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Texas Pride

Page 15

by Kindle Alexander

  “Is that why you sold me the land?” Austin asked.

  “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. It’s my responsibility, and I’ll get through it on my own. I’ve got the hay baler now, cows about to go on sale and four quarter horses about to pop. I’ll handle it myself.” Kitt had already said more than he intended and refused to say another word.

  “If this lasts between us we’re going to have to talk about it because that’s what couples do. Not that I’m jumping us ahead to couple status so get that look off your face. You frustrate me, Kitt. You never give. Ever. What would be so bad about being a couple? No, don’t answer. I don’t want to argue anymore tonight.” Austin brought both his hands up to cup Kitt’s face, holding him right there as he spoke.

  “There are far more important things we should be concentrating on…I want to fuck you like crazy and then do it again! I’m celebrating. Fisker worried me…” Austin leaned in to capture Kitt’s lips with his own. He thrust his tongue forward, swiping at the seam of Kitt’s mouth until he gained entrance. He wasn’t going for the sweet tender kiss Kitt planned. No matter what angle Kitt came in, he never got the upper hand in the kiss. Austin dominated him at every turn, and Kitt grinned when he found himself being pushed down to the sleeping bag.

  “Lay down, Kitt, before I drop you to your knees on this hard ground. I’m feeling possessive as hell right now. You made me work too hard for that commitment. You make me work too hard for even your simplest smile. I need to fully fuck you until you get it through that thick skull of yours that you’re mine.” Austin meant every word said.

  It was pitch black outside with only the stars and fire giving off any light. Kitt stumbled as Austin flipped him around. He landed on his knees on the sleeping bag. Austin was right there on him. His movements were forceful as Austin spread his legs, sliding two dry fingers in his rim, stretching him quickly.

  “I can’t see the lube,” Austin grumbled still working Kitt, adding a third finger. Kitt felt around on the ground in the general direction of where he thought he laid it earlier and grinned when he found the lube and condoms. For a short moment, Kitt thought he might tease Austin, say he couldn’t find them, but he gave the guy at his ass a break and tossed them over his shoulder.

  Austin wasted no time. He condomed up and burrowed deep inside Kitt in the first mind blowing thrust of his eager hips. Austin easily conquered the tight rim, going straight for the spot, massaging there as he dove inside.

  There was only a momentary hiss from both men before Austin pushed Kitt down between his shoulder blades. Austin kept his hand there to hold Kitt in place. Kitt’s head was smashed on the sleeping bag, or it may have been the ground, who knew for sure.

  Austin kept one had on Kitt’s back and anchored the other hand against his hip. He rose up on his feet for a better angle and used the leverage from Kitt’s body to help better pound into him. Those sweet moments of gentle caresses and loving words were long gone. Austin worked Kitt over like he had a right to be there. Austin’s balls slapped Kitt’s ass with every single fast thrust he made moving deeper and deeper inside him. He had no choice but to take it and open wider. Austin wasn’t going to be done until he claimed Kitt in both body and soul. There was no formality to it, definitely no foreplay, just the hard fucking they both seemed to desperately need.

  “It feels good...move a little to the left….Yeah! Fuck, Austin! That feels good.”

  “You’re mine Kitt. Say it. Say you’re mine.” Austin jackhammered his hips, relentlessly pounding into Kitt. He pushed down harder with the hand holding Kitt’s hips forcing his ass a little higher in the air.

  “Say it Kitt. You’ve made me wait too long. Say it,” Austin demanded, panting between deep breaths.

  “I’m gonna come,” Kitt said through deep, breathy moans.

  His response caused Austin to drive harder into his ass. Austin said something as Kitt’s body felt like it was ripping apart. The lines of pleasure and pain blurred. Kitt reached out fisting the sleeping bag, shoving his ass higher in the air to get his other hand around his own engorged cock.

  “Say it,” Austin growled, changing his position when he realized Kitt was stroking himself underneath. He pushed Kitt’s hand away, and gripped Kitt’s dick, squeezing it tightly, refusing to let him come. The pounding never stopped.

  “Say it, and I’ll get you off,” Austin bellowed.

  “…I’m yours…” It came out in a whimper.

  “Yeah you are.” It was all Austin needed to hear. He stroked Kitt erratically, with no skill whatsoever, making Kitt instantly come. Austin shouted his own release just seconds later as he fell forward on Kitt’s back, pushing them both down on top of the sleeping bag.

  Chapter 12

  The sudden shake of his head startled Kitt awake. A smile came to his lips as he closed his eyes against the early morning sun. His mind fought the urge to fully wake. He ran his nose along the top of Austin’s head breathing in his scent. This morning Austin’s hair was mixed with a little bit of smoke from their fire, and a little bit a sweat from their all night sexual quest. Kitt’s ass was sore. Deliciously sore, he’d heard said somewhere along the way, and now he understood completely what those words meant.

  All night, Austin had stayed rough and eager, giving and taking before turning gentler, sweet and tender. The one thing he hadn’t exaggerated about, they went at it all night long. Kitt’s ass got a couple of solid poundings, the kind that would cause this ache to stick around for a few days. Austin told him he intended it to remind Kitt who his ass belonged to while he went away to Los Angeles.

  Funny how the thought of commitment and exclusivity with Sean had freaked him out, but now with Austin, his heart felt light and breezy, ready to be Austin’s for however long he wanted it and him. The romantic thought caused Kitt to smile again, and he kissed the top of Austin’s head.

  They lay zipped up tight in the sleeping bag. Austin sprawled across Kitt, and they held each other tight. It didn’t look like they changed position much over the last couple of hours. In these early morning hours, Kitt still couldn’t fully wrap his mind around the fact that Austin wanted a long term, exclusive relationship with him. Well, now, relationship was never actually mentioned, but exclusivity was made very clear. A long term fuck buddy with someone who was hiding from the world had to mean a relationship of some sort, right? Kitt felt shockingly great about it all. Maybe shocked better described it, but to know the person you wanted most in the world actually wanted you back…yeah, the word great fit right up there too.

  Based on the sun, it had to be early. Kitt guessed it close to seven. A noise caused him to look to the side of their sleeping bag. He figured the cows were making their way down the pasture. It was where they came first thing in the morning. That was probably what woke him. Kitt looked to the left of them but saw nothing. He looked to the right and saw the fire was just embers now. He stroked his hand up Austin’s back thinking if it were early enough, maybe they’d have time for one more round before Austin had to get going. After a minute more of lightly stroking his fingertips across Austin’s back, Kitt ran his hand down to Austin’s ass, sliding a finger into the crease. It was still a little oily from last night and his finger slid in easily. It made Austin finally lift his head. Sleepy, tired eyes met his with a big grin.

  “Good morning, sexy….funny how my ass hurts, yet that feels so good. Can we go back to the licking thing you started with last night?” Austin leaned in for a kiss, but something caught his attention and he lifted his gaze. His eyes grew wider as Kitt watched. “Kitt, we aren’t alone.”

  Kitt threw his head back, looking upside down at what Austin was staring at. His sister, Kylie, sat on top of her horse between them and the truck. Panic struck his heart. He immediately tried to separate from Austin, but they were zipped up tight. All he could do was jerk his hand from Austin’s ass. “What are you doin’ here?”

  “You know what, Kitt? I was gonna quietly leave when I saw you,
but then I got so mad! And for the record, I knew! But you should have told me!” Kylie yelled. She was a short fiery little red head, and she dismounted with only the flair and fight of a true Kelly. She didn’t just let go of the reins, she tossed them. Just like with Kitt’s horse, hers was well trained - he ignored her outburst as he sauntered off. He wouldn’t travel far.

  “Kylie! What’re you doing here?” Kitt asked again, unzipping the zipper and dislodging from Austin. He pushed away, but there was little room in the sleeping bag. Kitt flipped the top open dumping Austin to the side. Austin tried in vain to cover himself, but he lay partially exposed when Kitt jumped up. Kitt dropped his hands down, covering his package. Kylie was purposefully trying to embarrass him now, standing with her arms crossed over her chest and feet spread apart, tapping her foot, her angry blue-eyed stare trained on him.

  Kitt went straight for his underwear and jeans, shaking them out and turning from both Austin and Kylie as he pulled on his underwear first. From out of nowhere, Kylie snuck up behind him and jerked the jeans away from him. She ran away several feet, hiding them behind her back until the fire was between them.

  “Give me my jeans!” Kitt growled, using one hand to cover himself. Austin tossed him their pillow, and he used it to hide behind. He darted around the fire, but she ran away from him. No matter which way he went, he couldn’t trick her or get to his clothes.

  “No! I tell you everything, Kitt. Everything! You’re like my mom and my dad and my brother and my best friend all in one, and you like boys and you never tell me? What’s that about? This is so not fair! And, for the record, I knew it! Or I suspected it, but you still should have told me!” Kylie finally came to a stop after her rant, and Kitt stalked to her. He was barefoot, toeing around rocks and grass spurs as he went toward her. Making a dramatic flair of pulling his jeans away from her, he turned around to see Austin sitting on the sleeping bag. Kitt pulled each leg of the jeans up, bouncing as he covered his ass with the denim and buttoned up his Wranglers.

  “Kylie, go home. We’ll talk about this later. And for God’s sake, don’t say one word to anyone about him. Or me!” Kitt said turning back toward her. He grabbed the rest of his clothes she now held in her hands. Kitt walked through their camp, picked up Austin’s clothes, and tossed them in his general direction.

  “No! I’m not leaving until you explain why you never told me. Kitt, you were my best friend growing up! I can’t believe you didn’t trust me enough to tell me!”

  “Why aren’t you in school?” Kitt asked, ignoring everything she said and scrubbed his hands over his face. His wonderfully blissful morning had turned to crap in a matter a seconds.

  “Because I’ve been calling you, and you were avoiding me. So, I drove home. They said you were in Dallas, so I came out here, where you and I used to come because I miss my brother and needed to be in the one place we both love. Kitt, why didn’t you tell me?” Kylie asked the last sentence in more of a whine, and for the first time since they started talking, Kylie looked over at the guy sitting on the sleeping bag.

  “And you’re Austin Grainger! Oh my gawd! Kitt, that’s Austin Grainger!”

  He stopped his hand in mid-scrub down his face and looked over at Austin who still sat there in nothing, covered from the waist down in his sleeping bag. The only words that came to mind were simply, “I’m sorry.”

  “Why’re you sorry?” Austin asked at the same time Kylie did.

  “Is he your boyfriend? Oh my God, is this why you left acting, to come here and be with my brother? Kitt, that’s so romantic!” Kylie said it all, looking between them both. She had the most love struck look in her eyes, and all Kitt could do was groan and roll his eyes to the heavens, begging for the world to just swallow him up whole.

  “Kylie, I need you to go back to my house and wait for me. And don’t speak to anyone.” Kitt stood between her and Austin now, but Austin rose, keeping himself wrapped in the sleeping bag and walked toward them. He slid in behind Kitt, wrapping one arm around Kitt’s stomach, the sleeping bag anchored between them and stuck out his other hand toward Kylie.

  “I’m guessing you’re Kylie, the sister he’s so proud of,” Austin said, giving her his charming grin. It didn’t matter his hair stood on end, or that he was draped in a sleeping bag. Austin was sexy and hot as hell, just sucking Kylie further in when Kitt tried to push her out.

  “Yes…Oh my God, I can’t believe you’re here. Are you the one who bought our land?” Kitt watched it happen in front of him, and his heart began to slowly sink to his knees. Kylie was the only one who knew about this special place he brought Austin to. It had never occurred to him she might come home from school this weekend. Hell, Austin had him so tied up in knots he didn’t even realize he missed her calls. He would have never dodged her on purpose, and he could feel his precious secret slipping out of his grasp as more people found out.

  “I am. It’s my pleasure to meet you. I’m going on the other side of the truck and dress. I brought gourmet coffee. Please ignore your brother.” With that, Austin kept the sleeping bag around him and carried his jeans and t-shirt the few steps behind the truck like it was the most natural situation on earth. Kitt started shaking his head to tell Kylie to go home, but she was too excited, jumping right in on him.

  “Kitt, you should have told me! And you’re datin’ Austin freakin’ Grainger!” She beamed. “I’m really happy and really mad at you all at the same time!”

  “No, I’m not datin’ him. You need to go—” Kitt was cut off by Austin.

  “Yes, he is dating me!” Austin yelled back. The outburst had both Kitt and Kylie, looking back at him as he pulled the t-shirt over his head. He tossed the sleeping bag into the bed of the truck and finger combed his hair, taking careful steps back to them.

  “You’re like all over the news. Everyone’s lookin’ for you. They think you’re hidin’ out in a villa in Italy. How’re you down here? Is it cause of Kitt? Did you come back here for him? Kitt, is this why you never go out?” Kylie fired off the questions, staring at Austin with a big smile on her pretty upturned face.

  “Kylie…” The last question horrified Kitt. Austin didn’t seem to notice as he stood beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist. It was hard not to move out of the casual touch.

  “So far, no one’s thought to look here, and I need you to keep all this to yourself. Only a handful of people know I’m here. But honestly, your brother’s the most important person to me in this deal. I know he’s not comfortable with you, or anyone for that matter, knowing about this or him.” Austin’s words were so perfect. Kitt watched Kylie, trying to gauge her reaction, but the star struck wonder just stayed the most obvious part of her expression.

  “Does Mom know you’re here? She’s safe. She hates all the gossip in town. She won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

  “She knows, but your little sister doesn’t,” Austin said, and Kitt just let him do the talking. That numb feeling began to wear off with dread closing in fast.

  “Okay, so I can keep it quiet. Have y’all been like in love since high school?”

  “No! No, no, no! Kylie, enough with all the questions! Shit!” Kitt threw his hands up in the air. “Please, go home.”

  “I wish I’d been with your brother since high school,” Austin said, looking over at Kitt who now paced until a sticker got him good in the foot and he was forced to stop and dig it out.

  “Okay, let me ask this. Why aren’t you tellin’ people? You two are like, hot, together,” she said.

  “We’re done. This is done. You’re leavin’,” Kitt said, tossing the sticker aside. He whistled for her horse, and at the same time, Austin’s phone rang, startling him.

  “I have to get going. My security team’s on their way out here to drive me to the airport. I need my tennis shoes.”

  “Here! Are these yours?” Kylie said, all smiles and helpfulness bundled in an incredibly annoying little sister.

  Austin’s pickup truck came out of nowhere
, slowly making its way through the pasture. Kitt could only watch it drive up. He’d thought they were all alone out here. Austin told him they were, but clearly his security knew where Austin was at all times. Had they watched them last night? The thought caused a deep heat of a blush to rise in his cheeks as his eyes riveted to Austin. They only stared at one another for a second or two, but he could see Austin knew his thoughts when he shook his head mouthing a very clear ‘no’ in his direction.

  For the first time this morning, Austin’s brow lowered, frustration clear in his eyes. After a second of everyone looking at each other, Austin took matters in his own hands and pulled Kitt to the back of his pickup truck, ignoring the rest of them.

  “I need to go. I’m sorry I can’t stay and clean this up with you. I promise you they weren’t around last night. They tracked me through my phone,” Austin said. He took Kitt in his arms, coming to stand chest to chest at the tailgate of the truck. Kitt reluctantly followed the move. He cut his eyes up to see if the others were looking their way.

  “This so wasn’t how I wanted our morning to start. I’m sorry,” Kitt said quietly.

  “It was still good. Your sister’s lovely. I think she’ll keep it quiet,” Austin said, pulling Kitt tighter against him. Kitt again cut his gaze over to see if anyone looked their way. “I’m right here, Kitt. We seriously have to work on you being so jumpy. These people already know. Now kiss me like you meant everything we discussed last night, and make me think you’ll only think of me while I’m gone.”

  What if Kitt was right and Austin didn’t come back? What if this was the last time he spent with Austin? Kitt lifted his hands, holding Austin’s face in place and slanted his mouth over Austin’s, kissing him thoroughly in a swirl of tongue and teeth. Kitt meant everything he said last night, and he threaded his fingers through Austin’s hair, positioning him better to extend the kiss. If this was their kiss goodbye, Kitt wanted to remember it for the rest of his life.


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