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Love and Misfortune

Page 13

by Kitty Parker

  "Then it will be the same for Sadie. I can even look into what's showing in the theater. You, Sadie, Julia and Lizzy could go. Actually, I think you might have to take my mother too," he laughed.

  "She would be most welcome," Tessa smiled, starting to get used to the plan.

  Once they reached the first store, it didn't take long to make their purchase. The locket turned out to be fairly inexpensive. Not saying that Tessa could have ever afforded it, but she didn't feel too badly about Parker buying it. The shopkeeper wrapped it in tissue, then put it in a beautiful box. Tessa took the package and kept it in her lap, keeping a careful grasp on the present.

  "You know the best part of this whole thing?" Parker asked.

  "No, what?"

  "Sadie will never expect it. She's very aware of your financial status, she won't even expect a celebration."

  "You're right, she won't!" Tessa exclaimed.

  "Which will make her surprise all the better. She will definitely remember this birthday as one of her best days. Just promise me one thing," Parker insisted, stopping the wheelchair then squatting beside her.

  "Of course!"

  "Promise me that you'll let me be there when you tell Sadie you're going to the movies, and that you won't give her the locket until we're all at dinner. I want to see her face."

  "I think I can live by those terms. Thank you, Parker." She inched up in her chair and pressed a kiss to his stubble covered cheek. As she turned back to face front, she avoided his eyes, not wanting him to see the blush that she was sure stained her cheeks. She wasn't sure that she would ever find another man as wonderful as Parker Sullivan, he was one of a kind.

  Chapter 19

  Tessa sat anxiously in the parlor. Sadie had gone for a walk with Lizzy, Dillon and Ben, leaving Tessa enough time to place the new dress she had made for her sister on her bed. Of course, it hadn't taken very long to leave the gift, and now she was beside herself with anticipation. The dress had come out beautifully. Lizzy offered an older, cornflower blue dress that had gone out of style quite a few years ago, but Tessa had worked her magic. She raised the hem, and shortened the sleeves, and trimmed the entire dress with some lace Mrs. Sullivan had found in a scrap drawer. Tessa had made the entire thing look as fashionable as the dresses sold in the local stores; it would be perfect for Sadie.

  She tried to work on hemming a pair of Lucas' pants, but couldn't manage to put her mind on anything other than Sadie. For the past week, Tessa had worked tirelessly on Sadie's dress, making sure to take it out only when she could be assured Sadie would not see. She stayed awake into the early hours of the morning, knowing that Sadie was sound asleep down the hall. Some nights, she would remain in the parlor after everyone went to sleep. On two of those nights, Parker kept her company until three o'clock in the morning, and then carried her upstairs, making her promise she would go right to sleep.

  Now, she just had to wait for Sadie to see her surprise, which suddenly seemed to be the hardest part. Her senses grew alert at the sound of the doorknob turning. She flung herself forward, craning her neck for a sight of who might be entering. A pair of trousers broke the plane of the door, and Tessa threw herself backward, heaving a frustrated sigh.

  "You look positively miserable," Parker laughed, joining her in the parlor.

  Tessa picked up her head and looked at him, "I just wish she would get home. I'm so excited for her to see the dress. I know she'll love it, and she deserves to have something nice. Lizzy is keeping her out far too long."

  "I thought that was the point, so Sadie could be completely surprised."

  "It was! But, now, I just want her to be home. It only took me ten minutes to get the dress on the bed."

  Parker stood alert, "I hear the door, shh," he joined her on the couch and pressed a finger to her lips.

  The touch was unexpected, she looked at Parker with wide eyes, and he smiled at her playfully before removing his finger. He began to ask her about something entirely random, and it wasn't until she heard Sadie, Lizzy, Dillon and Ben enter the house that she understood his purpose. He was trying to make it appear as any other day, the two of them having a conversation in the parlor, nothing else going on.

  Tessa smiled at him gratefully as she heard the children stomp up the stairs like a family of elephants. She held her breath as she waited for Sadie to find the dress. It only took a minute before an excited shriek echoed through the house. With Parker's help, Tessa stood and steadied herself with the crutch that she was now well enough to use. Sadie ran down the stairs and straight into Tessa's arms. It was a good thing that Parker remained where he was, or Tessa would have tumbled into the couch.

  Sadie let go of her sister and was jumping up and down with excitement, "Lizzy said this is mine! She said you've been working on it! Is it true? Is it mine?"

  Tessa smiled, "It's yours, love, happy birthday."

  "Yes, happy birthday, Sadie. I'm sure that is going to look beautiful on you. Your sister has spent an awful lot of time on it," Parker added.

  "It's beautiful!" Sadie squealed, hugging the blue dress to herself. "When can I wear it? I want to save it for a special day."

  Tessa beamed, trying to control her own excitement to make sure Sadie heard every word. "Today is a special day."

  "It's just my birthday..."

  "It's your thirteenth birthday, which is a very special day. And, we're going to the movies."

  Sadie's jaw dropped, "The movies?!"

  "Yes, just the girls, minus Emma. So, why don't you go put that dress on and I'll come up with Julia to fix your hair."

  Sadie bounced with excitement, which made Tessa more joyful than she had been in a long time. Seeing her sister so excited over something that had once been so common place was simply electrifying. Tessa was about to shoo her sister up the steps, when all of Sadie's excitement drained as quickly as it had come. "We can't afford the movies, and you couldn't have afforded that dress. I don't know what you've agreed to for all of this to happen, but I don't need it."

  Tessa moved closer to her sister, and cupped her cheek with her good hand, "Love, the Sullivan's helped a little, it was important to all of us that you have a very special thirteenth birthday, just like Mama and Daddy gave me."

  Tears clung to Sadie's eyes, "How will you ever pay them back?"

  Parker stepped forward, and took Sadie's hands, "She doesn't have to. You have become a very special part of our family, Miss Sadie; we wanted to do something special for you. So, I expect you to go put your dress on, and get ready for a day of fun."

  "Alright Dr. Parker," Sadie answered dutifully.

  Parker pulled her chin up, "Sadie, you may not think about where the money came from for your special day. All you need to worry about is having your best day."

  "Are you certain?" she asked.

  "Absolutely," Parker smiled, giving her a quick squeeze. Sadie gave a tentative smile before taking a hug for Tessa, then dashing upstairs to slip into her dress.

  "I believe you also have some sprucing up to do," Parker teased after Sadie left.

  Tessa blushed, "You're right, I do."

  "Allow me," Parker swept her off her feet easily. Tessa had been using the crutch to help aid her walking for a little less than a week. She still wore the cast on her leg, but it had stopped hurting for the most part. It took some doing, but she had finally convinced Parker that it would be good for her to use her leg. The stairs were still quite difficult for her to manage though, so Parker insisted on carrying her whenever he was around. Tessa didn't mind his assistance, but when she was in his arms, she couldn't manage to look at him. There was something intimate about him holding her so tightly. She knew that looking into his eyes would turn her feelings into something they could not be.

  After Parker deposited her into her room and exited, Tessa got ready as quickly as she could without assistance. When she was finished, she rushed to Sadie's room to watch the flurry of activity as the two Sullivan girls attacked her sister's fine ha
ir. When they were finished, her hair was a near masterpiece. Carefully placed pins held back her chestnut colored hair, and the pieces were worked into a curl behind her ears. The look was elegant, but youthful, and Tessa thought her sister looked perfect.

  When they were finished with Sadie, Julia attacked Tessa's hair. The help was appreciated by Tessa, who still couldn't reach up to her own head with both hands. The Sullivan girls got ready quickly, and the four of them trooped downstairs to meet Mrs. Sullivan, who was already waiting in the parlor.

  "Well don't you girls look beautiful!" she smiled, draped in her own beautiful dress, her hair looking quite stylish as well.

  "Is Uncle Quinn here yet?" Julia asked, peeking out the curtain.

  "Uncle Quinn?" Tessa asked. "I was under the impression that it was just the girls."

  "Oh, it is," Julia assured her. "Uncle Quinn agreed to let us use his automobile. He even agreed to drive us to the theater. We'll be like a bunch of movie stars."

  Mrs. Sullivan laughed, "I told him to wear his nicest suit; we didn't want to be carted around town with someone looking shabby."

  "I'm sure Uncle Quinn loved that," Julia laughed. "Oh, he's here!"

  Just as the girls were about to race down the steps, Emma entered from the back door. "Essa? Where ya goin'?"

  Tessa turned slowly, "Oh, baby girl, we're going out."

  "Can I come?" she asked, her head falling to the side, sending her curls into a tumble.

  "Not today, love."

  "I wanna go," the little girl pouted.

  "Oh no you don't, little one," Parker announced, coming from the kitchen.

  Emma flipped her head over to the other side and gave Parker a look of confusion and uncertainty. "I don't?"

  "No way, little missy. You want to stay with me."

  "I do?"

  "If you don't, my feelings will certainly be hurt. I had big plans for today!"

  "Plans?" Emma repeated.

  Parker picked her up and twirled her. Tessa watched as her sister threw her head back and giggles rippled up her throat. Parker tickled her, then slowed down, bringing her head close to his. Only Tessa was close enough to overhear what he told her younger sister. "We are going to bake something special for Sadie's birthday. Then, we're going to read a story, and get you dressed for a very special dinner."

  "And, have a nap," Tessa included, raising an eyebrow at Parker. She had already spoken with him about taking Emma for the day, and she insisted that he put her down for a nap at some point.

  Parker nodded at Tessa to show understanding, but refused to make a comment about it to Emma, who was still clinging to his every word. "I want to ride," Emma pointed out the door at the automobile idling in the street.

  "Now that, can be arranged," he smiled, running a finger down her petite nose. "You'd better get going, Tess, you'll be late for your picture."

  "Alright, have fun with Dr. Parker, Emma," Tessa smiled, kissing her sister on the cheek while she was still in Parker's arms.

  "Bye, bye, Essa," Emma smiled, clinging tightly to Parker's neck.

  Chapter 20

  "What are we making for Sadie?" The three year old asked excitedly as Parker lifted her up onto a stool beside the kitchen counter. Her small feet swung wildly from her high perch, and she leaned forward searching for ingredients.

  Parker couldn't help but smile at the little girl in front of him. In the short while he had known her, he had become very attached. "Since it's Sadie's birthday, I thought we'd make a cake."

  "Sadie loves cake!" Emma squealed, her blue eyes lighting up with excited fire as she bounced up and down.

  Parker steadied her on the stool, afraid she might tip off it in her excitement. "Good," he laughed.

  "Can we make choc-it?"

  "Chocolate?" Parker asked, confused by her pronunciation of the word. She nodded her head enthusiastically, sending her dark brown curls bouncing.

  Parker smiled and showed her the box of cocoa powder that would be added to make the batter and frosting chocolate flavored. Admittedly, Parker was not the best cook, but his mother had left out very detailed instructions for putting the cake together.

  Emma and Parker made a good team; Parker carefully measured out the ingredients which Emma dumped into the bowl. Emma stirred happily, until the batter got too thick for her small arm. Only twice had some contents of the bowl escaped in a furious mix. When the batter was poured into the cake pans and both Parker and Emma had licked the bowl clean, they went upstairs.

  First, Parker cleaned the sticky brown goo from Emma's face, then he pulled off her chocolate stained dress. Tessa had laid a nightgown out for Emma to nap in, and her best dress for Sadie's birthday celebration. Parker helped Emma into her nightgown, then settled her into bed.

  "Will you read to me, Dr. Pawker?" she asked.

  "Sure, Emma, what book do you want?" Parker asked, picking up the four books resting on her night table. Quickly, Emma pointed to one, exclaiming that it was her favorite. Setting the other books aside, Parker joined Emma in her bed. The little girl snuggled beside him, laying her head down on his chest so she could see each and every picture. During the first few pages, she commented on every image, laughing at something, or pointing out a piece of the picture she thought Parker would miss. As he continued, her comments slowed down, he could tell she was tired, and just about ready to fall asleep. He was just about to close the book and slide off the bed, but she flipped over and wrapped her little arms around him.

  "Will you stay with me?" she whispered.

  Parker dropped his hand gently to her curly hair and ran his fingers through slowly, "Of course I'll stay with you," he answered, kissing the top of her head.

  He knew he wouldn't be able to stay for her entire nap, their cake would be ready to come out of the oven in just a few minutes, and he had some other things to get ready for the party. He would stay until Emma was sound asleep, a trick he had used quite often with his younger siblings. Emma nuzzled closer, pressing her cheek against his shirt. As she squirmed, he used his fingers to trace circles on her back in an attempt to calm her. In moments, her breathing grew heavy, and a gentle snore escaped. Parker remained a bit longer, but peeled her small arms from his torso when he heard the egg timer ringing downstairs.

  After removing the cake from the oven, Parker set to work on the list of things his mother had left him to do. Once everything was done, he sat down to wrap his gift for Sadie. A smile bloomed on his lips as he thought of Sadie's reaction to the book, but it wasn't just Sadie's reaction he was looking forward to. Tessa had no idea that each member of the Sullivan family had gotten a little something for Sadie, he could already envision Tessa's mingled emotions, anger, excitement, guilt and gratitude. In the end, he knew that excitement and gratitude would survive over the other two.

  Just as he cut a piece of brown paper to cover the book, he heard a whine from the doorway. He turned in his chair to find Emma, rubbing her eyes. Her hair was a mess, pushed up on one side, stray curls sticking to either the drool or sweat on her face. She let out another whimper; Parker rose then crouched in front of his little charge.

  "Good afternoon, Miss Emma," he said softly. "Do you want to help me wrap a present for Sadie?"

  She nodded, but didn't move from her spot. Parker scooped her up and tried to place her in one of the dining room chairs, but she clung to his neck, whimpering. "Would you like to sit with me?" She bobbed her head slowly.

  Parker sat back down and settled Emma sideways over his lap. She rested her head on his chest and twirled a curl with her finger. Parker wrapped the book as best he could with the little girl between his arms. When he finished, he remained, allowing Emma a little time to wake up. After a while, she started chattering away, all of her sleepiness gone. Parker chased her upstairs, hoping he would have enough time to get Emma ready before the girls got home.

  * * *

  An explosion of laughter echoed through the house, telling Parker that the girls were home. His
father, Ben and Dillon had returned from their own excursion just a half an hour ago. With everyone home, Emma sprung off her bed in excitement, her outfit only missing one thing, her left shoe.

  "Emma," Parker said in a stern voice, "come back here so I can put your shoe on."

  He watched a pout appear on her face as she turned to face him. "Essa's home," she said sadly.

  "Yes she is. The faster we get that shoe on your foot, the faster you get to see her."

  With that pronouncement, the little girl bobbled to the bed. The way she walked reminded him of himself, when he wasn't wearing his own, special shoes. As he came toward her, he looked over her with pride. He had managed to make her hair look presentable. The curls sprung with life on her tiny head, and he had skillfully managed to pull back one side with some of Julia's bobby pins. His initial goal was to merely improve the state of the curls after her nap, but Emma insisted that she needed to look "bootifull" for her sister's party. Her face was washed, which surprisingly had taken the most effort. Then, he pulled on her dress, and now her shoes were the only things to be conquered.

  Parker helped Emma back onto the bed, and fought Emma to stay still enough for him to manage the small buckle. "Do they realize adults are the ones that have to work these things? Why can't they make them bigger?" Parker said under his breath, as he fumbled with the tiny clasp.

  When he was finished, Emma bounced off the bed and into his arms, then straight onto the floor and rushed for the door. "Come on, Dr. Pawker," she squealed.

  He got up from the ground and walked to the door. Grasping the toddler's hands, he walked her downstairs. It was a good thing he had decided to hold her hand; she nearly fell several times as they made their way down the steps. Emma was so excited to see her sisters that her foot missed some steps on the way down. Parker held her tightly and made sure no harm came to her. Once they reached the bottom, Emma exploded with excitement, and ran toward Sadie, who scooped her up and swung her once before depositing her back on the ground.

  "Welcome home ladies, how was the movie?" Parker asked as he approached the group. Lizzy was the first to speak, an unusual occurrence.


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