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The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

Page 42

by Carl East

  Her moans started to turn him on, as her squats became faster and faster, with each one taking more of his cock into the depths of her pussy. He could feel her juices running down his inner thigh, as she started to shout out profanity.

  "Oh fuck yes...this is so good...fuck me...fuck that your cock," she said.

  This was too much; he started to cum again, knowing that she was coming too. Then it was over, and she collapsed on top of him, her breasts pressing into his chest once more. They lay like that for some time, before Richard realized that she had gone back to sleep.

  Pulling her off himself gently, he covered her up, and tucked her in, and after kissing her forehead he left the room to return to his own bed. He lay down, feeling tired, and soon he was in a deep sleep.

  Chapter 10

  Richard got up that morning feeling good, knowing that he was doing a worthwhile job, by freeing trapped souls. He found a note waiting for him in the hallway, picking it up; he opened it to find it was from Garibaldi. It said he wanted to meet him in a warehouse down town, and that it would be beneficial for him to turn up without delay.

  He put his cloak on, and then left the apartment; he had every intention of meeting Garibaldi, in the hopes that any trouble there might still be could be resolved. He found the warehouse pretty quickly, for he'd had to free the souls of several people from this district. When he got inside the empty warehouse he was shocked to find Becky, who was tied to a post in the center of the warehouse.

  Several goons were hidden in various places around the building, and as yet they had not detected him. He decided to listen in on a conversation, which was now taking place just behind Becky.

  "If he shows, place the gun at her head, I doubt he will try anything, Garibaldi wants him tied and gagged, and then delivered to the mansion on Crest Street," one of them said.

  Death had to think of a way to get Becky out without endangering her life, but with so many goons around the building, there was a good chance of a stray bullet finding the wrong target. First though he needed to talk with the voice that only he could hear, so he quietly left the building, and once he was out of hear shot he addressed what he believed to be a Servant of the Almighty.

  "Am I permitted to use deadly force?" he asked.

  "This situation was instigated, so we have no qualms about allowing you to take whatever steps are necessary, in order that all this violence can end," was the reply.

  Death was pleased they'd at last come to see that people like this only understand violence. He walked back into the warehouse, determined that when he came back out, Becky would be safe. His best course of action was to take out as many of the goons as possible, without being detected. He strolled over to one that was hiding behind a wall, and then with one quick motion he pulled his head round snapping his neck, before laying him down gently, to hide the sound.

  His next target was up in the office at the far end of the warehouse, so creeping up the stairs, and finding the door was open he entered, to find not one but two goons. He stood between them, and then with both arms acting as if one, he raised them sharply under there chins, both their heads snapped back, and he left them in a heap on the floor.

  He now only had the two that were near Becky, and quietly walked down the stairs to join them.

  "I'll be glad when this is over. I saw that man take a dozen bullets and walk out without a scratch, it's not normal," one of them said.

  "More likely, you missed him," replied the other one.

  Suddenly both their weapons left their hands, and they became aware of Death’s presence.

  "Where the hell did you come from?" they both said.

  "Go away, or die, it's your choice!" said Death.

  They chose to run, as Death started to untie Becky, who also had only just become aware of his presence.

  "How did you get in here, without them detecting you?" she asked.

  "Very efficiently," said Death, snapping the rope around her ankles.

  He then told her to get back to his apartment, and not let anybody in, for he had some unfinished business.

  An hour later Death had arrived at the mansion on Crest Street, and decided not to creep about this time. He kicked the front door in, splintering the doors wooden frame, as it smashed onto the ground. The activity inside the house was immediate, as goons started to appear from all the rooms. The chaos that ensued was almost surreal, as the bullets started to fly, the hallway walls becoming a shambles, as holes started to appear.

  One by one, Death took them out, not having to know where Garibaldi was located, simply because his goons were desperately trying to keep him away from a certain room.

  Garibaldi had heard the gunfire, but now it had stopped, he called out to his men, but got no answer. Then the doors flew open, and in walked Death.

  "Why can't I kill you?" shouted Garibaldi.

  "Why would you want to?" replied Death, as he walked over to him.

  Garibaldi opened fire, convinced that the magnum he held would do the trick but started to step back, as Death drew nearer.

  "I told you what would happen if you didn't leave me alone and involving my friends just makes it worse," he said, grabbing the spent gun from Garibaldi’s hand.

  "Please don't hurt me?" pleaded Garibaldi, falling to his knees.

  Death looked down on him, and then reached over with both hands, and snapped his neck; not once feeling any remorse as he left the building. By the time he got outside there were police cars pulling up, but not one officer spotted Death as he walked down the driveway.

  Soon he was home, and taking off his cloak he entered his apartment. Julia was talking to Becky, getting all the details as to what had happened, when Richard walked in.

  "Thank God your safe, what happened? She asked, pouring him a drink.

  "They were still after me because of your father’s death, and tried to use Becky to get to me," replied Richard, before taking the drink.

  He went on to tell them, how it was now all over, and they needn't worry anymore.

  Later that night Death had to free a couple of souls involved in a cave in at some mines, and then decided to relax at the peep show, just to unwind from the days events.

  He arrived to find his usual booth occupied, but as he entered with his cloak still on, he hadn't been spotted yet. He saw his normal seat being taken up by two men and an attractive woman, who sat between them. They were watching the usual one on one kind of affair, when she unzipped their trousers, and started to jerk them off as they watched the show.

  Her hands expertly travelling the full length of their cocks, as the show continued. Death started to rub his own cock through his trousers, getting aroused by both the show and the three people watching it. By the time the show had gotten as far as the woman crying out with joy, one of the men watching was about to cum. She took his cock into her mouth, catching every last drop as he blew his load, not once stopping with her other hand.

  Then when the show was about to come to an end, the other guy started to cum receiving the same treatment as the first. Death could feel he was close, but decided to stop. He didn't want to walk home with cum juice running down his leg. He left, smiling at that thought, and thinking there are two gorgeous women at home, so why waste it.

  The End

  Big Boy

  Chapter 1

  I’ve always liked hospitals and the cleanliness that went with them, but most of all the surgical smells that permeated the hallways. Now I found myself sitting in one, waiting to be seen by a specialist. You see, I have this problem. My penis is way too big. I'm not talking nine or ten inches here; I'm talking fifteen inches fully erect.

  You're probably thinking 'you lucky bastard', but it's been a curse rather than a babe magnet. You see, nearly all the girlfriends I've had heard about my condition from friends of mine and wanted to see for themselves. But in each case they were too scared to have full-blooded, hot passionate sex with me and this was starting to get me

  So there I was, waiting to see a specialist that was recommended to me by my family doctor.

  "Mr. Elis?" I heard someone say.

  I looked up to find the receptionist was beckoning me to follow her. She led me down a long corridor to a thick oak door, knocking, and then pausing for an answer.

  "Come in," came the response.

  She opened the door, but stayed outside. "Go in, Mr. Elis," she said, closing the door firmly behind me.

  "Ah, Mr. Elis I assume?" said THE most attractive female Doctor I’ve ever seen.

  I was slightly taken aback by this because I’d assumed it would be a man.

  "Is something wrong, Mr. Elis?" she asked, offering me a chair.

  "No, it's just..."

  "You were expecting a man?" interrupted the Doctor.

  "I should know better by now, after all, this is the new millennium," I replied, as a weak excuse for an apology.

  "So, you want a penile reduction?" she asked, cutting through any reluctance to talk openly about my problem.

  "Yes, Doctor..."

  "You can call me Judy, I hate titles," she said, making me feel more comfortable, "I think the first thing we need to do is have a look at the problem, so if you could get undressed for me, I'll take a look."

  She pointed to the changing screens at the far end of the room. I began to take my clothes off when she called to me to put on the gown, and to make sure it had the opening at the front. I did this, and then walking back around the screens went to sit on the exam table. She told me to lie down as she approached from her desk.

  "Ah, I see your problem," she said, taking my cock delicately in both hands.

  There I was lying flat on my back, with a beautiful woman handling my enormous cock.

  "Well, Mr. Elis, there is nothing physically wrong with your penis. Admittedly, it is unusually large, but that is hardly a reason for such a drastic surgical procedure, and a risky one at that."

  While saying all this, she was methodically checking the entire length and the underside of my now semi-hard cock. Her left hand then held my hardening cock firmly while the fingers of her right hand began to examine my balls feeling for any abnormalities.

  "I also see you have no problem getting hard?" she said, putting my cock back down while giving my balls a final squeeze.

  I could feel the flush in my face as she looked at me smiling.

  "No need to be embarrassed Mr. Elis, it's a natural function," she assured me.

  The trouble was her exam had aroused me, and my cock was still growing.

  "But looking at it, I can see why you want this procedure carried out."

  She went back to her desk again and sat down. As I sat up on the exam table I realized that it had now grown to its full length, which was well past my belly button. I sat there trying to use my gown and hands to strategically hide my embarrassment.

  "Before we discuss your options, Mr. Elis, I would like your permission to allow three student interns of mine to take a look at you. It's something of a learning opportunity, as they've never come across anything like this before."

  I was taken aback for the second time today by this request, but I thought if nothing else, someone will learn something useful in his or her chosen career, so I agreed. After waiting for five minutes someone knocked on the door in response to the intercom message the Doctor's receptionist had sent out over the entire hospital.

  "Come in," she said, putting down my file.

  Three interns, each more beautiful than the last, entered the room. Closing the door they crossed the room and stood next to the desk.

  "Mr. Elis, if you could kindly lie back down on the table, we can begin," said the Doctor.

  They all came over to the table, the student interns on one side and the Doctor on the other. I was again flat on my back.

  "If you could open the gown Mr. Elis we'll get this over with as quickly as possible," said Judy.

  Parting my gown caused a few gasps from the nurses.

  "Ok, let's get the giggling and muttering out of the way, and then we can proceed," said the Doctor authoritatively.

  At that the interns composed themselves, paying full attention to the proceedings. I could tell that they respected this woman. I also knew that not one of them had taken their eyes off my shaft.

  "That's better," the Doctor said, reaching once again for my cock, "the problem is that Mr. Elis here has a touch of what is known as Elephantiasis. It is very rare, which is why I have called you all here today. Now Mr. Elis wants the drastic solution of surgery to cut back on the length of his penis simply because he seems to be scaring the women away from him. He finds it impossible to maintain a lasting relationship with anyone. What do you think he should do?" she asked, waiting for a response.

  "I think he should have counseling," said the first student, staring intently at my cock.

  "I agree," said the second.

  The third student was a little bolder than the other two. She reached out for my cock, which took me completely by surprise.

  "I believe he’s misguided in wanting to have this surgery," she said, "but if after counseling he still feels the same way then I believe we should keep the option open," she said, and by now she’d inspected the entire shaft from top to bottom and began to move toward my balls.

  "Very good ladies, now if you could..."

  Just then there was an interruption from the intercom, to which the Doctor answered.

  "There's an emergency. Stay here ladies; I'll be back as quickly as possible."

  I was still exposed to the nurses, feeling less than comfortable, and then I caught one of them winking to the others.

  "Are you up for some fun Mr. Elis?" asked the intern that still had a grasp of my cock.

  "Sure," I replied, not fully aware at what she meant.

  She proceeded to unbutton her white coat, while one of the others went over to the door and secured the latch. What happened next was the most exciting event of my life, for they all started to disrobe down to their panties and bras. Suddenly, the nurse that had asked me if I was up for some fun grabbed my cock again and proceeded to lower her mouth onto it. I couldn’t believe my luck, but there she was sucking it. I don't think I've been harder, quicker, than that day in my entire twenty-eight years of life. The nurse on my cock was going at it in a gamely way, but she was only managing to put five or six inch's in that lovely mouth.

  "Oh, that feels good," I said, not wanting her to stop.

  Then one of the other interns started to lick it at the same time and before I knew it they were passing it to each other and taking turns.

  “His cock is un…fucking believable,” said one of them.

  "My God, don't stop!" I yelled.

  This was happening all too quickly, the next thing I knew the final student intern had completely removed her clothes, and was in the process of mounting the exam table. She straddled my face and demanded that I lick her pussy. Looking up at that smooth hairless bottom, with the legs spread wide, I used the tip of my noise to tease her clitoris as I inserted my tongue as far as I could. I drove it in and out while punishing her clit with the tip of my nose. I then pulled out and began to lick and suck her clitoris.

  I couldn't believe my luck! Before today I had difficulty getting a girl to have sexual relations with me, now I had three all but raping me. It was at that point that I spotted movement out of the corner of my eye. Trying to focus on it while licking this pussy was not the easiest thing to do, but I managed it. There in a long freestanding mirror I could see the Doctor’s reflection from the other side of the room. She was standing behind the screens I’d changed behind earlier.


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