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Slave Species of god

Page 67

by Michael Tellinger

  Enki was devastated, displaying some very human emotions which we have also inherited from his active gene pool. “So did Enki bewail and lament… Why am I punished, why has fate against me turned… Enki rent his clothes, on his forehead he put ashes.” This tearing of a piece of clothing when mourning was adopted by the Jews in later years. The growing conflict between siblings knew no end. Inanna's sister, Ereshkigal must have been insanely jealous of Inanna's looks and her future role in the hierarchy of the Anunnaki, because she not only refused to help Inanna in her search for Dumuzi, but she accused her of plotting something against Marduk, and she infected Inanna with some kind of deadly disease or virus. “Let loose against her the sixty diseases.” This is most certainly a part of the tablets which must have given rise to elements of witchcraft in Africa and the witchdoctors who still practice an ancient form of healing in Africa. Ereshkigal lived in the Abzu, where she was known as the ‘Mistress of the Lower World’ which was southern Africa. It was not only her skills with medicines and disease which inspired many tales, but the mysterious things which Enki did in his quest to find Inanna, must have also been the source of the many ancient African traditions of strange creatures with awesome powers; indestructible bodies; and not like humans in their ways. What Enki did next in his quest to find Inanna, is still a mystery to most who have studied the tablets. “From clay of the Abzu, Enki two emissaries fashioned, beings without blood, by death rays unharmed.” He sent them out to find Inanna. These must have been some awesome prehistoric clones, because as much as I try, I cannot fathom what else the scribe could have meant. They do however closely resemble the ‘mythological’ creatures called Erinyes or Furies, as described in Greek and Roman myths and I suggest you have another look at chapter 14 for a quick reminder. But they did what they were sent to do. They found “…the lifeless body of Inanna… hanging from a stake… Upon the corpse the clay emissaries a Pulser and an Emitter directed… The water of life on her they sprinkled…In her mouth the plant of life they placed… Inanna stirred, her eyes she opened, from the dead Inanna arose.” It is not clear why certain Anunnaki were revived from the dead, while others were not.

  This had a devastating effect on relations between Enlil and Enki. The Enlilites wanted Marduk dead, while Enki's clan argued that while Marduk was involved in the incident, “it was not by Marduk's hand did Dumuzi die.” Inanna was not going to take this lying down. In her mind, Marduk was responsible for the death of her beloved Dumuzi, so she launched an attack on Marduk with the intention to kill him. “By Inanna was the warfare begun…Marduk to battle she challenged...Retribution for her beloved's death she wanted.” Another fascinating glimpse into the future behaviour of humans, challenging each other to battle and duels and other forms of violent conflict. A very noble kind of gesture, by which European noblemen would invite each other into the countryside, put on very smart clothing and then try to kill each other in a duel. Once again we read about fierce weapons which caused death and destruction over a wide area as the two engaged in battle. There were many earthling casualties, which must have remained in the tales told throughout the ages, about the battle of the gods. We are very familiar with similar so-called mythological stories from all cultures. The simple explanation for such ancient tales are that there were many such conflicts between the Anunnaki gods, which must have been witnessed by the earthlings in the affected areas. Those were not daydreams or mythological hallucinations of primitive people with an overactive mind, those were real events in ancient times, before writing was bestowed on the earthlings, when they still depended on oral stories being passed down between generations.

  Marduk retreated north towards the new artificial mountains in Giza, where he took refuge inside the chambers of the Great Pyramid they called Ekur. “With weapons of brilliance… Inanna the hiding place attacked… while Utu the Igigi and their hordes of earthlings beyond Tilmun held off.” Remember that the Igigi were Marduk's followers. But the pyramid demonstrated the purpose with which it was constructed, to withstand any kind of disaster. Inanna's weapons the “stone structure could not surmount, its smooth sides her weapons deflected.” We learn two very important bits of information from these written lines. Firstly, that the pyramid did have a smooth finish outside, covering the building blocks; and secondly, the description of passages and chambers of the pyramid during the chase inside. The kind of detail in the description would have only been known by the builders of the pyramid or those who had the privilege of having been inside themselves. All the proof we need to substantiate that the Anunnaki actually built the pyramids long before the Pharaohs inherited them.

  “Then Ninurta of the secret entrance learnt, the swivel stone on the north side he found…Through a dark corridor Ninurta passed, the grand gallery he reached…Its vault by the many-hued emissions of the crystals like a rainbow was aglitter…Ninurta up the gallery kept going…Into the upper chamber, the place of the Great Pulsating Stone, Marduk retreated…At its entrance Marduk the sliding stone locks lowered, from one and all admission they barred.” These detailed descriptions could not possibly be coincidental or some ancient person’s imagination. And yet there are those who claim this is all a myth?

  Some decided to leave Marduk in there to die for his transgressions but his family protested. The wise Ninharsag came to the rescue once more, resolving the deadlock. Marduk would be rescued but certain conditions had to be met. “The Igigi who Marduk follow, the landing place must give up and abandon…To the land of no return must Marduk in exile go.” Then the task was up to Ningishzidda, the architect, to get Marduk out of the pyramid. “Adoorway in the stones they will cut… a twisted passage they shall bore… At the vortex of the hollowing through the stones they will break through…Up the grand gallery they will continue… The three stone bars they will raise… Marduk's death prison they will reach.” Those sound like words of someone who had a very good knowledge of the inside of the pyramid. Not some kind of airy-fairy dreamer imagining gods and myths because he was bored. But many historians will still want to make you believe such nonsense. And so it was that Marduk was rescued by Ninurta and brought out alive, although barely. “Carefully through the twisting shaft they the lord lowered, to fresh air they him brought.” Ninurta also examined all the hi-tech equipment inside. “Its Gut Stone, that directions determined, Ninurta ordered to be taken out… The twenty seven pairs of Nibiru crystals he examined… To remove the whole ones… Others with his beam he pulverised… To replace the incapacitated beacon, a mount near the place of the celestial chariots was chosen.” And so the function of the great pyramid was moved to a mountain top and the empty chambers became the fascination of archaeologists ever since. These latest developments required that control over old lands were to be evaluated and lordship over new lands had to be assigned. So Enlil and Enki divided the lands between their other sons again. The most significant allocation was that of Egypt, which was now given to Ningishzidda, while Marduk was exiled. Inanna demanded a land of her own, and after much debating, she was given the land of the Indus Valley.

  That bit of information has fascinated me. The highly sexed goddess of love who was crazy about poetry is given the Indus Valley region, where by complete coincidence the highly sexual Indian cultures originate from, including the Kama Sutra philosophy of sex. Another coincidence? The sixty four arts of love-passion-pleasure also coincidentally originated in India. There are many different versions of the arts which began in Sanskrit and were later translated into other languages, like Tibetan and Persian. Many of the original texts are missing and the only clue to their existence is in other texts. Vatsyayana’s version of the Kama Sutra is a well known translation which survived. Is it also coincidence that unlike other religions, the ancient Vedic praises to the gods are in poetic form? And it just so happens that the goddess of love was a big fan of poetry?

  But the times on Earth had undergone great change. “The earthlings have proliferated… Of civilised mankind by Ziusudra there were
descendants…With Anunnaki seed they were intermixed…Igigi who intermarried roamed about…In the distant lands of Ka-in kinfolk survived.” The numbers surviving pure Anunnaki were very small and they had growing problems on many fronts. Conflict among themselves, large numbers of humans making all kinds of demands, supply of food was problematic, humans were getting out of control. The Anunnaki had to come up with a master plan to take control of the situation, to ensure that humans were kept in their place, stayed obedient and worshipped the gods. “Few and lofty were the Anunnaki who from Nibiru had come… Few were their perfect descendants.” But to devise a plan for the future they needed the wisdom and advice of Anu. “How over mankind lofty to remain, how to make the many the few obey and serve.” And so it was that “To come to Earth one more time Anu decided.” And so we read in no uncertain terms that the gods wanted to remain ‘lofty’ over the humans.

  By now, enough time had passed for the flooded plains and valleys to dry and become habitable again. Some of the ‘black-headed people’or primitive workers in the south of the Abzu, who survived the flood, came in search of food and probably to also get some guidance from their gods, who lived in the north. The descendants of Ziusudra and his son Shem started to come down from their primitive dwellings in the mountains to resettle in the valleys and plains. They were among the few who were well trained and skilled in the art of farming. The Anunnaki decided to rebuild their original cities on Earth, where they originally stood, but were now covered with soil from the flood. They also decided to use the more civilised humans for providing food for the growing populations of survivors on a much larger scale. This would however require the general upliftment of the slave species. “Upon the newly dried soil, the Anunnaki let them settle, food for all to provide… On top of the myriads of mud and silt a new Eridu was marked out.” If you remember, Eridu was the first city of Enki when he arrived on Earth, and now he built his new home in the middle of the brand new Eridu, while Enlil built his new home where the old Nibru-ki stood. It was a seven-stepped ziggurat pyramid. “A stairway rising to the heaven, to the topmost platform led…His tablets of destinies did Enlil there keep, with his weapons it was protected.” It seems that Enlil was the one who always used weapons to protect his dwellings, a habit which Marduk learnt very well in his dictatorship over Egypt.

  They built a brand new palace for Anu and Antu's (Anu’s wife) arrival in the middle of the Edin, calling it Unug-ki, ‘Delightful Place’. We learn about the ageing effect that living on Earth had on the Anunnaki when Anu arrived. “At each other they looked, ageing to examine…Greater in Shars were the parents, younger than the children they looked.” They debated this for some time concerned about this strange phenomenon. But Anu reassured them that those who returned to Nibiru were treated and cured of this ageing problem. A number of banquets and astronomical observations took place during which they awaited the rising of various planets as night fell, including Nibiru. “From the topmost step…The red-haloed Nibiru into view came…The heavenly planet of the lord Anu.” As you know by now, this was not the first time that we read about the 'red hued' planet of the Anunnaki.

  The appearance of their planet made them go through another spell of deeply philosophical deliberation about the past events on Earth, their role in all of it, and “was the creation of the earthlings also destined?” They came to the startling conclusion that “The will of the Creator of All is clear to see… The Earth to earthlings belongs…To preserve and advance them we were intended.” This is what Anu shared with his extended family on Earth. And so by this newly found understanding of their role in the greater scheme of things, they agreed to reorganise humans and teach them much more about civilisation. “If that is our mission here, let us accordingly act, so did Enki say.” It is important to witness once again that it was Enki who led the drive to uplift and educate humans, as he tried to do many times before. His brother and his eldest son Marduk, would however follow a different path of educating humans, introducing a long legacy of brutality and control over them. But for now, they had to start from scratch again, establishing cities for humans and “therein sacred precincts, abodes for the Anunnaki create.” And so we learn about why the many temples to worship the many gods were built in the ancient cities. We also learn that this was the true beginning of kingship and priesthood in the world, as the Anunnaki chose appropriate humans to perform those tasks once more. “Kingship as on Nibiru on Earth to establish, crown and sceptre to a chosen man give.” This answered many questions in my own mind. For I have always been troubled by the complex and shady origins of kingship on Earth. I could never be convinced by the popular theories surrounding the origins of royalty and why it would have been necessary for kings or royalty to suddenly emerge from a group of ancient, primitive cultures. Although you will find many historians who spew forth many arguments why kingships were a natural progression in human social and structural evolution. Their arguments continue to be highly speculative, based on the popular views of the origins of Humankind, which have very little to do with the truths revealed to us in the ancient clay tablets. The king, newly appointed by the Anunnaki, would convey the word of the Anunnaki to the people and enforce “work and dexterity” on them. This was pretty much the early beginning of the Old Testament and introduced the way in which the gods began to control humans.

  The priests had an equally important role to fulfil from that point in history. They were to be taught “secret knowledge”, to teach civilisation to mankind and to serve the Anunnaki as lofty lords and worship them in the temples. Such talk about secret knowledge is fascinating. It is possible that it was this license to teach humans, which caused Enki to continue his ‘secret society’movement which has been successfully traced all the way back to Edin by William Bramley in his astonishing book Gods of Eden? After all, he was the ‘serpent’ who constantly wanted to uplift humanity!

  To achieve all this growth and development on Earth, the Anunnaki decided to establish four new regions which would be governed by appointed gods. Three of these areas were set aside for humans and the fourth for the Anunnaki, which was not accessible to humans. Enlil received the old lands, as he pretty much did before, including the Edin and all of Mesopotamia, or what became the Biblical regions in time to come; Enki retained all of Africa and Inanna, Anu's beloved great granddaughter was given the lands of the Indus Valley. The fourth region was reserved for the Anunnaki, in the Sinai Peninsula, or the ‘Place of the Chariots’ and declared out of bounds to humans.

  Anu wanted to see his grandson Marduk, so the party departed for the lands beyond the ocean. First they built a palace for Anu in the new golden land which was South America. All the buildings were covered in gold, even the statues and flowers in the gardens were made of gold, displaying incredibly intricate workmanship like never seen before. This sounds identical to the golden city described by Cortes when he first discovered the immense wealth in the Americas and stumbled upon a golden city of exactly such description. Anu saw the abundance of gold in this new land and how it was attained from the rivers near the lake in the mountains. He was also shown how a new metal was created on Earth by combining copper with tin. The result was a strong new metal which they called Anak and we call bronze. Anu was obviously pleased with the progress and realised that the time of the Anunnaki on Earth was coming to a close. “There is gold here enough for many Shars to come...” he said and called the lake Anak. If we scratch deeply enough we are likely to find references to such a name in the ancient Inca traditions, or possibly Peruvian and Bolivian cultures. What is revealed to us next is that Marduk came from the north to see Anu, which makes it pretty obvious that he must have been involved in the rise of the early Mexican civilisations, which were slightly different from the rest and yet shared many common signs of Anunnaki interventions, especially the ‘Flying Serpent’ god. And if Enki was the flying serpent god, it would explain why he frequented this part of the world – to visit his son Marduk. The architectural style
s and social building blocks are too similar to all the others around the world, not to have been driven by the planned ‘civilisation drive’ of the Anunnaki at the time. Anu felt a great sense of pity for his grandson Marduk, for the way in which his fate had separated him from the other sons of the Anunnaki and caused him to become an outcast. And so he pardoned and blessed Marduk, which was probably all the license the young rebel needed to justify his actions of defiance in time to come.

  Anu was to depart and we are reintroduced to the new landing place they had created on the Nazca plain. Anu gave his final instruction on how to deal with earthlings. “From the golden place, high in the mountain, all who had gathered to the plain below they went… There stretching to the horizon, Ninurta a new place for the chariots had prepared… Give mankind knowledge, up to a measure secrets of heaven and earth them teach.” We have seen that the concept of time had a totally different meaning to the Anunnaki and that a few Shar, or few thousand years was not an unusual timeframe to deal with. It is however a notion way outside of our human frame of reference. We can hardly comprehend circumstances which prevailed 200 years ago, so how can we possibly try to wrap our simple minds around epochs lasting 3 600 years? But those are the realities throughout the ancient times on Earth which led us to the point where we are today. This last interaction between Anu and the leading Anunnaki on Earth was almost within our grasp of comprehension because it must have taken place some 5000 BC, around the time we see the real evidence of a true civilisation with the knowledge of writing emerging on Earth. This fits in well with the final instructions given by Anu to his commanders on Earth. “Laws of justice and righteousness teach them, then depart and leave.” Those are crucial words to ponder, as we ask ourselves, ‘where are the Anunnaki today’? The answers may lie in that single statement. The Anunnaki finished their golden explorations and departed, leaving humanity to their own device. Or did they? There would still come a period of about 7,000 years, bringing us to our present time, which was filled with confusion and continued conflict, causing the virtual annihilation of the planet and taking humanity through the very murky biblical times. This was the time when the Anunnaki began to count their stay on Earth in orbits of Earth-years and not orbits of Nibiru or Shars, as they had been doing upto that point. “In the Age of the Bull, to Enlil dedicated, was the count of Earth years begun.” (Bull 4380 BC -2220 BC)


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