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Texas Pride

Page 25

by Kindle Alexander

  “I should get home. I’m tired, but more so, you’re tired. Sleep wouldn’t kill us.”

  “Nooo…don’t try to get out of it. You said you would sleep here tonight until five when your alarm went off. You promised that last night. Kitt, get back here and tell me you love me again. Tell me how you loved my voice.” Austin had a distinct whine to his voice as he wrapped his arms tighter around Kitt from behind. The bed covers were all messed up, tangling around Austin and Kitt sat on the side of the bed.

  “My ass and back hurt. I need Advil.” Kitt laid back a little to kiss Austin’s upturned face.

  “I have it in the kitchen, and you should be more careful of the knobs next time. How do you tell a man you’ve loved him for most of your life and talk about ass pain and Advil all in the same tone of voice?” Austin asked. He rolled off the bed to his feet.

  “I’ll definitely be more careful next time because it’ll be you on your back hangin’ on for dear life,” Kitt said, following Austin out of the bedroom.

  Chapter 22

  Spring – three months later

  Cara crawled back on top of Seth who was sprawled out naked across the king sized bed of the Dallas Omni Hotel’s penthouse suite. She grinned as she straddled his hips, but didn’t sit on his rigid length. Instead, she continued to stroke his hard-on as she rested back on her heels.

  “Tell me the truth. Did you do this on purpose so you didn’t have to go back to that farm?” Cara let her perfectly shaped silicone breasts lay on Seth’s chest as she bent in for a tender kiss.

  “Inside is better than outside,” Seth whispered into her kiss, arching his back and thrusting his hips deeper into her hand. She rose and lifted her hips, but sat back again, teasing him unmercifully. She wanted real answers, and Seth looked like he wasn’t paying attention to much more than the movement of her hand. Cara stopped it and lifted a perfectly arched brow, waiting for his answer.

  “What? Don’t stop…” Seth moaned and reached for her. Cara quickly rolled away, laughing as she ducked out of his arms.

  “Tell me the truth, Seth. I totally wouldn’t put it past you to call in those sleazy, stupid photographers to keep us from going out to see Austin. Now did you do it or not?” Cara accused Seth while standing at the end of the bed. Seth lunged for her, but she backed out of his hold. “Answer me…”

  “No, I didn’t do it…but only because I didn’t think of it!” Seth said, lying on his side, stroking himself, his head in his hand. Actually both heads were in his hands, and his eyes were on her breasts.

  “Hmm…you sound believable. But, if you didn’t do it, that means they might be getting close. Maybe we shouldn’t go out to the ranch, but I really want to see Austin personally and thank him!” Cara said, stomping her foot and worrying her bottom lip. After a second, she flipped around and walked to the window. At twenty-three stories high with protected window glass, no one would be able to see in, but Seth was a protective new husband. He came up behind her, moving her from the window before he took hold of her breasts. They were big, too big, and spilled over his hands just the way he liked it.

  “Sweetheart, we’re going to the ranch first thing in the morning. I’ve had them followed for two days. They’re following us, nothing shows they know anything about Austin, I promise. Now come back to bed. Babies don’t get made without diligence.” Seth never let go of her breasts and walked back toward the bed, pushing her forward.

  “I don’t know, Seth. Something’s wrong if they’re still looking for him.” Cara bent her neck a little further to the side for his kisses.

  “It’s Rich and Mercedes. They can’t find their asses even if they have a roadmap, and you know Austin’s been their primary focus for the last ten years. They’re totally being watched as they watch us. We’ll know if they move one foot, then we can act accordingly.”

  “Do you think Kitt will like us?” Cara asked as she crawled on to the bed and looked over her shoulder with a grin and a wiggle of her hips. He grabbed her, holding her right there and eased his hand between her slightly parted thighs.

  “He might like you.”

  “He’ll like you now that we’re married,” Cara said on a small moan.

  “We’ll see. Now, no more talking and a lot more…Ah, yes! You’re very wet. Good girl.”


  “They look good!” Mike yelled from his perch on the side of the corral fence. Austin was beside him, with Micah, his two boys and Lily all there with him. Kitt walked Hooch through the gates in a newly fenced area of the pasture. Jose adjusted the hydraulics on their brand new horse walker. Kitt held on to Hooch’s reins while talking to him as he attached his halter to the walker.

  None of them paid too much attention to the car pulling up to the barn. Austin kept his eyes trained on Kitt, but stepped back a couple of steps until he forced his eyes to the Prius now parked next to his truck. He saw Cara hop out from it, a giant smile on her pretty face. She ran to Austin, jumping right up on him, and wrapped her long legs around him as she gave him a giant hug. Seth sauntered over a little more sedately.

  “You look so good!” She squealed. Austin had no choice but to wrap his hands around her thighs and ass to help hold her up. Her long legs and arms stayed tightly wrapped around him, and she kissed him all over the face.

  “Seth, you let your wife do this to everyone?” Austin teased his agent who came to stand in front of him.

  “He’s got a point, Cara,” Seth said dryly. Austin still had Cara by the ass, but lifted one hand to shake Seth’s hand.

  “I don’t care at all. I missed you, Austin. And it’s so good to see you looking so good. You do like it here!” She kissed him one last time and dropped her legs. She was tall, and didn’t have far to drop.

  “I never thought I’d see you here again.” Austin laughed while looking at Seth’s not so happy expression. Cara stayed glued to Austin’s side, and he wrapped an arm around her.

  “Me either.” Seth wasn’t laughing.

  “And I love it out here. I want us to buy some property out here for a little private vacation home. Wouldn’t that be great, Austin? We could be neighbors!” Cara smiled big, ignoring the grimace her husband gave as she left her hold on Austin and wrapped herself around Seth. Cara was just that way. It was the reason Austin picked her from the beginning. She was comfortable no matter where she was or what she was doing.

  Austin had the sudden feeling of being watched, and he turned around to see the entire practice came to a standstill. Well, all except for Kitt and nothing ever stopped him from working. The rest of the crew stared openly at him, Cara and Seth. Okay, everyone but Micah’s boys. They only had eyes for Cara.

  “Lily, Mike, Micah, this is Cara and Seth. That’s Kitt and Jose in the arena. These are Micah’s boys Rusty and Brent.” Austin did quick introductions, pointing everyone out. They all put those polite Southern manners to good use and came forward to shake hands, welcoming them to Texas.

  “I have dinner cookin’. My girls don’t know about Austin, but both are gone tonight. I want you all over for dinner,” Lily said graciously, before calling over her shoulder to Kitt. “And that means you too.”

  “Yes ma’am.” It was the only indication he even knew what was going on around him. All eyes turned toward Kitt as he held tight to Hooch’s halter. He walked slowly with the horse and never turned or looked up, but kept his free hand rubbing on Hooch with each step they took.

  “Lily, you didn’t have to go to any trouble for us,” Seth said, after a minute of silence.

  “I didn’t at all. I’m headin’ home to finish things now. Kitt, they look great,” Lily called out, and for the first time, everyone watched Kitt turn toward Lily and acknowledge the others.

  “Oh, Austin, he’s yummy! I see why you like it here so much!” Cara said, linking her arm in Austin’s, moving them to the fence. Austin covered her words with an ease only achieved by years of hiding from the public.

  “He’s Hooch, the oldest o
f the horses, but only by a few weeks. Or about a month, right Mike?” Austin asked. Cara stepped up on the fence and laid her chin in her hand watching Kitt work.

  “This is the colt you guys had while I was here?” Seth and Mike followed along behind them.

  “Yep, big isn’t he? He’s like his dad, really pretty fast already. Getting faster every day,” Mike said. Seth came to stand behind Cara. Everyone else was back to watching Kitt work with the chestnut.

  “Huh. Well that’s something else,” Seth said, dropping his hands in his pockets.

  “It is. He and Kitt are like one,” Mike added.

  “He’s beautiful. Can I see them all?” Cara shaded her eyes with her hands from the bright sunlight. She stood on the bottom rail and Micah’s boys were standing off to the side. Austin looked back at them, catching them stare at her ass. All he could do was chuckle. He totally got where they were coming from, he was still as transfixed with Kitt’s ass.

  “Boys, let’s get home. Cara, it was nice to meet you, Seth, good to see you.”

  Hands were again shaken as Southern manners required. The boys looked so regretful to be leaving, but listened to their father without any outward protest. Their slow moving feet said it all.

  “Come on, I’ll take you on a tour,” Austin said.

  “You guys go. I’m going to check email,” Seth said.

  “Baby!” Cara whined. “It’s our honeymoon, we’re supposed to be together twenty-four-seven!

  “You should’ve read the fine print, honey. It said unless we came here. Go have fun. Come get me when it’s time to eat.” Seth ignored her whine, and kissed her pouty lips. He grabbed his briefcase along with a suitcase from the backseat of the Prius and went straight for the house.


  Kitt sat in a darkened corner of Austin’s porch and waited for the chatting to end in the barn and for Austin to come back to the house. The best he could hear, Cara and Austin were in the barn doing another walk through and Seth was in the house, staying hidden away from any of the scary farm things that might go bump in the night. Kitt rolled his eyes at the thought.

  Austin made him promise to come over tonight and spend time with them, but he hadn’t wanted to, not even a little bit. He’d suggested Austin get some quality alone time with his friends because even after all these months, Kitt truly wanted nothing to do with Seth at all. Jealousy ran thick in his heart over the guy. It didn’t matter that he was a married man, a married straight man, with a brand new beautiful wife or that Seth seemed overly afraid of his own shadow. Kitt never managed to get the image out of his head of Seth and Austin walking up to Lady’s stall all those months ago. It set his heart on fire every time he thought about it.

  Most people knew of the Kelly temper, but Kitt tried to always be cool, calm and collected. He wanted to come off like there wasn’t much more on his mind other than work. Those were defense mechanisms he learned years ago when dealing with his dad. Any sort of awkwardness and Kitt would pull deep inside himself, outwardly appearing to focus on nothing but the task at hand. His dad’s backhand had taught him to keep an eye on everything. You never knew when the proverbial or literal fist might be coming out of nowhere to punch you in the gut. Keeping your head down helped keep the attention away from you. That fist came out of nowhere and punched Kitt hard today, squarely in the chest.

  When Kitt watched Cara with Austin this afternoon, so many of those old feelings of thinking Austin would eventually leave and return to Hollywood came rushing back. Austin and Cara were so pretty together. They fit with one another. Seth fit with them too. That polished pretty world had a place for Austin. How had Kitt let himself forget that? So, instead of going in, trying to make amends with Seth or interrupting Cara and Austin on their tour, Kitt sat outside and waited. For what, he didn’t know for sure.

  “They’re so perfect, and I love the idea of you all racing them! Did you always plan that when you bought this place?” Cara asked, walking beside Austin. This time she held Austin’s hand as they walked slowly from the barn to the house.

  “No, not even a little bit. I just stumbled on it, and Kitt let me get involved.” The lights were all turned off. The night was quiet. Kitt could see and hear everything said between them.

  “I wasn’t sure you were as happy as Seth kept telling me, but I can see he’s right. I’m glad for you, Austin. I can’t see how no one knows about you and Kitt, it’s so obvious,” Cara said. It perked Kitt’s ears right up. Any worry he felt about eavesdropping just came in second to worry they were being too blatant to the people around them.

  “Kitt’s better at it than me. I’d come out today in order to quit hiding.” Austin looked down at the ground as he spoke, still holding her hand.

  “You’re in love.” There was a smile in the way Cara said the words.

  “I’m so in love. So forever and ever until death do us part in love. He’s everything to me.” Austin words made Kitt’s heart lurch from his chest. It was exactly how he felt. Forever and ever until death do us part…exactly like that!

  “Oh Austin, I’m so glad! You deserve that! And, he’s hot as hell. I mean seriously, Austin, you’re good looking, but he might give you a run for your money. I can’t wait to see you two standing next to each other!” They were walking into the yard now. Austin had installed a gate around his back yard to fence in the swimming pool. Some of the cows had found their way back there and stumbled into the pool. Several fell in, and it was a nightmare trying to get them out.

  “I can’t tell if he doesn’t know how good looking he is, or if he doesn’t care, but regardless, you should see his body. It’s as good as his face. Every single muscle’s toned. His chest makes me lose my mind, and his ass...I wish he’d get over here. I want him to get to know you guys.” Austin walked up the steps and stopped, turning back toward Kitt’s house.

  “Seth thought he was jealous of him,” Cara said, following Austin’s gaze, but looking all around.

  “I might’ve been a little jealous.” Kitt stepped up from behind. He walked the distance separating them and Austin opened his arms like it was the most natural thing in the world. Kitt never hesitated as he slid into the embrace. Austin hadn’t ever said those things to him. All the worry of the afternoon faded away after hearing what Austin just so casually said.

  “Ah…you are here. Yay!” Cara said. She stepped up to join them in the embrace. “I’m so glad you came along, Kitt. You saved our boy!” She hugged Kitt tighter, making him startle and look up at Austin’s serious face.

  “I tell him that all the time, Cara, but he doesn’t believe me.” Austin seemed fine with Cara right there with them. He leaned forward to kiss Kitt’s lips again. Cara stayed with them, smiling big in their faces.

  “Well, you can believe me then, Mr. Kitt Kelly! And what a great name! Where’d you get such a name?” Cara asked.

  “My parents…”

  They were laughing as Seth opened the backdoor. “Rich and Mercedes were standing watch outside the Omni waiting for us to make our move. We got past them no problem. Apparently they’re still there watching.”

  “Yay! We got away from them! Rich is just creepy and Mercedes…I mean seriously, what’s wrong with his face? Can you believe they followed us to Dallas on our honeymoon? What did they think was gonna happen?” Cara left the circle of Kitt’s and Austin’s arms, to stand with her husband, circling her arms around him.

  “I can’t believe no one’s thought to look out here,” Austin said.

  “I can’t believe no one out here has said anything.” Seth’s tone was very matter of fact.

  “No one’s even talking about me anymore. I’m finally off the radar. Thank God.” Austin’s breath tickled Kitt’s neck as he spoke.

  “The mosquitoes are eating me up, come inside,” Seth said.

  “Seth, you’re a serious pansy. Go in, we’ll be a minute.” Austin kept a tight hold on Kitt, not moving.

  “How long were you here?” Austin asked as
Seth shut the door behind them. Kitt answered the question with his silence.

  “I meant everything I said, and I don’t want you to be nervous about it. I’ve wanted to say it to you for so long. I’ve just been trying to give you time. This is forever for me, and you’re so very hot…just one kiss…” Austin wrapped Kitt tightly in his embrace and grabbed his ass, tugging Kitt tighter against him. Right as Austin’s lips descended, Kitt looked over to the right to see Cara and Seth standing in the window. Cara bubbled with excitement at their kiss. Austin’s tongue bounced off Kitt’s cheek as he realized he’d been denied.

  “Get a room you two!” Seth yelled. Austin reached up to turn Kitt’s face back to him, and thoroughly kissed him regardless of who may be watching.

  Chapter 23

  “Stop fidgeting, you look great,” Austin said from behind Kitt who stood in front of his dresser’s mirror adjusting one of the two silk ties he owned. Austin watched him from the bed which made him feel a little more self-conscious wearing the formal clothes he had on. Kitt stepped back, surveyed the knot, and then looked back at his hair before pushing the front pieces back. He hoped he looked the part of a fill-in father for his littlest sister’s Spring Queen nomination.

  “Really, you look good.” Their gazes connected in the mirror and a faint blush sprung across Kitt’s cheeks. “Put on the suit jacket. Let me see the whole look.”

  “Shouldn’t you be gettin’ up, and goin’ home? You have company at your house.” Kitt shrugged on the suit jacket. He stood back in front of the mirror, fixing the collar, as Austin rose from the bed, naked and came to stand behind him.

  “I’m glad you went with the black tie. I like this black and white look you’ve got going on. No talking to strange men tonight, and absolutely no secluded bathroom runs with anyone. You know what just occurred to me? I’m thinkin’ I might need to go out tonight. Show up there so I can keep my eye on you.” Austin looked at him in the mirror, making Kitt roll his eyes as he shoved the short pieces of his hair back off his forehead.


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