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Slave Species of god

Page 15

by Michael Tellinger

  Now I would like you to take a deep breath and attempt to answer this question. If it is possible that we as the human race are on the verge of colonising other planets, is it not possible, given the very murky surroundings of our ancestry, that we ourselves have come through a similar set of events here on Earth? Is there not a real case for examining the evidence from prehistory to present a case based on more scientific and physical evidence, rather than the man-made religions that keep the human race trapped in a cycle of religious dogma, guilt and fear?

  Fear is a powerful tool which has been used by dictators for eternity. The fear of punishment, physical harm, torture and gruesome death has haunted humanity since the beginning. But the fear of spiritual torture is equally strong. The insane fear of going to hell after death, where you will burn for eternity, is very real to billions of people on Earth today. The fear that was instilled in us by our maker was the blueprint which was followed by political leaders and religious leaders ever since. These powerful tools have not only been used by gruesome dictators, but also by the more cunning leaders of the modern world as a clever tool of propaganda. The global media have given world leaders instant access to their people. With this access they can create and control a relentless propaganda campaign, so subtle that often their strongest critics do not recognise it. I am always amazed how the giants like BBC and CNN can discriminate or choose sides so blatantly, when they refer to “the Israeli soldiers” and in the same sentence they call their opponents “Palestinian militants or terrorists”. In an instant they legitimise the one group while reducing their opponents to a distasteful group of barbarians. If I recall correctly, that is not the way they referred to the ANC when Nelson Mandela was part of this militant group of revolutionaries. They were called ‘freedom fighters’ with a just cause to reclaim their land. So what is going on in the Middle East? Have the world's media decided that the Palestinians are just a bunch of brutal barbarians who deserve to be annihilated? Whether we like it or not, this subtle play on words will eventually influence our personal judgment, as the years of repetition wear down our ability to distinguish truth from propaganda. George W. Bush used the media very skilfully after the 9/11 attack to make the American people fearful of almost everything. He used the media to make them believe that everyone was a threat and everyone wanted to attack them, invade them and overthrow them. A clever manoeuvre to unite his people behind him and follow blindly as he leads them into a new global conflict of cultural domination. This instilled fear suddenly justified all acts of war against other countries based purely on the propaganda of the US government. The really sad thing is that the poor American people are completely oblivious to this development which has completely consumed their lives. They are happy to pay their taxes, strengthen their army, and invade the whole world to prevent them from possibly engaging in any future acts of aggression against the ‘land of the free’. Does this sound familiar? Is this not very close to what Alexander the Great and the Roman Empire did 2,300 years ago? If you add the element of economic warfare waged by the largest economy on the rest of the world, you have a very grim picture of how civilised the modern world really is. The truth is, that we are in a constant state of conflict of some kind. The most prevalent and the most dangerous is the growing economic conflict. Until recently there was only one player with total control of global economics. But through an unexpected sequence of events, the impossible has occurred and placed the former economic giant under threat. The sleeping dragon has awakened, and through the sheer numbers of people, China has shifted the balance of economic power dramatically in a few short years.

  So what is the outcome of all this military and economic warfare? There is no outcome; warfare will continue to be the biggest threat to the human race and it will continue to cause unimaginable suffering amongst people everywhere. It seems that there is nothing we can do to temper the violent gene. Until we start to come to grips with genetic engineering, until we actually located this gene and its related genes, or until we actually evolve a little more. Together with its newfound friend, the ‘greed’ gene, they make a devastating slice of DNA, so powerful, with so much control over humanity, that it will be very difficult to fight it with our minds. And even though many will tell you that the mind can do anything, the programme in our genes reigns supreme. There has to be a latent ‘violent’ gene hidden in all our genomes. This ‘violent’ gene and the ‘greed’ gene, are stimulated by a variety of triggers, to come out of hiding and get activated. These triggers depend on various factors that influence our lives as we grow, and possibly even the activity of other genes. There is a possibility that it is not really a violent gene, but just one element of a cluster of genes that has a completely different function when working together. And just like a computer will malfunction if the software programme is not complete, a specific gene will function improperly when it has been disturbed by extrinsic factors. This too, we will discover as our knowledge of the genome increases.

  George Soros is possibly the world’s wealthiest and most active philanthropist. He has made immense wealth and at the same time has been involved in continuous donor funding activity all over the world. He is truly a strange phenomenon, because to make money and build an empire like he has, takes a specific type of character which is normally associated with drive, commitment, cunning, ruthlessness, being relentless and often cruel, but also a visionary and a good strategist. The kind of characteristics displayed by military leaders. It makes sense that the fight for economic victory follows a parallel path. But George Soros is better known for his benevolent attributes. The amount of money he spends on financial support for needy countries and thousands of other charitable institutions around the world is truly inspiring. This is a very unusual characteristic which seems to be growing amongst the high profile wealthy individuals globally. But Soros still leads the pack by a long way. The curious thing is his ancestry. Being of Greek origin places him very close to the main centre of activity of the Anunnaki of the ancient times. Just humour me for a while as I try to unravel the possible genetic links to our makers. The main residences and palaces of the Anunnaki were in the Middle East when they first arrived. This is where they settled and ruled from. This is also where they made certain crucial decisions that were then implemented. Like the decision to create a human-like clone to perform all the hard labour on Earth. If the first humans were created in this part of the world, using a mixture of Anunnaki DNA and Homo erectus DNA to create a new species, it means that there must have been a period when the Middle East had a growing population of the new human species, evolving as they performed menial tasks for their masters and gods. It is also likely, given the human nature of promiscuity, that the “sons of the Nefilim saw the daughters of man” and they had sex with them, creating a whole new genetic pool which was more advanced than the Homo sapiens ‘slave species’. Is it therefore possible that there is a genetically more advanced group of people in the Middle East who have a more advanced genome in certain respects? These may be the wealthy but benevolent individuals who have evolved faster and started to feel the effects of newly released genes which the rest of us are yet to experience. Is this also a possible reason why all over the world we have great people who emerge out of the morass of human conflict to shine a light of new wisdom and a new vision, as they lead by example? Gandhi and Mandela being just two examples. Could they be more evolved genetically because their ancestors had more Anunnaki blood in their bodies than human blood?

  It is curious that some wealthy people are overcome by guilt of some sort once they have amassed large amounts of wealth. I suppose it is the realisation that you can’t take it with you, which leads to all kinds of internal moral clashes. We have been given some 80 years on average to do something with our lives. Since we have been liberated from the ‘slave species’ status into which we were originally created, we face a dilemma. What do we do with all this time on Earth. I predict in this book that as our genome evolves, it allows our
mind to interact on different levels with the world around us. It stands to reason that an evolved mind will interact differently with the universal spirit, or God with a big ‘G’ as I like to call it. This relationship between human and the divine will unquestionably impact on the way those individuals behave and how it changes their opinions about worldly issues facing Humankind. But for the mean time, while various structures which were imposed on us as a primitive species still prevail, we are slowly unlocking the chains of bondage and inventing new pastimes, hobbies and knowledge.

  It is incredible how certain sectors of the global economy have influenced the way we behave, dress, speak, court, make love, and engage in war. The past century is filled with a number of fantastic examples of this impressionable human trait.

  Let’s take a look at the tobacco industry for example. Before the advent of the moving pictures, smoking was not such a ‘hip’ thing to do. Suddenly the silver screen was filled with stars who all held long sexy cigarettes in their hands. Lighting a cigarette became a signature scene in virtually every movie as directors fell in love with the way their cameras captured the swirling smoke. Within a few short years smoking was associated with glitz and glamour, and everyone wanted to look as cool as their favourite movie star. Personal health was not on their mind, their image was the main thing. Is it possible that the cigarette companies may have had something to do with those early movies? Using the power of mass media to attract new consumers?

  Soap operas have had such a huge impact on the behaviour of people that it absolutely boggles the mind. Millions upon millions of people across the world gather every day to worship at the TV, watching their favourite soapie religiously. It has become a ‘pseudo religion’ for some and they will not go out at night before getting their dose of surrealism. At the risk of sounding sexist, I have heard confessions from women who claim that they plan their days based on the storyline in their favourite soapie. It affects their moods, their needs, their relationships and their lives. Is that not a clear sign of a disturbed civilisation in search of reason? So where does this disturbed global population come from?

  As we uncover the dusty tablets of wisdom left behind by our ancient ancestors, we will begin to see the clear evidence that we are the reluctant by-product of an advanced group of beings who populated the Earth some 443,000 years ago. The evidence is overwhelming that they created humans as a ‘primitive worker’ to ease their workload in the gold mines, essentially creating the first slaves and entrenching our obsession with gold. We will discover with absolute amazement how closely our behaviour resembles that of the Anunnaki who created us. Because we were endowed with much of their DNA, we should not be surprised that we are showing the same character flaws, which eventually destroyed their own unity on Earth. We look like them, we behave like them, and slowly our DNA is evolving to its original configuration as possessed by our makers, the Anunnaki. In essence, we are the aliens on this planet called Earth.


  Gold: The endless obsession

  I have been asked several times throughout my life what I would change if I had a chance to do it all again. Maybe I was very lucky or ignorant or possibly even arrogant, but I would change nothing. My childhood days were filled with so much laughter, non-stop fun and adventure, growing up on the gold fields of South Africa, that I cannot imagine having it any other way. For those who have never had the pleasure of visiting the gold fields of the West Rand, South Africa, do not be disappointed, because the fields are not actually filled with gold. The name does however suggest a landscape filled with shiny, glistening mounds of gold as far as the eye can see. All you have to do is reach out and take it. On the contrary, the West Rand is a rather flat grassland, full of mielie (maize) fields, whirlwinds, dust, afternoon thunderstorms and sinkholes. There is a small range of hills that seems to run all the way from Johannesburg to Potchefstroom for about 150 kilometres. As you travel this two-hour stretch of road, you come across your typical mining settlements, which have between 200 and 5,000 residents. They have great names like Zuurbekom, Westonaria, Randfontein, Venterspost, Waterpan, Hills Haven, Libanon, Fochville and the famous Carletonville. The one common feature that links them all together is the array of mine shafts. Small ones, giant ones, concrete ones and steel ones. Sink holes are a fascinating phenomenon in these parts, mainly as a result of man’s hunger for gold. As the mining activity underground drains the water, it allows the dolomite rock formations to become dry and brittle. With time and pressure, they eventually cave in and cause sinkholes on the surface with devastating effects to humans. These sinkholes can range from a few metres across to a kilometre across and their depth normally varies from hole to hole. The Venterspost Golf Course, where I mastered my enviable handicap of 22, was built around such a sinkhole featuring some daunting drives that force you to clear the hole instead of water. On many occasions we would be forced to venture down into the giant sinkhole in search of lost balls. More often than not it was worth the trek, as the booty provided us with golfing riches every 12-year-old could only dream of… Balls for Africa.

  Everything on the West Rand revolved around gold which had a knock-on effect into every possible industry imaginable. The villages were, and are still today, designed to provide the families of mine workers with everything they need to keep them occupied. This obviously applied only to the white miners, while the black migrant labour-force was crammed into men's hostels that developed very disturbing socio-economic problems with time. But for the fortunate ones, it was swimming, golf, tennis, squash, bowls, badminton, jukskei, club house activity and constant social events. This was like paradise for any growing child. What more did we need? Every mining home had the spoils of their underground toil on display, normally consisting of a range of gold ore rocks, clearly showing the rich sediment arteries of gold and other metals. These rocks would inevitably be above the fireplace, in the middle of the table holding down the crochet cloth or even converted into a home-made ashtray. It's incredible to think that as much as 60% of the modern world's gold came from this area which stretches about 200 kilometres in diameter and also includes large parts of the Free State. While this geographic location may not have been terribly relevant to me and all the other gold miners in the '70s, it would certainly start to raise many crucial questions in my mind by the mid '90s, when it started to become clear that the so-called ‘Cradle of Humankind’ was located right here in southern Africa. Is it not curious that it was here in southern Africa where the Sumerian tablets claim that most of the original gold mining activity took place, shortly after the Anunnaki first arrived on Earth some 450,000 years ago? And according to the tablets, it is also here, at the southern tip of Africa where the newly created species was put to work some 200,000 years later when the ‘Adamu’ was first created. Should we be surprised that these amazing historic facts all seem to tie up? Yes we should, because we know by now that history has taught us nothing, so once again we look at these incredible coincidences and we refuse to believe what they are telling us.

  But back on the West Rand in 1970, to the hundreds of thousands of people growing up in this mining industry, it was all they knew, and it was all they needed. To the point that I personally always felt sorry for the kids in the city. I could never understand what all the ‘other people’ were doing living in cities and other parts of the country. What could be more important than gold? What else was there? Our lives were so consumed by the activities surrounding the gold mining industry, it was truly difficult to imagine a life other than that. After all, our fathers were the guys responsible for getting the shiny metal out of the ground – the bars of gold which were the envy of the whole world. I distinctly remember the sadness that surrounded underground rock falls resulting in deaths of people you knew very well. Like my friend's father who died underground in the pursuit of gold, or people swallowed up by sinkholes while playing tennis on a Sunday morning. But while there were regular tragedies, we somehow justified it and believed that
it was all okay, because we were part of the big plan to provide the world with gold. Life simply carried on and every day more trucks filled with gold would leave our backyard to be delivered to someone, somewhere in the distant corners of the world.


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