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Slave Species of god

Page 23

by Michael Tellinger

  There is clear evidence of crops being cultivated in the Teohuacan Valley some 7,000 years BC, but there is also evidence that there was probably some devastating flood leading up to this date, which only allowed civilisation to continue much later in about 3,100 BC. Barry Fell, a professor at Harvard, successfully proved that the Americas were being visited as early as 5,000 BC by Proto-Europeans and Africans. Roman vases have been found on the seabed near Brazil; Roman coins were found off the beach in Massachusetts; Carthaginian vases were found off the coast of Honduras, but the permission to investigate the wreck was denied, in order to protect the historic importance of Columbus. Professor Fell also speaks about many sites in the Americas which have been found containing Carthaginian and Celtic writings. Many Punic inscriptions have been found on gravestones, cairns and in stone cellars, dating back to the Bronze Age between 1,200 and 3,000 BC. There are also inscriptions in the original Celt written language of Ogham from the pre-Roman times of France and Spain. On a stone carving of a ship from Tarshish, there is an inscription that says: “Voyagers from Tarshish, this stone proclaims.” This was translated from the Tartessian Punic language. The Southern American pre-history can really be divided into two regions where the Anunnaki gods were active. Mesoamerica which includes Mexico, and South America – mainly Peru and Bolivia, where according to the Incas it all began. The Mayans of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico had the gold, while the Incas and their ancestors had the tin.

  One of the most incredible ancient finds in all of archaeological history was the Mayan calendar. When it was first discovered it perplexed all who tried to figure it out. But it took the persistent investigative work of a German librarian by the name of Ernst Forstemann in 1880, to break the code and unravel its incredible mystery. When the Mayan calendar was finally explained, it showed the incredible knowledge that they possessed of the cosmos, solar system and the movements of planets, including our own moon. The Mayan calendar became known as the ‘Long Count’. Instead of using irrelevant points of reference to historic figures by which to develop a calendar, they used the movements of the Sun, moon and Venus to calculate precise points in time, to the ‘first’ rising or ‘birth’ of Venus. All the Mesoamerican cultures believe that there are five different ‘ages’ or ‘Suns’. After many years of deciphering the Mayan mathematical formulas, scholars agree that the beginning of the Long Count started on the 13th August 3,114 BC and will end on 22 December 2,012. That means that the period is 5,126 years long. What the exact significance of the length of the ‘age’ or the end date is, is not clear. But it's not a long time to go, so let's just wait and see. Some scientists claim that it has to do with a shift in the Earth's magnetic field, when the north and south poles move away from their current positions and establish new magnetic poles.


  Erik Parker stands in front of a giant Olmec head. Just one example of several such works of art discovered in the jungles of Mexico. Notice the distinct African features and protective head gear on both heads. This has baffled historians for ages.

  The mystery of the Mesoamerican civilisations continues with the Olmecs. They appeared in the Tabasco area of Mexico as suddenly as all the others. But their distinctly ‘African’ physical features were completely different from the other locals. They seem to have appeared around the beginning of the Mayan Long Count some 3,114 years BC. The colossal stone head found at Veracruz in 1862 shows convincingly that their features were distinctly African. Several other giant heads have been found and all of them show the same African features. On other carvings they were almost always depicted with some kind of tool in their hands, digging for gold. In many of the depictions on rocks and seals and stelae, their tools are reasonably detailed and it becomes clear that these were sophisticated people with a good knowledge of ore mining.

  Let us analyse the situation for a second. If you had discovered gold in a faraway land and needed experienced miners to deal with the perils of getting it out of the ground, would you attempt to train the inexperienced people from the surrounding districts, or would you rather bring in a team of well-trained miners who could get on with the task immediately, while sharing their skills with the locals? Many scholars believe that is exactly what the ancient ‘mining lords’ did. The Anunnaki gods came to America to mine for gold and brought their experienced miners from Africa. It provides a very simplistic explanation for the appearance of the Olmecs or ‘rubber people’ in Mesoamerica. It also explains why there was so much gold when the Spaniards first invaded it some 4,500 years later.

  To truly understand the magnificent golden riches that greeted the invaders, we just need to mention the Peruvian city of Cuzco. There the Conquistadores found the great ‘Temple of the Sun’ which had walls covered with gold. There were chapels and burial chambers honouring ancestors, filled with a variety of statuettes and images. It boasted an artificial garden where all the plants, shrubs and trees were made of gold. In the courtyard, there was a mock field of maize where every stalk was made of silver and the delicate ears made of gold, which covered around 20,000 square metres or two hectares. The Spaniards soon realised that they would have to fight for the gold as all these American cultures believed that gold was a gift from the gods and it belonged to the gods. So it is our deduction that the Olmecs were a group of miners from Africa who were brought to America to mine for gold by their Anunnaki-Sumerian masters. And at this point, in our highly informed civilisation of the 21st century, there seems to be no better explanation. After all the Anunnaki have come to this new land to get more gold and they needed experienced miners. Who better to bring along for the task than the African miners of gold who had been created by the Anunnaki for that specific task, and who had loads of experience by then? Many of the depictions of Olmec miners show some form of advanced fire tool, which they point at the rock face. It almost seems like a device that produced a flame or beam to heat or cut the rock. They even show these miners with a kind of headgear that produced beams of light. Too much to swallow? Well, these stone carvings and depictions have survived for over 5,000 years, and even today we still mine for gold, using hand held tools and lamps on the helmets even at our advanced levels of sophistication. So why could they have not done so? It may just be that the Olmecs had a smarter way of doing it. They must have known a great deal about engineering and construction because their pyramids and other lost cities are as impressive as any of the Mayan or Egyptian structures. They are remembered for building what is possibly the oldest pyramid in the Americas and introducing the ‘dot and bar’ counting system which was apparently used by the Mayas to develop their ‘Long Count’ calendar in later years. They also cultivated maize and other crops and introduced a ball game with a rubber ball, which may just be the predecessor to basketball and soccer. They were known as the ‘rubber people’, the meaning of the word Olmec. The latter Spanish mining engineers have often spoken of “prehistoric gold mines” at Mexican sites.

  If you have doubts about the African connection to the Olmecs, here is a curious bit of information. The Olmec style of writing is very similar to the writing used by the Vai people of West Africa. They also spoke a language that had a strong resemblance to that of the Manding (Malinke-Bambara) language spoken in West Africa. Is that just another coincidence? It is believed that the Olmec people introduced writing to the New World and they had both a syllabic and hieroglyphic script. The decipherment of the Olmec writing of ancient Mexico provides us with keen insight into the world of the Olmec. Rafinesque published an important paper on Mayan writing in 1832, that helped to decipher the Olmec's writing.

  The great Olmec centres that developed at La Venta, San Lorenzo and Laguna de los Cerros, and the smaller centres such as Tres Zapotes, were not simply vacant religious sites, but dynamic settlements which included artisans and farmers, as well as priests and the rulers. Then there were the Toltecs, Aztecs, Zapotecs, Mixtecs, and other groups who lived and influenced the ancient cultures of the Americas
over many thousands of years. Each one pointing to the other whence they received their knowledge about gold mining and other skills. The most amazing thing is that all these ancient American cultures had one thing in common – they all worshiped the same deity who was known as the ‘Winged Serpent’ or ‘Flying Serpent’.

  He went by different names. This major god was called Kukulkan by the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, Viracocha by the Incas, Gucumatz in central America, Votan in Palenque and Zamna in Izamal.

  The pre-Columbian Inca Civilisation was extraordinary in its development of human society and culture, ranking with the early civilisations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. There are several myths about pre-Inca civilisations and as with all ancient civilisations, legends and ancient stone carvings and their monuments speak of creation by gods who came from the skies, yet no one is certain how any of these civilisations came into being. Many just seem to spring up as if out of nowhere.

  So were these gods actually real? Did they really come from the sky to create man in all these different parts of the world? Once again, the similarity to Mesopotamian and biblical legends are too close to be coincidental, especially if we take into account the vast distances between the continents with the Atlantic Ocean in between. There is a pre-Incan legend that speaks of Viracocha who is depicted in many forms, which is not unlike gods in other civilisations. He was known as the ‘good god’, but the warrior side to his personality was also often shown. We see him as the enlightened god in white robes who brings knowledge, and the warrior god with staves in his hands and a sun symbol around his head, not unlike that of the sun god Ra in ancient Egypt. Viracocha, as the feathered serpent god, is one of the great mysteries of ancient American cultures. But there is a clear link to the activities of the Anunnaki in this part of the world and Viracocha is the main protagonist leading the rest of the gods who came in search of gold. The only question is, which of the feathered serpents is he? Enki the ‘Lord of the Earth’, who is always depicted as a winged serpent, or his son Ningishzidda, whose symbol is also the entwined serpent, representing his knowledge of medicine.

  Quetzalcoatl was the good god and hero of the Nahuatl people. He was the ‘Feathered Serpent’, hero god, giver of all their knowledge. The story goes that he established the city of Tula around 3,200 BC, taught the people about maize farming and gave them other important knowledge. He was fair-skinned. But his brother was jealous and cast him out. Quetzalcoatl promised that he would return to “establish rule of law and enlightenment”. It is this kind of character description which closely resembles Enki or his son Ningishzidda. As we explained, both had serpents in their Sumerian depictions.

  But there are many other fascinating tales about the relationship between the gods, the people and their obsession with gold in the Americas. We already outlined the golden riches that greeted Cortes, the Spanish explorer, when he first set foot in this part of the world. He was astounded by the amount of gold there was. The cities were covered with it. The thing that amazed him, was that all the locals explained to Cortes how they smelted the metal in small pots and cast them in bars. They also explained that “once it was ready it was sent to the capital, returned to the gods to whom the gold had always belonged.” This seems to be a constant mantra with the ancient American cultures. They all claimed that the gold belonged to the gods. To the Aztecs, gold was a ‘divine metal’. The Toltecs in Mexico were mining it 1,000 years BC already and the Incas believed that it was “the gods who caused gold to be so valued”. They also believed that gold was made from the gods' tears. Sitchin compares this notion to the voice of god as it spoke through the prophet Haggai. “The silver is mine and the gold is mine. So sayeth the Lord of Hosts.” Once again the similarity is a little too close for coincidence. The Mayans called gold ‘teocuitlatl’ which meant ‘the gods’ excretion’– his tears and his perspiration. But the serpent connection has another twist which links it to the Near East and our Anunnaki gods.

  There is a very good reason why the symbol of a snake is so prominent in Earth history. Once again it is revealed to us by the Sumerian tablets. After Alalu first landed on Earth, he went in search of water north-west of where Eridu was later built, and at the shores of a lake or a river, he saw a snake for the very first time. It is obvious from his reaction that snakes were not known on Nibiru. “A hissing sound he could hear; a slithering body by the poolside was moving.” After killing the snake in a reflex action he examined it with amazement. “The slithered body lay still… like a rope its long body was, without hands or feet was the body…”. Alalu pondered this creature for some time, wondering if it was the guardian of the water or what purpose it might have served. Later, when Enki and his first team of exploring astronauts landed to join him, he showed them the serpents. It makes good sense that they would have used this creature as some kind of symbol on their new planet, since it was the first creature they saw. The Mayan word for serpent is ‘can’ which is parallel to the Hebrew word Canaan, and that is why the god from Canaan got the title of ‘serpent’.

  After Quetzalcoatl settled in the Americas, he established his first city inland at the great river Nachan, which means ‘place of serpents’. It stands to reason that there would be snakes of a wide variety present in that part of the world, but it is also very close to the Hebrew word for serpent ‘Nachash’. Arthur Posnansky found a series of inscriptions on rocks on the shores of Lake Titicaca that links the ancient Peruvian script to inscriptions found on Easter Island. For those who don't know Easter Island, it is an extremely remote island in the middle of the Pacific between Australia and South America, which sports a long line of giant ‘heads’ carved out of rock. As incredible as it is, both these scripts, which originate a great distance from each other, Titicaca and Easter Island respectively, are related to the Indus Valley script and the writing of the Hittites of Mesopotamia. From a series of archaeo-astronomic calculations, Prof. Rolf Muller concluded that the structures at Machu Picchu, Cuzco and Tiahuanacu are at least 4,000 years old, which would explain how the Indus and Mesopotamian texts could have influenced their sister cultures on the other side of the world. But how would they have arrived there? With the help of the ever-present Anunnaki gods of course.

  In the biblical story of Cain and Abel we are told that the two brothers were given separate tasks to help provide for the growing family of man. As with all of biblical stories, we find tales of exact parallel in Sumerian scriptures that predate the Bible by at least 1,000 years. In this case, the story is told in great detail, describing the brothers Ka-in “He who in the Field Food Grows” and Abael “He of the Watered Meadows”, as they go about their respective chores of planting crops and breeding domestic animals. Just like the Bible says. When Abael's animals started to eat Kain's crops, a fierce fight erupted between the brothers during which Ka-in killed Abael. Although he was filled with remorse and realised his grave mistake, the Sumerian gods decreed that he should be banished away from their land of Edin to toil on his own, without the help of the Anunnaki gods. Marduk was the firstborn son of Enki who arrived on Earth to be with his father on this exciting adventure, exploring a new planet. Marduk had the following to say: “…let Ka-in's life be spared, to the ends of the Earth let him be banished!” Enki agreed with him. “Eastward to a land of wandering for his evil deed Ka-in must depart…” Enki concluded. And so it was that Ka-in disappeared to a distant land. We can speculate where it may have been, but a further clue is provided later, when it is revealed that it was a land of high mountains, steep valleys and a great lake high in the mountains. There could be a number of places like that in Europe, which could be linked to the early Proto-European farming activity. But this event took place way before the flood, which would eliminate ancient Europe as a possible candidate territory for Ka-in’s place of settlement. Large parts of Europe would have had snow and ice and would not have been very pleasant to farm in. The southern hemisphere is a much more likely candidate to fit the geographical description.

  Another crucial clue is given to us by Ningishzidda who was another son of Enki, involved in the ‘genetic creation’ of ‘the Adamu’. This bright young scientist was a master at genetic engineering and he certainly got lots of experience on Earth in the early days according to the Book of Enki, which was compiled and translated by Zecharia Sitchin. In this incredible book we learn virtually everything we wanted to know about the origin of humanity and the activities that brought us to the days of Abraham. Ningishzidda explains how he genetically created Ka-in not to be able to grow a beard. “By Ningishzidda was the life essence of Ka-in altered. That his face a beard should not grow, Ka-in's life essence Ningishzidda changed.” It is well established that the native people of the Americas do not really grow beards, because of a subtle genetic differentiation from the Europeans. This is a vivid clue pointing to the strong probability that Ka-in eventually ended up in the mountainous lands of the early Inca civilisation, in Peru, near Lake Titicaca. The Incas refer to ancient times when their progenitors arrived from a distant land in the west. Is it possible that it was Ka-in, after whom they were named? In-ca = Ca-in?


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