop," she shouted, her face alight with the glow that told him she was climaxing.

  He too felt on the edge of coming, his cock pulsing as he continued to drive it ever deeper. Then it came, a jet of sperm exploding out into her pussy, and then another just as she too started to cum, her back arching up to meet the last few thrusts. All too soon it was over, as they lay there holding on to one another, their sweat running down their bodies.

  Richard was the first to make a move as he got to his feet, and started to get dressed, Julia lay there for a while longer, allowing her body to come down from the bliss she’d felt. Then she got dressed, and sat back on the chair; she was handed a drink, and felt happy for the first time in weeks.

  Richard knew how bizarre this was, but felt strangely comfortable, as he joined her in making a toast, “to absent friends,” he suggested.

  “To absent friends,” she replied.

  Chapter 9

  Garibaldi sat in his chair behind the desk, his face covered in old scars, from back in the old days when he was just another hood. He had no idea that Death stood behind him watching, his cloak enabling him to get past all his guards without raising the alarm.

  "Do you want to die?" whispered Death, in the ear of Garibaldi.

  Garibaldi sprang out of his chair, turning to see who it was, with a look of stunned surprise covering his face.

  "Who the hell are you?" he said, looking him up and down.

  "Let me get this straight, you've sent hit men after me, and you don't even know who I am!" said Death, sarcastically.

  "How the hell did you get in here?" he replied, calling for his guards.

  The doors burst open, with three men now entering the room.

  "How did this man get past you?" Garibaldi shouted, pointing to Death.

  They suddenly became aware of Death, drawing their holstered weapons, and pointing them at him.

  "I'm going to warn you just once, and then I will take matters further," said Death, looking straight at Garibaldi.

  "Kill this bum," ordered Garibaldi.

  They started shooting, the bullets bouncing off his body, like drops of rain on a roof, and then stopping when they realized they were having no effect.

  "Give me that," said Garibaldi, snatching a gun from one of his guards.

  He opened fire, letting the entire clip empty of bullets, before stopping himself. Death walked over to him, standing six inches away.

  "You're an idiot," he said, smacking him in the mouth.

  Garibaldi fell to the floor, his guards moving forward to take Death on, their punches raining down on him, but to no avail, for one by one he floored them.

  "If I have to come back here, I'm not coming to talk, and I'll be leaving a lot of dead bodies," Death said, leaving the room.

  He started to walk home, his memories taking him back to the day this all started. Associates of the vile people he just left behind had murdered his lover. They had been after him, but the explosion had taken Alice's life instead, now these people were trying to exact a revenge, for the death of their friend, who although wasn't killed by Death, was blamed for it.

  He reached his apartment to find Julia and her friend Becky waiting outside, he took his cloak off before he announced himself. He'd already met Becky once before at a party, he'd made love to them both that night so knew her intimately.

  "Hello, come up," he said, going up the stairs.

  They followed him up; soon they were sitting and chatting about their days, with Richard leaving out the part of visiting the mobsters. Richard offered them a drink, which they accepted, and he looked more closely at his guests. Becky was wearing a cotton dress, which buttoned down the front, his attention of her attire being drawn by the fact her legs were crossed, revealing just a hint of her suspender belt.

  Julia wore a short skirt, with no stockings, and a tee shirt which had the words 'Take Me to Your Dealer,' written on the front. The outline of her nipples could clearly be seen, resting against the material. Richard's cock started to grow, as he remembered the night they’d met. He crossed his legs, in an effort to hide the fact, but it was too late Becky had already noticed, and was smiling at him.

  Richard asked why they had come around, to which Julia answered.

  "Becky needs a place to stay, and was wondering if she could stay with you for a week or two, while she looks for an apartment of her own?" said Julia.

  "I don't see why not, I've got a spare bedroom," he replied, getting up to pour him self another drink.

  Later that night, Julia had gone, and Becky was getting ready for bed, he told her he had some business to attend to, and then left.

  With his cloak on, his persona now changed, taking his job very seriously, he quickly reached his next client. He found a woman who'd jumped off a building, in an attempt to commit suicide, almost dead on the floor. She hadn't been found by anyone else yet, so was all alone, she opened her eyes, perceiving his presence.

  "You are going to free me, aren't you?" she said, her every word, an effort to say.

  "Yes my dear, it's your time," he replied, before releasing her soul.

  He watched her soul rise, and then disappear, his job done he returned home.

  Once he got back, he hung his cloak up and decided to go to bed. Getting undressed, he wondered if Garibaldi will heed his warning, and knowing that only time will tell. He got into bed, and was soon fast asleep.

  Becky, who was crying out, awakened him. He got to her room to find she was having a nightmare. He placed his hand on her shoulder, lightly shaking her into consciousness, and noticing when he had pulled the covers down a bit, that she was naked.

  "Oh, I had such a horrible dream," she said, sitting up and allowing her breasts to become visible.

  "Well, it's over now, so try to go back to sleep," he said, pushing her gently down, and then pulling the covers up.

  "No, I can't sleep after that. Will you stay with me for a while?" she said, pulling back the bedclothes.

  Richard got into the bed, and she immediately began to snuggle up to him, he couldn't help getting a boner as her breasts rested on his chest. She must have felt it with her elbow, because next she was looking down the covers.

  "Oh, do you want to play," she said, teasingly.

  Her hand disappeared down the covers, grasping hold of his hardened cock. Then slowly she started to jerk him off, his throbbing bell end feeling ready to burst. Then she popped her head down, and her mouth covered his shaft. His hips started to buck, almost with a mind of there own, feeling the inside of her mouth with every movement.

  He looked down to see the covers moving, her head moving up and down, knowing her mouth was literally engulfing his dick. Then he couldn't hold it back anymore, his sperm appearing in bursts, the first going into the back of her throat, while the second and third landed on her face.

  Then she came back up the bed, and started to straddle his still hard cock. He could feel the moistness of her pussy with the tip of his cock, and wasn't surprised when it slid into place with ease. She started to ride him, and then squatted over it, so she could use her knees to lift and fall.


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