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Slave Species of god

Page 22

by Michael Tellinger

  There is however more physical evidence of even more archaic cultures and ‘low’ levels of civilisation dating back 77,000 years in southern Africa. The beads discovered at Blombos in South Africa prove that humans were involved in the development of ornamental or decorative pieces a long, long time ago. This does not however mean that the peak of what would be called ‘civilisation’ had been acquired by them at that stage. They were mostly nomadic hunter gatherers who left behind a trail for us to unravel. These very early signs of human presence in southern Africa go hand in hand with the Cradle of Humankind which is positioned just north of Johannesburg. It is now accepted by most scientists that the first humans on Earth lived in this part of the world. We will read detailed descriptions in the clay tablets, corroborating these latest theories. How the Anunnaki “created the ‘Adamu’ in their image and from their essence” to toil in the gold mines of southern Africa, as far back as 200,000 years ago. Is it a coincidence that the latest scientific dating of Adam and Eve places them in the same place at the same time?




  But while we have been focusing on all this activity in Africa and Mesopotamia, further north west in the Balkan-Danube region there were signs of great activity as far back as 9,000 BC. From a small village called Rast in west Romania emerged a small figurine covered in “strange geometrical and abstract motifs” which resembled some form of previously unknown style of writing. But it was only in 1989 that Marija Gimbutas first observed the markings on the “Madonna” and realized that these strange “decorative inscriptions” did not follow any set patterns or repetitive structure with predetermined spatial logic, which suggested that it must have been some form of early Proto-European writing, dating back to over 5,000 BC. This shook the scientific world, making it older than the oldest known Sumerian texts by about 2,000 years. And so was born the Balkan-Danube Script mystery, now referred to as the oldest written documents known to man. There was much controversy about the suggested new written language at first, but now most scholars agree that the staggering discovery was indeed a Proto-European written language. The amazing thing is that to date, nobody has been able to decipher it or venture a guess as to what kind of language it was, or where it originated from. We do however know quite a lot about the activity of the Proto-European culture dating back as far as 9,000 BC. Scholars write that trading activity started on the western side of the Aegean Sea when the tribes of hunter-gatherers adopted new knowledge from Anatolia and began to move westwards. Their newfound techniques allowed them to create beautiful pottery, human figures, copper and other metal artefacts. Their writing technique and influence spread through the Danube valley, southern Hungary, Macedonia, Transylvania and northern Greece. It is important to note that they also built palaces, temples, ships and created new weaving techniques. Copper forging technology appeared around 5,500 BC which should not surprise us, since we have already seen that at another place in Anatolia, where these Proto-Europeans apparently acquired all their knowledge, we found evidence of a well-established civilisation at some 6,000 BC, who knew how to work with all the metals, including bronze.


  Examples of the Indus script which has not been deciphered to date.

  Some characters have been identified as symbols for god and star.

  It now makes complete sense that the Sumerians who were forging metals 6,000 years BC in Catalhoyuk, which also happens to be in Anatolia, expanded their knowledge to the Proto-European cultures. It is also more than probable that the Anunnaki used a different written language from the Sumerians. Could it be that the indecipherable script from ancient Europe was actually the written language of the Anunnaki?

  It is astonishing that the ancient Indus Valley writings date back to 3,300 BC, only 500 years later than the Sumerian cuneiform texts. Those Sumerian gods were clearly covering large parts of the world. We know this from the clay tablets that point out how the Anunnaki gods travelled the world, setting up different regions of people, under the control of different gods. The Near Eastern gods refer to travelling to distant lands in every direction, and the east was obviously one of those places they disappeared to, while setting up settlements there and searching for gold. The ancient Indus Civilisation is another example of how archaeologists keep digging their way deeper back in time. Suddenly, the recent discoveries which surround the early Harappan/Ravi Phase, pushed back the estimated date when writing first emerged in the Indus Valley by 700 years. There are many very clear and obvious links between the Indus gods and the Sumerian gods. Historians agree that there is a definite link to Anu, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag and other Anunnaki gods in the Harappan culture, art, pottery and writings. One such example is the depiction of the celestial symbol of Anu on an Early Harappan polychrome pot.


  In Harappan culture the symbol of the star not only means ‘god’, but also ‘anu’ or ‘sky’. The star image was originally the exclusive symbol for the sky god Anu. It just so happens that Anu was also the leading divine god of the Sumerian pantheon of gods. This particular form of the star symbol also represented the radiant planet Nibiru in Sumerian culture.

  The symbol of the fish is one of the most popular motifs of the early Harappan period. The fish also represented the concept of god and symbolised the ‘god of waters’. In Sumerian history Enki was often represented as a fish-like deity and an aquatic god who controlled the waters.

  The symbols of serpents and stars and other instantly recognisable Sumerian deities are clearly visible in much of the ancient Indus culture. It is now evident that the major Hindu gods are, in essence, Sumerian deities with different names. The evidence is visible in the pictorial tablets, seals and other art depicting gods and deities. The seven divine goddesses depicted on Indus tablets overseen by a superior god are suspiciously similar to the seven Anunnaki goddesses, who gave birth to the first group of ‘primitive workers’ on Earth while being overseen by Enki or possibly his son Ningishzidda, who according to Sumerian scriptures was the one who created the genetic pool for the original humans.

  The ancient Indus Valley Civilisation, situated between modern-day India and Pakistan.

  But the Indus Civilisation goes back a lot further, which corroborates the legend that the Vedic poems date back as far as 8,000 BC, surviving only through oral transfer until they were written down for the first time some 3,000 years BC. Asko Parpola, a leading figure in ancient Indian culture, points out that the Indus Civilisation can be traced in an unbroken chain from a period some 8,000 BC, through the Chalcolithic 5,000-3,600 BC; to the Early Harappan period 3,600-2,600 BC and finally the Mature Harappan period around 2,550 BC, eventually collapsing after 1,800 BC. There is abundant evidence of close ties to Mesopotamia which included well-developed trade, maritime trade and close cultural contacts. The neighbouring cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were well developed as early as 3,000 BC. They had similar structures made from the same bricks; they served as capitals for their provinces and were part of a unified government that had extreme organisational skills. This is the kind of influence which would have been imposed by the Sumerian gods to enable them to exercise control over the humans in that part of the world. The Harappa people even used Sumerian irrigation techniques in the lands along the valleys. The Indus Valley has its very own unsolved ancient secret treasure, known as the ‘Indus Script’. The amazing thing is that just like the Balkan-Danube Script, there has been very little progress made in deciphering the Indus Script in over seventy years by the smartest people available. Is it possible that this may be a derivative of a similar Anunnaki script used by the Proto-Europeans? After all, the evidence slaps us in the face, that the Anunnaki were as active in the Indus Valley as they were in the Proto-European cultures.


  This ruin from around 2
500 BC shows the remains of a Harappan bath pointing to the close cultural similarities between the Greeks, Romans and Indus Valley civilisations.

  We should really not be surprised by this broad influence of the Sumerian culture and the discovery of ancient undeciphered scripts. Is it possible that these scripts may have been used by the more advanced Anunnaki as a form of communication while they explored the world? The explorers of the 15th century did exactly the same when they moved into the Americas. They certainly did not land in one place and stay there, because it ‘looked kind of okay’. They continued to move inland in all directions and proceeded to explore. It is highly ironic that thousands of years after Earth was populated by gold-seeking travellers from another planet, the gene which we inherited from them, surfaced so viciously when the Spaniards discovered the golden riches of the Americas in the 15th century AD. It therefore stands to reason, that when the Anunnaki had exhausted the gold deposits in the Near East, they explored the rest of the planet Earth. They had actually started looking around the planet much earlier, long before the gold ran out. They were fortunate to have the benefit of advanced technology and flight which took them to slightly more remote territories like Mesoamerica and the Andes. The tablets refer many times to the ways in which they scanned the seas and the lands for signs of gold under the surface. The tablets also carry more dramatic inscriptions of their rising levels of concern about the state of their Planet Nibiru. The amount of gold that was being produced on Earth was not enough to deal with their degrading ‘ozone’ problem. We might think this as very strange or possibly laughable that such an advanced species would have a problem with their ozone. Well, think again. What is one of the most pressing environmental concerns on Earth today? Global warming and the ozone layer. Very simply the ozone protects us against all the deadly rays which are present in space. The two main culprits are ultra violet rays and X-rays. Without the ozone we would literally fry like chips in heated oil. Or like turning on a giant microwave oven in space pointing at Earth. The point is that if we are experiencing these kind of problems here, right now, they will be experienced on many other habitable planets in the galaxy. So before you dismiss this ‘ozone thing’ as a far-fetched hallucination, think again. It is real, it is right here, right now, on the very planet we call home. How will we deal with the ozone problem in a 100 years from now when it really starts to destroy crops and arable land? I don't know … maybe by then we would have found some amazing new compound on Mars or Europa or Titan or any of the other celestial bodies within reach in our solar system to produce the possible saving grace.


  One of the most perplexing events in human history is the sudden emergence of civilisation in the Americas, which introduced the world to the Incas, Olmecs, Toltecs and the early Mayas of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mesoamerica. Historians and archaeologists just cannot agree on the times and possible dates when these mysterious cultures suddenly appeared, displaying pretty much all the same behavioural characteristics of the people in Mesopotamia. Such a sudden appearance of organised people in a distant continent is just too incredible to describe as a coincidence. It points irrefutably to an extreme example of the Sumerian-Anunnaki expansion over the world in search of gold. And gold there was plenty of in the Americas. This sudden emergence of civilisation in Mesoamerica happened virtually at the same time as it was exploding in Mesopotamia, shortly after the end of the last Ice Age. The ancient secrets of the Mayas and the Incas have kept archaeologists and historians guessing for many years. How on Earth is it possible that a virgin civilisation could have emerged out of the blue some ten thousand miles away from the so-called origin of civilisation in Mesopotamia, across the Atlantic, 11,000 years ago, unless there was some interference by the highly mobile Anunnaki? It defies all laws of probability for such an event to happen randomly on a planet where the only activity was seemingly restricted to the land between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean. As suddenly as civilisation emerged in the Near East, the Proto-Mayans appeared in Mesoamerica. They had all the knowledge possessed by well developed cultures. They knew all about agriculture, they built cities and pyramids as impressive as the Egyptians and they even knew how to extract gold from ore. Many theories have arisen about the origins of the Incas, Mayas, the Toltecs and Olmecs, who collectively shaped the Andean and Mesoamerican cultures over thousands of years.


  But the Anunnaki had more than just gold on their minds when they arrived in the Americas. They were also in search of tin. Tin is the necessary ingredient which together with copper, makes up bronze. At this time in Earth’s history bronze was becoming the metal of choice. Indications are that tin supplies in Mesopotamia were running dry and Inanna or Ishtar makes clear references in her Sumerian texts to “tin mountains” in Mesoamerica. She was asking permission from the superior gods to go in search of tin in the new lands. “Let me set out on the road to the tin ores. Let me learn about their mines.” These tin mountains have been identified as the areas around Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Even today, tin production is continuing in many parts of this region. The Anunnaki referred to tin as the ‘divine’ metal and called it ‘AN.NA’ which means ‘heavenly stone’. They called the combination of copper and tin into bronze ‘ZA.BAR’ which means ‘gleaming double metal’. Ancient references to rich alluvial sources of tin have confused mineralogists, as pure tin is very rare. But David Forbes, who was a mineralogist researcher in South America, was astounded when he was shown a chunk of pure tin actually encasing a rock, as opposed to being encased in the rock, showing that such deposits must have existed in antiquity, if they still exist today. They did not come from a mine. The mines and rivers in that area were also rich in gold and other metals. He was convinced that people who worked those rich river deposits knew about tin and gold and how to process it from its ore.


  The fascinating tales of the Andean legends begin with the god Viracocha who was the ‘creator of man’ and the ‘god of heaven’, who came to Earth in great antiquity, settling down on the shores of Lake Titicaca, close to the ancient city of Tiahuanacu, ‘place where the gods are born’. Inca tales and legends also talk about the capital city Cuzco as being established by the ‘children of the sun’ who were created and instructed by the great god Viracocha when he first settled at lake Titicaca. There are many versions of the settlement of the first people. One such tale comes from Juan de Betanzos, who writes that Viracocha created the world in two phases. Many of these ancient fables carry the same storyline as the Bible and the Sumerian scripts, which talk about the flood as a dividing event. An ancient Quechua tale says that the creator god “on the first occasion, made the heavens and the Earth” then he created mankind. But “this people did some sort of wrong to Viracocha and he was angered by it”. It continues that “those first people and their chief he converted into stones in punishment”, then after some time of darkness “he made men and women out of stones”. Then he apparently gave them all tasks and abilities and told them where they should go and stay. It has many similarities with the Biblical flood story, before and after the flood. Noah was also told to ‘go forth and multiply’. There are other stories about the original Andean or Mayan or Inca forefather called Manco Capac, who was created by god. He was the first to be made a king by god and was the first monarch. Some say that he arrived by boat from another place across the sea, while others talk of god giving him a golden wand called ‘Tupac-yauri’ which means ‘splendorous sceptre’. With this golden wand he had to go in search of a destined land and was said to have started the Inca capital city of Cuzco. He was the first Inca, after whom they were all called the ‘children of the sun’.

  The Popol Vuh is called ‘the sacred book’ by the Quiche Mayas. It is their most revered book and one that has survived for centuries, written in Roman script shortly after the Spanish invasion in the 16thcentury. This is a copy of the original which h
as been lost to antiquity, but it contains come fascinating stories. It mentions that “the first people created by god were imperfect” which correlates exactly with the detailed description of the many attempts by Enki, Ninhursag and Ningishzidda, to create the first ‘primitive worker’.

  Many people throughout the ages have made pronouncements and told tales about the ancient civilisations of the Americas. The origins of these Proto-Americans have also been linked to the highly controversial existence of the island of Atlantis or Poseidia. Plato was already referring to such people from Atlantis in 350 BC, when he wrote about the Mesopotamians and Proto-Europeans being attacked by the ‘islanders’. He wrote that some 9,000 years had passed since the war between “those on the outside” and “those on the inside” of the “Pillars of Hercules”. The ‘pillars’ refer to Gibraltar which divided the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean. This would place the time at around 9,500 BC, just after the last Ice Age. This Ice Age date plays a pivotal role in all of pre-history, as it crops up over and over again as a landmark for the beginning of most activities by modern humans, whether they were in Mesopotamia or the Americas. The end of the last Ice Age brought the sudden emergence of civilised man in a number of places around the world and is regarded by many as the first ‘flood’ that swept the Earth, causing Humankind to have to start from scratch. We should therefore not be surprised when many scholars claim that the first people arrived in the Americas from the lost island of Atlantis at the time when the last Ice Age ended. It would make perfect sense since their island was about to be swallowed by the giant tidal waves which caused the great flood of that time. In December 2004, we saw how devastating a relatively small Tsunami can be to islands in its way. Imagine what a flood ten to twenty times that size would do. This is why the original people settled on the mountainous shores of the lake Titicaca, far away from the flood waters and close to rich sediments of gold, tin and other metals. This was also the time during which agriculture and farming were introduced to man, as outlined in many Sumerian tablets, especially the Lost Book of Enki, which describes in great detail the times and activities and relationships between the Anunnaki gods and the newly created humans.


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