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Slave Species of god

Page 71

by Michael Tellinger

  The terrible events of the recent past when Iraq was accused of harbouring weapons of mass destruction, revolved mainly around biological weapons. It is tragic that the 20th century witnessed a number of attacks where biological weapons were used and the descriptions in the clay tablets are a precise description of what happened in recent times when people fell victim to such attacks. They fell where they stood; their skin was burnt or covered with grotesque sores; their mouths filled with blood; suffocating in their own phlegm. There is no doubt that those ancient accounts are the gruesome description of biological warfare. How is it possible that a 4,000-year-old clay tablet could have depicted such events if they weren't actually real? It is highly unlikely and utterly improbable that an ancient scribe would be able to imagine such events. This level of technology predated the Dark and Middle Ages by three thousand years, where the sword and horse were the main weapon. You be your own judge to determine what the real meaning of those biblical and Sumerian descriptions are. “Everything that lived behind it was dead, people and cattle all alike perished… The waters were poisoned…All vegetation withered.” But then came the incredible miracle which was seen by Enlil in a dream some time before the event. All of the lands were covered and destroyed by the “Evil Wind” covering them from west to east. All except Babylon, “where Marduk supremacy declared, by the evil winds was spared.” This was perceived as a miracle by Enlil and everyone else among the Anunnaki. Finally they declared that “Marduk to supremacy has been destined.” There was no other possible explanation in their eyes and slowly they made plans to disperse, leaving Marduk to rule. The Anunnaki show us their spiritual side once more as they debate the relationships between fate and destiny and how it has shaped their stay on Earth. But one can sense between the lines that they were tired, focusing on completing their mission to find gold, and returning to Nibiru. Although Enlil and Enki were energetic and vibrant commanders on their arrival to Earth, the short yearly cycles had aged them, as was described in earlier parts of the story. It certainly feels as if they did not have the energy left to continue squabbling. They had done what they deemed necessary, at the expense of their slave species. But now the time had come to go home.

  The years that followed were tense and hard on the surviving humans. The old biblical scripts are filled with trials and tribulations of the human tribes, under the brutal dictatorship of the new god Marduk. He skilfully and cunningly controlled the human race, commanding them to pray to one god only, himself. He is referred to as the ‘god of vengeance’ in the Bible, and that is exactly what he had become. It was as if the many years it took him to gain control of the planet, which was initially promised to him, made Marduk bitter. He did not show any of the benevolent traits his father Enki displayed towards the human species throughout the years. The many demigods which people had worshipped in years past were slowly disappearing under pressure from Marduk and the world was being converted into a monotheistic society. He became the only god who humans were allowed to worship. He demanded sacrifices of gold, food, animals, and even humans. The early American cultures of the Aztecs and their ancestors had a brutal ceremony during which human hearts were extracted while still beating. There were as manyas 20,000 captives killed in one massive sacrificial offering to their god. There is no reason to believe that they would have done something like that on their own. There was regular contact between the ancient cultures and their gods. Their actions would have been a direct response to a strict command by their god. There were many other gruesome customs performed by most of the ancient cultures. These barbaric customs only seem to have surfaced once Marduk took control of the planet some 2064 BC, lasting way beyond the Christian era into the Dark Ages which included the brutal power mongering of the Catholics during the Crusades between the 11th and 13th centuries AD.

  Now that the story has been told, we need to sit back, take a few deep breaths to absorb all this information and ask ourselves a crucial question. What the hell is going on? Have we been lied to and bamboozled all our lives? Can the human race be so gullible and ignorant to be so exploited for so long? The answer to that is a definite YES. You don't have to go back in time to witness the willingness of humans to follow a brutal dictator in huge numbers completely oblivious of their own state of ignorance. Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Bush are just the obvious examples of how people will follow a leader whom they believe will protect them and make them stronger than their enemies. But now, the obvious question we need to ask is, where are the Anunnaki now? Where are Enlil and Enki and Marduk today? Are they around, or have they all departed? Do they play any part in the confused state of mind of the modern humans? This is a question which warrants an extended study and would be a great subject of a book on its own. But I will dare to say the following: If you had to abandon a paradise island which you had inhabited for many years, because of some kind of ecological disaster, would you not like to return at some stage to see how it has recovered and developed in your absence? There is a very strong possibility that the many unexplained sightings of UFOs may have something to do with our ancient creators, checking up on the progress of their offspring. But we have reached a very disparate level of development or possibly even evolution on this planet. Some cultures are trapped in customs thousands of years old, living deep in the hearts of rain forests, not showing any signs of progress, while others are landing probes on Mars and cloning new life. The Earth today is a very different place to what it was 1,000 years ago. So if we assume that the Anunnaki departed from Earth some 1,000 years ago, it would be unwise for them to arrive on this planet in its current state of cultural and religious confusion. We would probably try to blow them out of the sky on their arrival, trying to tell us that ‘they’ were actually our ‘creators’. Are they trying to help us or guide us? Who knows. There is however an important lesson we should learn. The arrogant way in which we treat the precious knowledge from our distant past, has only extended our years of ignorance. As intelligent as we may think we are, we still do not know who we are, where we come from and why we are here on this lonely planet called Earth. If we allow our minds to be opened, we can only grow as a species, allowing us to evolve faster, both physically and spiritually. Because only then will we be able to join the universal community of beings, becoming one with the Great Universal Spirit, the creator of the universe and all things in it. I believe that we are on the cusp of achieving this giant evolutionary step, but it is up to us as a species to see it through to its conclusion. And on our path of evolution and enlightenment, we must at all times remind ourselves, that while we are in this primitive state of mind, things are not always what they seem.


  Food for Thought In bite-size chunks

  This chapter contains snippets and excerpts which were omitted from the main body. It will add a little spice to what we have already covered. Some of these are vitally integral parts of the debate, but in this format they make a suitable dessert to end the rather lengthy tale of our origins. Now that you have consumed a rather heavy meal, I trust that this pudding will help you digest it.

  God or gods?

  There are various passages in the Bible like Gen 35:7-13 and Psalms 82:1, which create great confusion about god, because they mix up plural and singular forms of the word “gods/Elohim”. Giving us more fodder to question the presence of many gods rather than just one.

  Goliath, Giants and Nephilim

  Erik Parker tells us that the word Nephilim does not mean giants but they probably were giants in size as most depictions from ancient Mesopotamia showed the Anunnaki gods to be much taller than humans. In Numbers 13:33, it calls the Nephilim the "children of Anak.” The word for giants in Hebrew is Anak (singular) and Anakim (plural). According to the Signet – Hebrew/English Dictionary by Dov Ben Abba, the word for giant can be “Anak” or “Anaki”. We also find out from Parker that the famous giants or “Anakim” were descendants of the Anunnaki and Enki. Other examples of giants in the Bible are referred t
o as Og, King of Bashan (Deut 3:1), and Goliath the giant whom David defeated (Samuel 21:15-19). This highlights another Sumerian influence. Goliath's name which is Galyat in Hebrew, starts with the word ‘Gal’ meaning ‘great’ in Sumerian. Today in the English language, we can use the word Goliath to denote something big and gigantic. The word Nephilim, which has caused so much controversy among scholars comes from the root ‘Naphal’ – to fall down. It is consistent with the word Anunnaki, which means ‘those who from Heaven to Earth came’. Nephilim means ‘those who fell down’ or ‘the fallen ones’. In historical and biblical context it means very clearly ‘those who have fallen down from Heaven above’. In Numbers 13:33 we read the following: “There we saw the Nephilim, (the children of Anak, which come from the Nephilim) and we were in their site as grasshoppers.”

  Matthew & Jmmanuel

  The Talmud Jmmanuel has been described as the original document from which the Gospel of Matthew was re-written. The numerous examples are astounding, often pointing to more fantastical occurrences that were conveniently removed from the New Testament. Here is one more such example:

  Mt 4:1-11

  “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil...Then the devil left him, and behold, angels came and ministered to him.”

  TJ 3:33-4:51

  “Behold, after these words Jmmanuel entered into the metallic light, which climbed into the sky, surrounded by fire and smoke, and passed over the lifeless sea, as the singing of the metallic light soon faded away. After that, Jmmanuel was no longer seen for forty days and nights... Thus, he lived for forty days and nights between the winds of the North and the West, where he received the arcanum of knowledge. During this instruction period he spent his days with the wise saints of El and the guardian angels, the celestial sons...Thus they spoke, the celestial sons between the North and the West, before bringing Jmmanuel in the metallic light back to Israel, to the land of Galilee.”


  Ancient historians like Manetho and Herodotus both agree that Egypt had gods as its rulers. We can actually track this for an extended period of some 17 500 years, dating back to well before the flood. This time was ruled by actual gods themselves which was followed by semi-human gods. The Turin Papyrus which dates back to Rameses II names the list of gods starting with Ra, Geb, Osiris, Seth, Horus and Thoth among others. But then it continues to list 38 semi-divine rulers who continued to rule over Egypt under the guidance of various gods. In 1843 already, Dr. Samuel Birch who was the curator of the British Museum announced that the papyrus and its fragments had produced a total of 330 names which “coincided with 330 kings mentioned by Herodotus”. The Egyptians firmly believed that Ra came to Earth from a planet they referred to as a “Planet of Millions of Years”. They also believed that the Ben-Ben, which was the uppermost separate unit of the Great Pyramid, was the vessel which carried the gods to Earth. Another name for the Ben-Ben was ‘Pyramidion Bird’. Even then the technological advancement which is depicted in the tablets is astounding. The god Ptah was shown to be controlling the flow of the river Nile. With a succession of reservoirs and gates which could be opened and closed, he could allow the river to rise and fall as he wanted. Something modern engineers only managed to repeat thousands of years later.

  The Egyptians called the gods and their offspring ‘Ntr’which means ‘guardian or watcher’. We have discover that these ‘watchers’ played a crucial part in the Pharaonic period of Egypt's history. When Marduk or Ra eventually took control, he decreed that all kings had to be descendants of the Neteru – ‘the watchers’. It was said that they came to Egypt from ‘Ta-Ur’the ‘Faraway Foreign Land’but it could also have meant that they actually came from Ur, the city itself. The straits of the Red Sea were called ‘Ta-Neter’which connect Mesopotamia and Egypt and were seen as the direction from which they came.


  This is just 1 of 6 existing copies of the pre-flood king lists which are known to us at present. Written in Sumerian on clay circa 2000 BC in Babylonia, the list outlines the beginnings of Sumerian and the world's history as the Sumerians knew it. It provides names of kings and cities of great antiquity. It is generally thought that the ‘antediluvian king list’ is reflected in Genesis 5, which lists the patriarchs from Adam to Noah, living a collective 8,575 years. Like Enoch – 365 years and Methuselah – 969 years. Is it possible that the 222,600 years of the king list is a more realistic reflection of the huge span of time from Creation to the flood? The first of the five cities mentioned, Eridu, is the area where the myths place the Garden of Eden, while the last city, Shuruppak, is the city of Ziusudra, the Sumerian Noah.



  Code of Hammurabi: Preamble

  While Hammurabi, the founding king of Babylon, was writing his codes of law circa 2100 -1900 BC, he preceded them by the statement below. This should leave no doubt in our minds as to who was actually his ‘living god’. Take note that historians are still not in agreement when exactly Hammurabi lived, hence the 200-year margin.

  “Lofty Anu, lord of the gods who from heaven came to Earth, and Enlil, lord of Heaven and Earth who determines the destinies of the land, determined for Marduk, the firstborn of Enki, the Enlil-functions over all mankind;

  Made him great among the gods who watch and see,

  Called Babylon by name to be exalted, made it supreme in the world;

  And established for Marduk, in its midst, an everlasting kingship.”

  War of the Titans

  In Sumerian ‘TI.TA.AN’ means ‘those who in heaven live’. There are many breathtaking descriptions in Sumerian tablets of the war between the Titans and Olympians, pointing to the fact that the gods were at odds with each other for quite some time. There are several smaller incidences between gods which are stretched over long periods. But then to humans a 10-year period is a long time, so it needs to be taken in context. The Anunnaki gods had a completely different outlook on time. Their immortal DNA made them less aware of the passage of time. It was seemingly not an important factor in their lives. Here are some Sumerian extracts describing the battles between the gods. It seems pretty clear to me that this was not just a description of a stormy night.

  “Thus, then, they launched their grievous bolts at one another;

  And the cry of both armies as they shouted reached to the starry heaven as they clashed with a great battle cry.”

  Another tablet section states the following:

  “The hot vapour lapped around…

  Flame unspeakable rose high to the upper air…

  The flashing glare of the Thunderstone, its lightning blinded their eyes, so strong it was.

  Astounding heat seized Chaos…

  It seemed as if Earth and wide Heaven above had come together…”

  Vedic scriptures

  The Hindus believe that the ancient Vedic scriptures are “not of human origin” and that they were actually composed by the gods in a previous age. There are fantastic references to the gods and their awesome weapons. It was the god Tvashtri or ‘Fashioner’ who provided the gods with ‘aerial cars’ and other mysterious weapons which appear as hand-held items in ancient Hindu depictions. Among a host of others, he created a trident for Rudra; a ‘Fire Weapon’ for Agni; and a ‘Bolt-hurling Thunder’ for Indra. The Vedic texts talk about “…a triple seat and reins of gold, the famous car that traverses Heaven and Earth.” And from a translation of Mahabharata, The Epic of Ancient In
dia we read a translation by R. Dutt which contains the following:

  “The gods in cloud-borne chariots, came to view the scene so fair…

  Bright celestial cars in concourse sailed upon the cloudless sky.”

  The texts also introduce us to gods who were “swift as young falcons” and who were called ‘Ashvins’ or ‘Drivers’, who specialised in operating celestial chariots. They are referred to as “the best of charioteers who reached the heavens”. The Vedic scriptures or poems are truly a remarkable read. I highly recommend that you look them up on the internet and indulge in the large volume of work. It is so rich in graphic imagery and grandiose action, it will enthral you for weeks. Within a very short time of reading the first poem, you will realise that this was much more than some hallucinogenic manifestation.


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