Book Read Free

Beautiful Mess

Page 13

by Preston, Jennifer

  They drove to Layla’s house to get ready for the party. Bri had told her dad she was spending the night at Layla’s, but hadn’t told him about the party. She knew he’d throw a fit about it. Layla’s parents, on the other hand, had no problem with the girls going to the party, and were going out themselves that night and wouldn’t be home until late.

  An hour and a half later, the girls were ready. Layla had insisted on dressing Bri, putting her in a pair of black faux leather leggings, a black, fitted, drape front blouse, and a pair of black ankle boots. She curled her auburn hair and left it long, and Layla had expertly applied Bri’s smoky eye shadow and liquid eyeliner. Topped off with red lipstick, Bri looked dark and mysterious.

  “I don’t know, Lay. I think you might have gone a bit overboard,” Bri scrutinized her reflection in the mirror.

  “Are you kidding me? You’re hot! Get over it!” Layla came up behind her in the mirror. She’d chosen a tight fitting, navy blue sweater, and a brown leather skirt that came to the tops of her thighs, where it ended rather abruptly. Layla slipped on her leopard print stilettos and smiled wickedly.

  “Alright, Chica, come on! Time to go get our groove on!” Layla flicked her long dark brown hair over her shoulder and led the way out to her silver Audi TT.

  “So spoiled!” Bri teased her friend as she climbed in.

  “What? It was a hand me down from my dad! You should see his new car. Now that would be spoiled! Besides, I’m as down to earth as they come, and you know it,” Layla smiled brilliantly. “It’s why I’m so irresistible!”

  They drove the few blocks to the party rather quickly, thanks to Layla’s sporty little car. As they walked up to the beachfront house vibrating with music, a wave of apprehension swept over Bri, and she had the sudden desire to run back to the car. She shook it off, scolding herself internally for being so apprehensive. Nothing bad was going to happen tonight. She squared her shoulders and followed Layla up the walk. They walked into a crowded entryway, and an all too familiar blond head came towards them. Bri cringed inwardly, stifling a groan.

  “Ladies! So glad you could make it!” Trey’s ultra-white smile seemed to glow in the low light. His eyes raked over Bri, and his grin widened. She couldn’t help the scowl that came over her face. “Drinks are in the kitchen,” Trey pointed behind him. “Please, make yourselves at home. And,” he gave Bri a meaningful look, “if there is anything I can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll catch up with you later,” Trey winked as he moved past them.

  As soon as he was gone, Bri grabbed Layla’s arm and hissed, “Why didn’t you tell me it was Trey’s party we were coming to?”

  “Because,” Layla moved them over against the wall and out of the flow of people. “If I had, you wouldn’t have come, and I really wanted to have some fun tonight,” Layla’s dark brown eyes sparkled as she scanned the crowd. “There are plenty of people here to keep Trey occupied, and you probably won’t see him again anyway. So, wipe that scowl off your face and enjoy yourself for once!” Layla slung her arm through Bri’s and pulled her back into the throng. “Now, let’s go work the room a little, shall we?”

  Shoving aside her annoyance, Bri smiled and nodded. They managed to make it through one room, before Layla jerked her to a halt.

  “There he is!” Layla squealed in Bri’s ear. “Devon Peterson!”

  Bri looked over and saw a tall, sandy-blond boy she recognized from the football team. Layla was practically drooling. Bri hadn’t realized Layla was so smitten with Devon, and felt a pang of guilt for not knowing something that important about her closest friend. She promised herself she’d be a better, more attentive friend, starting now.

  “Why don’t you go over and talk to him?” Bri smiled at the longing on Layla’s face.

  “Really? But I couldn’t leave you by yourself!”

  “Really, Lay, it’s okay! Go talk to him. I promise I’ll survive without you.”

  “Are you sure? Okay. How do I look?” Layla glanced down at her outfit.. “What about my hair? Good? How’s my breath?”

  Before Layla could breathe in her face, Bri grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards Devon.

  “Girl, you look fierce! Now get over there and show that poor boy what he’s been missing!” Bri gave her friend a shove forward.

  “Thanks, Bri! I’ll catch up with you later, okay?” Layla said as she walked away. Bri made sure Layla didn’t chicken out and made it to Devon, before heading back towards the kitchen. She had to laugh. Layla must be crushing hard on Devon, she’d never been so nervous about a guy before.

  Bri walked into the kitchen, and stood for a minute, surveying the assortment of drinks set out on the bar.

  “I’ve never seen anyone put so much thought into what to drink before.”

  She smiled at the familiar voice and turned.

  “It’s not that,” she replied as Cole slid up next to her. “I was just debating whether or not I trusted Trey not to have spiked everything here.”

  Cole laughed, and Bri felt her pulse jump.

  “Smart girl! Here,” he handed her a sealed bottle of water out of the fridge. “Problem solved!”

  “Thanks! So, I see you’re on drink duty.” She tried to keep the disappointment out of her voice as Cole began pouring a couple of drinks, presumably for himself and Serena.

  “Unfortunately.” He glanced around before leaning in closer to her. “Any chance you’d want to meet me out back in a few minutes? Hang out for a bit?”

  Bri smiled. “Um, okay.”

  “Great! Head on out and I’ll be out there in a minute, I just have to deliver these.” Cole picked up his cups and walked into the adjoining living room where Serena and her friends were sitting. She noticed a large, cheerleader style banner hung up above their heads that said “Happy Birthday Cole!” Bri was shocked. Cole hadn’t even mentioned it was his birthday. She didn’t know whether to be hurt by that or not. As Cole handed Serena her cup, she beamed up at him, and Bri decided that was her cue to leave.

  She walked out the glass doors that framed the beach and ocean beyond. There was a large stone patio that ran almost the whole length of the house, complete with a built in fire pit and seating area, as well as an outdoor kitchen. Bri walked past the small group sitting around the burning fire pit, to the edge of the patio and looked out at the ocean. Inhaling the refreshing sea air, she enjoyed the soothing sound of the ocean.

  “Damn, Bri,” She heard a low voice behind her, and turned. Cole stood there, gazing at her.

  “You know, you clean up pretty nicely,” he smiled. Those familiar words took Bri back to that first night they’d hung out at the pier that summer. She noticed Cole looked just as good tonight, in a dark red button down shirt and his ass-tastic jeans. His black hair reflected the moonlight, and his eyes darkened with desire for a moment as he took her in. Coming back to himself, he stepped up alongside her, but stood a few feet away. He smiled apologetically at her.

  “Sorry. It’s just that anyone looking out those windows will be able to see us. Don’t want to attract unwanted attention.” He shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “No, I understand,” she replied softly, a bit disappointed.

  “So,” he asked, looking out at the ocean with her. “Are you having a good time?”

  “Not really,” she admitted. Cole turned his head slightly to look at her. “Well, to be fair, I did just get here. But, Layla’s already ditched me for some guy, and well, these parties aren’t really my thing, you know?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” his face fell.

  Bri chuckled. “Don’t be, it’s not your fault. It’s fine, really. I’m just glad you’re talking to me,” she teased. “Are you having fun?”

  “I am now,” he smiled.

  “So,” she hedged, “you didn’t tell me this was your birthday party. You didn’t even tell me it was your birthday.”

  “It’s not. My birthday was actually last week. Serena just put up that banner herself. I’m no
t sure what she was thinking,” he shook his head.

  “Oh. How come you didn’t tell me?” She tried not to sound hurt.

  “Well, we weren’t exactly friends last week. I wasn’t sure if you’d care if it was my birthday or not,” he gave her a self-deprecating smile.

  “Cole,” she admonished. “Of course I’d care. I feel bad that I didn’t get you anything.”

  “You being here is the best present you could give me,” he said sincerely.

  Bri smiled. “Well then, Happy Birthday! I’m sorry I’m a little late.”

  “Thank you,” his eyes bore into hers, and Bri’s breath caught. She felt a familiar ache in her chest as she gazed at him. She felt her cheeks flush and dropped her eyes.

  Cole glanced back at the doors to the house warily. “Um, Bri, please don’t get mad, and I know this isn’t the best timing, but any minute now Serena’s going to come charging out those doors looking for me. When that happens, please do not listen to or take seriously anything I say to her. I’m going to have to be pretty dismissive, and I don’t want you to think that’s how I feel.”

  “Okay. Thanks for the warning,” she replied quietly.

  He let out a frustrated breath. “It’s too bad we can’t go find a dark closet somewhere to hide in. Someplace no one would find us.”

  Bri quirked a brow at him. “You want me somewhere dark, and secluded, and all alone with you?” she teased, letting the implication hang.

  Cole’s eyes widened. “Bri, I swear that’s not what I meant! I just want to spend some time alone with you.” She grinned as he floundered. “Talking! That’s all! I just want to talk!” His face was bright red.

  “Calm down, Cole,” Bri laughed. “I know what you meant. Besides, there are worse things I could think of than hiding from lame parties and crazy ex-girlfriends with you.”

  “Oh, yeah?”


  “Well,” Cole’s eyes danced. “That’s very good to know!”

  “CJ! What are you doing out here?” Serena’s snippy voice demanded from the door. Cole and Bri both turned to see a slightly tipsy, very unhappy cheerleader watching them.

  “Nothing,” Cole shrugged. “I just needed some air.”

  “Were you talking to her?” Serena glared at Bri.

  “Um, yeah. So?”

  “What were you two talking about?” She crossed her arms and scowled at Cole.

  “Nothing. I think the entire conversation consisted of “Hey, how’s it going? Good. You?”. You want to read something into that?” Cole crossed his own arms, indignantly.

  “Well,” Serena pushed as she took a wobbly step closer. “Did you want to talk to her?”

  “No, Serena, I was just being polite! You might want to try it sometime!” Cole huffed as he stomped up to her. “Now, can you please turn off the jealous crazy and we’ll go back inside?” Serena smiled up at him and linked her arm through his. She flashed Bri a warning glare before she let Cole lead her inside.

  Bri watched them go with a boulder in her stomach. She had no idea what Cole saw in Serena, besides her perfect goddess face and body, but the fact that he seemed to prefer Serena over her made Bri feel sick. Yes, Cole had said that he was trying to protect her. And Bri had seen Serena make enough girls cry to know that the girl was ruthlessly mean. But, still... did he have to date her?

  Bri hung out outside for a while longer, trying to calm her mind, before deciding to go check on Layla. She walked back inside, and though she told herself she wasn’t going to look, her body betrayed her again and her eyes swept the living room looking for Cole. She was very glad when she didn’t see him or Serena on the couch.

  That is, until she turned the corner and caught them making out in a dark corner. She stood for a moment, frozen by shock, and then dashed out of the room. Anger and hurt warred within her, even though rationally she knew she shouldn’t be feeling this way. She went to find Layla, desperate to get out of there.

  Layla was still up in the front room with Devon. She was laughing up at him, and Devon had his arm slung around her shoulder. Layla looked like she was in heaven. Everything deflated out of Bri. She couldn’t ask Layla to leave now, it wouldn’t be fair to her friend. Realizing she was stuck here for the foreseeable future, Bri sighed and turned, and ran into a hard, wide chest.

  “I’m sorry,” she stepped back and looked up. Her face instantly fell.

  “Bri! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Trey’s speech was starting to slur a little, and Bri would bet that wasn’t just soda in his cup. “So, what do you think?” He motioned to the party around them. “Having a good time?”

  “Yeah, sure,” Bri replied indifferently.

  “Did I give you the tour yet?”

  “The tour?”

  “You know, of the house?”

  “You know, Trey, that’s okay. I don’t need a tour of your house. I was actually just heading outside.” Bri made to move past Trey, but he threw his arm around her shoulder.

  “Me, too! I’ll come with you,” he slurred and pulled her out the back doors to the patio. The fire pit area was now vacant, so Trey pulled her down on one of the padded seats. Keeping his arm securely around her, he leaned in closer.

  “So, Bri, I have to admit, I didn’t think it’d take you this long to come around.” His breath on her neck made her shudder. Bri pulled back as far as his beefy arm would allow.

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “Oh, come on, Bri, don’t play dumb. I’ve seen the way you’ve been staring at me in class. It’s okay to admit it. You’re hot for my bod! Lucky for you, the feeling is mutual,” he grinned smugly at her.

  “Are you completely insane?” She tried to wrestle away from him, but Trey’s hold didn’t loosen. “What would ever give you that idea?”

  “Well, you’re here now, aren’t you?” He leaned in and smelled her hair. ‘You know, Bri, there’s something I’ve been dying to find out.” He nuzzled her neck, and she tried to push him away, but he just pulled her closer. “This whole innocent thing is just an act, right? With a body like that, I know you’ve got a dirty side!”

  Insulted, Bri turned towards him to say something, but realized her mistake too late. Trey pulled her to him and kissed her. His hands roamed her hungrily, like he was ready to rip off her clothes right there on the patio. Bri was so surprised and shocked, she couldn’t move for a moment. But, Trey’s tongue trying to slither into her mouth snapped her out of her momentary paralysis.

  Protesting, she tried to push Trey away, but he was too strong. So, Bri brought her foot up, and kicked him hard in the stomach. With a grunt of pain, he released her and doubled over his stomach.

  “What the hell, Bri? What was that for?” he wheezed.

  “Oh, I don’t know Trey,” she darted back away from him, while wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She was thoroughly disgusted. “Maybe for assaulting me with your repulsive mouth! I swear, if you ever try that again, I’ll kick you harder. And lower.” Bri stood to go, but Trey jumped up and grabbed her arm roughly.

  “I don’t get you,” he spat. “You’ve been drooling over me for the past few weeks, then you show up to my party dressed like that! You’re practically begging for it, and when I try to give you what you want, you kick me! What kind of sick game are you playing?” He was really angry now.

  “Let me tell you this one more time,” Bri glared at him as she struggled against his grip. “I do not like you, Trey. I do not want you. In fact, I really can’t stand you! Just being around you makes my skin crawl. You cannot give me what I want, because I will never, not in a million years, want you!”

  “Well, maybe you just need a taste of what you’re missing. That’ll change your mind.”

  Trey came at her with his mouth again, but this time Bri was ready. She leaned back, putting all her weight behind her, and swung her fist into the side of Trey’s face.

  Trey screamed in pain and anger, as he stumbled to the side.
He released Bri and grabbed his face. She turned and ran quickly back to the house.

  “Screw you, you stupid bitch!” Trey roared at her.

  Bri stopped at the door, and turned.

  “Not in your lifetime, asshole!” She smirked, and dashed inside.

  Chapter 12

  Once inside, her adrenaline left her and Bri felt tears stinging her eyes. She was more angry than anything, but she still couldn’t believe that had just happened to her. After Jeremy, she’d tried not to be afraid of guys like him, but she’d never almost been assaulted before, and she couldn’t stop the tears from falling down her cheeks. She pushed her way swiftly through the crowd, looking for Layla to take her home, and ran into another hard body.

  “Whoa, Bri, where’s the fire?” Bri’s eyes snapped up, and when Cole saw her face he quickly sobered. “Bri! What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she angrily wiped away her tears, upset and humiliated that Cole had seen her this way. “I was just looking for Layla, I’m ready to go home.”

  “Well, I just saw Layla and Devon a minute ago. They are a little... preoccupied at the moment.”

  “Great,” Bri felt another tear slip, “I’m stuck here. Maybe I’ll just walk.” She started for the door, but Cole gently grabbed her arm and stopped her. She immediately yanked her arm back, her pulse spiking. It was a knee-jerk reaction, based on her encounter with Trey, but she felt bad when she saw the hurt in Cole’s eyes.

  “Sorry,” Bri took a deep breath, trying to calm down. “I’m just having a bad night.”

  “It’s okay,” he replied, looking her over in concern. “I can take you home, if you want?”

  She was desperate to get out of that house, but for some reason she was hesitant to take Cole up on his offer.

  “I don’t know. What about Serena? She’d probably notice if you just up and disappeared.”

  “Not an issue,” he grinned. “Serena had a little too much to drink and was feeling a bit... under the weather. I sent her home with a couple of friends before she could puke all over everything. We are completely Serena free.”


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