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Slave Species of god

Page 72

by Michael Tellinger

  Flying vehicles

  The Akkadians had a name for ‘the flying vehicle’ which they called Ti-ia-ri-ta. Why would they need a name for such vehicles? Where did they see them?


  Ancient civilisations were obsessed with images of winged gods and deities. These are just a few examples from various cultures.


  Would the primitive people of the modern world look at these objects in the sky and see them as winged deities or discs? We learn in the Sumerian tablets that the Anunnaki possessed the technology to fly around and monitor activities around the world.

  Nature -Nurture

  There has been an age-old tussle between philosophers and psychologists about the effects of ‘Nature versus Nurture’. In other words, how the environment effects individuals as opposed to their genetic predisposition. Many are still of the opinion that ‘Nurture’, or upbringing, plays the dominant role in determining the eventual makeup of an individual. Without starting a philosophical debate, we should remind ourselves that in most such cases where the upbringing has moulded a person, we are dealing with personality or habitual manifestations of their character. Not physical or genetic manifestations which are predetermined by the DNA, like colour of eyes, height, hair, or even genetically programmed disease. You can eat as much fish as you like, if you have brown eyes, they will not become blue. It has however been noted that in certain coastal communities with high fish intake, many people have developed deep turquoise eye colour. This was however as a result of a genetic change in the individuals over many generations which eventually manifested itself in such a dramatic physical appearance.


  It is truly tragic to realise that humans have actually been enslaved economically, culturally and religiously for 200,000 years. You may throw all kinds of intellectual arguments at this statement, but the fact remains that it has been this continuous oppression of humanity, which has largely retarded our rapid progress. We don't know where we would be technologically today if we had a global society free of oppression.

  Capitalism versus communism

  Humanity is by nature a communal species. Look at what we are prepared to sacrifice for our families. We work relentlessly for the benefit of our spouses and offspring. We don't expect any reward, we simply do it for love. Okay, there may be an argument there, but in general, each member of the family contributes to the greater well-being of the unit without expecting to be rewarded for it financially. They all share the spoils and benefits without much trepidation, allowing each member to enjoy whatever luxuries have been provided for. In most families this behaviour is extended to the cousins and nephews and uncles and aunts. In some cultures such behaviour is even extended to the greater community which may comprise the local village. And then, suddenly everything changes. The gentle communal character becomes the monstrous ‘capitalistic beast’. Suddenly the concept of ‘what can I do for my community’ is crushed by ‘what can I do for myself’. Capitalism is all about amassing wealth for an individual, which ultimately means money. How can I make the most amount of money with the least amount of effort? To achieve this elevated level of wealth, the individual would have to at some stage use and abuse other humans to achieve his goal. This will undoubtedly mean some form of slavery or exploitation if you want, of less financially stable individuals. Capitalism is a clear indication that the ‘greed’ gene is so strong in our bodies, that we disguise it in all kinds of cloaks which are meant to sweeten the taste of this bitter system. Capitalism is not only a recipe for disaster among the human race, but I do also fear that democracy has been successfully hijacked by a small group of capitalists who have found a useful front to attain insane wealth at the expense of the greater majority of humans. What is this insane chase for wealth all about? Where does it end? Will one giant organisation eventually own the whole world and use the humans as its slaves as it pleases? Where will capitalistic greed and wealth get us as a species on a fragile planet? You should give this some thought, and I mean deep thought. Imagine the crew of Starship Enterprise in a constant struggle for capitalistic supremacy…I don't think they would get much further then the edge of the solar system. Even on board of that imaginary spaceship, there is a well-organised communal structure, devoid of capitalist greed. Maybe the crew of Star Trek are meant to teach us more than just about deep space. But rather a whole new form of ‘communalism’, which transcends capitalism into the 22nd millennium and into the final frontier of new socio-economic disciplines.


  The Sumerian word Za-ab means ‘gold’ which is Ab-zu in reverse. Abzu was the name for Africa, where the gold was extracted in great quantity. It meant ‘The Primeval Source’.


  The Great Pyramid was the tallest building in the world for thousands of years. The first modern structure to surpass its height was the Eiffel tower. According to Zahi Hawass, the respected and famous Egyptian archaeologist, there are 104 pyramids remaining in Egypt, 54 of which have 'substructures' meaning that they have some sort of passages and rooms built underneath the pyramid. As far as my research has shown, there is only one pyramid with a complex of internal chambers, in the middle of the pyramid - The Great Pyramid. We should not find that surprising as it does not take a genius to figure out that this would be the most difficult aspect of such giant structures to plan and execute. It is much easier to create the passages and rooms in the foundation of the pyramids and then build the rest on top of it. But many of the pyramids are hardly recognisable as such and look more like mounds of rubble. Indicating that the only three 'properly' built pyramids were the Giza pyramids which actually still survive in their awesome splendour. The two Great Pyramids were also the largest Egyptian pyramids built. While most of the others which were built later hardly stand, mostly collapsed and reduced to rubble, those three Great pyramids of Giza keep astounding us with their architectural ingenious. They did not collapse, they inspired later kings to build similar structures and yet no other pharaoh, irrespective of his power or wealth, could imitate the original three pyramids in their complexity. Just imagine the sequence of events according ot he popular historical theory Narmer, the first king of Egypt unified a bunch of peasant farmers who eked out a living along the Nile some 3 200 BC. He declared himself the king of the entire Ehypt and fought wars against invading armies. He was succeeded by Menes, the first king of 30 dynasties. And sometime during the early part of the Old Kingdom, before building any of the other pyramids with the exception of possibly one, they built the three Great Pyramids of Giza. If Narmer unified a bunch of peasants under him, where did he get his knowledge and wisdom from? Where among the farmesrs did the later kings find the ingenious builders with the sudden knowledge to construct the most complex of all the pyramids? It all sounds a little suspicious to me. Even today, if you went around the world and rounded up thousands of farmers, asking them to construct a pyramid the size of the Great Pyramid, you would not succeed. So, I would urge you to think about this whole pyramid thing as practically and realistically as you can and don't be influenced by the popular fairytales spewed forth by blind historians. Just to give you some food for thought, there are 56 perfectly polished slabs of granite in the King's Vhapber, each weighing about 54 tons. Those had to be quarried some 900 kilometres south of Giza at Aswanand brought all the way to the building site. Then they had to lift and place into position the giant blocks, shich today could only be picked up by a handful of modern cranes. But some of the stones in the mortuary temple of Menkaure, the 3rd and smallest Giza pyramid, are over 200 tons in weight.

  Great Pyramid (Khufu)

  Pyramid of Djoser substructure

  Extract from the restoration stela of Tutankhamen as translated by Sir Alan Gardiner:

  “When his majesty arose as king of the temples of the gods and goddesses ….The Delta had fallen into decay, their shrines had fallen into desolation and become ruins overgro
wn with weeds…The gods had turned their back on the land.”

  This is in keeping with Marduk's rise and eventual abandonment of Egypt between 3200 and 1200 BC, leaving behind an impoverished Egypt and kings who were losing power. Mainly because their god Marduk had deserted them.

  Colour of the Pharaohs

  I find it fascinating that the different kings and queens of Egypt are depicted as having different skin colours. Some are seen as very light-skinned, others have a darker reddish hue to their skin, while some are quite dark-skinned. It is also notable that the slaves and workers around the kings and queens are almost always depicted as being of a darker skin colour than the royalty. Should we be surprised by this? It tells us in the tablets that Marduk decreed that all the kings would have to be descendants of the Neteru or Igigi. I have already pointed out that those were advanced gods and followers of Marduk for many thousands of years and they were the eventual Aryans who were white and technologically advanced. It is therefore not surprising that as time went by and the Pharaohs interbred, the latter kings were darker in skin colour, much closer to the original humans who were “red-hued” in skin colour according to the Sumerian tablets. The workers and slaves have often been referred to as the ‘black-headed people’ in ancient scripts. It seems as if the race card has played a pivotal role in human history since the very origins of humanity. It was only towards the end of the Egyptian Empire when the Nubian kings invaded Egypt and became kings of Egypt, that we see the emergence of ‘black’ kings in Egypt. And where did these black Nubian kings come from? Africa of course!

  African Kings

  African Kingdoms have survived longer than any of the other global civilisations, arguably starting around 2,000 BC and still existing today. There are however ruins in Monomotapa, southern Africa, which include the Great Zimbabwe ruins, which could be many thousands of years old dating back to 100,000 BC or more.


  There is no doubt that the old cities of the Bible were also the original cities of the Sumerian gods. What there is doubt about, is why did they write the books of the Old Testament, if the knowledge and information was already there? If it already existed for all to see? They must have been aware of it! Or were they just as ignorant as we are today? Looking upon ancient works some 2,000 years old to them, not knowing what to make of it? If one takes into account the amount of manipulation of Humankind that was going on by the gods and the royalty, it becomes evident that most of the working ‘slave species’ were pretty ignorant about mostly everything. They simply subsisted from day to day, never knowing when they would no longer be needed or sent into some inexplicable battle.


  Bab-Ili means ‘Gateway of the Gods’ in Akkadian. All the historical accounts of the Tower of Babel have the same objectives: To build a tower to reach the sky or heavens.


  The creator of the universe and all things in it, the GOD with a big G, was hijacked by the architects of popular religions. They reduced the Supreme Being to a materialistic humanoid with greed and vengeance as his backbone.

  Communism & Religion

  The basis of most, if not all popular religions, is the concept of never turning your back on your fellow man and always being prepared to lend a hand. Is it possible that the concept of communism was the basis of all religions? The stronghold of Qumran was a perfect example of a communal society all sharing everything and living together. This is where Josef, father of Jesus, lived and was educated. This was an Essene establishment with lots of evidence that there was constant intervention by angels and even the gods. Is this yet another indication that the Anunnaki gods were actually communists at heart? That they understood the basic principles of sharing and working together towards a common well-being of the entire community? That is the origin of all human culture which seems to have been passed down to us by the Anunnaki. The concept of trade and especially money, only entered the arena long after the flood and during the early days of modern civilisations. Although it can be said that slavery, which predates all of these events, was probably responsible for keeping a kind of status-quo among the populations while providing food and luxuries to everyone.


  The Pharisees called Jesus “the man of a lie” referring to his teachings as illegitimate.

  Other gods

  There is plenty of talk about other gods in the Bible and whenever they are mentioned, they are immediately condemned to being vile and evil impostors.

  Malachi 2:11-12

  “Judah has broken faith. A detestable thing has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem: Judah has desecrated the sanctuary the LORD loves, by marrying the daughter of a foreign god. As for the man who does this, whoever he may be, may the LORD cut him off from the tents of Jacob even though he brings offerings to the LORD Almighty.”

  1 Corinthians 8:4-5

  “We know that an idol is nothing at all in the world and that there is no God but one. For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth as indeed there are many gods and many lords…”

  Saviours and messengers

  There are several references in the Bible to the saviour or messiah or messenger of god who will come to save humanity. But the identity of the messiah is kept very dubious.

  Malachi 3:1

  “‘See, I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,’ says the LORD Almighty.”

  Submission to Rulers and Masters

  It is unacceptable that a disciple of Jesus should condone slavery, telling slaves to be proud and accept their unjustified punishment, because they are doing good in god's eyes.

  1 Peter

  “Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.”

  And here we are instructed to ‘fear’ god. Why should we fear our loving maker unless he has some malicious streak up his sleeve?

  1 Peter continues: 14-22

  “Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honour the king…Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. “He committed no sin, …and no deceit was found in his mouth.”

  The conniving god uses Jesus to mislead humans:

  1 Peter 23-24

  “When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.”


  The Sumerians would recite the Enuma Elish or Epic of Creation verbatim on sacred days just as other religious scriptures are recited by more recent religions on certain days. We see a great example of dual histories when comparing Genesis to this book, written some 2000 years earlier. Laurence Gardner has outlined some of the common elements between Genesis and Enuma Elish.

  Enuma Elish Genesis

  - Divine spirit is coexistent and coeternal with cosmic matter. - Divine spirit creates cosmic matter and exists independently of it.

  - Primeval chaos, with darkness enveloping the salt waters. - Adesolate waste, with darkness covering the deep.

  - Light emanates from the gods and the firmament is created above Earth. - Light is created by God and the firmament is created above the the Earth.

  - Dry la
nd is created on Earth. - Dry land is created on Earth.

  - The luminaries (sun, moon and stars) are created. - The luminaries (sun, moon and stars) are created.

  - Man is created Adamu or Lulu amelu. - Man is created -Adam. -God rests.

  It is important to remember that Genesis was written around 600 BC while the Enuma Elish is several thousand years older. Dan Sewell Ward points out that “The comparative brevity of Genesis with respect to the Enuma Elish is probably indicative that it is far easier to edit out sections than creatively add new ones, especially when there is a strong resistance to originality in writing the holy texts of a religion.”

  The Egyptian scribe Ipuwer allows us to make some enlightening comparisons between Genesis and the Egyptian texts captured in the Papyrus Ipuwer. Immanuel Velikovsky pointed out the similarities and showed that the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt did actually occur at the end of the Old Kingdom and not later as is often suggested.

  Eddas and Vedas

  Is it coincidental that the most venerated ancient Norse scriptures are called the Eddas and contain a character called Rig, who talks about three classes of man: ‘Slave’, ‘Freeman’ and ‘Noble’ – while the Hindus have their sacred scriptures called the Vedas, of which the oldest is the ‘Rig Veda'. The Hindu culture is well-known for their caste class structure dividing people into four classes. Another clear link between the Aryans from Scandinavia and Indus Valley.

  Papyrus Ipuwer Exodus

  Papyrus 2:5-6: Plague is throughout the land. Blood is everywhere. Exodus 7:21: …there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.

  Papyrus 2:10: The river is blood. Exodus 7:20: …all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.

  Papyrus 3:10: Men shrink from tasting - they thirst after water for they could not drink of the water of the river Exodus 7:24: And all the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to drink.


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