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by Bree Branigan

  “But you can't,” Anna squeaked.

  “Why the hell not?” he boomed.

  “Because... because I let him do it. Please, can we not talk about this right now.”

  Charlie could sense her anguish. He pulled her toward his chest, and they simply lay there on the couch together not saying a word, until finally they fell into a fitful sleep.

  Chapter 6

  Sunlight streamed through the hotel window. The skies were a clear blue with just a few puffy, white clouds hovering. Annabelle awoke on Saturday morning yawning and stretching. She rubbed her eyes and looked up to find Charlie staring at her. She held his gaze:

  “Good morning,” she croaked.

  “Good morning to you too,” Charlie replied. He looked at her expectantly. But she seemed to have almost forgotten her turmoil the night before. The discussion he expected didn't come.

  “So, we’ll go to the post-race party today?” Her eyes twinkled with excitement.

  Charlie's look told her that the party was not his first concern. Still, he replied to her question with some conviction.

  “Do you feel you're up to it?”

  “Of course. This isn't my first rodeo, you know. The question is, are you up to it?” She looked at him with a look of innocence and fun. It caught him off guard.

  Charlie laughed a little, “Oh I'm up to it.” Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Wait one minute.”

  Charlie walked to the door and opened it to find the bellhop with two trays. He handed the bellhop a tip and moved the trays inside. Annabelle happily picked up a tray and they ate jovially, like an old married couple. When they finished, Charlie announced that he was going to take a shower. “Would you like to join me?” He winked.

  “Tempting as that is, I have to go back to my place to pick up a change of clothes. You go ahead. I'll meet you at the party tonight.”

  Charlie paused for a few seconds. He hated to let her out of his sight. But then I’m becoming the possessive boyfriend, he realized. Something about this angelic-looking little doll-girl brought out the alpha in men, he reasoned. He lightened his stance:

  “Okay. That's cool. We'll meet there then.” He walked across the room, bent down toward Annabelle, and delivered a slow and sensual kiss. It was intentional enough to convey all the things he was feeling inside.

  “Okay,” she replied, as if agreeing to some unsaid statement.

  With that, Charlie headed to the shower and Annabelle left.

  Chapter 7

  Merry-makers shrieked and laughed and celebrated all around him. Charlie stood with his hands on his hips desperately looking through the crowd. She was late, he guessed. Then a text came in on his phone.

  Sorry, I took so long. I'm in a cab and on my way.”

  That's fine. Call me when you get here.

  Annabelle arrived twenty minutes later. Upon arrival, she and Charlie hugged like they hadn't seen each other in weeks. It was at this instant that Charlie became aware of just how close he and Annabelle had grown. Despite how transient their entire arrangement was meant to be; it was apparent to him that there was something substantial there. He could only hope that she felt the same way.

  Suddenly Annabelle grabbed her stomach and hunched forward. Shocked, Charlie watched as Annabelle emptied the contents of her stomach onto the floor. When she finished vomiting, Annabelle felt Charlie rubbing her back:

  “Are you all right?”

  “I'm fine. Just a little queasy. I'll be fine.”

  Only she wasn't. Annabelle remained sick for the weekend straight through to Tuesday. It fell upon Charlie to nurse her back to health. He did the best he could to remain by her side, being there for her, feeding her any little bit she could eat, getting whatever she needed, and comforting her.

  Annabelle was charmed by Charlie's attempt to keep her in good spirits. He was so devoted to her in her hour of need. He even sang for her. She hadn’t realized what a great singing voice he had. Each day she drank hot chicken noodle soup while Charlie serenaded her with his voice. When she did recover, she attributed her convalescence, in part, to his deep, soothing voice.

  Tuesday evening, they sat together watching television when a commercial about a getaway vacation played on the screen. Annabelle turned to Charlie.

  “Say, Charlie, I want to ask you something, and I want an honest answer, okay?”

  Charlie nodded, “All right. Ask away.”

  Annabelle ran her hand through her hair, “What's going to happen to us when it’s time for you to go home?”

  Charlie turned off the television and folded his hands in his lap.

  “I've been trying not to think about it. I can’t imagine not seeing you.”

  “That's pretty much how I feel.”

  “But if we make a decision to prolong our arrangement, we would kind of be... official.” Charlie ventured.

  Annabelle hid a smile, “I'm... not really opposed to that idea”.

  They sat quietly for a while, trying to think of a solution or the right thing to say. It was obvious, though, that if they chose to become serious, one of them might need to relocate. It was a tough call.

  After a while, Charlie sighed. “I suppose I could always stay here and start a new life. Doesn't sound like such a hard thing to do.”

  Annabelle shook her head, “I don't know if I could let you do that. I'd like for us to have a chance, but I wouldn't want you to leave your country for me.”

  Another silence ensued.

  “You know what,” declared Charlie, “let's not spend the rest of our time worrying about it. We'll think about it later. In the meantime, I just want to enjoy you.” He pulled her closer and kissed her, lifted her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

  Chapter 8

  It was a beautiful Thursday afternoon. Charlie and Annabelle strolled, casually, through the streets, their hands interlocked and their lips curved upward with contentment. They seemed oblivious to everything outside of their tender realm. Little did they know that a pair of malevolent eyes were upon them.

  “So shall we go to the park?” asked Anna, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “Hmm, I would,” Charlie replied, “but I just a call from a client. They have some work that needs to be done right away. I’ll need to go to my hotel room for a while. You could tag along if you like.”

  “Nah, I think I'll pass. You go handle it. I'll wait until you get back.”

  “Aww, but then I'll have to be away from that sweet bod,” he teased.

  Annabelle giggled, “Don't worry. I'll be sure to make it up to you tonight.” Charlie held her around the waist, and they kissed long and passionately.

  “Okay, I'll see you tonight.”

  With that, Charlie flagged a taxi, kissed Annabelle one more time, and was off. Annabelle watched as he waved out the taxi window. She jogged forward, briskly, smiling. She had only reached the end of the street when her face turned white, her jaw slackened. She just stood there, feeling as though her stomach was falling to the pavement. “Chris.” was all she could say.

  “Why, hello there, Annabelle. It’s me. The one and only. What a fine day for us to meet up with each other. Must be fate.”

  Annabelle flinched, “Look, Chris, I-I'm really busy and I don't have time for your antics. I'm just going to be on my way.”

  She tried to maneuver past him but he obstructed her path, standing solidly in front of her.

  “Whoa now. Where's the fire? Don't tell me you don't have time for an old friend, not after you've been strutting around with your new confidant. Why, I feel wounded just thinking about it. What say you and I go have some fun?”

  Anna bit her lip. Turning quickly, she tried to run in the opposite direction, but Chris grabbed her arm. He stared into her eyes, his mouth curled into a snarl. “Why don't you and I take a little walk...”


  The familiar door of Chris' house creaked open like a death trap. He led Annabelle inside. Then and only then di
d he release his grip on her arm. Annabelle looked around at the regrettably familiar surroundings. How was she going to get out of this?

  “Look, Chris, I really don't want to be here. I need to get back to Charlie.”

  “Charlie, Charlie, Charlie,” he mocked. “What about my needs? “No, Anna, you're going to have to take care of me. And take care of this.” He dropped his pants revealing his bulging erection. “Old Johnny.”

  Annabelle gulped. “Chris, we can't do this anymore; I can't do this anymore.”

  “You're just saying that,” Reaching for her shirt, he ripped it from her body. She stood, frozen. He pulled open her shorts, and yanked them down her legs. His large fingers speedily unhooked her bra, and he roughly pulled it off, grabbing her thong, his hot breath assailing her body, as he pulled them down, tossing them away. “You'll feel differently once you've had a taste.”

  Grasping her shoulders, he pushed her down onto her knees, and forced his cock into her mouth. “See,” he said as he moved in and out, “isn't... that... better.” Chris held her head firmly in place as he filled her mouth with himself. He looked with delight at Anna's gaping face. “That golden mouth of yours is the best, Anna.” After he’d shot his load down her throat he dragged her over to the bed, and though she struggled she was no match for his bulk. He firmly affixed the hand cuffs and ropes.

  “Chris, don't...”

  “No worries, baby girl. I've got you covered.” He tied a ball gag around her mouth as she whipped her head from side to side. Then he lowered his head to her waist and began sensually devouring her. Anna turned her head to hide the rush that suddenly flooded her. His tongue wiggled inside of her moving in soft, concentric circles, then moving as far down her canal as it could go, and back, creating a fiery, delicate massage. Her body was visibly quivering, begging for it. She cried out, but the gag in her mouth only produced muffled sounds and moaning.

  Chris untied all of her bindings except for one on her arm. He turned Anna onto her side and inserted his penis inside her. She gritted her teeth. Feeling his swelled manliness inside her gave her a jolt. Chris continued his thrusting motions, occasionally slapping Anna's ass. He ebbed and flowed in and out of her like a raging bull. She couldn’t help it. She shrieked as he spanked her, loving the deep stinging and burning on her ass cheeks.

  “You're mine,” he blurted out with more thrusts. “No one can fuck you like I can. No one. So don't play coy. You know you want it!” His pace quickened. Chris continued drilling her. She fought to remain quiet and as passive as possible, but she felt herself crashing over the edge. Her orgasm rocked her body, and she gasped, her breathing hot and ragged.

  Finally, Chris gripped her tightly, “I’m gonna come! Ahh!” He pulled her closer until there was an air-tight space between them as he pumped his love juices into her. “Oh what a fuck.” Afterward, he could be heard panting as if he had just finished running a hundred miles. Chris dropped himself onto the bed and next to Annabelle.

  “Please untie me now,” begged Annabelle, crying. “Where are the keys?”

  Chris was still exhausted, “You're not going anywhere. I'm keeping you for the weekend.”

  Anna’s widened, utterly mortified, “What! Chris, I'm serious. I want to leave. Now where are the keys?”

  “Like I said, I'm holding onto you for the weekend.”

  “But... but that's kidnapping!” she shrieked, tugging on the handcuffs.

  “Call it what you want. Now shut up before I beat your ass.” With that, Chris closed his eyes.

  Annabelle was in a state of panic and disbelief. Chris had gone mad, and her phone and purse were across the room on the floor. Tears welled up in her eyes. Panic-stricken, her mind raced. For how long might he keep her here? Would she ever see Charlie again? He’d be so worried! What would he think? Would she make the last run in the marathon? She couldn't bear the thought of what she might have to endure. In the end, she resolved to remain strong. She would figure a way out of this. “God, help me,” she prayed.


  Charlie finished up the work he was doing and looked at the clock. Seven o’clock. He’d had been expecting Annabelle to arrive earlier. He waited a while, thinking perhaps she was running an errand. He tried texting her. No answer. Where could she be? Still, he waited, pacing, looking out the window, calling her cell. As darkness grew he grew even more concerned. Where was she?!

  Charlie poured himself a shot of rum. A message came in on his phone. He checked the number but it wasn't one he recognized. He opened the message as he sipped his drink. Suddenly his glass clattered to the floor. The message was from Anna. He read, HELP! CHRIS HAS ME TIED

  Charlie could feel his heart pounding. He quickly read the rest of the text. The remainder of the text told him that Chris was holding her at his house and that she had stolen a quick use of his phone while he was sleeping. She was afraid her voice might wake him. She had texted Chris' address and home description, and ended with a prompt to call the police.

  Charlie didn’t waste a second. He grabbed his things and bolted out of his hotel room like a man from hell.

  Chapter 9

  Charlie ran his hands over his face. “Faster! Please!” he begged the cab driver. The taxi was already rushing at a daredevil speed. Charlie’s mind raced. What is happening with Annabelle? He sighed heavily, his heart pounding. He knew there was nothing more he could do until he arrived. Since stepping into the taxi, he had phoned the police and given them an overview of the situation; making sure to stress the urgency of it. Even so, he worried.

  Finally, the taxi arrived at a run-down house, in desperate need of paint and some yard-work. Charlie handed the driver a handful of money, told him to keep the change, and dashed from the vehicle. Hold on, Anna. I'm coming!

  He figured there was no point knocking on the door, and he'd gladly pay for any damages. With his mind made up, Charlie kicked in the door and rushed inside. The house was dark. It smelled of stale smoke and decay. Charlie took a fleeting notice of dirty clothes, ash-trays, wrappers and plates with old bits of food on them scattered around the living room.

  “Annabelle!” he shouted, “Are you in here!” He listened for any sign of her.

  Almost immediately he heard a yell. “Help!” came Anna's terrified voice from behind a closed door at the end of the hallway.

  Charlie rushed down the hall and threw open the door. He was shocked to see Anna laying straddled on the bed, her arms and legs strapped to the four corners of it. Her face was deathly pale, her eyes large dark sockets, make-up smudged beneath them. A tall, tattooed, dark-looking man stood beside the bed, scrambling to pull his pants up. Charlie rushed toward him, his anger fever-pitched.

  “What are you doing here?” Chris growled, “Just you wait until . . .”

  Chris' sentence remained unfinished as Charlie clocked him in the face with a heavy punch, knocking him to the ground.

  Charlie looked over at Annabelle, “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah. Look out!” Her eyes were wide with horror as she gaped up at Charlie.

  Instantly Charlie turned to see Chris behind him brandishing a knife. Charlie grabbed a tall, thick whiskey bottle that was sitting on the night-stand and slammed it across Chris's head. The bottle smashed, splintered and Chris fell on ground, blood oozing from his forehead, unconscious.

  Charlie returned his attention Anna, “Let's get you out of here!” Hands shaking, he managed to swiftly and efficiently untie the ropes binding her feet. He turned to Chris, who lay on the floor dead-to-the-world. With those same ropes he tied Chris's hands and legs.

  Anna pointed with her chin to a chest of drawers at the other end of the room. “The keys for the handcuffs are in there!” she cried. “Unlock my hands!” Charlie strode over, pulled the keys from the top drawer, and hurriedly unlocked one hand, then the other. Anna sat trembling on the side of the bed. He enveloped her in his arms. She lay her head on his shoulder, crying, “Oh Charlie, thank god.”

��Shh. It's all right. You're safe now.”

  As tears ran down Annabelle's cheek, the sound of the police sirens could be heard in the distance becoming louder and louder.


  Charlie and Annabelle walked slowly out of the police station, arm in arm. They walked down the steps, exhausted and strained but relieved. The interrogation had taken longer than they had expected. Luckily, the police had kept Chris in custody.

  The previous night seemed like a nightmare, which had been even more terrible when the police had almost mistaken Charlie for the perpetrator. Fortunately, Annabelle had been present to clear up the ambiguities. And it was over.


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