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Leah's Lens Trilogy

Page 14

by Bridy McAvoy

  “Still not hard enough.”

  Well, she was the one who would know. I gritted my teeth.

  Smack . . . Smack . . . Smack . . . Smack.

  Each time she gave a little ‘Ow’ sound and her ass jumped and quivered under my hand. I could feel the flesh was noticeably warmer as well now, and I could see some pink colour suffusing it.

  Smack . . . Smack . . . Smack . . . Smack.

  Her ass was definitely warm to the touch now and turning more red than pink, although still nothing like the bright red on the screen I could compare it too. Despite her demand I couldn’t do anymore, hurting Leah was not on my agenda, even if she was insisting on it.


  The word came out of my mouth harsher than I intended but I needed to get my message across to her, I wasn’t going to do this anymore.

  “Get up, Leah! Enough. I’m not doing any more of this.”

  Slowly she pushed herself onto her elbows and knees, incidentally raising her ass toward my face as she did so. I could feel the heat emanating from her tortured globes and I could also smell her arousal too, the faint aroma of damp pussy wafted up to my nose. She wriggled along the couch and off my lap to lie there next to me, her ass very deliberately not touching the seat of the couch and her head in my lap.

  “Thank you, Leo. I know you didn’t particularly enjoy it, and I don’t think I did, although it did turn me on for some reason but you have to understand I needed that.”

  I reached down to try and turn her head to look at me but instead she kept her face turned resolutely away from me and facing the screen. I knew she didn’t want me to see how much she was crying. She took hold of my hand and gently guided it to her breast which I instinctively cupped, feeling the hard little nipple pushing against my palm. Her hand snaked back to the keyboard and clicked the play button.

  It was riveting to watch as Owen stood Leah back up, showed the reddened globes of her very sore ass to his cameras and then systematically ripped every item of clothing off her one by one. The skirt was discarded along with the remains of her panties that he’d shredded earlier. Her ruined bra hung on her fettered wrists with the complete wreck of her blouse. She’d said there was no way she could wear the outfit again for me and I could see why now. All she had left was the thin knee high socks and the black tie still knotted loosely around her neck. None of which, of course, provided any cover or protection to her defenceless body.

  Leah had returned to idly stroking my growing cock, as we both watched while Owen threw her across the arm of the chair and made some comment about fucking her ass, which caused her to go nuts as she struggled. He laughed, dropped his pants and rammed home into her pussy instead. The ease of the penetration gave away this was a feigned and simulated rape not a real one. Nevertheless I expected the close up views his video camera recorded were absolute belters, it was a high definition model itself. The stills wouldn’t be too bad either.

  When he pulled out and did the big porn star finish on her ass I gasped, it looked absolutely obscene, especially with the woman involved cuddled up naked next to me.

  She clocked the stop button and turned her body so she could look up at me. Thankfully the tears had stopped and she was actually smiling.

  “You still want to beat him to a pulp?”

  “You bet I do!”

  “I know, honey . . . remember we don’t want to give away your knowledge of this. If he thinks you don’t know he can’t go too far or he’ll be giving himself away. I’ll make sure he doesn’t spank me like that again. The deal is off if he does.”

  “I still get to beat him shitless later.”

  She grinned.

  “You and me both, Leo. You and me both. But, let’s let Mia get her money’s worth out of his hide first. Deal?”

  I nodded.

  “Anyway, I’ve more or less got the day off. He’s got to take Mia for a medical in the morning and I already know from Mia that she’s going to drag him out for some shopping sometime after lunch. He can’t come round so will content himself with taking some shots from his study window of me on the deck.”

  “Doing what?”

  She shrugged.

  “Stripping down to nothing, no doubt, then probably playing with myself. Won’t be for long. Mia and I have a codeword set up and I’ll text it to her at the first opportunity. Poor old Owen thinks she’s oblivious to what he’s going to be doing.”

  “What about Wednesday?”

  A deep breath.

  “Mia will be back at work, so I’m afraid it’s more of the same I suppose, although I will insist on no spanking. That’s for sure.”


  “Now, Leo. I’ve got a simple choice for you. You can watch the last session here or I can re-enact it for you upstairs.”

  “Oh? Isn’t that the session where he couldn’t get it up?”


  “So, what actually happened?”

  “He brought me down here and made me watch a girl-girl porno with two young blondes performing on screen. Whilst I watched it he got me to slowly tease myself into arousal, strip down and then diddle myself to four orgasms with my vibrator. He kept taking photos but he couldn’t get an erection.”

  I laughed at the image that conjured up.

  “And you think me watching you with a vibrator won’t turn me on? Think again, Leah! I’ll pounce on you. Hang on. You’ve never let me watch you use it before.”

  “I know, honey, and I’m counting on you pouncing on me. I want my husband to make love to me again. Now it’s getting late so I suggest we call it a night and take the fun back to the bedroom where, for now, it belongs.”

  Part VIII

  I’d been surprised just how easy it had been last night to get Leo to leave the den and the incriminating videos behind and follow me upstairs. It had been an even more pleasant surprise when he allowed me to distract him away from watching me use my vibrator and just join me in bed, where we spent the next hour or so making love without any hurry or haste. For me it was far more enjoyable than the events earlier in the day. I suspected Leo thought I hadn’t cum so hard and to be honest I hadn’t but it was still much more enjoyable. I needed my emotions to be engaged as well as my body to really enjoy sex. Enjoyment and multiple orgasms aren’t entirely the same thing.

  Since I had a little more time this morning I’d woken Leo up by sucking on his morning hard on but he’d had to go pee and didn’t have the time to finish off the procedure before heading for work. This left me a little frustrated all morning as I did the housework and prepared the evening meal. After a light lunch I headed upstairs to get my outfit ready for when my master called. I giggled at the thought of calling him master. If only he knew what was really going on.

  Makeup didn’t take me long, it never does, and I’d switched the cameras on to capture myself getting ready again. The black stockings, garter belt, and matching black lace panties and bra were an easy choice. The tiny red ribbons accentuating the set made it look even more alluring. It was one of Leo’s favourite sets and never failed to get him amorous. I expected it would have the same effect on Owen too.

  The black camisole over the top of the bra was probably a layer too far but it looked so cute, especially as it matched the panties and garter belt too. On impulse I pulled it off, stripped off the bra and pulled the camisole back on. A simple straight skirt with a slit up the side almost completed the outfit but I couldn’t decide on the top to go with it. Suddenly inspiration hit. At the back of my wardrobe was a sleeveless black roll neck top. I hadn’t worn it for a couple of years, because it was so onion skin thin it showed every detail of the underwear I was wearing beneath it.

  I admired myself in the mirror, and liked the effect. In fact I liked it so much I thought about wearing it to the next party we went to, I would be sure to get some attention. I’d just finished admiring my reflection when my phone buzzed with an incoming text message.

  I’m waiting. Get your ass ou
t on the deck right now, or else.

  On impulse I grabbed the bra and took it with me as I walked down the stairs and over to the patio doors in the dining room that led out onto the deck. I dropped the bra on the table, making sure the camera caught my actions. Then I pushed my sunglasses into place and stepped through the open door out onto the deck, phone in hand. I tried to strike a modelling pose but without Owen to guide me I suspect it looked more like a caricature than a real sexy pose. The phone buzzed again.

  Nice outfit, turn around slowly and let me see the back view. Then bend over for a few seconds, and face me again.

  I did as I was told, and while facing away from him glanced up at where I knew the hidden camera was and smiled. The smile froze into place when I spotted the large dollop of bird shit covering the exact point where I knew the lens to be. The other camera was trained away from this area of the deck, covering the yard and lawn rather than the deck. I very much doubted if the cameras were getting any feed at all, other than the one in the dining room.

  I almost chickened out and ran back into the house but didn’t want to give the game away so carried on with his texted instructions. I knew the skirt would tighten across my ass as I bent over and I could feel it do so, but it was too long to actually ride up and flash my stocking tops to him. I was facing him again when the phone chimed once more.

  Definitely a nice outfit but the cami is a bit much. Step inside and lose it then put the top back on.

  I swallowed hard and did as I was told. Once out of his view I breathed a quick sigh of relief and realised my expectation of his action had been correct. He was about to get a surprise. I frantically thought about how to deal with the camera problem but could think of nothing that wouldn’t give the game away to him. As I stripped off the top and then the camisole I very deliberately faced the camera positioned in the dining room and smiled at the camera, knowing Leo would at least get to see this.

  Knowing Owen would be getting impatient, I quickly slipped into the bra and straightened it before pulling the top back on, patting my hair back into place, replacing my sunglasses and stepping back out into the sunlit deck. It didn’t take many seconds for the buzzer to sound once more.

  Ha, bloody, ha. Very funny. Never mind it actually looks very sexy like that. You might have outsmarted yourself this time. Stand still, look up towards me and smile.

  The smile was very genuine, I’d gotten a reaction out of him and that was worth it. I knew there was a chance I’d pay for it later but for now every small victory was worth it. I couldn’t actually see him through his window, but I knew he was there, pointing his camera at me.

  Buzz, buzz.

  Lose the bra. Don’t go inside. Lose it without removing the top. I know you know how. Throw the bra out onto the lawn.

  How did he know I knew how to do that? I did know of course, then shrugged as I realised he assumed any woman knew how to do that. I reached behind my back with both hands and undid the snap. Then I crossed my right arm in front of my chest and pulled the left shoulder strap from under the edge of the top. From there it was quite easy to pull the strap down my arm, bend my left arm at the elbow and slide my arm clear of the strap before repeating it with the other side. Pressing my arm across my chest had had another effect as well, one I definitely desired at that moment. It had kept the bra cups in place across my breasts, preventing any premature revelations.

  That fleeting moment of security and protection was just that, only fleeting. Taking a deep breath, I pulled the top clear of my stomach with my left hand and snaked my right hand up between the top and my flesh. Grasping the strap that held the cups together in the valley between my breasts, I pulled hard and slid the now useless garment out from under the top.

  The top was extremely thin and obscene without underwear. I knew with a naked eye he would be able to make out every detail of my breasts and nipples. With a telephoto lens . . .

  I raised my right hand and tried hard to toss the bra clear of the deck, without success. It landed only halfway to the edge. Without waiting for him to prompt me I walked over to the point it had landed and bent over at the waist to retrieve it. I could feel my breasts swing down against the top and knew the profile shot would look pretty damn good. Picking it up, I sauntered over to the deck edge and tossed the bra out into the lawn, underhanded this time. It actually flew further, a fact I filed away for the future. Turning, I walked back to my place in front of the patio doors, knowing the camera in there could at least see some of me.


  You throw like a girl, to be expected I suppose, slave after all, you most obviously are one. You’ll have to work on that when you have to throw your knickers to your adoring fans at a porn convention. Hehe. Lose the skirt and toss it out there too.

  I knew, deep down, he was teasing, with the porn convention thing, but my mouth still formed a perfect O from the shock of reading his message. I’m glad he couldn’t see my eyes through the sunglasses as they widened and my pupils dilated. I’m sure he could see the flush that suddenly diffused across my cheeks and I hoped he couldn’t see the way my breathing deepened. The idea of standing there, like this, but a bit further on—well nude actually—and throwing my knickers to a crowd of men, and obviously I’d never get them back, was at once both exciting and horrifying. It had never been a fantasy of mine to strip my clothes off in front of a crowd but intellectually I knew the thrill it could give. Now I was experiencing that thrill from an unbidden fantasy. The idea of him taking me to the camera club was suddenly far less unattractive.


  The images inspired by his jokey comment blazed a trail across my mind as my hands dropped to the hook and eye fastening above the zip at my hip, to carry out the other part of his message.


  By the look of you, you enjoyed that idea. Slut! Get on with it.

  The hook and eye only took a second, the zip another and the skirt unfolded from the top on that side to show the lace of the trim on my garter belt. I knew he would want to take some shots like that so held the pose for a few seconds and then turned side on to his vantage point. A few seconds more then I turned my back and slowly wriggled the skirt down off my hips until it was free to slide all the way down and off. Up to this point if Mia had appeared in the garden I was simply grabbing a couple of minutes sun before going out, now I had no excuse for being out there in my underwear with just a see-through top. Glancing down, I could see my nipples were hard and poking small tents in the front of the thin fabric.

  I stepped clear of the skirt and, still with my back turned to my neighbour, bent down to retrieve it. Bending at the waist stretched my panties tight across my ass and I knew that would be a shot he would want. Suddenly I was thinking like a professional model, which came as a hell of a surprise.

  I sauntered casually over to the edge of the deck, walking slowly, slightly crossing one foot in front of the other and rolling my hips to accentuate the walk into the sexiest strut I could imagine. From there I tossed the skirt out into the middle of the lawn and walked back to my position.


  Drag a lounger to where you’re standing, lay on it so you are facing me.

  The devil in me thought about being deliberately awkward and misinterpreting his instruction but there wasn’t really any point in doing so. He might not be able to punish me straight away but I knew he could the next time he actually came round, which would probably be in the morning.

  I walked over to the loungers where they were stacked against the railing at the edge of the deck nearest him and dragged one to where he wanted it, quickly unfolding it into position. Realising what was probably going to happen next, I cocked my head on one side as if listening and then brought my hand up to my face, thumb to my ear and little finger extended in front of my mouth to indicate phone, grabbed my mobile and dashed inside the house.

  Of course I hadn’t actually heard the house phone. It was an excuse to get inside and text Mia the agreed codewor
d which is why I’d grabbed my mobile. Once I was prone on the lounger there wouldn’t be a chance to carry out that part of the deception. I knew what he wanted, what he expected me to be doing to myself and at least he hadn’t asked me to take my vibrator outside.

  Thank God for small mercies. Lying on a lounger masturbating was one thing, using a toy out there in the open was somehow much worse.

  The problem was the more I thought about the possibility of being seen by someone else as well, the more turned on I was becoming. Up until this business started I’d never considered myself to be any kind of exhibitionist but I was beginning to anticipate doing what he wanted. Thinking quickly, I changed the text message in order to allow me the time to meet his requirements

  Mall Shop 15 minutes.

  I pressed the send button and sent the message to Mia then took a deep breath and sauntered back outside. Lowering myself to a sitting position on the lounger, I swung my legs up onto it, looked up at his window and slowly mouthed the word Sorry.


  You know what to do. Do it.

  I was fairly certain I knew what he meant; it was time to ramp up the heat in the situation. My dilemma, given he hadn’t provided any detailed instructions, was whether I was supposed to strip first and then touch myself or the other way round. It felt more natural the other way, and would prolong the suspense, so I took a deep breath and settled slightly further down into the sun lounger and brought my left hand up to cup my breast through the thin material of my top. My nipple was already hard and as I slowly rubbed my hand in a circular motion the friction against it from the fabric caused it to harden further. My breathing was quicker now and I slowly allowed my legs to relax apart. I allowed my right hand to descend to land on my upper thigh.

  My feet reached the metal edges of the frame of the lounger and I licked my lips. For the view he’d want I couldn’t spread my legs wide enough without bringing my knees up, which would block his view of my torso. The solution was obvious and I carefully lowered each foot to the floor on either side of the seat. Without looking down, I knew this spread, my legs obscenely wide at the juncture with my body and the lace of my panties, probably revealed as much as it covered.


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