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Page 4

by Bree Branigan

Annabelle had agreed to testify against Chris for sexual assault and for holding her against her will. Given the nature of the situation, the officers on duty told her she had a solid case, and that Chris was likely to do jail time. Also, the camera he had left hidden was found, and, no doubt, would be viewed as the most damning and incriminating piece of evidence.

  Charlie looked at Anna affectionately, “You want to head back to the hotel?”

  Anna nodded, trance-like. They boarded a taxi and rode in silence.

  When they got to the hotel room, they lay silently on the bed with their fingers interlocked. Finally, Anna spoke. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “For what?”

  “For not telling you the whole story and for getting you caught up in my mess...”

  Charlie pulled her closer and kissed her forehead, “You did what you had to. And I'm here because I want to be.” He sighed, “I'm just glad you're safe. Please let yourself trust me from now on. I care about you.”

  Annabelle sniffled, “I know you care... It's myself I don't trust. I hope this doesn't make you think less of me.”

  “Not in the least. I love you far too much for that.” Anna raised her head, alert at his words. He looked at her dreamy expression, “What is it?”

  Annabelle simply shook her head and rested it against his chest. “Nothing,” she finally replied. “I love you too.”

  They lay there, peacefully sharing each other's company.

  Suddenly, Annabelle sat up.

  “What are you doing?” Charlie asked as he watched her remove her blouse.

  “Well,” she replied, “the thing is, I’m an addict remember? she grinned, unhooking her bra, “I want to make love.”

  Charlie smiled.

  Slowly they removed their clothing, throwing it haphazardly onto the floor. Anna climbed onto Charlie, straddling him. His body felt so warm and firm and inviting beneath hers. Their eyes met for a second. Charlie cupped his hand behind her neck, pulled her closer and gave her a deep, soulful kiss. She arched her back to look down on him again, her eyes dark with lust. He began gently massaging her breasts, nibbling and sucking them. His hands deftly explored her back, her waist, her hips; relishing her. Rolling her onto the bed under him, he lowered himself to kiss and nibble on her thighs. A deep tingling ran up her body. His extended tongue entered her slit, teasing her clitoris, licking, flicking. Her lips visibly quivered, begging. His tongue was thick and insistent. At last it made contact with that sensitive spot. She felt the heat rippling through her, causing, the muscles in her pelvis to twitch. She squirmed from side to side, rocked by a hot pleasure that came in jolt every time his tongue touched her most sensitive spot. As she was about to come, Charlie slowly kissed her groin, her stomach, her breasts . . .

  She twisted her body, and again was on top. She could feel Charlie's manliness swelling up beneath her, and she inserted it inside. Positioning her palms on his chest, she began to majestically move her hips. Charlie looked at her form as she rode him. Her tits swayed gently over him and her head was thrown backward in sensual ecstasy. He could hear her breath quickening, could feel the warmth inside her. Annabelle's body rocked back and forth. Her fingers ran down to his abdomen and traced the grooves of his firm stomach.

  Finally, Charlie flipped her over and climbed on top of her. The heat of his mouth found hers. Entering her, he began to thrust. Annabelle gripped the sheets and closed her eyes. A moan escaped her lips. He was so rigid inside her. So sturdy. Her body bucked beneath him, meeting him thrust for thrust. Pinning her hands to the bed, Charlie proceeded with even deeper strokes. His thickness drove her wild, and her moaning aroused him further. Their panting increased and became synchronized, until finally they shivered with delight, erupting in spasms as their delicious orgasms wracked their bodies.


  “This is it,” announced Charlie, looking at Anna.

  “Yep. One last run. Let's get this one done.”

  Charlie nodded.

  The gun went off and all the runners began their sprint.

  Charlie and Annabelle ran side by side. It was Saturday a charity run held in conjunction with the marathon. The two jogged at a comfortable pace. With all that they'd been through, this leg of their journey ought to be a piece of cake. They jogged amid cheering supporters of the event. For a brief instance they felt that all the cheering they were hearing was for their benefit. They had come so far in such a brief period of time. They smiled as they saw the finish line just ahead.

  “Hey, Charlie. I've made a decision.” Annabelle was puffing a little, her eyes on the finish-line.

  “Really? About what?”

  “About us. If you'll have me,” Anna panted, “I'll return with you to Canada. I know there's a process involved, but I think we’re good together. I think we can be great.” Charlie looked at her as they crossed the finish line. They held onto each other with heavy breathing. Suddenly Charlie smiled at her.

  “I love that idea.”

  They embraced. Anna wrapped her arms around his head, ran her fingers through his hair and stood on her tip-toes to give him a deep, long kiss. Suddenly, there was cheering and celebration all around the young couple, some of which really was for their benefit. They remained there in the street, kissing as confetti showered down on them from above. It had been quite a run!

  “Man, did I win this year!” Charlie hollered, raising his arms in the air, his face beaming. “

  Annabel winked. “A very strong finish, indeed!”


  Desire, Deceit ‘N Delight

  Chapter 1

  Outside Caroline’s office window the sun tried to peek through the softly falling rain. Caroline struggled to focus her attention on Rachel’s voice.

  “So, are we doubling up at the gym tomorrow?”

  Caroline held the phone with her neck as she navigated the litter of paperwork on her desk.

  “I don't know, Rachel. Things have been a bit hectic lately. I feel like I need a breather.” Caroline could hear Rachel giggling on the other end of the line.

  “What you need... is some proper stimulation. And what better way to do it than to get your blood pumping in a testosterone-filled room full of chiseled, eligible bachelors? I’m pretty some sure buff bods would wake you up faster than a slice of cheese cake.”

  Caroline found herself smiling, “You may have a point.”

  “Of course I do. And besides, I also could use some man candy right about now. Hey! Have you heard the rumors about the Homington couple? Trouble in paradise is what I'm hearing. Can you believe how he…”

  Caroline listened half-heartedly. She was acutely aware of how Rachel got when she had caught a whiff of news in circulation. But she did not, on this occasion, feel like entertaining the discussion.

  “Yeah, it's a shame”. She tried to sound interested. “Listen, Rachel, I have a few files to go over so maybe we can talk some other time...”

  “Oh, um, sure. No problem, Carol. I'll fill you in on every detail. But remember: tomorrow is gym day, okay? I don't want you to weasel your way out, so meet me there at noon.”

  “Fine, hon. Don't worry. I'll be there”.

  “Yeah, see you tomorrow,” Rachel gushed. “Oh, and Caroline! Remember to wear your lucky undies.”

  Caroline laughed. “Goodbye, Rachel.”

  “All right, bye bye.” They hung up, snickering.

  Carol returned her gaze to her desk and exhaled lightly, “Now, just a few more things to get through.”

  Just then, Caroline heard a knock on her door, causing her to look up.“Hey Caroline, do you have a minute?”

  “Oh, hi Harvey...” she replied, hesitating slightly. “Um yeah, can I help you with something?”

  Harvey palmed the surface of his shaved head, and looked away for a second. He cleared his throat, blushing. “Actually, I was, you know, wondering if you'd maybe like to grab a bite to eat. It's on me.”

  Caroline resisted the urge bite her lip. She had be
en working with Harvey for a few years now. But he seemed different lately. Was he romantically interested? Caroline felt a twinge. She hoped not. Yes, he was a sincere bloke, nice looking, but her feelings for him were strictly platonic. He was nice to work with.

  “Oh, sorry, Harvey. But I have to go over these case files.”

  “Oh that's okay. Maybe tomorrow then?”

  “Harvey, I’m sorry. My friend Rachel and I have plans for Saturday...” Caroline saw, with regret, the disappointment in his eyes.

  “But I'm sure we'll hang out one of these days.”

  With that, Harvey's face brightened a little, “Okay. That sounds great. I'll let you get back to work then.” Softly, he closed the door behind him.

  Caroline sighed. Such a nice guy, but . . .


  “You're fifteen minutes late,” declared Rachel haughtily, eyebrows raised, hands on her hips.

  “But I am here, aren't I?” replied Caroline cheekily, “Come on. Let's go get warmed up. Those calories aren't going to burn themselves, you know.”

  The Buns and Burners gym in Philadelphia had been open for a year now, and Rachel and Caroline had been regulars from the beginning. They knew several of the people who came regularly. But every week there was a new face present or some that they didn’t recognize.

  “Let's go hit the treadmill,” Rachel suggested, tugging on Caroline's arm.

  They walked over to the treadmills, turned the machines on and began jogging. Rachel couldn’t wait to launch into the latest gossip. Caroline listened, amused and curious in spite of herself.

  “Hey,” Rachel broke mid-sentence, “let's play a game. What do you say we rate all the men in the gym based on how bangable they are?”

  Caroline struggled to control her laughter, “Normally I'd pass, but that does sounds kinda fun. Okay, who's first?”

  “How about that guy?” Rachel pointed to a bulky man in his mid to late thirties.

  “Hmm, I'd give him an eight. He's... kind of a solid pick.”

  “An eight?” replied Rachel. “He's a solid nine. Gotta give a man credit for holding his body together at that age.”

  “I'll take your word for it. Okay next, how about that guy over there? I'd give him a seven.”

  “Wait. You mean that slim one that looks like he just finished school. Nah, six him. The older the berry the sweeter the juice. But... he is kinda cute...”

  Just then, a handsome man of Adonis proportions walked past Caroline and Rachel. He was about 6'3'', and stocky, with tousled brown hair and a strong jaw. The two gaped at him, drinking in his beautiful body.

  When he was a safe distance away from the two, Caroline commented, “If I'm not mistaken, that's a ten, is it not?”

  “Most definitely a ten. If he so much as looks at me, I'm having his babies,” Rachel giggled.

  “And if you did, I've have to borrow him on weekends and holidays.”

  The girls laughed uproariously.

  “Come on,” said Caroline. “I want to try the rowing machine.”

  Caroline began testing the machine but was having trouble getting in the groove of things. Suddenly, she heard a male voice behind her.

  “Seems like you're having a little trouble. Need some help?”

  “Yes, that would be...” Caroline paused mid-sentence as she stared into the brown eyes of the stranger. The very same man she and Rachel had awarded top marks.

  “Is something the matter?”

  “Um, no. It's just... well, I'm not familiar with this machine.”

  “Do you mind if I . .?” he bent to look at the machine, his biceps rippling,

  “Not at all,” Caroline replied, lowering her face to hide her flushed cheeks.

  The stranger positioned himself behind her, his chest against her back. He smelled great. His hands brushed hers and held the pulling cords. Rachel watched on in utter awe.

  “You might think this machine is about arm power, but it helps to have strong abdominal muscles. You'll get the hang of it. You do have a strong looking body, after all.”

  Caroline smiled widely, “I bet you say that to all the women here?”

  “Only the most attractive ones,” he winked. “I'm William by the way, William Hamilton.”

  “My name's Caroline, Caroline Tracey. It's nice to meet you, William.”

  “Well, the pleasure’s all mine. I have a hunch that you're an interesting girl. Is there any chance I could maybe take you out sometime?” He flashed a smile. Tiny crinkles highlighted warm, brown eyes.

  “Um,” Caroline looked from William to Rachel, who was vigorously nodding her head in agreement. “Sure, that would be nice. Let me give you my number.” Reaching into his back pocket, he carefully put the number into his phone.

  “Okay then. I'll give you a call. In the meantime, stay beautiful.” William winked one more time, and after Caroline bid farewell, he was off.

  With William's departure, Rachel rushed over to hug Caroline, “You lucky devil you! You just had to snatch him up.” Both women laughed, “You do realize now that I'm going to have to borrow him on weekends and holidays, right?”

  Shrieking and giggling, Caroline and Rachel rowed vigorously.

  Chapter 2

  Soulful jazz music played softly in the background. Caroline and Rachel sipped a glass of red wine, sitting back comfortably on Caroline’s overstuffed leather couch. “Oh... my... gosh. I am so jealous right now. When did this happen?”

  Caroline looked at Rachel's eager face, tempted to tease the story, “He called on Tuesday.”

  “Wow. He didn't even wait a week! He must really want to see you. Where are you meeting him?”

  Caroline smiled mischievously, “At the Diamond Peak Restaurant.”

  Rachel's mouth dropped open, “Did you have sex with a genie or something? I mean damn you're lucky. Carol, for both our sakes, you better not screw this up!”

  Caroline laughed, “Rachel, now you're just being dramatic. Who knows what’ll happen? William and I still don't know each other that well.”

  “He makes my uterus quiver and that's all I need to know. Don't act like you haven't fantasized about him too.”

  Caroline hid her smile. William had, in fact, crossed her mind more than just a few times in the last few days. “Well, maybe just a little.”

  “Then you’d better play your cards right, because this is grade 'A' beef cake. You don't want things to turn out like they did with Mario, do you?”

  “Why did you have to bring that up? The past is the past, Rachel. Let’s focus on the stud at hand.” Caroline smiled.

  “Okay, fine. We'll focus on William. Say, do you think he's into blondes?” Rachel began patting her bouncy golden curls.

  “If we keep talking, Rachel, I won't ever be ready for this date. I need to start getting ready.”

  “All right. All right. But you're definitely wearing your 'little black dress' tonight. It's sophisticatedly slutty and draws attention to your caboose, but that's exactly what the occasion calls for.” The two women giggled animatedly and went through the full routine of glamorizing for the date.


  The maitre de, dressed smartly in black, spoke with a cultured English accent. “Name?”

  “Miss Caroline Tracey.”

  “Ah, right this way, please. Mr. Hamilton is waiting.”

  As he led her to the table, Caroline felt her heart flutter. No man had ever invited her to anywhere this fancy before. She could feel a wave of excitement flood throughout her body.

  Suddenly, she spotted William. He had raised a hand to signal her, but suddenly froze. It dawned on her that her attire was having quite an effect on him... Perfect, she thought.

  “Hi,” he said, still trying to swallow her with his eyes.

  “Good evening,” she replied, cheerily.

  William stood and planted a quick peck on her cheek which she hadn't expected, “You look gorgeous. Here, let me get your chair.”

  With one hand touching her
hip, he guided her into her seat. He then took his own seat. Afterward, he casually complimented her again, and told her how glad he was that she had come. After a few more ice breakers their conversations became more relaxed.

  “So William,” Caroline smiled, “tell me a little more about yourself.”

  “I'm actually much more interested in you,” he said. “But since you ask, I'm thirty-two and I'm a hedge fund manager who graduated from Harvard Business School. And I'm a big fan of beautiful green-eyed brunettes who obviously know how to dress well, and so much more, I can tell.”

  Caroline grinned at the compliment, “Oh really? And how can you tell?”


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