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Slave Species of god

Page 68

by Michael Tellinger

  Nevertheless, those words of Anu “Give mankind knowledge, up to a measure secrets of heaven and earth them teach...” were very important in the much greater scheme of things, reaching right into the 21st century. The thousands of years which followed became more widely documented and recorded in various forms and in different cultures where humans were being uplifted and nurtured by the Anunnaki gods. Because the period which followed has become known as the time when sudden ancient civilisation emerged. We now know why and how it emerged, under the watchful eye and guidance of the Anunnaki. But their internal family problems only escalated from this point in time, leaving humans as vulnerable bystanders in the great struggle for power among the Anunnaki. Enlil would do his best to control his extended family on Earth, constantly having to deal with the human problem as a side issue. Very soon the humans began to emulate their gods, initiating conflicts and aggression against each other. But those human conflicts were often driven by the gods of biblical times, as becomes very clear from the many scriptures of the Old Testament. The god of vengeance would become the omnipotent force which began to rule over humanity with an iron fist. However, what we need to consider is, was there only one ‘god’ in the Old Testament who ruled over humans, or were there more than one, leading to confusion among humans and even greater conflict between the Anunnaki gods to take control of the world and its slave species with it?

  After Anu's final departure Marduk began to make a move to assert his rightful control over the world, which was promised to him by Enki at the very beginning of time on Earth. But as we have seen, through an unforeseen set of circumstances the young Marduk was always somehow left out of the distribution of power and responsibility. This is why he finally snapped and decided to take what was ‘rightfully’ his. We should therefore not be surprised to see the levels of uncertainty by Enlil and Enki about how to deal with the problem. They both realised that Marduk had a really legitimate case to make; his forceful methods however, were not so convincing.

  The period which followed was the miracle of civilisation. This was the time when so-called primitive man stepped out of the caves and started to display very high levels of intelligence, when the knowledge and understanding of modern societies came to him virtually overnight. The reason for that is simple and it had nothing to do with some miraculous fast-track evolution or anything as dramatic as that. It was simply that the Anunnaki had strict instructions from their leader Anu, to do exactly that; train the humans and leave. And so it began. Humankind everywhere was taught the basic skills of survival by their Anunnaki gods. Remember that there were many gods who looked after the villages, towns and cities. Those were the members of the extended Anunnaki family who were assigned to look over humans and keep them under control. These gods were like field soldiers in many cases, looking after a distant outpost. When the general or commander came to town, there would normally be a celebration in the form of an offering and worshipping in the temple. Every settlement had a temple specifically designed for such purpose. We have already explored the lavish temples which were erected for the patron god of each city, with its fresh water and shady garden, a place to rest and a place where people could make their offerings. There was also a strict menu of what each god preferred to eat. Those menus would have to be prepared, sometimes several times a day, as different gods had different taste preferences. The role of the high priest was to ensure that the gods were looked after and in return the priest would be given instructions to convey to his people. Avery simple setup if you think of it. But somehow it was all twisted out of context over the past few thousand years, spawning human-made religions which became trapped between the needs of the gods and their control of the people.

  I must say that while I was reading all this information staring at me from the pages of various books, I constantly had to stop and remind myself that I was not reading a great novel, but I was actually reading the actual words written by ancient Sumerian scribes carved into clay some 4,000 to 5,500 years ago. I would suggest you do the same. It is very important to keep reminding oneself of this reality, because the content is so fantastic that it begins to sound like a science fiction screenplay conjured up by some Hollywood writer to attract mass appeal. Ask yourself once more, what possible motive would a scribe who was appointed by a king all those years ago have, to capture such content so painstakingly in clay?

  And so the civilisation of the humans began. “Where once cities of the Anunnaki alone had stood, cities for both them and earthlings now arose.” The humans were taught everything from making bricks, building, architecture, schooling, reading, writing, calculating, laws of justice, planting, harvesting, farming, finding water, using the wheel, riding of chariots, and basically everything we know today, which we have inherited from those early civilisations. There were a few well known landmarks like the city of Lagash, where Ninurta kept his “Black Skybird” and the city of Sippar from where Utu promulgated the laws of justice in a place called “Ebabbar – Shining House.”

  The time had come, to bestow kingship of sceptre and crown on Humankind and so it was that the first human king was appointed in the city of Kishi or Kish. He was called ‘Mighty Man’ by Ninurta. Kish became known as ‘Sceptre City’. This title would be moved around from city to city every few hundred years. During the rebuilding of the old cities, “where because of silt and mud the olden plans could not be followed, new sites were chosen.” The concerted effort to uplift the humans paid off very quickly and the times on Earth were prosperous. There was plenty of food for everyone for the first time in a long time, industry blossomed and the manufacturing of wheeled wagons was booming. Ninurta requested some of the ME from Enki for his tasks. Once more we read about the distinction between those who were brought up in Edin and those ‘black-headed people’ who arrived from the Abzu. But the teaching was extended to everyone. It would be these ‘black-headed people’ who would rise to become the great and powerful kings of Nubia, in the Sudan, who took over Egypt in later years. “In Kishi were the black-headed people, with numbers to calculate taught… Heavenly Nisaba writing them taught…Heavanly Ninkashi beer making them showed.” Ninurta was in charge of this land of Edin, they chanted praises to him and his ‘Black Bird’and told tales of “how in faraway lands the bison he subdued, how the white metal to mix with copper he found.” The white metal was tin, at lake Titicaca.

  Inanna also wanted to obtain some ME from Enki, so she orchestrated a devious plan of seduction during which we learn more about her powers as the goddess of love and sex. She caught Enki at home alone, inebriated him with wine and seduced him with her semi-naked posing. It reads like a script from a soft-porn movie. “With jewellery was Inanna bedecked, by her thin dress her body she revealed…When she bent down, her vulva by Enki was thoroughly admired… from the wine cups sweet wine they drank, for beer drinking a competition they had.” Sounds pretty similar to the kind of behaviour humans have been engaging in for thousands of years and we can clearly see our genetic link to the Anunnaki. During their drinking games Inanna wanted to see some of the ME. Enki had no reason to suspect anything so he allowed her to hold some of them as part of their adult entertainment. He explained to her that “ninety four ME's that for civilised kingdoms are needed.” Inevitably Enki fell asleep and she escaped with her stolen ME to start her own empire in the land she had been given. Enki's assistant Ismud chased her down, but she had hidden them by then, claiming that Enki placed them in her hand. It transpired that Enki admitted begrudgingly and he let the matter be.

  When Enlil announced that the kingship would be moved from Kishi to Inanna's abode of Unug-ki, Marduk was enraged. Once more he was denied of being the commander of the planet that was promised to him. “Enough has my humiliation been… Marduk fate in his own hands grasped.” He decided to build a sacred city of his own in the place which was at first reserved for Anu's visit. He called the Igigi and his followers from the dispersed lands and planned to build a “sacred city” and “a p
lace for sky ships”. The city in question was Babylon.

  And so, Marduk built a city which reached the sky. They made clay 'brick and burnt them by fire' to serve as stone, because there were no stones in the area. “Therewith a tower whose head the heavens can reach they were building.” We can immediately see the biblical parallel of the Tower of Babel in this part of the texts. But Enlil was not impressed with this at all. He realised that this was an attempt by Marduk to show his power and influence, which had to be kept in check. And just as it says in the Bible, “...God came down to destroy the tower and confuse their language, because if they could achieve this, they would be able to do anything.” The clay tablets tell it almost verbatim: “If this we allow to happen, no other matter of mankind shall be unreached…This evil plan must be stopped…From their skyships havoc upon the rising tower, fire and brimstone they rained.” But this was not enough for Enlil, he wanted Marduk far away from him and to confuse his earthling followers, so they could not understand each other, just as it says in the Bible. “To scatter abroad their leader and his followers… Henceforth their counsel to confuse…Their language I shall confound, that they each other's speech will not understand.” Those were very confusing words when seen in the light of an ‘all-loving God’ who is supposed to want the best for his creation and certainly not the kind of words we would expect from GOD. But when seen in the true ancient perspective, it now makes complete sense why ‘god’ would seem so angered by the building of the tower. These tablets also educate us that Marduk was the original creator of the city of Babylon. Just as with the construction of the pyramids, which we still struggle to comprehend, the marvels of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon must have been the work of an advanced being like Marduk, the Anunnaki god. But with his expulsion from Babylon, Marduk set his sights on a more exciting prospect, which would bring him loyalty and notoriety, Egypt. This was 310 years since the new Earth count began 7400 BC. This would place the event at 7090 BC or possibly even 3490 BC if the later date for Earth-count years is accepted (3,600 years later). The later date would fit the rise of the early Scorpion King and the subsequent pharaohs in Egypt.

  Sitchin gives us a very clear indication that Egypt had been ruled by the Anunnaki gods for some 12,300 years, which basically started soon after the flood ended and the Pyramids were constructed. We must remember that Marduk was the god of Egypt before he made a play for power in Babylon, but upon his return he found that his younger brother Ningishzidda had changed everything. “Ningishzidda as its master he there found…What Marduk had once planned and instructed, by Ningishzidda was overturned.” One of the things Ningishzidda was accused of, was sending Horon or Horus “ a desert place depart, a place that has no water.” This line is very important in helping us string together the rule of the god Horus in southern Egypt, known as Upper Egypt. It was predominantly a desert area and Horus was much more worshiped there that in Lower Egypt. The quarrel between the brothers lasted for 350 years, as long as the two Egypt parts were divided. Once again this timeline seems to fit perfectly, because it is estimated that the Scorpion King united Upper and Lower Egypt in about 3100 BC, which saw the rise of the true Egyptian Empire.

  After the intervention of Enki, the talented Ningishzidda was convinced to depart for the “land beyond the oceans…With a band of followers thereto he went.” We must recall that this was a talented architect who designed the pyramids and the scientist who formulated the human DNA. His symbol was similar to that of Enki, consisting of entwined serpents representing life and creation, constantly referred to as ‘The Winged Serpent’. I mentioned before that we sometimes feel uncertain whether it is Enki or Ningishzidda being referred to as the 'Winged Serpent' because their symbols were so very similar and even their abilities and characters were very close. Based on the tablets however, it was most likely Ningishzidda, who had such a huge influence on the very early American cultures, teaching them most of what they knew including the building of the incredible structures in that part of the world. But there is a further interesting twist to this part of ancient history. Prior to this, Ningishzidda lived in Africa and probably used skilled African labourers who were trained in mining and building for his projects there. They were most likely also the ones who were mainly responsible for building the pyramids under his supervision. It therefore makes perfect sense that the distinctly African features of the Olmecs could have been the labour force of Ningishzidda when he first arrived in the Americas. They were very simply his entourage of African builders and miners. Furthermore, it would explain why the writing style of the Olmecs in Mexico, resembles the writing styles of various African tribes.


  Olmec miner shown crouching in a confined space with some form of head-gear and tools in both his hands. He is protected by his ever present serpent deity. Were these Olmec miners brought from Africa by the serpent god Enki to expand the search for gold in the Americas? There are many depictions and carvings of miners in similar conditions which have baffled historians for ages.

  I have to remind you that Egypt was inhabited by humans and gods for many thousands of years before the pharaohs made their appearance. There is plenty of evidence of that in the Narmer Plate, which was found and dated to around 4468 BC and depicts the unification of Egypt by the Scorpion King Narmer. There are also the Egyptian sky charts which point out celestial constellations of some 14,000 BC. In fact, it is recorded so precisely that those specific charts can be traced to exactly 11:57 pm on the 3rd of July 14,000 BC. Historians say that it is not clear who was responsible for unifying Egypt, but the tablets tell us in no uncertain terms that it was Marduk. What is very exciting to me personally and I see it as a little victory over conservative historians, is that the Scorpion King has finally been proven to have been a real historic figure. For many years he was seen as another mythological god who lived only in ancient people's minds. This kind of discovery will hopefully lead the way in getting people to recognise that the other gods of our past were also real live beings. For many years, Menes was credited with being the first pharaonic king of Egypt. But now there is lots of evidence that King Narmer was actually the mysterious Scorpion King who predated Menes by more than 1,500 years, if not more. In the years leading up to Menes, during the time of Narmer the Scorpion King, there is a lot of reference to the god Nannar, who was Enlil's son and was possibly active in Egypt before Marduk finally took control of it. Is it possible that Narmer was Nannar's son? Who was responsible for unifying Egypt? Or did he achieve this under the rule of Marduk? The Scorpion King's images cover the ruins of a fully fledged city, which was excavated at Hierakompolis dating back to 3500 BC. Furthermore, a dig at Abydos delivered 160 small bone and ivory plates, the size of a large stamp, which contain the oldest known versions of early hieroglyphic text. Gunter Dryer, a German archaeologist believes that they were the possessions of the Scorpion King, since they were found in his tomb. Could this be another example of how the Anunnaki gods were slowly introducing the earthlings to the art of writing? Because these finds are now possibly the oldest examples of written text on Earth. It seems that Marduk took over this part of the world around 3500 BC, which is also probably the reason why we knew so little about Narmer The scorpion King, because he did all the initial work for Marduk, before the Pharaonic era was introduced. And besides, it is possible that Narmer was of Enlil's clan and this would not have been pleasing to Marduk. All future pharaohs would have to be related to Marduk and his Igigi or Neteru (watchers) in some way. All this information would make Narmer well over 1,500 years old by the time he was buried. Could that be possible? Why not? Noah or Ziusudra was 36,000 years old according to the Sumerians' count. But that was all on account of him being a human son of Enki. There is therefore no reason to marvel at the age of King Narmer if he was the son of Nannar, a full Anunnaki god. But he too would eventually die as all human half-breeds did.

  By the time Marduk took control of Egypt, he had the whole of the land to himself.
North and south were unified and he began building his dynasty as the great god Ra, “The Bright One”. Enki was known as Ptah – ‘The Developer’ and Ningishzidda was Thoth or Tehuti – ‘The Divine Measurer’. From the beginning, Marduk/Ra wanted to stamp a brand new authority on this land of his. The first thing he did was to erase the face of Ningishzidda off the Lion Sphinx statue. “To erase his memory, Ra on the Stone Lion his image with that of his son Asar replaced.” But Marduk went a lot further to differentiate his land from the others. He changed the counting into tens and not by sixty; he divided the year into ten periods; and “the watching of the moon by the watching of the Sun he replaced…The two lands of the North and South into one Crown City he united.” This ancient statement clearly suggests that it was Marduk after all, who was behind the unification of Egypt, which means that Narmer was acting on his instructions. I hope that this will finally put this part of Egyptian history to rest. Probably not. It is painfully clear that Marduk was a very talented and yet a highly frustrated individual who wanted to get his own back for the years of being overlooked. He was going to do everything in his power to prove his point and rise above the rest of the gods. He did not waste any time before he introduced a new religion and instituted Pharaonic reign to mark the beginning of his new breed of civilisation. But his biggest mistake was to declare himself as ‘god above the rest’. The Pharaohs had to be half-god, half-earthling and were chosen mostly from the group of Anunnaki gods known as ‘Neteru’or ‘The Watchers’whose job it was to look after the earthlings, but it was actually more like ‘spying’ on the humans than anything else. The Neteru could very well be the so-called angels who mysteriously made their appearance to humans when they least expected them. These were after all the early biblical times and the occurrence of angels would become almost a daily affair. Suddenly the mystery of the ever-present angels does not seem so mysterious any more and there seems to be a plausible reason for their presence in the tightly controlled human society.


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