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Slave Species of god

Page 16

by Michael Tellinger

  Looking back at this scenario some 30 years later, there seems to be very little difference between my father's underground toil for the shiny yellow metal, and the original primitive miners who worked the gold mines at the dawn of humanity. They both came into this world with a finite number of years to live, performed their duty, and made some invisible god richer. The similarity between the human slave species at the dawn of humanity and the modern mine worker is quite startling. If we examine the Sumerian texts and see how the new ‘primitive worker’ was treated by his ‘gods’ while working the mines, performing the hard labour for his masters while being provided with everything they needed in the Garden of Eden, we realise that nothing much has changed in thousands of years.

  The primitive workers must have also wondered where all this shiny metal was going to. It would be whisked away by the gods never to be seen again. Why was it so important to the gods? What made this yellow metal so sought-after? Why were the workers not allowed to keep any of it… or own it? Why were they punished so severely if they kept any of it? Why was so much effort put into its recovery? Where did it all disappear to? Who was using it… and for what? But these questions were probably never answered in ancient times. While we may think differently today, do we really know where all the gold goes to? And who actually ends up using it for what purpose? We think we know… we have all the scientific answers and the economic indicators thrown at us daily providing us with a warped sense of confidence because the ‘gold market is stable’. Explanations of what happens to all the precious metals on Earth fills the pages of economic dailies, but I still suspect that there is much more to the story of gold which is not known nor understood by the well informed human race in the 21stcentury. It feels as if there is a greater monster somewhere in the sky consuming much of the precious metal spoils from Earth.

  Why are we so obsessed with gold? What caused this sudden prehistoric obsession? Why was it gold and not some other precious metal? Why is it that we can trace this obsession all the way back to the cradle of Humankind? The sudden emergence of civilisation some 11,000 years BC went hand in hand with agriculture, structured communities and domestication of animals by the new ‘thinking man’. There seems to be no sensible explanation for this. Anthropologists are perplexed by man's virtual disappearance or slow regression before the great flood of some 13,000 years ago, until they suddenly re-emerged with a new vigour, and as if out of nowhere, civilisation emerged in the Near East. It was from there that all these suddenly acquired skills spread around the world. These are now accepted statistics by most scholars. They had hardly appeared from the dregs of the flood, and already they had gold, and their fascination with the pale metal was as visible as it is today.

  One other thing which however still perplexes historians, is the speed at which a wide variety of new agricultural produce kept coming out of the Near East, starting from around 8000 BC or even earlier. It was as if the Near East had become some kind of a botanical incubator, constantly producing newly domesticated plant species. How was it possible that primitive man, who was still living in caves, suddenly gained such advanced knowledge? This time has been described as the end of the Palaeolithic period or Old Stone Age, and the beginning of the Middle Stone Age or Mesolithic period. It means that man was still completely consumed by stone in all his day-to-day activity. His dwelling was made from stone, villages were protected by stone walls, his tools were made from stone, he covered his dead with stones and so on. So who was holding his hand, dragging him towards civilisation, showing him the way, imparting knowledge as quickly as man could absorb it? There seems to be a clear link between Noah's landing on fertile land, planting the first vines and the emergence of civilisation in the Near East. It is very curious that this primitive man, while emerging from the Stone Age, already possessed advanced knowledge of refining and processing gold, even for thousands of years leading up to this point.

  Was the same hand that helped man with agriculture behind his gold mining exploits? It certainly seems like a plausible explanation. Or do you still believe that primitive man just slowly evolved into knowing all about this advanced technology? I could possibly buy the alluvial gold theory, because it is reasonably easy to find it in rivers, sieve the mud, retrieve the gold and polish it. Alluvial gold nuggets vary from very small to reasonably large and often shine in the water, which would have attracted the attention of many a passer-by. But the problem is that many of the prehistoric mining sites were actually ore installations. This complicates things a bit. Even the subtle difference in the appearance of gold in its alluvial state, compared to the way it looks like in ore sediments, takes a trained eye to recognise. I simply cannot imagine primitive man walking along some 12,000 years ago, stubbing his toe on a rock, which led to the inadvertent discovery of ore gold mining. He saw that the rock was different from others. On closer inspection he identified gold sediments in the rock. He instinctively knew that if he crushed the rock he could extract gold from it. But first he had to go through the following process:

  “Sodium cyanide solution is allowed to leach through a pile of finely-ground rock that has proven to contain gold and silver, and is then collected as gold cyanide and silver cyanide solution. Zinc is added to the solution, precipitating out zinc, silver and gold metals. The zinc is removed with sulphuric acid, leaving a silver and gold amalgam that may be further processed into the individual metals. The cyanide technique is very simple and straightforward to apply, and popular in areas where mine tailings may contain surprisingly large quantities of valuable metals. There can be significant environmental damage caused by the use of this technique due to the high toxicity presented by the cyanide itself.”


  I have a real problem believing that primitive man engaged in this process of his own accord long before he even knew about agriculture and other basic aspects of civilisation. The only known reference to this kind of knowledge exists in the Sumerian tablets. Do we take them seriously or do we discard the information captured on these tablets? Many historians have chosen to discard this knowledge and by doing so have denied Humankind a true glimpse at the inexplicable behaviour of ancient humans. Why has there been this fanatical obsession with gold since the earliest days of humanity? Why is this obsession continuing today? When did man first decide that gold made a great necklace and started adorning himself with the shiny metal? What were early man's real reasons or motivations? Many people believe the answer is simple, they will tell you that it is the rarity of gold that makes it so desirable. But it somehow does not answer the question satisfactorily. Why did primitive man need gold in the first place when there were so many other shinier objects to adorn himself with? What made gold so rare and more desirable than all the other worldly shiny stones and metals? Besides the alluvial gold which may have been exhausted very quickly, who taught man to extract metal from ore?

  The history of gold is a fascinating tale. As far back as we can go, humans have always been obsessed with it. The gold rush of the 1850s; the Vatican; the Spanish Conquistadores; the Vikings of the Dark Ages; the Romans; the Greeks; the Egyptians; the Mayas; Incas; Olmecs; Toltecs; the Mesopotamians; Akkadians; Sumerians and the mysterious Anunnaki were all obsessed with gold. Gold has been the obsession of kings for ever. It was also the chosen item of sacrifice by ‘god’ and many of the other ancient gods, when demanding offerings from their human subjects. It has been a symbol of wealth and success in most religions and the Old Testament is filled with references to gold in a multitude of situations. This includes the strict instructions from God to Moses, about the dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant and the materials that were to be used in its construction. The following instructions come directly from Exodus 37.

  • They are to make an Ark of acacia wood, 45 inches long, 27 inches wide, and 27 inches high.

  • Overlay it with pure gold; overlay it both inside and out. Also make a gold moulding all around it.

  • Cast four go
ld rings for it and place [them] on its four feet; two rings on one side and two rings on the other side.

  • Make poles of acacia wood and overlay them with gold.

  • Insert the poles into the rings on the sides of the Ark in order to carry the Ark with them.

  • The poles are to remain in the rings of the Ark; they must not be removed from it.

  • Put the [tablets of the] testimony that I will give you into the Ark.

  • Make a mercy seat of pure gold, 45 inches long and 27 inches wide.

  • Make two cherubim of gold; make them of hammered work at the two ends of the mercy seat.

  • Make one cherub at one end and one cherub at the other end. Make the cherubim of one piece with the mercy seat at its two ends.

  • The cherubim are to have wings spread out above, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and are to face one another. The faces of the cherubim should be toward the mercy seat.

  • Set the mercy seat on top of the Ark and put the testimony that I will give you into the Ark.

  • I will meet with you there above the mercy seat, between the two cherubim that are over the Ark of the testimony; I will speak with you from there about all that I command you regarding the Israelites.

  These are pretty detailed instructions. If I had to receive a plan like this today, I would be quite curious to know why the sizes and materials had to be so specific, if all that this fancy ‘chest’ was supposedly for, was to carry some valuables from Johannesburg to Bloemfontein. Is it possible that instead of just being a container for the future commandments, the Ark was also some kind of communication device? After all, God said to Moses, “I will meet with you there above the mercy seat, between the two cherubim that are over the Ark of the Testimony; I will speak with you from there about all that I command you regarding the Israelites.” Surely the all-powerful-god could speak to Moses anywhere? Rather than confining him to a designated seat with his head between suspicious ‘cherubim’! Were the extended ‘poles’ not just for carrying the devices, but also antennae to receive transmitted messages? Were the ‘cherubim’ some sort of speaker system between which Moses had to sit to hear God's message? It is all very curious and highly suspicious once you remove the religious emotion from it. The historic reality is that gold has played a very unusual role in the entire history of Humankind, often crossing the line to become religious practice or rituals. Why would God have such an insatiable appetite for gold? Before we speculate any further about the possible reasons surrounding such a divine hunger for gold, let us first take a look at the metal and what the real fuss is all about. What makes this metal so special?

  Gold is a remarkable metal with an unparalleled combination of chemical and physical properties, which make it invaluable in a wide range of everyday applications essential to our modern life. Many thousands of everyday appliances require gold to ensure a smooth performance for long periods. Gold is virtually indestructible and is completely recyclable and immune to the effects of air, water, and oxygen. Gold will not tarnish, rust or corrode. These properties make gold a vital component in many medical, industrial, and electrical applications.

  Gold is the most non-reactive of all metals. It never reacts with oxygen, that is why it will not rust or tarnish. The golden mask in the tomb of Tutankhamen looked as brilliant when it was unearthed in 1922 as when it was entombed in 1,352 BC. Gold is among the most electrically conductive of all metals and is able to convey even a tiny electrical current in temperatures varying from -55°Celsius to +200°Celsius. It is therefore a vital component in computers and telecommunication equipment. It is the most ductile of all metals, allowing it to be drawn out into tiny wires or threads without breaking. A single ounce (28.4grams) of gold can be drawn into a wire eight kilometres long. It can be shaped and extended into extraordinarily thin sheets. One ounce of gold can be hammered into a 12-metre-square sheet. Gold is the most reflective material of infrared energy. This means that high purity gold reflects up to 99% of infrared rays. This makes gold ideal for heat and radiation reflection for astronauts and fire-fighters. But at the same time, gold is also an excellent conductor of thermal energy or heat. It is used to transfer heat away from delicate instruments. For this reason, a 35% gold alloy is used in the main engine nozzle of the Space Shuttle, where temperatures can reach 3,300°Celsius.

  So what did ‘god’ have up his sleeve when he gave Moses such precise instructions? Did someone capture all those instructions in writing or were some of the more intricate details omitted simply because the writer could not really understand the finer details? Why were the ancient ‘gods’and not only humans so obsessed with gold? When you start weighing up all the little coincidences, and you pay attention to the Sumerians, they begin to make a lot of sense. Most people still carry the naïve view that man simply stumbled upon gold by accident, it became a tradable commodity admired by kings, eventually becoming the global currency driving stock markets up and down. I just cannot buy this simplistic view which is largely based on our current perception of the metal in the 21stcentury. The history of gold mining has very sketchy roots which are as murky as the rest of ancient human history. The oldest tangible written documentation we have available to us from very ancient history, are the Sumerian clay tablets and seals, but these seem to be rejected by many resistant scholars. The last decade however, has seen a giant and radical swing towards accrediting these tablets with some merit. As more and more tablets have been verified and translated, mavericks like Zecharia Sitchin have received more serious acclaim, and the tablets started to make a real impact on the ‘holy grail’ of science with their outlandish theories on our ancient ancestors and creators. So if we accept the contents of the Sumerian tablets, we will have to accept the fact that gold mining goes back several hundred thousand years, long before any of us could fathom. But as we will see, it all fits perfectly into the Great Human Puzzle and provides us with riveting information to dispel all the rubbish which we have been indoctrinated with over hundreds of years. You will have to be brave to face the real truth, because it is not what the global establishments would like you to believe. This leaves me personally with only one conclusion. The ancient ‘gods’ who populated the world and enslaved Humankind may still be active among us in ways which we cannot comprehend, not allowing knowledge to spread, keeping their firm grip through religious oppression over their ‘slave species’.

  There are very clear references in the Sumerian tablets to the introduction of kingships by the ‘gods’, the role of high priests as the carriers of the ‘gods’ instructions’ to their people, and the ongoing mining activities in search of the precious metal that brought the Anunnaki to Earth in the first place. The priests and kings were often summonsed to a meeting with ‘god’ during which they would receive very specific instructions to convey to their people. This was a common event in the Old Testament, with people like Abraham and Moses, being just two of the more famous examples of how god interacted with man, giving him explicit instructions. Why is this not happening today? Or have we just become too wise for the conniving ‘gods’ of biblical times? In the ‘Story of Humankind’chapter we will cover in great detail the creation of the ‘Adamu’ and the ‘primitive slave worker’ who had to toil in the mines of southern Africa digging for gold, for their gods. But I trust that I should set the scene in order to explain some of the fundamentals derived from thousands of Sumerian tablets which form the foundation of the claims I make in this chapter.

  The slow and steady translation of Sumerian tablets gives us a peek into ancient human history for the very first time and turns everything we have been taught on its head. They give an extended written account of the entire history of the rise of civilisations on Earth, but it is not what most would expect. And yet when you evaluate all the stuff compiled in this book, it will hopefully make as much sense to you as it does to me. Here is a short outline of the complex story of Humankind, as told in the Sumerian tablets, merely to serve as a guide to expl
ain some statements in this chapter:

  The Anunnaki were astronauts and explorers who settled on Earth some 443,000 years ago under the command of Anu, hence the Anunnaki. His two sons Enlil and Enki were given the control of their new space base. They came in search of gold to help mend their planet Nibiru's failing ozone layer and atmosphere. Over time they sent as many as 600 explorers and workers to Earth, set up a multitude of mining operations in southern Africa and a space command centre in the Near East at Eridu, the oldest settlement on Earth. After some time and complaints from those Anunnaki who had to toil in the mines, they created a clone, which was a mixture of their DNA with that of the Homo erectus creature that lived on Earth. They called this first ‘primitive worker’ ‘Adamu’ and after some time they created a female partner for him to procreate, instead of being carried by surrogate Anunnaki females. “Let us create a Lulu, a primitive worker, the hardship work to take over… By the mark of our essence to fashion him.” (Translation from Sumerian tablet.)

  The new slave species became highly sought after by the Anunnaki in the Near East and so began to toil there as well, away from his African cradle. The Anunnaki also had a base established on Mars from where they could send larger shipments because of the lower gravity. This was before the cosmic events that caused the great flood on Earth and also caused Mars to lose its atmosphere. Those who lived on Mars were called Igigi, but the cosmic events forced the Igigi to desert the planet and return to Earth. The sons of the Anunnaki and the Igigi were referred to as the Nefilim in the book of Genesis and other literature. ‘Those who descended to Earth from heaven’. Even Genesis tells us about these Nefilim who came to Earth and ‘saw that the daughters of man were beautiful and had children with them’. This created a whole new species of humans called the Aryans who lived separately from the rest and influenced future civilisations to a great extent. They were followers of Marduk, who we will hear a lot more of later. All these activities happened for very sound reasons. The planet Nibiru is on a 3,600 year orbit around the Sun, just like the orbit of many comets. On one of its approaches to the Sun, Nibiru came unusually close to Earth and Mars, causing great geological upheavals that resulted in the Great Flood some 13,000 years ago. At the same time the presence of Nibiru also caused Mars' atmosphere to be ‘sucked away’. The Anunnaki saw this approaching global catastrophe as an opportunity to wipe out the slave species that they created and which had grown to very large numbers by then. The slave species had become a big problem that was not going away. They needed constant supervision, care and feeding like little helpless children. They were becoming unruly and some even began to develop thoughts of independence, breaking the bonds of labour and slavery in the mines. But the biggest problem for Enlil was that some of the Nefilim were having children with the human females, creating a whole new sub-species and exacerbating the problem. At the original point of creation of the ‘Adamu’ there was much disagreement between the two commanding brothers. Enlil was completely opposed to the creation of a new species and now he had the perfect opportunity by allowing a natural disaster to eliminate the human problem. But Enki who was the creator of Humankind, told some of his own offspring to save themselves in a submersible boat. The rest is part of human history. But the close proximity of Earth to Nibiru, had a devastating effect on the large planet Nibiru as well, once again disturbing its atmosphere. Just when the Anunnaki thought they had saved their planet Nibiru and were going home, the gold mining had to resume. As fate would have it, they were grateful that some humans survived. But this time they would give them knowledge and teach them all they needed to know about civilisation and survival, while they slowly began to be absorbed into the extended family of gods. The gods divided the world into a number of regions, allocating each region to one of the more senior Anunnaki children on Earth. Disagreements and greed began to consume the ruling gods, with one of them called Marduk/Ra/Amun, proclaiming himself to be the ‘one god above all’. He expanded his influence over the world against the will of the rest of the Anunnaki gods, causing a standoff. Marduk seems to be the ‘one god’ of the Old Testament who began to prohibit the worship of other gods by humans. He was also referred to as the ‘god of vengeance’ who about 2,500 years BC began to force humans everywhere to accept him as the only god. He promised reward and sympathy to those who obeyed him and great punishment to those who did not. He also began to promise immortality to his followers, the Pharaohs being the major and first benefactors of his promises. It is for these reasons that we see the unusual obsession with the afterlife among the Egyptian kings. The rest of the Anunnaki decided that they had to act decisively and with extreme force against Marduk. This was the time that involved Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible. The destruction was violent and widespread, with dire consequences. But somehow, Marduk escaped the onslaught, and the events only made him more feared and worshipped by the surviving humans. And so his related extended family in northern Mesopotamia, the Aryans, invaded the lands to the east and Europe to the west, conquering humans everywhere and imposing their Aryan supremacy on them. And such is the remaining status quo in the world today.


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