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Leah's Lens Trilogy

Page 13

by Bridy McAvoy

  On screen you could clearly see the shudder passing through her and the real Leah did so as she sat next to me. He reached one hand into the ice bucket and used the other to focus the camera on her prostrate body. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth and you could see her knuckles whitening as she held onto the top edge of the dining table with a death-like grip.

  Slowly he raised the ice cube in his fingers over her chest, the heat from his fingers melting it slightly. A drop of ice cold water formed on his finger and dropped into the middle of the valley between her breasts. The shock of the cold coursed through her, her reactions extremely visible. As the ice melted more the drops fell faster and faster and she was writhing from the sensation of the cold droplets. Finally the ice cube was gone.

  “Oh . . . God!”

  “I see my little slutty slave is enjoying herself again.”

  “What did you call me?”

  Leah was challenging him but he didn’t reply, simply extracted another ice cube and proceeded to press it against the thin fabric covering her nipple. Next to me she shuddered and cuddled in even closer, careful not to dislodge the laptop. Finally he leant down to whisper into her ear, and surprisingly the audio system picked it up clearly, amplifying it.

  “I called you my slave. That’s what you are, Leah. My slave. My slut. You will obey me without hesitation. Anything I want from my slut, from my slave, will be mine. Any exhibition, any sexual act, any depravity, you will do it for me. Leah. You are my slave!”

  On screen Leah’s hips thrust up off the surface of the table as the earlier threatened orgasm ripped through her body. I could tell it was a powerful one by the way she spasmed for many seconds afterwards. Next to me Leah stayed still and quiet, this time breathing evenly rather than getting as excited as she had with the earlier sequence.

  “Oo . . . I just found out something very interesting, didn’t I? My slave likes to be called a slut and a slave. You know what a slave calls her master, don’t you, slave?”

  “What do you call me?”

  “M . . . Master!”

  “Perfect, slave.”

  Owen undid the single bow holding the two halves of the baby doll together and pulled them apart, baring her breasts once more. Again Leah was topless before him. His next instruction puzzled me.

  “Grip the top edge of the table again, close your eyes and don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  I watched in amazement as he left the room only to return with two tripods and something that looked suspiciously like a video camera. When he’d set the stills camera on one tripod I realised it actually was a video camera which he set to record Leah’s prostrate form. The bastard had his own video of her now! It was clear that at the time Leah was totally innocent of that knowledge. Beside me she sucked in a huge breath.

  “Right, Leah, let’s see how you like being used as my own little fuck-doll. I’m quite sure my slave will be only too willing to comply with my every wish.”

  It didn’t take him long to strip the tie- sided panties off her and drop his own trousers before sliding her back down towards him, positioning her nice wet juicy pussy at the edge of the table. She was trembling as he positioned her exactly where he wanted her and it was obvious he was about to fuck her for the first time. There was no fight in her, only a willing acceptance of her fate as he slowly lifted her legs. The camera couldn’t actually see too much, Owen’s back was in the way but the next part of the action was pretty obvious.

  “Are you ready, slave? I’m ready. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, Leah. Ever since you moved into this house. I’ve been dreaming of fucking you ever since.”

  “My slave wants this, doesn’t she, Leah?”

  Leah shivered and nodded, no point in denial now she’d gone this far. He slowly pushed himself into her and you could see from her reactions how far he went. The man had phenomenal control to keep the penetration that slow but it was equally obvious when he bottomed out and began the back stroke.

  The process continued for several minutes as Owen built up a rhythm and was fucking in and out of her as hard and fast as possible. Even from behind you could tell he was close to cumming and you could also clearly see Leah was not as ready.

  My mouth dropped open as his hand left the table, grabbed the ice bucket and in one flick of the wrist upended the contents onto Leah’s chest. Ice cold water and the remains of the ice cubes cascaded onto her breasts. The shock of his deed was enough to push her over the edge and it was obvious they came together.

  Finally he stepped back and pulled out of her and Leah froze the picture on her gaping pussy, slowly starting to leak their combined juices. I just looked at her, still in shock at what I’d just witnessed.

  Leah gently disengaged my hand, where I was grasping her shoulder rather tightly, leaned forward and put the laptop on the table, this time firmly closing the lid down. I realised why when she handed me the ice bucket and repositioned herself on the couch, leaning back into the corner made by the arm and the back. Her legs swung up into a near vertical position and she moved them to the sides, providing me with a very nice beaver shot, only a foot or so from my nearest hand. She raised her arms above her head, intertwined her fingers and brought them down behind her head, holding them there completely out of the way.

  She looked me straight in the face as I just sat there stupidly, holding the ice bucket, not really sure what she wanted or expected me to do.

  “Go ahead, honey. Your turn. I’m not going to deny you the privilege, I told you that. Just try not to soak the couch.”

  She took a deep breath, almost deliberately pushing her chest out at me, and closed her eyes. I noted, incidentally, that her nipples had swelled into hardness and her pussy was glistening with moisture once more.

  The penny dropped, she was offering me the chance to do exactly what he had done, to empty the contents of the ice bucket all over her naked body, or to make love to her and then do it at the critical moment. She’d meant what she’d said earlier, whatever he did, I had the right to do. My heart went out to her, my dear, dear, wife was making herself as vulnerable to me as she had been to her blackmailer.

  I put the ice bucket down on the coffee table and leaned over to slide it away. As I sat back up straight I knew she’d heard the sound of it hitting the table and had opened her eyes to look at me, a combination of surprise and relief tinged with a little disappointment in her expression.

  “I appreciate the offer, Leah, but no thanks.”

  She smiled.

  “I meant every word, honey. Everything that shit does to me, you have the automatic right to do the same thing. I don’t care what it is. You are not going to be denied or pussy whipped or cuckolded here. I mean it! If you won’t do it I’ll get up and empty it over myself for you.”

  She made a move to rise to her feet but I was both closer and quicker. Before she could complete her movement I was on my feet and had snatched the ice bucket up and was half way to the washroom. I left the door open so she could see the ice and ice water cascade into the sink. I left the upturned bucket in the sink and returned to stand behind the couch. I watched her standing there, buck naked, frowning at me.

  “You look gorgeous when you’re angry.”

  She couldn’t hold the frown, and broke into a weak smile. Suddenly she was in motion, directly towards me and threw her arms around me as she reached me. Her head nestled into its usual position against my chest and one of my hands automatically went to stroke the back of her hair as the other slid to her nude lower back to hold her in place. She trembled as if she was crying but when she drew her head away to tilt her face up to look at me her eyes were dry.

  “You going to sit back down and watch the rest of the sessions?”

  “Rest of the sessions?”

  “Now who’s answering a question with a question?”

  “How many sessions?”

  She wriggled free of my grasp and backed away before holding up three fingers.
/>   “Three more times? He fucked you three more times today?”

  She shook her head.

  “No, Leo, Owen did three more photo sessions with me, but he couldn’t get it up for the last one. Your darling wife had fucked his balls off. Poor sod.”

  I laughed as she giggled, but then sobered.

  “He fucked you twice more then?”

  She nodded, but then brightened.

  “I’ll tell you one thing though.”


  “Owen may have given me a number of orgasms through the day, some of them were big ones too, but as a lover he can’t hold a candle to you.”


  “Yep. He’s got no stamina, the fourth time he came he was still quicker than you are the first time. Not enough staying power to satisfy a woman—well, this woman anyway. No competition, honey. None whatsoever.”

  “Still . . . he did come four times. That’s not bad.”

  “Yeah, but apart from the next sequence he needed some kink to get off. I think the man’s jaded to be honest. Jaded and not very good to start with.”

  “So, how come you came so many times?”

  “Because . . . Well, because I was thinking about the cameras recording every movement, about how hard watching it would get you, and how good it’s going to feel when we turn the tables on him. Anticipation and imagination make great bedfellows, and I think you found out all day at work.”

  “Okay, so let’s watch the next sequence.”

  I was surprised when she shook her head.

  “No, honey, let’s not bother with that one, compared with what you’ve seen and with the one after that it’s a bit vanilla and you can see it some other time at your leisure. It was lunchtime; he made me prepare lunch in the nude. He ate his lunch, then ate me to an orgasm then fucked me on one of the kitchen bar stools. I thought we were in serious danger of a major fall. It felt so unsteady, I couldn’t come. He did and deposited his second load in me. We can watch it if you like but it’s not that interesting. Watch it another time, Leo. I need you to see the next one.”

  We settled back down onto the couch again, and it felt great to be sitting fully dressed with my nude wife cuddling into me. This time she was almost lying across me rather than cuddled into my side. She reached out one dainty hand and opened the laptop again. After a few seconds it was ready and she typed in the relevant reference and clicked play.

  This sequence had clearly already started and I could see her standing next to an armchair in which Owen was sitting. The image clicked into focus in my mind, the black mini skirt, the tie, the white cotton blouse. It was a fake school uniform! I had a clear view of the action as well as being able to see the still and video cameras the bastard had set up. All the suspicions about her wincing earlier on and her reddened ass linked to his earlier promise came flooding back to me.

  “School uniform?”

  I lifted her chin gently with my fingers so I could look into her eyes.

  She nodded; I could see some hurt and trepidation building there.

  “He didn’t?”

  She nodded again and my mind went white hot with rage, I couldn’t see anything around me, all I could think about was marching round there and beating the living shit out of the man who had dared to defile my wife in that manner.

  “Please, honey.” She laid a restraining hand on my arm, effectively stopping me surging to my feet with her gentle touch. “Please. Don’t do that. I know what you’re thinking but if you do you’ll blow the plan. Think of how much more satisfying it’s going to be when we finally unmask him.”

  Leah had read my mind; she knew I’d been planning some serious hurt for our neighbour. The tunnel vision ebbed and I realised I hadn’t even noticed she’d paused the playback. Slowly my anger subsided, as I realised she was right. I’d be the one in the wrong if I did as I wanted to, this way he was going to be the one to pay. My breathing slowly returned back to normal and I could feel the soothing presence of her body next to me.

  “He will pay, Leah. He will pay in spades! Did he hurt you?”


  I looked closely at the image frozen on the screen and suddenly realised he’d handcuffed her hands behind her, proper leather handcuffs this time, she was standing there powerless to prevent anything he wanted to do.

  “Please, honey, just watch. Don’t judge me.”

  I hugged her close to me and whispered reassurance to her. No way was I prepared to judge her for what was happening—judge him, and judge him damned, but not her. I had to admit she looked hot standing there like that though, the uniform look really suited her and with her hair in a ponytail like that she looked a lot younger than her twenty-four years.

  “Would you wear that for me, Leah? I have to say you look really hot.”

  It wasn’t perhaps the most sensible thing to say and I realised that as soon as the words were out of my mouth. I braced for the reaction I expected but instead she giggled, like the school girl she was pretending to be on screen.

  “I can’t, honey. You’ll see why soon.”


  “Watch and see, honey. Please watch and see.”

  She gracefully leaned forward and clicked the resume button before snuggling back against my chest. I watched with growing amazement as Owen recited his cheesy lines for the benefit of the video camera trained on the two of them. Leah’s play acting was fairly convincing although she still looked a little too old for the part, and was clearly less cheesy than Owen’s delivery. When he started to talk about punishment I knew what was coming next, from the look on Leah’s face on the screen she’d realised it too.

  When he pulled her down across his lap and then delivered the first few slaps against her still covered ass I felt her tighten up against me. My hand instinctively found hers and she grasped it gratefully. Her grip became much tighter as on screen Owen flipped her skirt up and began to spank her bottom through the thin white cotton panties that were the only thing covering it. Around the edges of the elastic where it cut across her fleshy globes you could see the skin begin to redden. Cuddled in to me I could feel Leah flinch as each stroke landed on her on-screen body.

  “We don’t have to watch this.”

  “No, honey, we do. Trust me. It’ll be much better if we do watch this together. Honestly . . . Trust me on this one, please.”

  Owen tried to yank her panties down as her hands scrambled to hold them up but it was a competition she was bound to lose. Inevitably the fabric ripped and he ripped it more and more as he stripped off her final covering. He continued to spank her naked ass which was turning a very bright red. Even I was flinching now as blow after blow landed on the abused flesh. Finally Leah could take no more and her hand snaked out to click the pause button once more.

  What she did next surprised the hell out of me. She squirmed out from inside my arm and twisted her legs up under herself. Then she straightened her body to lie across me on her stomach, her ass squarely in the middle of my lap, both cheeks pointing straight up at me.

  “Your turn, and this time, you will do it, honey.”

  I threw my hands up in the air at the invitation she was providing. Leah expected me to spank her, having just watched Owen doing it to her.

  “No way . . . Leah! . . . No fucking way!”

  “I’m not moving ‘til you spank me. It’s the only way I can regain some self-respect after that.”

  “I have never laid a hand on you in all our time together. There is no way I am going to in imitation of that fucking shithead!”

  I’d now sworn in anger three times in a few seconds, something I never did. She rolled one shoulder back to turn her head to look at me. I could see the tears coursing down her face, just as they had been on the screen as well.

  I shook my head.

  “Please, Leo. For me. Do it for me. I really need you to do this. For my sake.”

  I couldn’t believe what she was saying but there was no doubting the steely
determination in her voice. Clearly she had her reasons for demanding I perform such a degrading act on her but it was still beyond the pale for me.

  “Leo. For me. Just do it. I need to know you can handle what he’s been doing to me and the only way I can live with it is if you’re prepared to do the same thing. I can understand the ice thing, and I’ll let you off that one, but not this one. Do it for me, baby. Please . . .”

  She turned back to face the screen once more.

  “I meant what I said, Leo. I’m not moving ‘til you do.”

  We both knew I could extract myself from this quite easily by simply rolling her off my lap and down onto the floor in front of the couch. I also knew that she knew I wouldn’t actually manhandle her that way. It was an impasse, a deadlock. When she got into one of her stubborn moods she was the immovable object until she got her way. Thankfully she didn’t do it very often, she had many more, and more pleasurable ways, to get her own way.

  I brought my hands back down—there was no point in keeping them up there—and gently placed one hand on her back, allowing the other to rest on the back of her thigh. She sighed and quivered under the touch which sent a delightful feeling down into my own body and I could feel him begin to respond to the stimulation. I suspect she could feel that as well because she very deliberately wriggled on top of my lap.

  “Do it, Leo.”

  I raised my hand off her thigh and half heartedly let it descend in a playful tap. She snorted with derision.

  “I didn’t say play at it, Leo. I said spank me.”

  I looked down at the delicious globes of flesh immediately under my nose, they looked absolutely adorable and I watched as they quivered once more. I realised for the first time the attraction to the man of spanking a beautiful woman but was still very reluctant to try it for myself. Eventually I could delay no longer, Leah was getting impatient again. The next slap was harder than the first, but it still didn’t make the same sound as Owen had. I didn’t want to cause her real pain and it was clear Owen hadn’t been worried about whether he did or not.


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